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Janedope's Grow



ok so i took care of my drainage problem, cutting much larger holes in every container....
as far as the thrips i took a really good long look, i checked every plant almost every leaf. I didnt see anything that I thought was out of place. No black dots, nothing moving around, and no sacks.... Hopefully its not just me not knowing what im looking for.... CD maybe in the near future you could take a look w/ me...
I'm checking little wack every day, still no signs yet....

Some of the clones are doing better than others... I think the two Mendo clones and one EC Sour is ready for soil, im gonna give em another day or two before i do move them.... The rest are slowly coming along, i think i may lose one of the Whites. I really hope not but its not looking good.

Girls havent needed water yet probably another three or four days but i'm anxious to see if using the lemon juice instead of my old PH reducer stops the "rust"....


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i coulda swore i been in here before yo.probably was ...hehe im a stoner yo wattaya expect? :p
well anyways imma tag up janesdope.i'll be sittin in for the rest of the grow if ya dont mind...yo C-dubb here ya go...fire up this hashberry ;) lil sample nug...


some quick good news on the clones, an apollo 11 and a mendo purp went in dirt today!! they both had 5-7 roots so i figured it was time.... i shoulda got some pics but im a __________. Feel free to fill in the blank.... well i figure its about time to do somethin else... :joint:

Tonatiuah welcome back bro.... pull up a chair and feel free to drop any input u got!!
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So i'm startin to see pistils... the apollos especially... i evened out the canopy today, everyone seemed to be doing good... i removed the few "rusty" colored leaves the other day and i havent really seen any more of that so hopefully the changing of the PH is working...


the White:

Little Wack:



I see some s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g..lmao..that A11 is blowin right the F@#$! up..train her down now and get some bushes or leave 'er be and get some heavies..
get ready janey..here they come..
btw, I think 'Lil Wack can just go "whack it" in the other room..
get a cleaner shot of the lower nodes right where node meets mainstem. I think she's a he..no worries though, you have a coupla days till the jury comes back on it..just keep postin a pic every day so we can ALL see it's progress.
?'s..temps? RH? are you bubbling your water supply yet? checking the runoff PH? as well as the watering PH?
fan stealth, fixed that yet? just tryin to keep on your ass cause thats what it takes..it's a full time job if you are serious about it.and you have to check these things all the time until you are so comfortable it becomes second nature.
Go look at my thread and see what I posted about neglecting things. It only takes 2 days of not doing anything when there is a problem, and *BOOM* ..major problem..
Stay on top of your grow. Everyday. 3 cycles from now you'll be like..whatever..but for now, learn...and grow some bud.


well said CD

"it's a full time job if you are serious about it.and you have to check these things all the time until you are so comfortable it becomes second nature.
Go look at my thread and see what I posted about neglecting things. It only takes 2 days of not doing anything when there is a problem, and *BOOM* ..major problem..
Stay on top of your grow. Everyday. 3 cycles from now you'll be like..whatever..but for now, learn...and grow some bud. "


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup jd they all are lookin healthy to me bruh.kep an eye on the whack like c-dubb said.still lurkin yo...peace


what up everybody, all the girls are looking grrrrrrrreat! I was takin pics today and my batteries died... ill get some good new pics up on monday hopefully.... I did get some pics of Wack before it died (the camera not wack)... I can't see any "sacs" forming but I don't see any pistils either... hopefully only a few more days before i can tell wack's sex...

if anyone see's any clues here let me know... :joint:


So here's a good update....

Well I had to grab little Wack by the balls today and pull him outta the closet.... oh well... :violin:

So all the clones are in dirt except for the 2 clones of the White... It's been 3 weeks in the cloner almost so I'm chucking those cuts and took two new ones today... I also reduced the size of my cloner to make more room in the veg cab.... here's a shot of the new white cuttings and the new cloner in the veg cab.

I raised the cloner right up to under the lights, made sure there was plenty of clone-x on the cuts, fresh PH'd water.... Hopefully these cuts will take, dont wanna lose this strain....

I also did some xtra LST on one of my flowering Whites and one flowering EC Sour.... Here's some before/after shots...


and the EC Sours before-after:

Here's a shot of the apollo's then the purps:

More news to come...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Nice jane!!! Cella is no doubt your Yoda....you're very lucky to have that brother on your team...


grow well you will..use the force jane..let it guide you..
be not afraid of the dark side..
lmfao @ access..:muahaha:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to accessndx again...yada yada bla bla bla.. you know the routine..lol


So 2 of the clones (1 A11 and 1 Purp) are looking great, new growth nice and green.... the other 4 not so much.... the blue dots are the two healthy ones... i still have 2 whites in the cloner and i took a new cut of EC Sour... propably the last cut ill be able to take so hopefully these root nicely

The plants i tied down a few days ago were responding so nice i tied down almost everything except for 3 Purps cuz they're just too woody... it really evened out my canopy and i cant wait to see em in a few days to see how they respond....

and here's some bud starting to form...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
yup looks like I made it just in time, looks like our plants are around the same age

I like the peg borad you are using, I have never thought about using that, would make mods very easy


the peg board was actually just a stroke of luck, it happened to be in the closet before i had my set up... it does make hanging things very easy though