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Khaleel Had a Dream

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Thanks 4 the comeback! I appreciate the tip re: happy frog/ocean forest. Anything else you're adding to the mix? I was thinking a little extra perlite couldn't hurt, and maybe a little dolomite lime?
Other than that I can't think of anything else I'd want to add besides compost.

instead of perlite (which i used to use -- effective but nasty dust off that shit!) that's why i use the coco. to get the soil to hold a little less water. works even better, in my experience the girls love the texture of the mix even more. of course the happy frog already has a bit of chunky perlite... and i may have that wrong somewhere, they probably don't do the exact same thing, but fuck it the proof is in the pudding. had nothing but killer roots since i started doing it (click on the "root porn" link in my sig to see what i mean). dolomite is added with ph in mind, right? i'm not an expert on it, but i don't mess with adding any. i basically tried everything i heard lol (like most growers) that sounded like it was cool or made sense to me, and if i saw results or not i kept doing it or stopped. so far in a few years of growing, my personal from-experience notes are:

- definitely don't want too rich of soil. mix some cheap ass coco in there. if the soil is too heavy or you are using too big of containers for the size of your plants, you run into a couple problems: overwatering in general, and a problem in feeding regularly cuz that's how you feed them -- when you water. so keeping the drainage/retention ratio in your mix is a crucial element of the grow. probably the most important, as the timing of when you water affects everything.

- keep it light when comes to nutes. you hear this all the time -- more is less. there is a reason you hear this all the time, cuz it is true. lol how many plants did i fuck up because i was overfeeding, building up too many nutrients in the soil so it began to burn the roots and they couldn't take up any more nutes, leading to more build-up and more burning... yikes. ties in with the above water item. but for sure, even if you make a rule of using no more than half what the manufacturer reccommends, you will be thankful. might risk missing out on 5% weight or something by keeping it dialed towards the low end, but the quality will be well worth such a small proportion of weight. believe me, you can sell one pound of smelly chronic lot easier than you can sell two pounds of shit. lol and if it is just personal use, like mine, then of course you are going for quality. that's what it is all about, finding the perfect bud. :D

-- proper flushing and rinse. last two weeks, no nutrients allowed! haha sorry nutes, get the fuck out. only pure water (i use a tablespoon molasses per gallon as a finisher; can do this or some other finisher, but make sure it is specifically a finisher and doesn't have the stuff you are trying to get rid of). during the last couple weeks, this is where you make or break your harvest when it comes to smell, flavor, potency, and texture. you need to get all the green-ish stuff out. that means no nitrogen of course (stop the wormcastings around week 2-3 in bloom), or even phosphorous or anything. the plants has plenty of food storage in her body already, enough to make it a couple weeks, and that is part of what you are doing -- getting her to burn through her own supplies so you don't smoke all that shit. sort of like if you like your beef on the lean side, you would excersize the shit out of your cow for a few months before killing it so she burns off the fat. uh, something like that. lol if you need to, when you are ready to start plain water, the first watering can be a rinse, where you sit the container in the bathtub and run enough water through that you can see the runoff water finally turns clear or close to it. now you know all the buildup is gone from the soil. ok i'm rambling on now... :D

finally, when you do have that yellowed-leaf, purplish dank smelling bud staring you down at day 70-75, now is the last chance to screw it up and most people do. make sure to leave that shit to dry long enough. leave it hang an extra day or two, once you think it is dry enough. they always say leave it hang until you can snap the branches, not bend them. for 6 months i rushed this and took them down when they were almost breaking. and for 6 months i couldn't figure out why my weed wasn't that good. lol you gotta let it dry appropriately before bagging/jarring up, period. then, and only then, will the beautiful chronic smell come out while jarred up. not to mention i read that the chemical process involved in drying actually increases potency. other words, if you take it down too moist as so many people do, you are selling yourself short on potency. i can't explain it, but just the way it works, and you can tell the difference for yourself.

ok, i know you probably didn't ask for that much, but i've been meaning to write a little "khaleel thinks this shit is important" post like that for a while, so thanks for the question and hope some of that helped! :wave:

T: you know it is a fact that i made sure to trim them up that high after seeing your room... best way to get killer buds. plus it kind of makes me hard. they look so badass that way. hahaha laters pimp. :pimp3:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looks very good in here khaleel - i love the way you train those plants into little bushes with an even canopy - takes some skill.

do you top em or is it just lst?



looks very good in here khaleel - i love the way you train those plants into little bushes with an even canopy - takes some skill.

do you top em or is it just lst?


thanks, verdant. :wave: i used to lst actually, but then got lazy and tired of the duct tape, paperclips, rubberbands, twistie ties, pipe cleaners, etc. lol with the large ones you see there -- the two bagseed and the one blubeberry -- they had about 5-7 weeks in veg, all under 600 watts hps, so i was able to FIM around weeks four, and removed the top cover fan leaves (not sure what you call it, but the fan leaves shading the growth tips that are supposed to catch up after FIM'ing the cola -- that thing ha). and that's it. check the progression of pics to see what i'm talking about. this thread is still pretty small so it won't take much digging. the two bagseed that end up female, and the little blueberry clone. a friend showed up to smoke a bowl, and throws out a clipping of a blueberry female. not rooted or in a plastic bag or anything lol jjust snipped off about fifteen minutes earlier and carried over. i threw her in the cloner and off she went. :D

thanks for stoppin in man, i've seen your work you are the bomb. :respect:


damn, got a couple nanners on one of the bagseed. I'll be plucking as long as possible, unless/until they seem out of control. don't wanna risk the whole crop but damn she's a big plant... :I


hi everyone, here are some pics quick. first the room, and shots of the blueberry. wish i would have taken more clones of her. jeesh. i had two, but they died, so now the only clone i have is already flowered. will take a while but i'm sure she'll still root. the clippings i took last week are rooted and kickin ass! ok the pics:









and bagseed 2. starting to see some nice purple accents in the flowers..








bubba kush x dc




doin pretty well, though not looking like much of a producer at least not this early if it is anything like bubba i'll be fine. lol

oh yeah, i took a second look at the other bk x dc female. looks like a she male party. :(



think i caught it just in time. nanners were getting big lol

see ya :wave:


Active member
Dodged a bullet on that one, those are ready to pop!

Everything is looking mint Leel right on track :D


che: lol whoo. that's what i thought. :nono: couldn't believe I almost let him/it fall through the cracks and pollinate my ladies. thanks for the compliment and post bro!

well, no pics right now to update, but i just saw jesus christ superstar, for the first time... and I am frankly beside myself. i have no clear idea where to start. lol first of all, if i was a child i would have been scared shitless. yikes, parents think twice about bring your child to this play (i'ma parent). second, just some comments in general.

I myself don't believe in the resurrection of christ anymore than I believe in athena springing from zeus' forehead in full armor (i claim no religious affiliation -- in spite of my fictitious name I am not muslim, nor christian, jewish, etc. -- got no problem with anyone, you'all cool with me :D), but i am capable of reading and have read the new testament cover to cover to see if it click and to understand a bit more of what all the fuss is about. (one thing became obvious immediately, btw -- most christians i know haven't actually read that book.) anyway, the new testament describes different events but maintains a consistent frame, if you are capable of catching it in that way. a frame refers to, well what could, ironically, be illustrated through the example of a political campaign.

in politics, the little things being said here and there are important, but they are not the entire ballgame. just as equal, and in fact most often moreso, is what's called "framing" -- controlling the overall theme, narrative, etc. when talking about abortion, if you are pro-life, part of the discussion is always maintaining that life starts at conception. concede this part and you are basically done. so throughout the entire argument/discussion/debate, pro-lifers are "framing" their argument around the idea that life begins at conception. this concept, framing, comes in well in picking up girls, incidentally. always frame the discussion so that the girl is qualifying herself to you, and that she would be lucky to have you. if you keep that in the back of your mind and let it kinda show (not too much) you will get all the numbers you need for whatever kinda relationship you are after. but i digress.

anyway, the bible is a collection of a dozen or so guys' version of the same story involving multiple incidents and examples of a common "frame" -- caring for other humans even if they are your enemies ("if he smites you turn the other cheek so that he may smite you on that side too"), forgoing material possessions to live/seek a life of spiritual simplicity with few earthly possessions ("easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter my father's kingdom"), loving the god who created you through worshiping christ... the overall frame is made up of these broad ideals and demonstrated throughout from many different angels. if you look at it like that, it makes more sense at least. to me. the individual acts are just meant to better convey that theme, again and again so it sinks in. hence the reason you get so many versions of the same individual acts, all the disciples telling their perspective instead of just one main disciple telling how it was. the bible (god) provided multiple examples, over and over, so we could find common themes and know for sure. cuz sometimes just one example or explanation is tough to follow. life itself is not like that. it bends and swerves, and flexes and changes and sometimes answers aren't so straight forward. they require being at one with reality, and reality is in constant flux. but with an overall frame, you can adjust to individual things but still maintain the one direction. if we were supposed to look at just the specific examples then there would have just been one version of said examples instead of many).

n my humble opinion (don't yell at me folks -- this is just thinking out loud lol) yet so much interpretation focuses on specific statements or quotes taken out and examined in a vaccuum. to me, too much of it focuses on specific tidbits, ignoring the overall context wholly.

where i was going the whole time, i think this idea is a watershed level of mental/emotional development in general. being able to recognize things from different frames. being able to see that the world is absolute, but that there are many angles making up the one absolute. light is white when all the other colors are present. a whole many not always be greater than the sum of its parts, but it is always different than the sum of its parts.

if anyone is wondering, i'm smoking Durban Poison... :dancer: lol have a good weekend everyone



btw this is the first time i've ever ran a carbon scrubber... we're at week 5 now. i didn't realize how much the blueberry is stinkin until i rubbed up against her. lol those filters do a pretty good job. can't tell anything standing in the same room as the tent, let alone the rest of the house.


hiya secret, t -- thanks for the post guys, glad to know someone is watching lol :wave:

here's a couple shots of the room and blueberry before lights on starting to get tough.. lol only at day 32




hi everyone, just a few pics before starting the day. we are looking fantastic now at day 36. the two bagseed are filling out like crazy, and the blueberry is just fookin killing it. (forgot to get a pic, but my cloner is flooded with roots now too! lol didn't take long once they appeared -- you won't believe the pics)









hiya doc, thanks for the post and much appreciated :friends:

well everyone, kind of a shitty day. i've been going balls to the wall with the number of plants from seed and had thought i did a good enough job of sorting out the pollen sacks, but unfortunately it finally caught up to me. i don't know if it was the last hermie bubba kush x deep chunk (probably was) or one of the other males, but someone pollinated the two bagseed and the blueberry. actually all three of them have hermie banana flowers, more on the bagseed than the blueberry for sure... so it may have been due to a light leak or something early on. i don't know, the bagseed i was afraid -- cuz i had no way of knowing what type of genetics they are. such a shame to lose that blueberry from fucking around with the bagseed or the other unknowns... the female skunk hazes, bk x dc, and cherry haze a couple weeks behind these three all look ok (knock on wood) but i'm rethinking my strategy.

I've got enough clones now of known female plants that i am getting rid of all unknown seedlings except for a selection of cherry haze and viper x trainwreck babies. both are killer strains, my all time favorites -- i've already got one female of each but am going to give a few others a shot. the othercherry haze seedlings i have yet to flip or just did, are getting the axe.

* note to self: maybe all is not lost. i woke and boke with some oven-dried and freshly green (lol) 5 1/2 week blueberry and i'm actually high as hell. at least it will get me through to when the bubba kush x dc is done. not long-lasting but a head change at least.

those three plants woulda been a grip of herb. damn.

so now i'll get down to not wasting my time. i did receive my bk x dc and g13 x dc beans in the mail (fuck yeah), so i'll have those on deck. ok pics



the room, before:


the room, after:


the seeded/hermie ladies. done at day 40. just can't take the chance of a banana pollinating the rest of the girls. [sniff.]








i'll get some close-ups of the beanage. trimmed down the fan leaves already, proabably gonna hang em tonight.
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