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Kentucky/Ohio Valley growers...



check out the deathstar thread on page three to see what i am working on now.
i live in the area and i have been all over the us. trust when i say that some of the best smoke is in ohio. i run deathstar, bubble gum, 4 way, blue cheese, purps, sour jack, and lemon skunk.

People with money to spend, it's the other economy.Ohio has some interesting weather, lot's of corn, field and city grows. Not a lot of expert plant people, but I have met people educated in that. Haven't talked to people in awhile, there is an agricultural industry so a lot of students study that.

It's good indica country, not much different weather than Humboldt. Grows Sativa's as well, but not the really long ones outdoors. Some strange falls go a little longer, but usually shorter.


Whats goin on folks? Been out the loop for awhile now. Some legal problems financial problems and blah blah blah. You know the bullshit that comes with life.

Hank, Pinball and Ido its nice to see you guys are still lurking around this thread from time to time.

The pics look great every one, I recently sold off most of my equip to pay some bills and gifted out my good genetics but a good friend lent me some GDP and ECSD seeds from a pollen chucking session he had last cycle so I dont know what Ill get out of em. but with those two strains in the mix I went ahead and popped em. Im only 6 days in now, runnin dirt this time with a organic mix and light nutes when needed because of low funds. But will see what I can get out of em. they just broke the soild yesterday under the floros so in a week or so Ill throw em under the HPS for duration and ill throw some pics up.

Anyone hit the candlebox concert on the waterfront during chow wagon? great show, not to mention the killer kind I came across while I was there. Guy said it was TW, very doubtful because of the high and no lemon smell. But Ive never had true TW so whos to say. and It was great bud regaurdless. Forecastle is coming up soon too. Look for me down there, Ill be the one carrying 4 beers and a foot long corn dog every 15mins from the beer booth. hahaha. take it easy guys and girls.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Yeah I try to keep a presents of the ICMAG. I've run into a few olden school types (east end hippies) and they call weed whatever. Who really knows but seed buyers that bought the beans.


HEY all ohio valley growers got some outdoor going close to the ville havent done any in aabout 10 years outside.they started bloom in mid august .anybody have any time they might finish .they are all 60 days inside. or should ijust use the scope .some i can tell by the pistils others change color at 5 weeks indoor .any help thanks.


southern ky here , lots of differnt genetic going around . our cicle has been together since 1981, a master grower gave us 2 differnt genetics in spring of 81. one was a pure sativa from south america , and a pure induca strain . he told us the importance of keeping these strains pure . he said the sativa would produce very little bud the first few years and ,what we produced might not muture before the frost. he was right, but on the fourth year the sativa started kicking ass . the induca produced and matured from the start . in the beginning the sativa plants would reach up to 22 feet tall . now they range 12 to 18 feet every year and they produce heavy thick sticky low leaf buds ,with stalks so thick we just cut them with a chain saw every year. the induca reaches 5 to 8 feet tall and bush out really well. we have grown these since 81 we trade a lot of weed for other kill weed with fancy street names but we tend to stick with these. i would like to see more people preserve some pure breeds. p.s. we have plenty of seeds of both of these genetics they are not for sale but i would be more than glad to give them away if i could do it without a security risk any suggestions


HEY all ohio valley growers got some outdoor going close to the ville havent done any in aabout 10 years outside.they started bloom in mid august .anybody have any time they might finish .they are all 60 days inside. or should ijust use the scope .some i can tell by the pistils others change color at 5 weeks indoor .any help thanks.


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
southern ky here , lots of differnt genetic going around . our cicle has been together since 1981, a master grower gave us 2 differnt genetics in spring of 81. one was a pure sativa from south america , and a pure induca strain . he told us the importance of keeping these strains pure . he said the sativa would produce very little bud the first few years and ,what we produced might not muture before the frost. he was right, but on the fourth year the sativa started kicking ass . the induca produced and matured from the start . in the beginning the sativa plants would reach up to 22 feet tall . now they range 12 to 18 feet every year and they produce heavy thick sticky low leaf buds ,with stalks so thick we just cut them with a chain saw every year. the induca reaches 5 to 8 feet tall and bush out really well. we have grown these since 81 we trade a lot of weed for other kill weed with fancy street names but we tend to stick with these. i would like to see more people preserve some pure breeds. p.s. we have plenty of seeds of both of these genetics they are not for sale but i would be more than glad to give them away if i could do it without a security risk any suggestions

nice...very nice...show them Cali growers...how the big Dawgs run....

the secret is in the genetics...father to son


very glad i found this thread, looks rather old but....it is nice to find a spot where there are people from your area.

@bj368 enjoy the story behind the 'trees' would like to see some pic's if at all possible

how is everyones crop coming along?
i have had some minor difficulties with the heat, but it's still bushy over here


Whats goin on people? My time has finally been cut short.
To Hank and Pinball and kask and everyone else in the thread, stay safe and take care.
I gotta go in a few weeks to the last of all my court dates.

But Its not my first rodeo, so Ill do just fine. Plus Ive only got 43mnths left. And with good time Ill be out in a little over 30. Only thing I wish is that they wouldnt have took my lights and shit so I could have finished what I started and didnt have to smoke this damn press bullshit from the kid down the street.

I got a few weeks of nothing but waiting so Ill be back on here a few times but I just wanted to tell everyone to take care and be safe out there. The laws might of hit NJ but there not down here yet so its still a fight for survival. take care...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Whats goin on people? My time has finally been cut short.
To Hank and Pinball and kask and everyone else in the thread, stay safe and take care.
I gotta go in a few weeks to the last of all my court dates.

But Its not my first rodeo, so Ill do just fine. Plus Ive only got 43mnths left. And with good time Ill be out in a little over 30. Only thing I wish is that they wouldnt have took my lights and shit so I could have finished what I started and didnt have to smoke this damn press bullshit from the kid down the street.

I got a few weeks of nothing but waiting so Ill be back on here a few times but I just wanted to tell everyone to take care and be safe out there. The laws might of hit NJ but there not down here yet so its still a fight for survival. take care...
good luck...indicameds...


Hey fellow ohio valley tokers. Just checkin in, you know how us free spirited types are. I figured Id see a little of the country side before I went to court. And well to say the least I lost track of time:clock watch: and may of just missed that last pesky date. But hey life is good at the moment:smoker: so ima live it up until our tax payin dollars catch up with me.:angrymod:




Just wanted to say hello to my fellow KY, Ohio valley growers. I lived in Alaska 26 years went for the oil money. The bud was always great. I have been growing at home for 3 1/2 years in KY. I am needing beans now. I wish everyone a great harvest and maybe we can be compliant one day! Peace, Rafe


The last 4 nights I have gone out to the garage to put the ladies to sleep the power was off and it was 40 degrees F! They look beautiful and are continuing to flower even 2 seedling are doing great. I took a male out and left it there it took about 10 days to wilt from the cold. I kept giving it water. I suffered a head injury in 97 and my memory is shit and I can't for the life of me figure out what strain it is.


JACKBAYBEH, I live 30 miles south of the ville and a diehard CARDS fan!!!! GO CARDS! My Mom is from New Haven. Would like to try that strain just because it is (family).
I volunteer to test grow for anyone. My grow room will be improved and is painted white. Peace, Rafe


I saw Rory Gallager at Beggars Banquet I was 16 years old and having the best time. My first concert the Joe Cocker at Freedom Hall!! There must have been 40 people on the stage for Joe Cocker. Even a dog. Maybe thats why they called the tour Mad Dogs and Englishmen. A great double album I recommend it. Whats up Hoosierdaddy??? Peace, Rafe


Active member
The weather has been great this summer. I regret not doing some outdoor plots. Hope all has been well with you all. Would love to see some outdoor bud shots...

peace, HC

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