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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Smoke Buddy

You are missing the point here (intentionally perhaps?). What I am saying is that for most of the voters in the red portions of California, and for a whole generation of voters (my mother for instance, because she knew how much it would have helped her sister-in-law to have had access to mj when undergoing chemo), the intent was to help the people specified in those first six words. It has done it's job in helping to get mj more socially acceptable, and now people who arguably have no real reason to have access to mmj are saying that they will vote no on 19. I think it's bullshit.

I wasnt really thinking about it like that. Def not intentionally missing the point, Im all for clarity. True that back when we were voting on 215 it was mainly for compassion for people who are suffering for sure. However it is clearly written, was discussed at great length. There wasnt a hidden loophole. The only question originally was how strict were docs going to be and as time has gone on they have become less and less strict as to what may benefit a person...IMO because after a few shake ups and shake outs they began feeling safer writing recs as it sunk in they wouldnt be arrested or harrassed, and after all the bill is clear.

I believe there are only a few hundred thousand rec holders in the state. (researching that real quik) There are millions and millions of voters. I dont think the support or lack of support from 215 rec holders will have a big impact on the vote. Most people here feel like California is ahead of the curve and they want it to stay that way so Im almost positive it will easily pass.



Freedom Fighter
JacktheGrower and kmk420kali, you seem to overlook the fact that if 19 were passed, the smell of cannabis could no longer be used as cause for a search. Can you tell the difference between an ounce and a pound by smell alone? Nope. KB would've been on his way after getting a ticket for a brake light out, and nothing more.

No, you cannot tell the difference between an oz and a lb--
That is why they will ask to see it--
It happens all the time, with 215-- Several ppl I know have been asked to show what they had, then told to "Have a nice day" when it was less than what they wanted it to be--
Keep in mind...I am pro 19...but I am also a 215 Patient-- I know it gets confusing to some, as I am somewhat reluctant in my full support of 19, but I feel we all have the Right, if not the Duty, to question this, dissect it...and come to know it well...before voting for it--
I do not think for a moment that cops are going to comply with this Law, if passed....they are going to kick, scream, and shout, the whole way....just like with 215--:tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

I will be doing what ever it takes to keep the movement alive and get those parts in 19 that suck fixed. I'm only 1 but 1 is better then none.
they do have a say whether or not they want to tax/regulate or it.

"if your city decides not to tax cannabis, then buying and selling marijuana in the city limits would remain illegal. You would be permitted to possess and consume marijuana, but you would be required to travel to another city that taxes cannabis to buy it.
This is a move towards decreased access, not increased access. And since the initiative is so ambiguous that cities are destined to be tied up in a legal quagmire over how to interpret it, many local governments might find it simpler just to opt-out and send its citizens elsewhere. Indeed, 129 cities did just that with medical marijuana, banning it outright, while still others have established moratoriums against dispensaries. In fact, of the entire state, only the city of Oakland has endorsed the initiative. A vote for the initiative will therefore not ensure local access to purchase marijuana legally."

This is what your gonna have in 90% of Calif cities.Just like we have now my friends!

I haven't heard a peep from the other cities on this. And I thought I read your 5 x 5 can only run 3-6 plants? Most cities quit frankly just don't want to deal with it.

and then we got this douchebag nazi!


LA Countys District Attorney
, Hes got a big hard on for shutting everything down.
He's running for Attorney General! and he's in the lead!!

He will re-write Jerry Browns Guidelines. if he wins mark my words!

click here.
**** Please Vote no on Cooley!!! ****

Folks are blowin it hard!! Like was just said, Write a good bill and address all the loose ends in the "Prop 19's Cartel" Bill!

R.Lee is banking mad loot that is not within the spirit of prop 215.
He is also selling 1000's of clones to multiple collectives on a daily bases.
Again complete disregard for 215. You are not allowed to service multiple collectives.
your allowed to collectively garden for your collective membership.
Collectives cannot have Collectives as members.

I dont really care what any of you say really. I know the numbers, I know what Oakdam pays in city/state tax's roughly, I know Oaksterdamn's daily average's and patient count. believe me when I say he makes , I take that back, He clears more in a week then most of you will every earn in a year.
6 figures a wk fella's.

Just cause he aint "Ball'n with Ho's at da club" dont make it right. He puts it back into the "Prop 19 Cartels Monopoly Pursuit Fund!"

In a minute with his Mega Garden those numbers will quadrupole.:wave:
And I dont want to hear all the bitching and moaning next yr this time.
At the end of the day the dude that funded the bill is crooked as phuk!
I dont trust RL! no way no how! :moon:

You should read the Bill. Cities have no say regarding personal use within someones home or growing for personal use.

They only have say regarding the commercial issues.

7. Ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9. 8.

Are you in the MM Business?


Active member
If you ask me...this Dunbar shows he has zero credibility and most the voters that read this would agree. Meanwhile McNamara's points show intelligence and experience. All Dunbar has to dole out is fear and to most, it's a big turn off.

2 police chiefs discuss legalizing pot

Two police chiefs - former San Jose Police Chief Joseph McNamara and Pleasant Hill Police Chief Pete Dunbar - faced off over legalizing marijuana in California in a Thursday webinar hosted by The Chronicle and SFGate.com.

About 60 individuals joined the online/telephone discussion to listen and ask questions about the societal consequences if voters pass Prop. 19 on the November ballot. Dana Sherne, an intern at SFGate.com, moderated the discussion.

McNamara is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Dunbar is a member of the California Police Chiefs Association. Each chief gave his views on five questions. Here's a summary:

Q. Will legalizing marijuana increase the number of people using marijuana?

McNamara: We aren't sure it will. But we know marijuana is making criminals out of 10 to 30 percent of the population because they use a substance we don't approve of.

Dunbar: The Rand study says it will increase marijuana users in California. The proposition doesn't legalize marijuana in California. It puts the onus on 478 cities and counties to legalize its use. Some counties and cities won't approve.

Q. Is increasing marijuana use a problem?

McNamara: Even if the proposition increases use, it will reduce the number of people arrested for marijuana possession.

Dunbar: In my experience, marijuana use leads to violence on the streets. I don't see that changing.

Q. Will legalization end the black market for pot and the violence it engenders?

McNamara: Yes. Alcohol was once under criminal prohibition for 13 years. We don't see the black market for alcohol operating today because sale and use is regulated. Legalization will take away a major source of funding for criminals.

Dunbar: There will be a black market for juveniles. I found marijuana was the deadliest drug because of the violence behind it.

Q. Will legalizing marijuana help address the injustice that, while studies show more whites use marijuana than other racial groups, more minorities are arrested and incarcerated for marijuana use?

McNamara: Yes, this will change because it would eliminate marijuana arrests, which disproportionately involve blacks and Hispanics.

Dunbar: I don't see this as a racial issue. To me, it is a people issue.

Q. If Prop. 19 passes, and less taxpayer money is spent on cannabis-related arrests, where will those funds go?

McNamara: Law enforcement, court and prison costs would be diminished. If we lower the crime rate, we can free up resources for what people really want - focus on property crimes and violence.

Dunbar: For the last several years, marijuana possession has become a low priority. We still take sales and cultivation seriously. There's not going to be extra money to do anything

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/08/13/EDUB1ETMPH.DTL#ixzz0wXygUOhh


Active member
SF Dems Give Key Endorsement to Prop 19 Legalization

With just eleven weeks until the November 2 election and even less until voters can begin turning in absentee ballots, official endorsements for candidates and measures are heating up. Last night, the San Francisco Democratic Party spent three hours endorsing candidates for local races and measures, concluding at 9 p.m. with a hearty endorsement of the statewide initiative Proposition 19.

Normally, Democratic party locals do not endorse statewide ballot measures, deferring to their state superiors. However, the California Democratic Party has taken a neutral stance on Tax and Regulate Cannabis, punting endorsements to its 58 local groups.

SFDCCC chair Aaron Peskin introduced the measure to a chuckle among the roughly thirty-person voting committee. Peskin called for a hand vote by saying “Raise 'em high,” to more laughs. The SFDCCC widely endorsed the measure. Reps for Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and Dianne Feinstein voted against endorsing the measure. Reps for Jacky Speier, Nancy Pelosi, and Fiona Ma abstained.

Representatives of Prop 19 as well as law enforcement opponents at Public Safety First made their case before the committee last Saturday, August 7. A no endorsement for Prop 19 from the base of California progressives would have been a shocking sign of the impending defeat of Prop 19. With the SFDCCC's endorsement, the Oakland-led initiative lives on to fight another day


I am against the tax structure set up in California and am against any bill that raises taxes on Californians. Alcohol, overtaxed. Gasoline, overtaxed. Automobiles, overtaxed. Taxes and regulations, too many and getting worse. So yes, I am against all these taxes, not the products. Our tax system is set up to take wealth from the worker and transfer it to the corporate owners. Land is the only thing a "free market" needs to tax to level the playing field for all participants in the system.
Ok brainiack, I understand nobody likes taxes, but you are not seeing the big picture. I could make an example of each, but lets use gas since that is a hot button for all of us. Gas taxes are meant to tax the big corporations right along with the consumer! Yes, it even taxes them more than us! Sure most of us drive to work and for whatever... you know, like to downtown Hazzard to sell drugs to kids. Ha! Anyways, we all pay a little bit of that but the ones who are paying through the nose are the corporations that have to ship things. Rail, plane, truck, it all gets hit with gas tax. Every item we buy from food to TVs gets shipped and prices go up because of the gas tax. Oh, but wait... did the price of electronics, or computers, or furniture or any other big items spike when the gas taxes got out of control? Lumber, drywall and building materials did but what happened to that market? People tried to maintain their profit structure and people stopped building new homes. That is a fact and with the exception of a few areas that had other reasons for growth, this was a nation wide phenomena. Lets go back to the typical items though like furniture and tvs and computers and typical retail items. They tried to raise prices but nobody bought anything, they dropped prices and are surviving. Ultimately, the bulk of the day to day items that we buy have not increased in price from the gas tax hikes and it is the big manufacturing corporations and the retailers who have taken the hit. This isn't anything that is good for the corporations. It effects us all equally.

Do you only get a bottle of whiskey or a case of beer to possess for personal consumption? Why only an ounce under 19?
No but you can possess as much weed as you want, you just can't transport any more than an ounce under 19. But either way, yeah a case or a bottle is plenty for me! If I'm having a party I will certainly get more, but lets make a realistic comparison for that party. Lets just assume for a minute that everyone who wants to drink wants to get drunk and everyone who wants to smoke wants to get stoned. I think we all know that drinking is a little bit different in that regard than smoking, but lets just assume for Cootie. There are many different levels of tolerance for either, but if we make it an average, lets say that to get drunk an average person would need 6 drinks and to get stoned an average person would need about a quarter of a gram. Based on that, each gram of herb is equal to about 24 fl oz of liquor, or a case of beer. We all know that weed wears off faster so lets say you need to smoke up 2 times during the party and we can say that a gram of weed is equal to 12 fl oz booze. A zip of herb is 28.5 grams x 12 = 342 fl oz of 80 proof booze or 342 beers. So your ounce of weed, that is a such an unfair amount to carry with you, is equivalent to not a case of beer or bottle of whiskey but over 10 bottles of whiskey (33 fl oz per liter) or over 14 cases of beer. So yeah, it is a little unrealistic to go buy 10 bottles of booze or 14 cases of beer! However, none of my math is relevant since there is no illegal market for beer and booze so why would anyone care. Weed is different in that regard.

"If all you care is about profits for growers, then vote NO, and screw Cannabis ever being normalized, money is much more important."

Who are these growers and where will the profits go? Mom and pop's profits will still be made, only now by big business with a government tax of approval. These profits will now leave many "greedy" growers in poverty and will no longer stay in the community of the "greedy" growers. Corporations with big budgets for lobbying will help pass legislation in the various municipalities that are prohibitive to small cannabis growers.
"Mom and Pop" growers... man you make them all sound so friendly! Little old lady and her husband with drawn in cheeks holding a pitchfork in front of the aged family farm... How about thugs with machine guns guarding their crops? you got them in Hazzerd to don't ya? How about people running their grow by bypassing electric meters? How about plots on State forest land? How about damming up streams to water crops... give me a fucking break with the mom and pop shit! Sure some, but not all. I'm not accusing anyone personally of these things, but it happens and we all know it. This industry needs to be regulated so it isn't a draw on economy, resources, law enforcement and everything else. Such a pretty wholesome picture you paint... Then of course there is the fact that these people aren't paying income tax. Some are surely accepting welfare in some form or fashion claiming they don't have a job. Yup it is greed mixed with lack of compliance plain and simple. Go legit if the opportunity arises.

Money is more important than legalization, at least to the government you are asking to stop oppressing you.
Nobody is saying the government in the country or any state is looking out for just the interest of the people, but the people are at least watching and demanding some of it. Corporate greed certainly runs this country. I agree with a lot of what you are saying Cooter, but you aren't fixing anything. you are saying "The government is screwing the people so I screw them!" Great for you but in the process you screw everyone else. You aren't taking a nickle out of the hands of the government because everyone else is covering your ass. You aren't changing unfair laws, yuo are inspiring them to create more unfair laws. Your actions and attitudes aren't helping things one bit for the people. Only for you Cooter... that is greed. You are inspiring oppression by being the naughty kid in class who had to put gum under the desk and pretty soon nobody gets to chew gum.

The reason I ever responded to this post originally is that someone postulated that the only reason someone on this board could be against 19 is that they are "greedy" growers that are working with leo to have fellow cannabis users thrown in jail to make more money. I disagree on several points but they have all been thoroughly debunked.
1. This law is too restrictive.

Debunked- It is better than nothing.
It is a balanced proposal that is geared to appeal to as many people as possible. Not perfect but acceptable to the masses. That is the biggest reason it is even on the ballot.

2. This law will transfer wealth from California workers to corporate scum.

Debunked- That what happens. Adapt.
People "working" in the illegal Cannabis market will have an opportunity to get legal work. There will be many jobs as a result of this, but if you want to be the big dick on the cannabis farm, or if you don't want to pay taxes like the rest of the world, then yeah... it is going to be a tougher road.

3. The law is so vague nobody really knows what will happen.

Debunked- "I see it as the new Disneyland for stoners. Imagine ..."

To a person who just wants to smoke some weed, grow their own stash, buy what they want and when they want, open a new type of business that is'nt possible anywhere else in the WORLD, or simply hang out in a public facility dedicated to weed and the people who like to smoke it then yes, Steamboat Willie is coming to town!

I am a no voter, meaning I don't support the fascists by showing up at the polls so their schemes can be validated by the majority of the indoctrinated voters. It is possible that there are other valid viewpoints besides let's jump in bed with the people currently oppressing us. Calling the growers "greedy" because they have been successful at overgrowing the government the last 50 years is childish to say the least.
Sweet! so you don't vote? Perfect!!

It appears that most on this thread cannot even comprehend other points of view without bias, bigotry, and attacks against the other side for having a different opinion. Most posters in the "yes" category are acting quite possessed with the political spirit of "morality" and being "right" on their side. Scary what people will do when they "know" they are "right" and state sponsored programming takes over to fill their "moral" void.

Calling the people that are fueling this movement greedy because of concerns too complex for the twenty something year old stoners to comprehend is a political move to garner support for a shitty law.
Are you saying that you are fueling the movement? I'm confused on that one. If you mean by "movement" that you make all the money, and screw the people and the taxes they pay on your behalf... then OK... your fueling the movement!

in a society where you have to skate around the law as a way not to be busted, growing on someone elses land, or bypassing electric meters, or charging big money for sacks, or doing whatever to get it done "take the big risk get the big money", that is great. I'm not denying it is/was out of necessity, but when someone gives you an opportunity to do it right and legit it is no longer acceptable. Call it a moral stance or whatever, but I know that I started growing my own because I didn't want to be a part of any of that and I am sure there are many here who feel the same. The time is presenting itself and you are scared, or greedy, or maybe just get a chubby every time you say fascist... I'm not sure.



Game Bred
they do have a say whether or not they want to tax/regulate or it.

"if your city decides not to tax cannabis, then buying and selling marijuana in the city limits would remain illegal. You would be permitted to possess and consume marijuana, but you would be required to travel to another city that taxes cannabis to buy it.
This is a move towards decreased access, not increased access. And since the initiative is so ambiguous that cities are destined to be tied up in a legal quagmire over how to interpret it, many local governments might find it simpler just to opt-out and send its citizens elsewhere. Indeed, 129 cities did just that with medical marijuana, banning it outright, while still others have established moratoriums against dispensaries. In fact, of the entire state, only the city of Oakland has endorsed the initiative. A vote for the initiative will therefore not ensure local access to purchase marijuana legally."

This is what your gonna have in 90% of Calif cities.Just like we have now my friends!

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale.
(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.
(iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.

7. Ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.

I haven't heard a peep from the other cities on this. And I thought I read your 5 x 5 can only run 3-6 plants? Most cities quit frankly just don't want to deal with it.

i thought i read the minimum was 250 sq'?
i thought i read this prop also mandates any man can demand a blowjob from any woman in california and she must comply to completion.

see how that works?

and then we got this douchebag nazi!

Folks are blowin it hard!! Like was just said, Write a good bill and address all the loose ends in the "Prop 19's Cartel" Bill!

R.Lee is banking mad loot that is not within the spirit of prop 215.
He is also selling 1000's of clones to multiple collectives on a daily bases.
Again complete disregard for 215. You are not allowed to service multiple collectives.
your allowed to collectively garden for your collective membership.
Collectives cannot have Collectives as members.

I dont really care what any of you say really. I know the numbers, I know what Oakdam pays in city/state tax's roughly, I know Oaksterdamn's daily average's and patient count. believe me when I say he makes , I take that back, He clears more in a week then most of you will every earn in a year.
6 figures a wk fella's.

Just cause he aint "Ball'n with Ho's at da club" dont make it right. He puts it back into the "Prop 19 Cartels Monopoly Pursuit Fund!"

In a minute with his Mega Garden those numbers will quadrupole.:wave:
And I dont want to hear all the bitching and moaning next yr this time.
At the end of the day the dude that funded the bill is crooked as phuk!
I dont trust RL! no way no how! :moon:

so your haterisim of some other dude lets you suspend reasonable disbelief to the point you think one man can lock down the entire cali scene from 2 grows in oakland?


I am against the tax structure set up in California and am against any bill that raises taxes on Californians. Alcohol, overtaxed. Gasoline, overtaxed. Automobiles, overtaxed. Taxes and regulations, too many and getting worse. So yes, I am against all these taxes, not the products. Our tax system is set up to take wealth from the worker and transfer it to the corporate owners. Land is the only thing a "free market" needs to tax to level the playing field for all participants in the system.

Who are these growers and where will the profits go? Mom and pop's profits will still be made, only now by big business with a government tax of approval. These profits will now leave many "greedy" growers in poverty and will no longer stay in the community of the "greedy" growers. Corporations with big budgets for lobbying will help pass legislation in the various municipalities that are prohibitive to small cannabis growers.

Money is more important than legalization, at least to the government you are asking to stop oppressing you.

I am a no voter, meaning I don't support the fascists by showing up at the polls so their schemes can be validated by the majority of the indoctrinated voters. It is possible that there are other valid viewpoints besides let's jump in bed with the people currently oppressing us. Calling the growers "greedy" because they have been successful at overgrowing the government the last 50 years is childish to say the least.

Calling the people that are fueling this movement greedy because of concerns too complex for the twenty something year old stoners to comprehend is a political move to garner support for a shitty law.

First of all it is mostly the twenty something growers that oppose Prop 19 because of fears of loss of income. They like how it is now, under 215. I know lots of older growers that will vote yes on Prop 19, even if it does reduce their income, because it is the right thing to do.

You never answered my question if you buy and support Taxed and Regulated products?

"Do you buy alcohol?
Or any other Taxed or Regulated products?
Or are you also really against them all, each and every one?"

I understand that you are against raising taxes for anything, but my question was do you buy and therefore support the regulated and taxed products I listed, and if yes, why? Seems against your values, and it would only make government and big Biz all that much stronger and richer. Why not spending your time fighting all taxes or at least all tax raises at the very least? Maybe you do?
Do you ever drink?
And for the record, I don't think all the Cannabis people that will vote NO on Prop 19 are greedy, just most of them. If a person would not rather have Cannabis legalized, Taxed and Regulated, because of fears that he would lose income, while ignoring the good it will do for the majority, to me that is selfish and greedy.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
That is too bad...that means the gov has more control than the Dr.

So now a Dr. who would recommend cannabis for an unlisted condition cannot. Bummer.

.....and so it will be for any state wanting mmj. Instead of hiding under the guise of medical marijuana, we need to prove recreational smoking can be attained and should be implemented nationwide, starting with California.
i thought i read the minimum was 250 sq'?
i thought i read this prop also mandates any man can demand a blowjob from any woman in california and she must comply to completion.

see how that works?

and then we got this douchebag nazi!

so your haterisim of some other dude lets you suspend reasonable disbelief to the point you think one man can lock down the entire cali scene from 2 grows in oakland?

No haterism, Heck Im the only guy in So Cal thats allowed to build a room addition. Just me Bro! I give a portion of my sales to the head of the City Building Dept, and the Head Inspector is my fishing buddy. I make sure that other Contractors dont get no play. And if something is brewing, The City Chief and the Inspector call me on the phone and give me the inside scoop.
Other Contractors are pissed but phuk'm, This is America and Capitalism runs the world.

And its not 2 grows in Oakland dude, you hear what you want.
He's got Oakland, He's Got San Jose, He's now down in L.A/L.B selling 1000 of clones illegally and not within the spirit of 215.

The only Police Chief, or Ex police chief endorsing this is bill is Mcnamara, San Jose, , I just find it coincidental that RL has a Mega Collective :wave: in San Jose, LMFAO!

The Democrats will do almost anything to gain some ground.


I don't grow commercial, I dont sell to a collective, I don't sell to anyone. I build out Collectives and Garden Facility's.
I'm on the pick and shovel end of this. While the Faux Gold Rush in Cali is going on and people are trying to strike it rich, Ill be the guy with the pans/shovel you all need. Im the guy you call when you want a 1-50 light garden and you want it Calif Compliant/Code Compliant and Insured by Statewide Insurance.:gday:


ICMag Donor
WTF is this, LMAO.

I have friends in So Cal that build additions for a living so I don't know what you're talking about.

Think the head of the City Building Dept laughs when you give him kickbacks?

No haterism, Heck Im the only guy in So Cal thats allowed to build a room addition. Just me Bro! I give a portion of my sales to the head of the City Building Dept, and the Head Inspector is my fishing buddy. I make sure that other Contractors dont get no play. And if something is brewing, The City Chief and the Inspector call me on the phone and give me the inside scoop.
Other Contractors are pissed but phuk'm, This is America and Capitalism runs the world.

And its not 2 grows in Oakland dude, you hear what you want.
He's got Oakland, He's Got San Jose, He's now down in L.A/L.B selling 1000 of clones illegally and not within the spirit of 215.

The only Police Chief, or Ex police chief endorsing this is bill is Mcnamara, San Jose, , I just find it coincidental that RL has a Mega Collective :wave: in San Jose, LMFAO!

The Democrats will do almost anything to gain some ground.


I don't grow commercial, I dont sell to a collective, I don't sell to anyone. I build out Collectives and Garden Facility's.
I'm on the pick and shovel end of this. While the Faux Gold Rush in Cali is going on and people are trying to strike it rich, Ill be the guy with the pans/shovel you all need. Im the guy you call when you want a 1-50 light garden and you want it Calif Compliant/Code Compliant and Insured by Statewide Insurance.:gday:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
The best Pro Prop19ers can do is promise us True Freedom people they won't get lazy after Prop 19 is vote on.

Promise us we have you and the support of this site to promote a better Initiative in 2012.. That is all I ask.

I support the complete deregulation and legalization of Cannabis in any form.

I will vote for anything that gets us a step closer to it.

I will also argue to convince others not to rest on their laurels.

I promise.


I wont be lazy. For sure I know this is just a front line push in The War. The Next Battle should already be in the planning stages.

We need to get TONS of businesses popping up asap after 19 passes. Coffee shops, vap rooms, etc..

It will be truly time to overgrow the government.
WTF is this, LMAO.

I have friends in So Cal that build additions for a living so I don't know what you're talking about.

Think the head of the City Building Dept laughs when you give him kickbacks?

exactly dude!!! it was a joke, But its RL's MO. Im glad you see it as B.S!!

lotsa kick backs and monkey business going on in Nor-Cal!



I don't grow commercial, I dont sell to a collective, I don't sell to anyone. I build out Collectives and Garden Facility's.
I'm on the pick and shovel end of this. While the Faux Gold Rush in Cali is going on and people are trying to strike it rich, Ill be the guy with the pans/shovel you all need. Im the guy you call when you want a 1-50 light garden and you want it Calif Compliant/Code Compliant and Insured by Statewide Insurance.:gday:

this leads me to ask a question.... after prop 19 passes and i want to set up my 25 square feet indoor. must i pay someone from the city, county, and or state to come and inspect my grow site to make sure it complies with all codes and safety regulations?


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
this leads me to ask a question.... after prop 19 passes and i want to set up my 25 square feet indoor. must i pay someone from the city, county, and or state to come and inspect my grow site to make sure it complies with all codes and safety regulations?


Not a chance.... Not only do theynot have the manpower, but it just isn't justifiable... Why not liscensing for my tv, or sound system, or deep fryer? They all use massive amounts of power and can easily cause a fire...
this leads me to ask a question.... after prop 19 passes and i want to set up my 25 square feet indoor. must i pay someone from the city, county, and or state to come and inspect my grow site to make sure it complies with all codes and safety regulations?


ABSOFUKENLUTLY BRO! They will charge you a huge fee to pay the salary of the Inspector. This is the angle the city's will take advantage of. They will make new ordinances and new codes just for this, you will have to jump thru firey hoops and pay astronomical fee's.
They will not let you have a garden that is not code compliant. This will be there excuse to shut your op down. It wasnt compliant.

That is why a Licensed General Contractor or equivalent must do the work. No way No how the citys wont take FULL ADVANTAGE of this!


I support the complete deregulation and legalization of Cannabis in any form.

I will vote for anything that gets us a step closer to it.

I will also argue to convince others not to rest on their laurels.

I promise.

:dance013: Thanks bro!
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