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Jamaldelika and Banghi Haze in the open


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It's been pissing for over 24 hours with sweeping raging northerly winds forcing all tops to bow to the majesty of the storm...
The only good thing is that them tops are not conspicuous any more:biggrin:
I think I can hear the final count down before the gates ... pity though for they still need a couple of weeks...



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Well-known member
That's one of the things I enjoy about growing outdoors it's not our decision when we harvest. The plants and the weather decide. To me the mold comes when the plant matures thus that is the proper time to harvest.
All debate about clear vs amber trichomes, calyx swelling, etc is secondary to what the plants and nature demand.
But it's obvious your plants need another week or two. I hope you can take the big mold prone parts and leave the rest to really finish.
At harvest time I watch the weather report daily. I time harvest by when the big storms blow in. But once they get soaked, we both know at a certain size they never dry out.
Someday I hope you find a real Greek Landrace or local breeder with plants that are dialed in to your environment.
Of course you'll always grow the late sativas you love but I'd like to see you start harvesting in September so you're busy up until the start of November if weather permits.
Since everyone likes photos here's a couple 5 G's shots.
5 G's Yellow

Big fan of the 90's hashplant used in the Zamal Hash used to grow it back in the day. The 5 G's Yellow despite being a 5 way hybrid is very close. It is the best example of a wide leaf Indica hashplant I've seen in a long time.
5 G's Blue and purple


Really pleased with the 5 G's. Easy to manicure and huge yields. Finding his strains even in Northern California is getting really hard.
I'm a sucker for purple strains. I had a Roadkill Unicorn that turned out stinky purple.


Well-known member
The Malawi and Viet Black/Thai I moved indoors are doing OK. A little burn from moving in to an HPS.
The worst part about moving indoors partially flowered plants is the bugs. The aphids, thrips, and mites are becoming a factor.
Not sure what to do, I can't spray them with poison like I would vegetative plants. Maybe if I spray with water daily, intensively clean the leaves, it will control them enough to keep my plants from being destroyed..


Active member
Beautiful plants there in PNW, therevverend!

But over here the pain still lingers on...
Yet I am in no need of consolation for 1) the damage is repairable and 2) like TB said harvesting early is perfectly alright with those sativas

Nonetheless, it hurts a tad as if they were your own limbs...



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Active member
Well, my friends, October couldn't have been worse...
Mould, mould and mould again...
Jamaldelica may be quite resistant to it, but not invincible!
However, they did put up quite a fight and the damage is not that bad. Them being heavy yielders makes up for the mouldy loss.
I have already harvested most of the lime green pheno that smells like chamomile/orange and I'll start taking the darker green pheno pretty soon for the weather is going to get shitty again.

At the moment, trimming, trimming, trimming...Never had so much to do, almost too much...



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Well-known member
Wow wish I could smell that Zamal! Pulling off a November harvest must be stressful. October is the mold (mould? color? colour?) season. I'd estimate loses at 5-10% except for my crappy Leda Uno knockoff that was over 50%.
KC Brains has cheap seeds for a good reason. The last seed in a pack I bought a few years ago, I made sure it got huge this year. Unfortunately it was another of his strains not the frosty lemon treat I expected. A big hairy sativa with huge colas that became laced with mold after the first rains. Decent sweet taste but lacking in potency I gave it to my night watchmen to sort out.
I finally finished my trimming yesterday. Was getting stir crazy from sitting around snipping all day.
Having time to reflect I suspect my friend who gifted me the Grape Ape and LUI got them mixed up. The giant purple colas reeking of sweet grape must be Grape Ape. The solid lime green red hair nugs, one all hashy, the other rank skunk, must be Legend Ultimate Indica.
This is what drives me crazy about stoner labeling. By the time I get clones or seeds from Cali the label is hopelessly crossed.
I know I've lied about origins to cover my own ass I know others do the same. So I take everything I hear with a lot of skepticism. Can't wait to make fun of my friend for his mistake next time I see him. But he gave me a lot of different crosses he made I'm sure he's convinced he got it right.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi orfeas,

I'm sorry to hear the weather has not been good at the end of flowering there.
Here we have had an excellent October, plenty of sunny days with almost tropical temps even at night .... now in November days are colder but sun still hits strong, perfect to finish the sativas.

Congrats on the harvest, i know you have been working hard and doing your best for a successful harvest. Hope you have enough flowers for the upcoming months and that you enjoy the quality, looking forward to hear your opinion of the different strains after a bit of drying and curing.

Have a great weekend! :)


Active member
Hola, dubi!

All in all this season has been one of the worst for all kinds of crops, especially grapes, olives and cannabis. Yet, your gear has proved quite resistant, with the exception maybe of the Nepjam. Jamal Hash fem proved to be the most resistant of all with only a very few infected buds. But then I doubt whether any strain would have made it through that looong spell of continuous rain and fog and high humidity, so bad it was.
Nevertheless, my Jamaldelicas are so heavily loaded that the minute damage is not to take into account...

As for my impression on the quality of the smoke, I' ll get down to it as soon as the samples are a bit cured...

Thanks heaps for your kind words!


P.S. Do Jamaldelicas make good bubble?


Well-known member
The nice thing about making bubble from your semi-moldy is that mold floats, resin sinks. So it should be easy to skim it off.
The one good thing about a bad year is that next year will probably be good. I'm frightened, I've had several good years in a row almost forgotten what a bad PNW fall is like. There's been years when it rains every other day the entire second half of September.
I'm more confused now about the LUI/Grape Ape thing. Visited my friend who grew a bunch of my seeds and old clones it was awesome. So many treats to sample.
There were a couple Grape Apes that reeked of grape, kickass, and some LUI's that looked like Legend Ultimate Indica. There was also a purple one. But I have many crosses and phenotypes of both so it's fun to see the potential those seeds have.
Many are crossed with Sour Diesel, The Mendo guys are crazy about it now. I can see why huge plants with a pina colada reek.
Been enjoying my Bangi smoke. A lot of mini-fox tails it was a pain to trim but worth it. Tasty hashy flavor and nice 20 minute rush. Very clear headed but euphoric.


Active member
Well, well, the bitter end is nothing but bitter end...a heart-breaking sight, my last Jamaldelica almost totally succumbed to horrid mould...all I could save was a quarter if not less. It's just not fair to tend a beauty for six months...damn and damn again.
Anyhow, the trimming I still gotta do is more than plenty and it'll keep me busy alright...

Therevverend, your bit of info about them mouldy buds sounds fine, but I'm not sure I can manage it, time wise...
That Grape Ape sounds intriguing...



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Well-known member
Congratulations on the great grow, man! :)
The horrible second half of October didn't manage to spoil your season, its just the gods at Olympus taking their usual share. Hope your scissors have comfortable handles ;)


Active member
I'm so sorry about the mold. But try to stay positive and enjoy what you did manage to cut in time.

I lost my entire outdoor crop to botrytis this year.


Well-known member
That's some horrid looking mold, we both know for the rot we can see there's a lot more hidden near the stems. Be on it in your drying room, go off for a couple days it might all turn to grey mush.
I'm pleased with my Mendo seeds this year I only showed a fraction of the strains I was gifted. Gave a bunch to some other medical guys to test out various phenotypes, haven't seen one I haven't liked. Great yields great smells. Looking forward to what turns up from Mendo this winter I've heard it was a good year down there.
My Malawis and Viet Black/Thais I moved in are finishing strong. Found the first few leaves marred by spider mite damage so the race is on. No way I want to spray this far into flowering. However some of the Malawi have only began flowering it would be hilarious outside with the first frost coming tomorrow.
I also have mildew and thrips so it'll be a close call I hope the sativas have good resistance. The Asian plants are almost done and half the Malawis are close so at least I'll get something. But I'm fascinated by the thin leaf sativas they are going to be interesting if they make it.
One of the VB/Thai has a strong ranky reek that has me intrigued the other has the earthy notes I was expecting. Both of them are covered in a resin coating, a couple of the Malawis are coated too. Should be a frosty Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Clever of me to replace my hacked males in late July with new recruits to reach my medical plant count that would be the perfect size by mid October to move in under a 400 watt.


Active member
Well, well, the bitter end is nothing but bitter end...a heart-breaking sight, my last Jamaldelica almost totally succumbed to horrid mould...all I could save was a quarter if not less. It's just not fair to tend a beauty for six months...damn and damn again.
Anyhow, the trimming I still gotta do is more than plenty and it'll keep me busy alright...

Therevverend, your bit of info about them mouldy buds sounds fine, but I'm not sure I can manage it, time wise...
That Grape Ape sounds intriguing...


dust those parts with NaHCO3/KHCO3 even when its allready drying, its harmless and will kill the spores. goes in solution and washes off when you bubble the product then.


Active member
@ undomesticated
It does suck, doesn't it? But then nature ain't cruel at all, it's just a matter of action-reaction...

You're welcome, mate! I'd rather those guys up on Olympus could make do with a little lamb instead:biggrin:
However having sheared many a goat, my fingers and scissors are well trained...

This season was a Botrytis one. Many a farmer have lost entire grape crops, complete damage that is...My sympathy goes out to you.

How infuriatingly true that bit about mould(British spelling!). I'm afraid I'll have to toss everything in the ice bucket...



Active member
"I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing "a bundle of Jamaldelica grass"...

What has been wrapped up will be unwrapped after a month and then there will be a smoke report...



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