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Kicking Caffeine


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
Sounds like you have eaten right and kept yourself fit very well. :) You definitely do not fit the typical Amurhikan health profile. lol Good job! :)
Thanks! :tiphat: But I'm also blessed with pretty good genes, so I might cheated a bit.. :biggrin:
I can't fit that profile since I'm not "Murican" but Romanian, and I enjoy(ed) reeaaally long walks.. :LOL:
As for cayenne, it is avoid for the A blood type, and some of those who have a parent who was the A blood type. It is not digested properly and is still rather hot out the other end. lol This I know from research and personal experience. lolololol

About the age I can say I feel it in many ways - I wear glasses now (f...g hate that...) when I use to shoot mosquito's balls from a thousand yards with no scope; I've dropped the spices, my "other end" could'n't cope anymore; I smoke less (tobacco) and have "cleaning coughs" in the morning; I have to stretch at least two times a day to move/work unrestricted; I've reduced a lot of my garlic intake, which I love; can't stand pork meat anymore, also used to love; I even started to grow white hairs! :laughing:
In short, I have health issues like everybody else, age related. I'm no exception, it's just a different set from others.
So I enjoy all these pleasures knowing some day I have to let go some, I already did a few... so distressing... that's why I smoke weed!

Three Berries

Active member
Never really got into coffee until I took a trip to Rio de Janerio in the early 80's. Stayed at a swanky hotel on Ipanema beach for a week. They had waiters in the lobby with the darkest coffee 24/7. And fresh cream, you got a half cup of each.

Ha, I remember one of the best things going was the high rate of inflation in Brazil at the time. They had just revalued their currency from a 100K note to a 100 note. And 20$ US was worth it's weight in gold.
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Black tea (heated/fermented green tea leaves, discovered when tea was shipped in bales by boat...) is about as unhealthy as coffee. :(

Green tea may have slightly more of certain antioxidants, but the health benefits of both green and black tea are much the same:
also coffee has some considerable health benefits.


Well-known member
I prefer green tea and kombucha(fermented tea). The polyphenols counteract caffeines edge.
When I have quite caffeine cold turkey I always get migraines. So don’t drink a ton everyday and just drop it. Was the only side effect I have had from quitting caffeine. ✌️


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Black tea is definitely not as healthy as green tea. EVERYONE I know who has cleaned up their diet has issues with black tea, regardless of blood type. The small amount of theaflavins in black tea does not counteract the issues. (Edit: I was wrong, the A non-secretor and B secretor blood types are neutral for black tea. See my post below about parent blood types) ;)

Studies on the subject are (so far) only done with participants who do not have clean diet choices, their feelings and reactions are muted by all the other effects of incorrect food choices.
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
Black tea started being used by merchant sailors waaaaay back when. The outside leaves of the bales of tea would oxidize in the heat and damp on the boat ride across the ocean. The leaves were originally thrown away as the trash they are, until someone figured out they still had caffeine and would not kill ya right away.

Now they take lots of substandard green tea and make black tea out of it on purpose to hide the quality issues.

Fun with the food chain... Drink up! :)


Well-known member
Green tea may have slightly more of certain antioxidants, but the health benefits of both green and black tea are much the same:
also coffee has some considerable health benefits.
Green tea has all kinds of great benefits. I just cant stand the taste of it and its laden with chemicals. China doesn't regulate pesticides like we do. The best tea ive had was oolong from Taiwan. Real nice butter taste but very expensive


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well im from UK and we drink black tea traditionally, and i think good quality black tea is very healthy, we drink it with milk - which nutralises the tannins. Ive never been able to buy decent tea outside the UK , i take my own with me even when i go to France. Lipton red label is NOT good, and that's all you could get in most places.
totally different vibe to coffee, and unlike green tea tastes great ! (imo)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Yeah, tea in the USA is a dismal situation to start with I'll admit. lol Traditionally, asbestos was used in many heat related applications and the top minds of the world agreed upon it's safety. Tradition has many issues... ;)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I think the main problem is that strong black tea as we drink it in the UK is nearly always consumed with milk or it is too strong and bitter.. and most places in the world don't drink tea with milk and so have to drink a p1ss weak brew like Liptons (which is basically designed to be drunk without milk) . i will still very confidently state that, unsweatened, it is a healthy drink. I drink Clipper organic or Clipper fair trade. Wouldn't touch PG, Liptons etc.

"Drinking black tea is an excellent option if you are looking for an alternative of coffee or energy drinks. Black tea is not only a non-sweetened or less-calorie drink but also provides several health benefits as it contains powerful groups of polyphenols including epigallocatechin gallate, theaflavins, thearubigins, an amino acid L-theanine, and several other catechins or flavonoids which provide protection against the onset of several chronic disorders. Recently, Autumn Enloe has reviewed the health benefits of black tea. In her excellent review, she mentioned that drinking black tea has a range of health benefits as it contains lots of powerful antioxidants and other compounds which have potential to decrease inflammation and to reduce the risk for the onset of chronic conditions."
VG :tiphat:


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Well grind my panny cakes... my apologies. I turns out black tea is neutral for a very narrow range of people. IF you are a non-secretor (much less dna in your saliva and such than 'secretors') and the A blood type, and both your parents are the same as you. I have an O parent which explains my issues with it. Also neutral for B blood type secretors.
Avoid for all others...

Apparently I've never met anyone who's cleaned up their food and also had both parents the same type as they are. Again, my apologies for not double checking before posting. I'll fix my other posts. :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
@Douglas.Curtis whilst it is true that many people are lactose intolerant... the blood type diet has been largely debunked... it's pseudoscience.


Well-known member
@Douglas.Curtis whilst it is true that many people are lactose intolerant... the blood type diet has been largely debunked... it's pseudoscience.
I hope i never have to deal with lactose intolerance. A world with no ice cream isnt worth living in:confused:


Autistic Diplomat in Training
@VerdantGreen Thank you so much for your in depth analysis of the subject. You can find debunk articles on just about every single new bit of info in nearly any industry. I, having spent the last 15 years working with myself and others, have a much more intimate knowledge of the subject. I've noticed this level of education on the subject is not found in the articles which 'debunk' it. :tiphat:

You will believe what you will believe.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I hope i never have to deal with lactose intolerance. A world with no ice cream isnt worth living in:confused:
Well... that's certainly a downside. I reaally love ice cream and do not eat it. I also found out about chocolate covered bacon, after finding out bacon causes issues for all blood types. (Pork is definitely one food I'll never eat again without extreme duress. Wow... talk about the death shits)

The upsides are awesome. Everyone gets a cough for 2 weeks, I get a sore throat for 30-45 minutes and am tired for a full day. People die of Covid and I'm just SUUUUUUPer tired for one day, then a rough flu for another 4 days. Both times.

Three Berries

Active member
I love pork. Don't have any digestive issues. I'm a low carb diet guy though so meat is a base. Can't tolerate a lot of carbs so ice cream is out except for special occasions.

Kicking carbs is pretty hard. Just like any addiction though it all starts in your head.

Tobacco was hard after 30 years, took three times. Alcohol was easy after 50 years, Like a light switch. Carbs is very hard, mainly due to the factory processed foods. And the Government nutrition guidelines.

Take that Food Pyramid and turn it upside down!!!!!


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Clean up the rest of your foods according to your (and parent's) blood type for 2 months, then eat some pork. You'll be shocked at what isn't bothering you right now. ;)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
@Douglas.Curtis , sorry if i upset you, i was just pointing to the latest scientific studies on the subject. here is the actual study if you prefer.

as you pointed out above, using asbestos as an example, science evolves.
i'll duck out of the thread now :tiphat: