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Kentucky/Ohio Valley growers...


Nice bud for this early. I am going to visit the governor on the 31st to discuss the marijuana laws and how we can get these things done in a good way for the state. They spent
6,903,164,634 trying to prohibit it and if they taxed it like alcohol the could have made
$20,060,905,110 to use for schools, roads, all kinds of necessary things I know there are a bunch a bridges in this state that need work. Wish me luck!!!


Active member
Nice bud for this early. I am going to visit the governor on the 31st to discuss the marijuana laws and how we can get these things done in a good way for the state. They spent
6,903,164,634 trying to prohibit it and if they taxed it like alcohol the could have made
$20,060,905,110 to use for schools, roads, all kinds of necessary things I know there are a bunch a bridges in this state that need work. Wish me luck!!!

Rock On bro...


It's getting bad out here, 2011 is a bad year for growers and the likes in the ohio area, I have seen one bust every week on the news. Not to mention I was busted this year as well. I don't know what's going on but I'm thinking they realize that cannabis is on its way to being legal for medical purposes and they are trying to crack down and take out every grow they can between now and then.

GL rafe....


Hey guys and gals we need to get on your computer google of your representative and senator. You can usually find it with your county name. Write them a polite letter and tell them why we need cannabis to treat ourselves. Humanity has been treating themselves with marijuana for thousands of years. It doesn't make you get angry when you are sick. Your patience is better I have been harassing the Frankfort office of Gov. Beshere. They keep talking to our representatives and our senators. I have had a few calls answered by the representative or senator so have some notes how much money could be saved by using solar roofs on schools and then ask them to please put H.R.2306 on the floor to at least get the ball somewhat rolling and get it voted on! Pass the word damn it and don't just sit around glued to the couch get some Sativa and get a buzz that will let you work!
Remember HR23056


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
its starting to look gorgeous outside...i dont grow outdoors but i love that others in this thread do!

ohio valley


Whats goin on everyone? They couldnt keep me forever. Glad to see this thread still goin strong.
This outdoor season looks like its gonna get off to a good start.

Hows it been going Hank? Great i hope.


Active member
What's up good people of the bluegrass!?!?!
DERBY TIME in the Ville!!! Hope everyone has a great time and stays safe. Who's got big plans outdoor this season?
Here ya go:
A "must read" for all lovers of cannabis in the great state of Kentucky.

Not only an entertaining crime story but a real history lesson as well.
I really enjoyed it. :biggrin:

Hank Hemp

Active member
It's Willie's b-day and I was listening to Ol'Feron Young doing hello walls :ying: :ying:

I believe I was stoned a bit. At least I hope so.
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Hank Hemp

Active member
Here's my Derby tip y'll, bet on anything in Blue and White. Even a 1 year old. Har-de-har-har,sometimes I just crack myself up. Know what I mean Vern?
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Hank Hemp

Active member
If I could tell tales

If I could tell tales

What's up good people of the bluegrass!?!?!
DERBY TIME in the Ville!!! Hope everyone has a great time and stays safe. Who's got big plans outdoor this season?
Here ya go:
A "must read" for all lovers of cannabis in the great state of Kentucky.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=37044&pictureid=877595&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Not only an entertaining crime story but a real history lesson as well.
I really enjoyed it. :biggrin:

Taking your families ancestral farm kept through two revolutions and the federals and state gov. take it house and all. For a damn few reefer plants. Squirrel hunters can be reasoned with you know. And they still grow some of the best. Goes north though to big cities $$.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
kentucky derby around the corner. going to see george clinton tonight at the waterfront


Active member
I hear ya Hank. This state still produces some of the finest.

George Clinton will be a good show. Especially for the price of a pin.
I'll be at the Hill 2nite for BuckCherry. All lit up again!


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
not familiar with buckcherry and i have actually never been to the hill

p funk was okay. had a lot of fun and saw old friends

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