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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
would anyone here defend a landlord calling the fuzz on a 400w closet in a non med state?

It would depend on the circumstances and defend the landlord isn't really accurate, more like blame the grower for being careless. Unless of course the landlord acted in a totally unreasonable way. In which case I would not defend the landlord or blame the tenant. I'd just recognize that in this world you can't take things for granted especially when alot is riding on what you can't take for granted.

For this case I would actually blame both but more so the tenant. The landlord is to blame because he took things for granted about this guy and opted to not do a background check. The tenant is to blame in a number of ways as there were many things he could have done to avoid this situation and/or to diffuse it when it happened. He chose not to and has started taking steps to punish the landlord using the system which in some states a person can get away with up to 6 months rent free if the do things in a certain way. When you're growing weed since it's still illegal federally even if you're legal in your state you don't get yourself into conflicts with your landlord. Of course if you knew what you were doing you would grow on rental property where your landlord is your neighbor either.


I love my life

the tenant lied by not telling the truth right up front on the lease agreement, 'bout 100% wrong, doubly so if no 'toys & barter goods' were found stored there as he claimed there would be.

no pity for the tenant, I wouldn't have called the cops; I'd have called the power company and told them to shut it at the meter.......

Fucking bullshit right there. Plants are batter goods in my book, and lights are toys. Next issue?

You would have called the cops? Even more reason to use bold and all caps. How the fuck do you have such a high reputation around here? Cop callers don't normally do so well.



weed fiend
In my state, renting weekly doesn't establish rights. It's how hotels that cater to longer term customers dodge residence rights. All it takes to establish rights for the renter is a monthly rate from the owner/manager.

Midnite Toker

Active member
Fucking bullshit right there. Plants are batter goods in my book, and lights are toys. Next issue?

You would have called the cops? Even more reason to use bold and all caps. How the fuck do you have such a high reputation around here? Cop callers don't normally do so well.

Wouldn't is a contraction of the words "would" and "not"


He said two months. Let the guy harvest his crop and go. Grow up and deal with your own problems. And leave the police out of it.


ICMag Donor
My comment on the first page had a shit load of unhelpful marks. Although I don't care about that I'm horribly surprised and ashamed that so many members of a weed growing site are cool with calling the cops for any reasons related to cannabis.
Do you people remember that cannabis is illegal and thousands and thousands of people are incarcerated for it all over the world. Apparently some of you people don't care that many people have their lives ruined and taken from them for growing, possessing,or selling a plant.
And many of you believe the grower in this story should be incarcerated for lying to his asshole landlord? That is crazy to me even if the grower was kinda of a dick about it.

As weed becomes more mainstream our counterculture is being destroyed by fake ass growers who don't understand what it means to be a grower in the first place. We are outlaws and rebels of society,and we don't call the fucking cops. I know the landlord is not a grower but the people posting in this thread who support him calling the cops are growers. So,shame on you and don't forget that Karma is a real. Do unto others as you would want done to you.


Active member
if i was that landlord. things wouldnt go so well for that tenant.if the feds got involved and the landlord knew the guy was growing he can kiss his property good bye. the trailor and plants would both dissapear. and maybe the tenant too if he complained LOL.


if i was that landlord. things wouldnt go so well for that tenant.if the feds got involved and the landlord knew the guy was growing he can kiss his property good bye. the trailor and plants would both dissapear. and maybe the tenant too if he complained LOL.

You are 100% right. The landlord shouldn't have been so nosy and then he wouldn't have known. The landlord tried to involve the feds and they basically blew him off. The landlord is a punk and the renter is a dumbass.


Active member
My comment on the first page had a shit load of unhelpful marks. Although I don't care about that I'm horribly surprised and ashamed that so many members of a weed growing site are cool with calling the cops for any reasons related to cannabis.
Do you people remember that cannabis is illegal and thousands and thousands of people are incarcerated for it all over the world. Apparently some of you people don't care that many people have their lives ruined and taken from them for growing, possessing,or selling a plant.
And many of you believe the grower in this story should be incarcerated for lying to his asshole landlord? That is crazy to me even if the grower was kinda of a dick about it.

As weed becomes more mainstream our counterculture is being destroyed by fake ass growers who don't understand what it means to be a grower in the first place. We are outlaws and rebels of society,and we don't call the fucking cops. I know the landlord is not a grower but the people posting in this thread who support him calling the cops are growers. So,shame on you and don't forget that Karma is a real. Do unto others as you would want done to you.


y'all motherfuckers bet take a good look in the mirror.



Active member

The gospel of morons maybe. Your comment is just as stupid as when it was posted, which is why you got so many unhelpful remarks.... since you seem to be so confused about why that is.

y'all motherfuckers bet take a good look in the mirror.

Likewise. That pissant you see looking back at you isn't entitled to a fucking thing. If you want your own property that you can do what you please in, then go buy your own fucking house, shop, or land. If you rent a property that you're not even LIVING in, then you obey the landlord's rules, PERIOD. This is a fact of society so basic that it's incredible to me this must be explained to some folks.

I agree that nobody deserves to spend time in jail just for growing pot. You bring up karma however like you have half a clue what you're talking about. Aren't we witnessing karma in action here? This shitstain tenant spread bad karma and is now reaping it in spades. He simply can't wrap his head around the notion of respect for other people's property, so why in the fuck are you surprised somebody called the cops on him? He deserves worse.

Up until now I was wondering why our country is going down the shitter so fast, and why stoners continue to be marginalized in society, but now it's obvious. It's because a solid 1/4 of our number truly are lowlifes with no conception of how to get along and behave in normal society! You can tell by their reactions here to this thread. I am proud to see most of us are sane, but we really need to work to weed out these bad apples. I don't support somebody just because he grows or smokes weed, sorry, you gotta have a lot more substance than that to be a worthwhile human being in my book. This tenant has demonstrated absolutely NO reason for me to have any loyalty to him or his cause. Fuck him. I hope he falter and fails, so that better people can take his place and succeed.


ICMag Donor
The gospel of morons maybe. Your comment is just as stupid as when it was posted, which is why you got so many unhelpful remarks.... since you seem to be so confused about why that is.

Likewise. That pissant you see looking back at you isn't entitled to a fucking thing. If you want your own property that you can do what you please in, then go buy your own fucking house, shop, or land. If you rent a property that you're not even LIVING in, then you obey the landlord's rules, PERIOD. This is a fact of society so basic that it's incredible to me this must be explained to some folks.

I agree that nobody deserves to spend time in jail for growing pot. You bring up karma however like you have half a fucking clue what you're talking about. Aren't we witnessing karma in action here? This shitstain tenant spread bad karma and is now reaping it in spades. He simply can't wrap his head around the notion of respect for other people's property, so why in the fuck are you surprised somebody called the cops on him? He deserves worse.

Up until now I was wondering why our country is going down the shitter so fast, and why stoners continue to be marginalized in society, but now it's obvious. It's because a solid 1/4 of our number truly are lowlifes with no conception of how to get along and behave in normal society! You can tell by their reactions here to this thread. I am proud to see most of us are sane, but we really need to work to weed out these bad apples. I don't support somebody just because he grows or smokes weed, sorry, you gotta have a lot more substance than that to be a worthwhile human being in my book. This tenant has demonstrated absolutely NO reason for me to have any loyalty to him or his cause. Fuck him. I hope he falter and fails, so that better people can take his place and succeed.

Growers like you are the problem. You think your shit doesn't stink. I'm willing to bet you don't grow for a living or even grow very much at all.
I devote my life to spreading positive understanding and education about living a healthy cannabis lifestyle.
I understand karma very well and put a great effort in my life every day to bettering the universe in any ways I can.
Hoping another "falters and fails" is the definitions of bad and negative karma.
Growers like me use this website as a resource to share education,love,genetics,and experience with cannabis. Fakers like you just have nothing better to do with your life. We'll see where karma takes us both in the future. I sleep with a clear conscious at night,your just a negative douch bag. For real.
Good luck.


I certainly don't hope that anyone fails/gets locked up etc. over cannabis. I personally wouldn't call the cops on another grower if I were the landlord. Many other steps can be taken. That being said, I'm fully cognizant that I am in a group that's likely less than 5% of the country/world as a grower. We certainly have a view that is biased toward our own unique experiences as living outside the constraints of federal statutes.

In reality, the average joe sees the negativity surrounding cannabis, no matter how unfounded such a viewpoint may be. Having a tenant like this is certainly not going to change preconceived and media-fed notions. I don't think it's unrealistic to expect such a reaction from a person that has no insight into the life we, as growers lead. We all may have stories of landlords handling the situation differently (I know I do), but such situations are the exceptions rather than the norm.

At the end of the day, a person's values and viewpoints are shaped almost entirely by upbringing and the experiences that they have gone through. I cannot fault someone for what they have experienced or only known, but I can disagree all I want. Renting puts certain constraints on the tenant in relation to the landlord. It's up to the tenant to find the best situation for both parties. It may not be fair etc., but it's simply reality when undertaking a federally illegal job/hobby on another's property.

This all comes from a grower in a non-med state, so please take with the accompanying grains of salt:).

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Active member
if you pussies were square and owned property you would act the same way too. even as a non square i wouldnt ever allow any growing on my propety unless it was me.. i myself never call cops and preferr to take my own justice. if some of yall actually owned anything you might think differently.kiss my ass. i stand firm on this. blah
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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Growers like you are the problem. You think your shit doesn't stink. I'm willing to bet you don't grow for a living or even grow very much at all.
I devote my life to spreading positive understanding and education about living a healthy cannabis lifestyle.
I understand karma very well and put a great effort in my life every day to bettering the universe in any ways I can.
Hoping another "falters and fails" is the definitions of bad and negative karma.
Growers like me use this website as a resource to share education,love,genetics,and experience with cannabis. Fakers like you just have nothing better to do with your life. We'll see where karma takes us both in the future. I sleep with a clear conscious at night,your just a negative douch bag. For real.
Good luck.

This is surreal. Somehow you seem to have extrapolated your involvement with a plant into giving you a superior moral character. No, I don't support myself with the cannabis or even sell, but after reading your contributions I would be comfortable betting that I've been growing longer than you've been alive. Because someone is a grower doesn't give them the right to shit on another human being. How on earth do you go through the mental gymnastics necessary to justify someone potentially doing thousands (more likely 10's of thousands - check out mold abatement costs) of dollars of damage to someone's property to turn one fucking crop?

Perhaps as a result of your deep involvement with "canna culture" you haven't had much exposure to the way the rest of the world works. It is pretty much the accepted norm for straight people to turn to law enforcement for help when they see that their property is being used to commit a federal crime and is very likely being damaged in the process. Your earlier statement about "Do you people remember that cannabis is illegal and thousands and thousands of people are incarcerated for it all over the world...." would make me want to do everything possible to try and get along with the landlord, not go out of my way to alienate him.

It is people like you that are causing the current backlash against growing. Self-entitled, immature adolescents who rub their neighbor's noses in what they are doing, apparently without the slightest understanding that their current legal status is subject to change by these same people who actually exercise their right to vote.


so you are saying most everyone on this site is a dick for growing marijuana?

I will always ask the person if it is ok that I grow my medical garden at home, but what if you live in a non medical state?

all a landlord has to claim is ignorance


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My comment on the first page had a shit load of unhelpful marks. Although I don't care about that I'm horribly surprised and ashamed that so many members of a weed growing site are cool with calling the cops for any reasons related to cannabis.
Do you people remember that cannabis is illegal and thousands and thousands of people are incarcerated for it all over the world. Apparently some of you people don't care that many people have their lives ruined and taken from them for growing, possessing,or selling a plant.
And many of you believe the grower in this story should be incarcerated for lying to his asshole landlord? That is crazy to me even if the grower was kinda of a dick about it.

As weed becomes more mainstream our counterculture is being destroyed by fake ass growers who don't understand what it means to be a grower in the first place. We are outlaws and rebels of society,and we don't call the fucking cops. I know the landlord is not a grower but the people posting in this thread who support him calling the cops are growers. So,shame on you and don't forget that Karma is a real. Do unto others as you would want done to you.

The key here is the renter created the scenario with his lies. Had he not lied or not told a lie that made the landlord think "Hmmm what's that strange noise in there? I better go check." then none of this would be happening. Nobody here is advocating to call the cops on a grow. They are however acknowledging the landlord's right to do so because of how this guy handled things.

No serious grower in their right mind is going to enter into a month to month agreement with a landlord who lives on the property where the rental is. Most of us go to great lengths to find long distance landlords to avoid precisely these kinds of situations. If for some reason we have to take a deal like this one then we do our best to filter smell, muffle noise and control humidity all to keep people from noticing anything that might make them look closer. Also if for some reason the landlord does look and finds your grow, you don't go getting all beligerent and threatening like this guy did. What should have happened, after the cops left saying the grow was legal. The guy should have apologized for not being straight up explaining that most people when they hear a marijuana grow will be going on, say no to letting him rent even though it's legal. If he handles it well he should be able to stay there or at least stay there long enough to finish a grow. He didn't though, he got cocky, beligerent and threatened to stay as long as he felt like and take the landlord to court. With all the people just going into vacant homes and setting up residence and the courts have trouble getting them out for months and even years landlords are probably more worried then ever about renters who know how to game the system to live rent free for months at a time.

This grower had his limit at this place and from the sounds of things had other locations. So already, right there he's bad for the cause. He's saying fuck the laws, fuck the landlord, fuck anyone who gets in the way of doing what I want to do, regardless of who it effects. As the thread title states these are precisely the types of assholes that make it harder on all of us trying to do things in a more reasonable manner and within the guidelines we've managed to get local governments to agree to. It's people like this prick and every other self center, screw everyone else I'm getting mine, asshole that continually provide governments with reasons to not lift prohibition and/or to take away some of the gains we've made (closing down dispensaries).

If this was a matter of the landlord looking in there just out of curiousity, finding a grow and then calling the cops because marijuana is illegal then I doubt anyone here would be saying the landlord did the right thing. Given however that quite a few of us are landlords or have been landlords ourselves who have had to deal with asshole renters that damaged properties and used the system to get out of paying fair rent. There is alot of sympathy for the landlord. Just like the sympathy we show fellow growers when someone rips their grow. In both cases an individual is depending on the income to survive and you just don't fuck with that and expect people to say "Well gee since I smoke pot too I'm just going to let this guy screw me over."

If I were a landlord renting I'd be depending on that money to put food on the table and pay my own bills so I have a place to live. You fuck with that you're going to go down. I won't call the police but not just because someone also grows marijuana and so I feel some sympathy even though he tried to fuck me over. I'm not going to call the cops because I don't like cops and don't trust them to take care of things effectively. So no I won't call the cops but if you fuck me and my family over, put our living situation at risk, then when I'm done with you you'll wish I called the cops....if you're still able to make wishes.

Instead of sitting here getting on people who say they don't blame the landlord you should be equally outraged by this grower and focusing your anger on him and anyone like him. He's just like the low lifes that steal electricity and all the other fucked up shit people do to rental properties so they can grow weed for the black market. When I see people in support of assholes like this it makes me think, they just support the guy because they do or would like to do things the same way. Like I said before though, people like that are not one of us and just because someone grows some pot does not nor ever will make them one of us in and of itself.
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