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Mr. Mountain

Another nice spoon.

And a visitor to the house.

Had to bring the dog inside, she had the poor raccoon treed.

Hope you enjoy,

Mr. M
I bought some new cabinets to display my collection...




Active member
Love the cabinet mate, really brings out the pieces under those lights. Reminds me of the ROOR shop in Germany. Very nice


Active member
First time I've ever seen a bong with three finger holes :D That thing is awesome

Does it cause any drag?


Wow. Some seriously nice stuff in here. No glass for me yet. Browsing online shops day and night...

I have one question though. I might be heading down to Amsterdam/Prague and some other cities on a short vacation. Does anyone know any good shops with custom glass in Czech/Holland/Germany? Would love to see the stuff before I spend my cash... Online just ain't the same.
The family :)

The family :)

Hey people, here is my glass collection. From left to right, 1. 24" Toro straight tube, 2. 18"in. Soverignty double perc with 8 arm tree perc, 3. Lux mini straight 5arm, 4. Lux mini 4arm beaker. Think ill go rip some of this tasty dank ak47 meds right now....:bongsmi::bongsmi:



some real nice pieces in here guys! been blazing for years and only in this last year started growing for my personal use and to be honest i need to move up a notch and get into some serious extraction techniques and purchase some nice glass..anyone got any advice to offer up about what to go for? if it's a dumb question i apologize in advance :thank you:


New member
Thats my homie... hahaha... u know we do it big... it may be 56/100 for roor, but its 1 of many in our collection of sick ass glass... Wheres the pics of the PAG bub crump??

ive been wanting to get pictures of it but i dont have a good camera. hopefully i can hit up trey and use his to get a good family shot with my PAG bub and my black label in there. any word on the fate or roor us?

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Hell yes AmsterdamnesiA! That is sick!

Love the green patina drip. Thinking about doing something similar to mine actually, as there are a few cold methods to add various colors to the copper.

Check this out, as one random example - http://darcysowards.blogspot.com/2007/08/funky-blue-patina.html

Also, don't grunge off the copper, as it will take the patina right off. Yeah my bowl looks all new and shiny now hehe. Will be my guinea pig for these various patina methods as such :D
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