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  • Go for the Gold (& Silver too)

    Votes: 65 80.2%
  • Give me Greenbacks - Walmart don't take gold (Yet)

    Votes: 16 19.8%

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Active member
It might have been true 10-12 years ago, you could have played with daytrading and make a living being a market maker. Buying at the bid and selling at the ask. No more I don't think. Now you are just playing a zero sum game with other daytraders, with a portion of every pot going to the professional marketmakers. So it's like being a poker player. The house gets it's take of course. But the skill level at the table varies. So unless the noob get's really, really lucky, he'll get taken to the cleaners.

No doubt, you will have to learn and make educated choices but honestly day trading isn't rocket science like they make it out to be. You need to know 12-20 stocks and watch them. Pick a variable group between tech, green, financial, industrial etc and learn how they behave. Memorize the important dates on their calender, and how the weekly announcements and government moves affect them and it becomes like clockwork. When BoA drops over a dollar in a week or two it will likely rebound as people realize the relative worth of the stock in comparison to the long term viability of the company. Honestly, some stocks you can get for a steal right now. Long term investors should not be picking up gold, they can easily outpace inflation in the market. The hardest thing is not playing with your whole deck, make a rule to only have 75% of your money illiquid at any moment. Makes you think harder about what you are investing in.


no, not good advice

no, not good advice

No doubt, you will have to learn and make educated choices but honestly day trading isn't rocket science like they make it out to be. You need to know 12-20 stocks and watch them. Pick a variable group between tech, green, financial, industrial etc and learn how they behave. Memorize the important dates on their calender, and how the weekly announcements and government moves affect them and it becomes like clockwork. When BoA drops over a dollar in a week or two it will likely rebound as people realize the relative worth of the stock in comparison to the long term viability of the company. Honestly, some stocks you can get for a steal right now. Long term investors should not be picking up gold, they can easily outpace inflation in the market. The hardest thing is not playing with your whole deck, make a rule to only have 75% of your money illiquid at any moment. Makes you think harder about what you are investing in.

as my former finance professor said: "no one knows the future", if they did, then money could be made (unless it is insider trading, lol)

one can quickly "lose their shirt" thinking it is like clockwork (it never, ever is, too many variables)...patterns are rapidly exploited by pros...then the pattern ends

the employees, officers of the company would themselves leverage any of these benign patterns to make money for their company...they do it legitimately all the time

know finance, accounting, marketing thoroughly and business case studies...then read annual and quarterly reports and the various specific industry issues like the pros...and they certainly don't get it right even half the time sometimes...many, many uncertainties can come up...please believe me (study it and see)...if it really were that easy...everyone would do it:xmasnut:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

damn, at these prices I'm about to go out and sell some of my
old gold chains, bracelets and rings. I found the formula for the
per gram value based on the different purity's, I've got $2,360
based on the $1,125 closing price & I'm keeping the good stuff.



Active member
as my former finance professor said: "no one knows the future", if they did, then money could be made (unless it is insider trading, lol)

one can quickly "lose their shirt" thinking it is like clockwork (it never, ever is, too many variables)...patterns are rapidly exploited by pros...then the pattern ends

the employees, officers of the company would themselves leverage any of these benign patterns to make money for their company...they do it legitimately all the time

know finance, accounting, marketing thoroughly and business case studies...then read annual and quarterly reports and the various specific industry issues like the pros...and they certainly don't get it right even half the time sometimes...many, many uncertainties can come up...please believe me (study it and see)...if it really were that easy...everyone would do it:xmasnut:

Pick a stock and see if you can't find a pattern. If some companies stock falls 10% over general fears about the banking market, which most have fallen well over that. But lets just use 10% because its a nice round number and something like a congressional hearing will generate numbers like this if they don't go well. My trick was to always watch the thing on cspan and see whose ceo was doing well and who was taking a beating. Over the "banking crisis" I easily doubled my investment on BoA alone not even to mention the volatility of Citi or other stocks such as peix. The real trick is not holding stocks for very long. I always dump half of my investment on a short ride of a 3-7 cent gain because you can always rebuy if the thing takes off like a rocket. Day trading takes a special kind of person and yes if you don't do your research you can be in big trouble, but you should never put money into the stock market that you aren't willing to lose. I just wish I had the capital to get back into it, sucks not being able to find a job. Lol.


amateurs certainly may profit

amateurs certainly may profit

Pick a stock and see if you can't find a pattern. If some companies stock falls 10% over general fears about the banking market, which most have fallen well over that. But lets just use 10% because its a nice round number and something like a congressional hearing will generate numbers like this if they don't go well. My trick was to always watch the thing on cspan and see whose ceo was doing well and who was taking a beating. Over the "banking crisis" I easily doubled my investment on BoA alone not even to mention the volatility of Citi or other stocks such as peix. The real trick is not holding stocks for very long. I always dump half of my investment on a short ride of a 3-7 cent gain because you can always rebuy if the thing takes off like a rocket. Day trading takes a special kind of person and yes if you don't do your research you can be in big trouble, but you should never put money into the stock market that you aren't willing to lose. I just wish I had the capital to get back into it, sucks not being able to find a job. Lol.

some financial events are obvious such as no one is investing in typewriters today, this is true...one strategy is to be well-diversified...some industries have 'inverse counterparts' that when they fall in value, these other industries tend to do well

complimentary industries may be a route to go also, for instance: if auto sales are going up...parts suppliers to the car manufacturers will, for the most part, also increase in value

bond markets often give nice returns too if there is movement on interest rates and other factors

the best investors have a good understanding of business and economics in general and then pick niches of businesses and know the niches very well IME


Active member
some financial events are obvious such as no one is investing in typewriters today, this is true...one strategy is to be well-diversified...some industries have 'inverse counterparts' that when they fall in value, these other industries tend to do well

complimentary industries may be a route to go also, for instance: if auto sales are going up...parts suppliers to the car manufacturers will, for the most part, also increase in value

bond markets often give nice returns too if there is movement on interest rates and other factors

the best investors have a good understanding of business and economics in general and then pick niches of businesses and know the niches very well IME

To be honest, my philosophy is much less logical. The way I look at it is that stocks are a popularity contest where what should matter is used in a purely speculative manner to arbitrarily drive stock prices most of the time. What I mean is that I can find companies who are gaining marketshare faster than any other company in their market, they aren't excessively leveraged, have good liquidity and outperform their counterparts in nearly every other facet of traditional business or economics yet their stock is stagnant at best with very little positive or negative movement. Now granted these sorts of companies are great for long term investment but are virtually worthless to me. For my purposes they would only serve to hedge my money against inflation and a downwardly trending market. What I look for is highly volatile stocks, many of which have very little reason to explain why they are so volatile yet these are the numbers games where you will make your money. I have taken this topic far from its intended purpose and for that I apologize. If anyone wants to continue to discuss what seems like the market's discontinuity with standard business and economic ideals, please start another thread to do so or take it up with me in PMs. I will just say that physical gold may be a good buy on a short term but if the economy recovers, the price of gold will likely fall precipitously.


I love my life
Physical SILVER, until you have 10,000 Troy ounces then look at gold. I'm guessing I can trade silver for food someday, but I better get solar on the house or there won't be much Purple Kush to trade when society goes to shit.

Peace, :joint:


ICMag Donor
I will just say that physical gold may be a good buy on a short term but if the economy recovers, the price of gold will likely fall precipitously.

we won't see any real eonomic recovery soon.
The GOP is fighting it. They like to keep the people poor.
I'm hoping though.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

Correcting may have stopped.


the elites are buying it up because they know a world currency is on its way

so they set up companys like cash for gold, so they can get rid of their peices of paper for actual worth, so once a one world currency is in place, they wont lose on their investments


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
the elites are buying it up because they know a world currency is on its way

so they set up companys like cash for gold, so they can get rid of their peices of paper for actual worth, so once a one world currency is in place, they wont lose on their investments

Doubt the world currency thing very much. Unless we are talking about carbon credits or smth.

No point in a world currency..no point at all..


Pretty sure gold won't go under 1000 Eur/Usd seems to have bottomed for the time being as well...we'll see..


Patient Grower
Research what? LOL, like you could get all the countries in the world to sign on.

In time, it's inevitable. But it's at least 100 years away. There's not even a serious possibility that the Amero will be adopted in North America, and you've got to get through regional consolidation before you can go global. But what is it that makes people worry about such a thing? It's just a medium of exchange. It has no value in and of itself.

If you really want precious metals, silver and copper are much better buys. Did you know that there is more silver used each year than is mined from the ground? China needs copper and boatloads of it to industrialize their country. Natural Gas is severely depressed right now, and when oil starts getting dear it will be used as a substitute.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Shit. I wish I was pulling in greenbacks like Alex is. Or Glenn Beck for that matter. I think Glenn made over 20 mill last year...


Active member
If you are playing the gold speculation game, there is plenty of money to be made. If you are buying to hold it you are either preparing for the apocalypse or you aren't making a prudent long term investment unless you are pushing extreme long term. You could take that 10000 dollars and put it into day trading and make a much higher percentage.