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Jack Herer Passes Away


ICMag Donor
RIP Jack....the world is better because you lived...and not just existed...but LIVED.



"Contrary to previous reports, Jack Herer is still alive. The Oregonian is reporting the activist is in critical condition at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland Oregon. In addition, celebstoner has retracted their announcement of Herer's death. In light of these facts it is with pleasure the Portland Progressive Examiner retracts an earlier report of Herer's death."
Peace and Light to Jack, his family, and friends. I didn't know Jack other than his book and from ICMAG. However his steadfast work to edjucate people around the world of the truth about Cannabis and the benifits of Cannabis legalization have been an inspiration to myself and many, many other ICMAG'ers. I know that when we're all on the otherside it will be a great time. Still here and now lets not loose what Jack worked so hard for and not let his advocacy work be in vain. Lets continue even more now to make Jacks dream and our dream of changing and ending Cannabis prohibition become a reality NOW more than ever. Peace to you my brother as always, Forever.
Thanks Jack for your efforts to educate the world about cannabis. I have three more weeks until I'll be blazing the strain named in your honor, my favorite strain, the famous Jack Herer.
I can just HEAR him up there...he's got GOD's ear, and he ain't letting go! and he's not being quiet either! He never was, and we shouldn't be.

Keep spreading the message and keep fighting!


When I was a younger man and a junior professor at a liberal Colorado state college I had a pile of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" on my desk for students to take for free. 20 copies dissappeared in one day. That was 1993, seems like a long , long time ago. I took a wee bit of heat from the administration but nothing but a "don't do that again' kind of thing.That was a great book and a great education in short form of the twisted nature of our culture. Many, many students thanked me for the book. May he rest in peace.


Such a sad day! Cannabis Hero-R.I.P Jack Herer....

Such a sad day! Cannabis Hero-R.I.P Jack Herer....

We've just lost the #1 advocate for Cannabis.

R.I.P. Jack. We're gonna miss ya...

I hereby suggest five days of mourning for Jack, until 4-20 at 4:20pm, when everyone should be silent for minute in his honor, and in honor of all those living in prison due to cannabis prohibition.

First of all I would like to offer my condolence to the Herer family and all of Jack's friends.

If by any chance you haven't read 'The Emperor Wears No Clothes ' I would strongly advise so. It is an inspiring book.

Good idea Skip, count me, I'm digging the 'one minute' silence for Jack and all the people in prison for cannabis-a plant-how can nature ever be against the law??

Dam man this really is shocking bad news. Like Skip said "We've just lost the #1 advocate for Cannabis."

Gonna toke up one for ya Jack! R.I.P Jack-I hope it's 4:20 where ever you are.....