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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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glad u can have a sense of humor about that last post. lol. fuck this shit, my sunday night is about to begin.

True Blood, The Newsroom(really good, actually) ant then THE BEST SHOW ON TELE, Breaking Bad, motherfuckers, y'all better recognize.



Active member
I think this has been a good thread in some ways since both parties have had their eyes opened to certain things....I think everyone will benefit in some way from understanding other people's perspective, both landlord and tenant. I just wrote a long ass message to redbud which is essence explained that I have known the landlord for a long time (10+ years now) through the Internet only, yes, but you can know someone from their posts and business interactions with yourself and other reputable and smart people, and I know him to be a truly good guy. The problem here was his ignorance...he is a square who really had no clue what he was potentially getting into by leasing out that space, and was not aware of the dangers of growers. A bad tenant is one thing but the worst tenant of all is a bad grower. The grower was an idiot for renting any space a) on a month to month contract (WTF?) and especially b) where the landlord can come in at any time, and as redbud points out, appears likely to be "the type" who just might do so! The guy is a square and was ignorant, but he is no idiot and this was bound to happen eventually. Both growers and landlords could learn a lesson from this scenario...
I agree with some here.

The landlord went to investigate a humming noise... that's bullshit. Although the 24hour access clause is a bunch of crap. I'd get a lawyer to strike that clause from the lease. In my limited experience I've never heard of a clause that states the landlord can walk in any time he wants 24 hours a day for no reason clause. Most leases have a clause which states that the landlord has to give notice 24 hours in advance before entry. If the landlord was that concerned about the well he should've relocated the pump to outside his rental property or not rent it.

yeah the grower could've handled it better I'm sure, but I don't blame the grower for not telling the landlord. Cannabis is still technically illegal under federal law. That means at any time the federal gov't could come and bust the grower and prosecute the landlord for harboring the grower. That's a great reason to not rent. The grower probably wouldn't have gotten the lease had he told the landlord.

That being said, the landlord should've contacted the renter and worked things out before calling the police. What if the tenant was brewing his own beer or distilling his own whiskey would the landlord have called the police as well?


Ginger, I have online-only friends who I've known for over 10 years. Skype made it all so much better!

Okay, now here is a completely serious question.

which is worse?

a. disregarding the "no pet clause" in your rental agreement

2. failing to ask landlord if it is OK to grow marijuana(a felony) in the rental.

III. growing pot period; a Felony in the eyes of the Feds, and a majority of States in the USA,

I mean come on. If we have the Balls(or Ovaries, in your case, SeaMaiden) to COMPLETELY disregard a Federal Law that carries a lengthy prison(not jail, mind u) sentence, then why the fuck would anyone follow any picayune rule that the landlord sets forth? Respect? well I respect the Landlord if he respects my privacy. its a two way street.

Disregarding SEAMAIDEN'S pet clause is the worst. :D Just ask the nurse who lost her deposit because of the dogshit and hair left all over. That was a vacation rental, she was NOT happy. I was very clear.

Golden Rule applies here, methinks.


don't know if you have ever grown in a rental.
but i can assure you the very idea of saying to any potential landlord "i plan on growing marijuana" is ludicrous!
it breaks rule number one!

part of growing is lying it is what it is.
if a landlord hears "a strange noise" he should be able to do a spot check with no notice?
define a strange noise?

not everywhere

I know plenty of medical patients that told their landlord before they move in. It only takes a few times of building your dream room and then the landlord calls and wants to do an inspection or have an appraiser come over.

It is funny what the truth will do. It just may set you free, ya never know.

all a landlord can say to you is no, I don't want that in my home. On the other hand, they can also say yes, no problem, it is actually set up for that.

I live in a very accepting state, and everyone smokes anyways


IME before everything went legal here the renters were very careful about what they were willing to fuck up because when you moved out and left things fucked up from a grow that information would be forwarded to the cops.


since the flood gates got opened in colorado i have seen the house i mentioned in an earlier post with holes drilled through a rim joist for ventilation (read :structurally fucked) ....... and the one where they cut holes in the ceiling so they could put the reflector higher (3 fucking inches higher) in an old house that had some kick ass and unfixable plaster work on the ceilings ....... and (this had nothing to do with the grow) one where they had a webber grill set up in the sun room because it was to cold to grill outside in february ...... and a dozen calls about " for some reason this outlet stopped working" after they fucked with something they should not have fucked with ( on most of these i fixed the problem AND ran the wire for them so they would not burn the house down ,as instructed by the "asshole landlord")

i doubt that any of these fucktards were IC members, but these are the stoner renters that the landlords who got screwed will always remember when they hear the word grow

it pisses me off to be thrown in the same pile with these guys, but it does not suprise me that most landlords don't want to deal with shit like that.

real ting

This tenant has demonstrated absolutely NO reason for me to have any loyalty to him or his cause. Fuck him. I hope he falter and fails, so that better people can take his place and succeed.

Yeah man, I too hope this tenant fails, has to leave the rental, and another better grower takes his place on the lease LMAO.

Nah for real though I wouldn't wish a nosy a hole of a landlord like that on my worst enemy. Guess what buddy, there are laws for renting things out, laws that both the tenant and the landlord need to respect. Laws like 72 hours notice before inspection. If you're such a bastard you can't respect your tenants rights then don't rent anything out, otherwise you're the criminal.

I have to agree with other posters, aren't you putting the landlord in a worse position if you inform them of your intention to grow marijuana in their rental? Even if you are in a med state, doesn't that then make the landlord liable in case of any federal problems? Basically you are putting them into a position where they could lose their house, and you violated your own security, because you felt the need to tell them about your mmj grow. How selfish of you :biglaugh:


Active member
All any landlord needs to do is include an addendum to the lease he offers that states that marijuana growing is not allowed anywhere on the premises.

It is up to the renter to read the lease and agree or not agree to the terms and rent or not rent the residence.

In this scenario, nobody needs to reveal they are a patient and no questions need be asked.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hempkat, to say "Rule #1 is mainly about not getting busted" is false. bottom line. I'm not worried about a buddy of mine ratting me out to avoid getting a possession ticket as much as i'm afraid of them telling their (insert relationship status), and them telling their junkie-ass boyfriend(or whatever, you get the idea).

I'm not worried about my freaking landlord robbing me. She is a single, 110 pound mother of 2, a freaking P.A. at the hospital. I pay my rent and she leaves me alone. im worried about ANYBODY knowing, because people, no matter how they feel about said grow, feel it is necessary to brag about so and so they know and how sweet their grow is. I've had partners, girlfriends, and a roommate(10-12 years ago) tell the wrong person, usually a vindictive type, and as soon as i found out they had verbal diarrhea, tore the grow down and had to move it to another spot(second grow house, friends spare room, etc). its happened three times.

Yeah but everything you're saying there is based on your personal experience and the tear down and moves were precautionary. You managed to avoid any consequences of your grow getting leaked. So what might have happened is just theoretical. I do agree though, there is also the threat of theft, that's why I didn't say it was entirely about not getting busted. The theft thing though is all a matter of security. If people came to my home to try and find my grow, I bet I'll catch them before they find my grow.

I've only showed my grow to two people in the last 3 years; a 55 year old man with colon cancer i currently grow with and a fellow IC magger, and that dude is straight. I learned my lesson. never got popped, no real close calls, no highway interdiction, i have been real fortunate, to say the least.

Same here, except I've never shown my grow to anyone other then pictures I've posted over the years. Also I can't say I never got popped but that wasn't because of a grow getting busted.

Regarding your friends who do grow outside in the wide open; good for them, that is a luxury neither you nor I seem to have. I still think it's stupid to have 12 footers in your backyard, talk about painting a bulls eye on yer back. Especially if its in tweaker country.

Well they are in a med state and their security is pretty tight. I don't think they're growing thiers that tall though seems to me more like they're going more for short and wide. I've never been there in person so I can't say what the neighborhood is really like.

And yep, someone did say they always ask their landlord if they can comit a federal offense in said rental, lol. Sorry, but i read and re-read this amazing thread over and over, so I know where everyone stands. gotta be aware of surroundings at all times, in all situations.

I stand corrected on that score then. I've never been in a med state much less looking for an apartment in one so I have no idea whether or not that's a normal thing to ask. All I've ever known is you would never ask something like that around here, it would be almost the same as going to the police station and telling them you grow and where. So I just made the assumption that nobody said that. Plus since it seemed like you were talking to me I thought you were saying I some how said that.

So you cant read people? sorry, but in this game being able to read body language is second nature, and will get you out of many problems. Friend of a friend wants to buy a P? well you better be able to know if dude plans on pulling out 4 stacks or a 44. I've been on the wrong end of the latter; trust me, it sucks. maybe it comes from playing poker for the last 10 years, and not that internet Party Poker bullshit. not saying I'm good at the game, but i do know when i person is lying/bluffing, and I know when a person is planning on doing something bad. its all in the yes my friend.

No you're incorrectly reading into my words. I'm not saying I can't read people I'm was saying to dag that nobody can "read" that much detail. They can make assumptions but assumptions aren't facts, at best they're opinions.

Love all you guys, for real. I've been doing this shit since before i had a drivers license, and i have seen everything. EVERYTHING. best friends robbing one another, fiances ratting out their men to the DEA in regards to a 100 pound a week beaster operation(Rez---->Boston, crazy shit), junkies pulling a 44 on my buddy trying to rob him of 20,000$. this game is mad crazy, if you know desperate people, or happen to be desperate yourself.


Yes in certain circles this is a mad crazy game, mostly in connection with the commercial blackmarket. There are however a great many in here who grow just for themselves and perhaps a few others. People connected to the commercial blackmarket side of things don't care about image or the movement to end marijuana prohibition. In fact that's the last thing they want. You can't get the price they're getting if there is no risk of being busted.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And GingerAle, I love ya, but since you believe REP points matter so much, with that comment regarding my quote of a GanjaRebelSeeds post, then you might be interested in knowing some stats having to do with this thread.

LOL. i cant believe i counted all this shit, instead of watching "Shark Week!!" I'm a complete tool, I know. Sorry.

1. out of the 31 times your posts have been rated, only 14 times they were found "HELPFUL." that means your posts in regards to this issue were unhelpful 55%* of the time, this is from the IC community, not only the members who post.

2. my posts, being rated 18 times, were found helpful 12 of those times. so that means only 34%* unhelpful, or 66% helpful.

*I rounded down a decimal point for u, Up a point for me.

So, as meaningless as that info is, maybe you can find some insight into the people of IC, the people who grow, and their attitudes regarding this very important, heated topic. I mean come on, your opening post has only been rated "helpful" 1 of 7 times!!!!!!!

read the writing on the wall/forest through the trees, use your favorite Idiom to describe your situation.

maybe not, maybe i'm just an asshat who doesn't know when to stop beating that dead horse.

OOPS. this post is pure entertainment, I mean no harm brothas and sistas.


Wait a minute! So if I can get it to where just 1 person rate my posts and he rates them helpful then that means my posts are 100% helpful? :rolleyes:


Active member
The people making excuses for the grower can quit now. If telling about your grow is such a mortal sin, then why are there landlords who agree to cannabis grows as a "competitive advantage"? If it's so dangerous in Washington to be truthful to a landlord about what you're doing, why aren't the cops or DEA interested in the least in a guy who is clearly breaking the law?

Some of the arguments folks are making here in favor of the grower don't really make much sense at all when you start asking the hard questions.....sounds to me more like the talk of a bunch of liars and thieves making excuses for one of their own, in an effort to justify their own selfish and destructive behavior. Otherwise, why in the world would people say things like "yeah the grower handled that wrong BUT--the landlord was nosy!" or other similarly idiotic statements? like the landlord's nosiness justifies the grower's douchebaggery?


Active member
Wait a minute! So if I can get it to where just 1 person rate my posts and he rates them helpful then that means my posts are 100% helpful? :rolleyes:

I know right.....I wonder if his statistical calculations adjust for the number of asshats who (seeing themselves in the mirror upon reading this thread) felt asshurt enough to rate me as unhelpful? Meanwhile according to his own statistics I got 14 helpfuls vs his 12. He also didn't take into account the number of "+K" comments I received in support from folks who agreed but didn't want to wade into the shitstorm of people who are too caught up in their own selves to see anyone else's point of view, or to respect others' property....
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Active member
Yeah man, I too hope this tenant fails, has to leave the rental, and another better grower takes his place on the lease LMAO.

LOL. Not going to happen...the landlord might be ignorant about cannabis but he's not stupid....see, that's the problem with shitbags like this tenant (your brother or cousin I'm guessing.) They pull the wool over folks eyes once....then their bridge is burnt. They can only go through life fucking over so many people before their shitbag reputation spreads far and wide. Yours is a losing strategy in the long run....and you're too stupid to see it. :laughing:

Nah for real though I wouldn't wish a nosy a hole of a landlord like that on my worst enemy. Guess what buddy, there are laws for renting things out, laws that both the tenant and the landlord need to respect. Laws like 72 hours notice before inspection. If you're such a bastard you can't respect your tenants rights then don't rent anything out, otherwise you're the criminal.

Sorry child, the government isn't going to be there to save you if your stupid ass is ignorant enough to sign a lease which gives the landlord the right to come in any time of the day, 24/7, as this lease did. Your ideas about the law are laughable. Your entitlement syndrome is sickening.

I have to agree with other posters, aren't you putting the landlord in a worse position if you inform them of your intention to grow marijuana in their rental? Even if you are in a med state, doesn't that then make the landlord liable in case of any federal problems? Basically you are putting them into a position where they could lose their house, and you violated your own security, because you felt the need to tell them about your mmj grow. How selfish of you :biglaugh:

This is so retarded I don't even know where to begin. If the landlord doesn't allow cannabis in the first place, then losing his home to the Feds isn't a problem, now is it? Really, how fucking difficult is this to understand? You think just because the grower successfully bamboozled the landlord one day that he isn't subject to getting his ass thrown out the very next? How old are you...16? 17?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
One thing I'm thinking is going on here is alot of you are equating this to an apartment rental where the person presumably is actually living in the space. This guy was renting a place to be used either as a workshop or for storage, not for someone living there. I'm not positive but I'm relatively sure the notice before inspection is for places where people are living. To avoid a disruption to thier lifestyle. Also I'm pretty sure the vast majority of rentals even where people live have clauses that wave notice if it's an emergency like flooding or fire.

I know from my own grow that it's not that difficult to muffle noise. So the way I see it this tenant created the need to search out what was causing the noise in a place where nobody was there or lived there by saying he was just going to use it for storage. This left the landlord with the impression that there shouldn't be any noise coming from there when nobody was there. Now a simple way to have addressed that if one couldn't be bothered to muffle it would have been to say something like, "Alot of the stuff I have could be damaged if it gets too hot or too damp in there so I keep a dehumidifier and portable AC unit running to maintain a steadily controlled environment." Had he done that then the landlord would have likely thought, when he heard the humming noise "Oh that must be the dehumidifier and AC running in there." The great thing about that one is he likely wouldn't be lying as that was probably part of the noise heard. He just wouldn't be volunteering what exactly the stuff he was trying to protect was.


I love my life
The people making excuses for the grower can quit now. If telling about your grow is such a mortal sin, then why are there landlords who agree to cannabis grows as a "competitive advantage"?

What is your fucking point with these first two sentences?

Just because some landlords will rent to gays or blacks does that mean the other landlords should be forced to have darkies or fags. OR are you saying that because ONE landlord rents to a fucking pot head then no problem for growers?

I guess so long as one person rents to a fag the rest of us can be all Archie Bunker racist pricks and refuse to rent to any "light in the loafers" or colored person?

I am not gay or black, but I grow and smoke flowers guess I need not live in your neighborhood (unless I admit to sucking cock and by the grace of god one of your neighbors rents me a house ;) ).



Active member
What is your fucking point with these first two sentences?

Just because some landlords will rent to gays or blacks does that mean the other landlords should be forced to have darkies or fags. OR are you saying that because ONE landlord rents to a fucking pot head then no problem for growers?

I'm informing you that no, you don't have the God given right to do whatever you want on someone else's property. If you want to grow pot and can't find a landlord that will allow it, then buy your own fucking land/house, hippie.

Why should I accuse people directly of being shitbags who lack morals? All I have to do is casually mention they are among us, and they will pop out of the woodwork one by one, blowing up into a rage cause my post hit too close to home.

I can tell you sure were offended by my post Hydrosun.....just why is that, exactly? I think it's because you've never owned or created anything of real value of your own therefore are mentally incapable of putting yourself in the landlord's shoes. You're so busy squawking about your rights that you never stop to consider the rights of the landlord.


Active member
Finally some resolution to this drama.....in favor of the good guy:

The tenant is now out of the shop. I had to hire my first lawyer but he did do a very good job of explaining the benefits of leaving to his lawyer. He also wrote me up a very nice closing agreement that will protect me in the future and put an end to this drama. I hate to say it but this time I really needed some professional help.
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