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Johnny Chimpo's Reefer Madness


On the road to clone only...
Johnny bro your gear is lookin top notch...really nice man
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya JC :wave:
:yoinks: man look at those buds! live and dried - both look hot hot hot... somebody call Ruby Rhod - yummy work there JC! :yummy:

Don't have to scrog C13 - she bushes out on her own after a topping or two, and will almost scrog itself. C13 Cindy and Apollo are a threesome that will be glad to foursome with you - and blow your mind I'm sure :abduct:

hanfiking - thanks for bringing the donuts! :yummy:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Awesome pics JC! That dry Straw D shot looks delicious!! I'm excited to hear what you think of some of the "non-diesel" strains and such If you decide to Scrog the C13 make sure you use Silica Blast or something similar....without Silica Blast she can't handle any rough stuff....I've got one at day18, and the buds are beginning to start fattening...gonna get her on my final phase regimen soon....C13 is definitely a fast finisher...oh...and rootmass (which is genetic)...C13 has the most impressive rootmass...even when rooting clones C13 roots will jump out of the medium! (you saw the pic in my show)....my next C13 run I'm doing a phat 5 gal bag run....she's a yielder

buzzed day

just had to stop and say how good they look ! thanks for the show and have a buzzed day. peace
Sorry it took so long for the replies...I'm busy at work this time of year and don't get to update as much and only am only able to get on every now and then.

Thanks Stretchpup :wave:...the Strawberry Diesel is alright...has a descent taste so far...really expands in your lungs...makes ya choke and your eyes burn. I actually prefer the D39 more this time...has a real sweet smell with a hint of Diesel...tastes great too...smooth smoke.

Heya Hanfiking:wave:...a good smell description huh? Well mostly a Diesel smell with the Strawberry Diesel...DANK...just a little bit stunk up my buddy's walk-in closet Big Time!

Thanks Scrappy :wave:...it gets better every run especially with all the good people here on IC.

Heya MGJ :wave: The Fifth Element is definitely a good movie....Chris Tucker always makes me laugh.:biglaugh: I'm noticing the C13 is bushy...I love it...that and the C99 are growing the best so far...can't wait until this next run is finished....should be awhile unfortunately.

Thanks VT :wave: Yea the C13 clones exploded with roots...extremely easy to clone..they just seem to have a love for life. I actually haven't heard anything negative about her yet.

Thanks for stopping by Buzzed Day...you're always welcome here. :wave:


I took these pics after I cleaned up the room...haven't had a chance to get any recent ones. Most just show the design of my system I keep trying to describe in words and you know what they say about pictures.

First two show the inline filter, shutoff valve, hose clamps, elbow, and the main 1/2" feedline coming off the reservoir.

Third pic shows the Smartvalve with the 1/4" shutoff valve coming off the main feedline.

Last pic is my basic design for this current grow.

Enjoy :wave:

wow dude that set up if off the F'n Hinges! Lovin the nute line 2 bro way to mix it up i love to see everyones different recipes!best of luck toya Chimpo!


Ganja Smile

Active member
Helloo!!!! Heeyaah Bro :wave:
Your plants looking amazing :D I have one question "Does strawberry diesel smell like strawberry?"

Good Luck!!!!
Thanks NorCalNiceGuy :wave: I'm always changin' things...always trying to improve.:D

Thanks Ganja Smile :wave: The Strawberry Diesel smells more Dieselish later in flower...and a hint of strawberries in the aftertaste. I have some more beans to pop to see what else this line holds.

A short update with some pics of the new additions to the grow room courteous of some good friends:friends: (Thanks Guys!:wave:) here on IC....a couple were left out...some unintentional and two in the cloner. Veg shots...not very exciting but somethin' to look at anyways.

Clockwise from top left C99 F5, Apollo G4, Apollo G4, C13, C13, Genius (bottom left)




Chemdog #4

Casey Jones

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buzzed day

looks good to my when all is green and know messed up leaves.peace


Sorry to just bump your thread like this but i have a question about those autopots but im a newbie in the community so i cannot pm. You only use the little 10 incher pots but you have massive yields. i dont understand how you do it!! Wouldnt those pots be too small for the roots? (well i mean obviously not judging by ur pics.) Is it the coco that allows the roots to grow in a smaller space? I guess what i am trying to get at is..whether or not you know the reasoning for the such large plants in such little pots based on logistics rather than just photo evidence...once again sorry to bother and i hope to hear back.
Thanks Buzzed Day...The leaves are still a little darker green than I want so I'll be dropping the N in the mix some...everything looks really healthy and I hope to get some new pics up one of these days when I'm not so busy.

Heya Drew87...Some of it has to do with the environment and Nutrient Availability...giving the plants what they want, when they want it to reach their full potential. The plants don't have to spend as much energy looking for food (roots) since it's being provided directly to them. The Autopots only feed the plants when they need it so it's mainly getting the pH and Nutrient mix in check. Higher yields of course also depend on the strain and the D39 I was growing wasn't a slouch. Hope that makes sense....kinda tired...

Grat3fulh3ad has a thread that might help ya some.

Plant Nutrition and Visual Diagnosis

Another good site is the Cannastats site which can be found from google.

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Active member
hey hey hey ,, whats up johnny! you're lookin good . hows the sdog? you've got all your flowers looking great . good to see you making way ! all is well . many blessings, hidingtree .
Thanks Hidingtree...a little belated response from me but appreciated nonetheless. The SDOG is gone from my nug jars...I'll have a little better idea when I run her this next run...good strong smoke though.

I'm having a small situation with my computer so I can't get on to update as much as I would like but it should be fixed soon. Nothing really exciting to see yet anyway.

I decided not to SCROG at the last minute because I wanted to trim some of the overgrown plants and the C13 were holding the SCROG shape pretty well so I pulled the screen. Not the best pics...makes it look messier than it really is...but I was on a time constraint for taking photos.

Some recent pics:

Group shot right before trimming and flowering. Clockwise from bottom left: Genius, C99, Apollo 11 G4, Apollo 11 G4, C13, C13

Group Shot Day 12 Flower

Genius Day 12 Flower having a messy hair day

C99 Day 12 Flower

C13 Day 12 Flower

Apollo 11 G4 Day 12 Flower

Veg Shots

Chem #4


Everybody fighting for light in my veg area

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is quite a forest of trees you have going on there Johnny C
Some really healthy looking plants, those buds are about to take off

I also use a sharpie to measure my stalk with lol
Thanks Dr. Dog Yeah I was looking around for something to compare the stalk with and the Sharpie was handy...think I'll keep it in mind next time. These vegged for about a month....I'll have to get some pics of the C99's root mass after they're finished.

I also switched up my nutrient mix for veg due to some plants being Nitrogen sensitive...haven't switched to PBP yet...trying to get rid of the rest of the GH.

My new veg mix with GH is 7 micro, 12 Bloom with a profile of:



Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya JC :wave:
Your garden is looking very fine indeed - the C13s have really bushed out! Nice trim job - some very fine bud in your future - don't need my crystal ball to see that! Strong work! :wave:
Thanks for the compliments Drew...I'll be following your garden...you definitely started out with some fine genetics.

Heya MGJ...Lovin' the C13...extremely fruity Pineapple smelling...short squat, excellent branching structure...will be around my garden indefinitely...and probably getting her unfair share of space in future grows. Got my computer situation all cleared up and should be around more often...can't stay away from your thread too long or I'd have 20 more pages to go through. :D

I'm finally able to upload pics again...only a few random shots of both flower and veg shots.

Flower Shots

Apollo 11 G4


Veg Shots



Chem #4


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