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Janedope's Grow



thanx for stoppin in everybody....
so i fed the girls that guano tea i bubbled for about 24 hours and let sit for about 2 hours.... we'll see how they like it.... would u guys recommend feeding these girls the TigerBomb or no?? I wanna stay completely organic... maybe i'll feed half the girls the tb and see how they like it... i gotta think about it... :bongsmi:

heres a roomshot:

a main cola on a Mendo Purp:

and two shots of some Mendo Puprps startin to turn purple:



Woot! Those purps are already starting to show for ya. Beautiful.

I would recommend starting the TB in half or quarter dose.

If you're worried about staying strictly organic, then it is not for you.

As I understand it: Big Bloom is the only one from Fox Farms that is truly organic between Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.

With that said, many "organic growers" use the full line of Fox Farms.

Guess it's up to you.

-Q :rasta:
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Day 21 of Flower
More LST!! I tied everything down again except those 3 Mendo Purps, they're just too woody to be tied down but they're doing REALLY well as they are... I didn't get a room shot today I will in the next few days...
The clones are doing great, nice healthy green new growth, and the cuttings in the cloner are poppin roots!!
The day after tomorrow i'm gonna flush all the plants, and then flush them once more before applying the TigerBloom...
And i have two big CFL's sittin in my garage so i figured i might as well mount them in the closet and throw em on the timer, cant hurt right???
Here's some pics of the buds:
Apollo 11's:

EC Sour's:

Mendo Purp's:

the White:

that's it for now...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good jd,healthy as hell in here.is that a white from a cut you took?im just wondering because i see alt of peeps havin trouble gettin the white to root.i havnt had a problem with them,just wonderin what ur experience with it has been.

TB has its purposes bro,like i said i do use it once in a while...i just say wait two weeks o flower because it seems to me,that if i dont wait to use it i get some weird stuff goin on.i use the whole ff line up bro,i just take er way easy on the TB...i think the guanos and other ammendments i add to the soil mix helps me out in that area too...


what up Ton, yea the whites are from 2 cuts i got from outkastt that were already rooted by CD, the first set of cuts i took never rooted. everything else in the cloner rooted except for the whites so about 10 days ago i took 2 more cuts and bam today i saw 4 little roots startin to pop!! i didnt check the other cut but hopefully shes poppin roots too.... im actually really excited about the whites... CD said the smoke wasn't as great as he expected but who knows hopefully these'll come out nice.... they're definately goin slower than any other strain i have...

As far as the TB i'll give em a 1/4 dose of the recommended strength and it wont be till they're actually 4 weeks in flower.... I might only feed half my closet with the TB and the other half with guano tea and see how they turn out....


I think thats a great idea jane! See which one works for ya..after you get to know it a lil start dialin in with it. Yeah, that white is a funny plant. One day I smoked it..hardly nuthin..one day I waked and baked and it had me spinnin.. :fsu:
Get this..I got 4 cuts and rooted all 4. I gave you 2. I threw 1 right into flower and grew it out into a very small bud. Then I threw the remaining plant into veg. this is that plant since you've started your grow. This pic was taken yesterday.

Talk about slow huh? It's not rootbound, ph is fine now and thats a good medium it's in. Go figure..:bashhead:
Anyway, I saved ya a piece so you can make up your own mind..unless I get a different cut, she's gone after this round.
stay safe..


what up cella, damn that white's not growin at all... pretty weird she's just sittin there dormant.... i got one of my white cuts rooted and she went in dirt today....

all the other clones are doin pretty good. i got a definate mother for the Purps, EC Sours, and A 11's.... hopefully this white will be a nice strong mom...

i'm havin some trouble with the purps all of a sudden, some weird curling of the leaves... i think people have referred to it as 'the claw'..... nothing's really changed in the enviornment except i did give em a guano tea about 6 days ago.... it was a really low dose tea tho .5-.5-1 anyone help me out????

any help would be appreciated, i wanna clear that up before it turns into a big problem....
here's a roomshot and a main cola from an EC Sour...



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
go to the infirmary jd there will be someone that will help you out in there for sure.i forget what the claw comes from bro...heres some info i found in the infirmary for you right quick...theres a gang of info there yo.

searching for leaf and claw in title only yielded three threads dedicated to this issue. After reading these threads, there were some common ideas attributed to leaf claw:
1) It usually happens with Sativas and may be genetic
2) over watering can cause this issue
3) heat can cause this issue

The reason it's common with Sativas is that they often feed quite lightly, and it is easy to overdo it on the Nitrogen.
Deep, almost bluish, clawed-under fan leaves indicate a Nitrogen overdose and an adjustment to your feeding schedule, after a flush, is in order.
Can you fill out Stitch's plant troubleshooting form with some more specific info, and actually get a pic of YOUR setup? What are you running for ventilation btw? Suffocation can cause visually somewhat similar effects.

Both underwatering and overwatering can cause leaves to "curl' down.

Underwatered would be considered droopy due to lack of turgor while overwatered would be considered epistasis due to lack of dissolved oxygen due to to much water.

When leave curl (grip) instead of droop that can be considered the "claw" and is due to to much nitrogen or too high salts (EC) in the rhizosphere.

those are just a few responses ...go there do a search and you will probably find the sollution to ur problems,or if thats a heavy dominant sativa plant you might find out you dont have a problem at all.either way i hope you get it sorted yo.peace


although T is on point with this, my suspicions lie with the big, dreaded N..as stated by T, or knowing that the Mendo is a heavy drinker, she's just thirsty. Give her a good flush now, then just wait a week to see..the claw by itself isnt that bad. the claw, coupled with another sign of def. is bad. have no worries for the moment, just water the N out for now and stop feeding till we can get this right..Methinks it's a case of dehydration with too much N though. See how dark green they are? Another N sign..they just dont need the tea, no matter how weak it was.
this is where you start to learn how to dial in a strain.
Watch that first step, it's a doosey...

edit: I just saw what T says about a sativa dom. plant...
~you might not have a problem at all~ ..so true with a sativa dom..
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Hey janedope, just read the thread and got to the last part and just had to say great job and i hope this link will help i just burned my NLxAK47 with to much nuts hope you get this under control it sure dose make for so ugly plants
here are my poor babies

here was my infirmary thread


word up thanks for all the help guys, i flushed today, gonna let em dry out for a good week or so and flush em again.... hopefully this'll straighten em out...
Yo JD!
Just lettin ya now i'm still lurking and learnin as I go along..
Everything's looking good and I think ya got the claw covered..should not be prob for much longer..plants usually take a week to recover..in my humble experience...so what ya planned to do will work juuuusssst fiiiinnnee :biglaugh:
:wave: Low


how bout a b-u-m-p with some pics jane?
Have you noticed any noticable difference using the lemon juice as a PH buffer?
I had very similar curling with a Northern Lights x Big Bud plant. The thing was hella sensitive to nitrogen, started curling and didn't stop til a switched to just water for feeding. No problems after that...


hey guys and gals, short update today....
Still havin some small issues with leaf curling... mainly on the Mendo Purps but i am seeing it slightly on some other plants too.... i'm thinking maybe from low temps at night???
My TigerBloom arrived today, i gave a small dose to 1 plant from each strain to see how they respond....
got some pics today here they are,

Purps (w/ curling leaves)

Whites or EC Sour (not sure i took the pics about 7 hours ago and forgot what i took pics of... :smoker:):

And my two Apollo 11 plants:



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good jd,looks like they are gonna make it thru the storm bro.
it might br from low temps idk yo.i know my temps been droppin like a mf at night too bro.i might have to get a heating system goin in there....and my lights are on at night when its the coldest outside in winter and in summer to fight temps both ways.ya know....im tryin to come up with somethin for the issue now...im thinkin a heater on a thermostat.they have therm, you plug into heaters at home depot.you can set it to ur degrees and it will cut on and off...thats what i came up with so far...gl with it.peace -T-


jane, what are your low temps at night? I wouldnt think that you would be going to low given the pace at which your plants are growing. Anything under 65F will hinder growth..
I like T's idea about a little portable on a thermostat..should be a cinch to warm that closet up a bit..
holla yo, I got some news for ya from the home front and I dont wanna wake you up this early..


Day 32 of 12/12
So the curling has stopped.... I don't really know why but either way it's stopped and starting to heal to thats good.... I raised the light about 7 inches today, everybody's looking nice and healthy after that small dose of TigerBloom. Here's a roomshot and some of the buds, sorry the purp shot is blurry....


EC Sour:

and here are the clones, they're all doin really well, the 3 with the red dots have only been in dirt for 2 days so they haven't put on any new growth yet...


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