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Johnny Chimpo's Reefer Madness

Heya Hanfiking...Been awhile...how's your grow doing...any fine ladies?

Thanks Black Ra1n...much appreciated :smile:

Heya VT Been lurkin in your grow....looks good....Your bushes are getting big...can't wait to see them flowered out. I'm getting ready to check out the coco article link that you posted...I love to learn...if I could figure out a way to retain the info would be another story. :wink:

Looks like you got front row mtf-shaman...now all you have to do is wait for the previews to get over. :D

Update: My new setup is done for now...more space to work with and the ventilation is vented correctly this time...lookin forward to getting going again. My goal is to get to a Homebox XXL and run two 1000 HPS...I just ran short on the funding this run.

This run will be all Cush (aka Green Crack)...16 in all...just waiting for them to get up to speed.

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Active member
Sweet job on the ducting! I've been thinking of doing similar for a long while now!

Can't wait to see the new show.

Say, is that still an autopot system? And are you using two fans, one for scrubbing / ventilation and one for cooling the light? How about the canopy fan? :chin:
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Great job buddy! So nice my man!

Keep up the good work my friend.

I love the grow and I love the pics! keep um rollin. Lets hear a report on it and final #s
Heya Clowntown :wave: Good to see ya!

I hooked up the scrubber and the light to one 6" fan with a muffler and vented it into the chimney....now I'll probably reduce the light's flow so more gets sucked through the scrubber as Way more than enough is going through the reflector now and I usually grow some pretty smelly strains in flower. <------Basically trying to work with what I have currently....If something needs to be added later it'll get done. For the canopy I still have those little white fans with clips I picked up for $5 a piece at my local hardware store...some pics in previous pages I think.

I wish I would have vented the light this way a long time ago...you should definitely go for it. I also used the same type of flange for the scrubber.

The system still uses the Smartvalves which the Autopots are based on. Basically the same thing except smaller pots (5" square).

Bigtimer7 Thanks! :wave: Hmmmm a report...no so good this time around. Somewhere around 1/2 lb.....never weighed it. I was running so many strains on one reservoir that none received the care they deserved....which is why I'll be running single strains from now on. I can maximize the light and feeding schedule that way. This last time was kinda harsh on a couple strains with little flushing. I was also moving at the time so I was preoccupied...which was a big drawback to the garden. From now on I'll be keeping logs of grows so I can dial everything in....way more space to work with too (outside the homebox).

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Johnny Chimpo said:

you sure do make those autopots look appealing
the d-39 scrog thread was damn rocking
what's this new system about
nft channels with the smartvalves and smaller pots???
looks kick ass
Thanks Ogenko for the compliments!

This system is the Smartgarden. They have a Smartvalve on the end under the black circle. They work in much the same way as the Autopot.

Unfortunately I have to back off using these for a monocrop this run...some of the Cush cuts I took before were small and weak and aren't taking so a Cush run will have to wait until next time....which is also good so I can clear up some space in my veg area.

I'll be using the Autopots at least once more...

Some things likely to be included are:

Casey Jones
Apollo 11 G4
ECSD Clone
Chemdog #4



Voluptuous Trichomes
Nice lineup! Can't wait to see 'em do their stuff.
I missed the part about you ditching the autopots--interesting development.
JC said:
Heya VT Been lurkin in your grow....looks good....Your bushes are getting big...can't wait to see them flowered out.
Yea, I cannot wait either, lol. They start transition tomorrow, so it won't be long. And I have no problem posting pics, so you'll definitely get to see 'em :joint:


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey JC

Beena while, that is a sweet set up man, looking forward to checking that out, you planning on using all those sites? I would guess it would get tight in there.

But I will be back to see that thing in action, pro set up J
Alright guys...I have to apologize for not keeping up on this thread around here....been pretty busy in real life.

Thanks VT.....I'll be following along for sure....the wealth of knowledge in your threads is great. I'm looking forward to the variety but I really want to monocrop here to utilize the space efficiently.

ARTofMAKINGfire....Thanks for the compliments....I started with the Autopots and did well my first few grows...I think just about every system takes a little bit to get used to....it probably took me a lot longer to get used to all the other intricacies of growing.

Heya Dr Dog Yea I'll be using all the sites...I plan on trimming the undergrowth pretty heavy so I can focus on the tops...probably won't veg 'em for long with the new setup...I'd love to do some another SCROG but I can't wait for the veg time.

Good to see ya Buzzed Day...You're welcome and stay tuned!

Alright I decided to take a few pics tonight...I'm adjusting to lights on at night...not as accessible for me for pics unfortunately. Hope I got everything labeled right...I was kinda in a hurry and I only took pics of a couple but everything made it in there.

The females are Day 17 (12/12) I think and the male is about a week behind.

Casey Jones

ECSD Clone

C99 Male

I'll be pollinating one of my C99 females....actually the one I was gifted (Thanks :wave:)...and maybe a few branches on some others...Just for some personal beans to experiment with and share a few with close friends if there are any left over...I don't plan on making very many to begin with.

Here's a pic from lat grow of the female day 44

Thanks B/R!...the Casey has Really piqued my interest this run...my first go around with her in the flower room....expecting big things.

Here's a few random shots day 23

Casey Jones


Apollo 11 G4

and a random Blueberry in veg shot


Ganja Smile

Active member
Such nice plants JC :))
blueberry has got pretty long trichromes!! Looking good tastes better hehehe
Good Luck ;) Now Im doing outdoor hehe


cmon chimpo,
how long we supposed to wait for a new thread???
what happened to that tasty looking blueberry??
Sorry guys...kinda fell off the radar with this grow. :bashhead: Taking pictures at night hasn't been that easy and free time right now is rare. I had a C99 male in JLP's Male Isolation Chamber and the lid wasn't completely sealed....seeded everything unfortunately. Most of the room has been taken down and cleaned...What a pain.

I don't have anything flowering now....I'm remodeling my room currently and amassing some new grow gear. It'll be a bit before I get another thread going. My new grow room will be modeled after Neptune's coco tables...Some things that'll be in the room:2000 watts, 4' x 8' table, 100 gallon Botanicare Easy Drain Reservoir, 32 plants (1 per sq. ft.) Should be a good one...I plan on taking pics including setup. I have to give Neptune some props for taking the time to help me out.

Ogenko...that Blueberry is still around....have a male I want to try out but will probably put anymore "chuckin'" on hold for awhile.



Active member
Time to step it up and cook with fire, eh?! :headbange

I take it you will be doing E/F, recirculating (rather than DTW)?

What does the future look like for the autopots? And how about the old equipment... do you have plans for it?

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