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Jack Herer Passes Away


Active member
Peace be with you, Jack Herer <3
You're spirit will hopefully live on in the good fight which is Constantly increasing and being strengthened, so it gets soft, round and understandable in Our minds.


Thank you Jack. Fighting the fight before I even knew there was a fight going on.
Your vision was incredible, your actions were inspiring and your passion was contagious.

We all want to change the world... but you did.
Hopefully we wont disappoint.

Fly high and free!




ICMag Donor
RIP Jack and your family is in our prayers.

A great way to remember this man who dedicated his life to our cause would be to make a donation to NORML in his memory as I have just done.


ICMag Donor
Sad, sad, news indeed. Jack Herrer will surely be missed! For those of us who he has influenced, we must keep his legacy alive! Educate others about Marijuana, its amazing healing qualities, the various ways it can help our environment, and its ability to improve the economy! The "Emporer Wheres No Clothes" is one of my all time favorite books, if you havent already read it, you should, especially if you live in the USA. Jack Herrer was truly a pioneer! We must continue the fight against Marijuana prohibition in his name to make this a better place for all of us!
Stay Growing! Stay educating! Stay safe!
God bless!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Wow......we truly lost a great person. Much love to you jack. I know your up there looking down on us smoking a fat one. Ill roll one up and smoke with ya brother. You will be missed, but never forgotten.
thanks for all of your education on industrial and medicinal values of this wonderful yet mysterious plant.Sorry for the loss of a true PIONEER of cannabis,today is a SAD day for us all.Sending best regards to his family and freinds. You will be missed but never forgoten.Now you can smoke down with the creator...

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Much Love to Jack Herer's family and loved one's.

Thankyou so much Jack for all that has been done by you for the global cause.

Shine on......


Active member
RIP, Jack Herer...

I feel inspired by his passing to increase my activism. I am encouraging all I know to read The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

For those looking to read it online, go to jackherer.com and click on the "Emperor" link at the top.

If people reading this are on facebook and can post the link to chapter 1 on your wall, maybe you will increase the awareness of those who may otherwise not know some of the facts shared there.

I think Mr. Herer's death can add momentum to the wave that seems to be forming this year. Look at the whole west coast; the other states bringing legislation forward like AL; NH's repeated efforts and others in the news on these forums daily. Now with his passing just days before 4/20, his activism will be heavy on peoples' minds coming up and going forward.

If you've been on the fence about whether your activism is worth the potential risks you perceive, maybe it's time to rethink!


Thank you very everything you've done, rest in peace JH....He's smokin with the best of them now

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