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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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I'll be the first to call myself a moron.. but I would never treat anyone as badly as this tenant has.. not even close.

Exactly, I mean even if he has to be a dick, at least be a somewhat decent dick instead of threats and throwing stuff on the driveway etc.

We all know Karma is a bitch tho, or more fitting, you reap what you sow.


Registered User
Lol... this is going to get interesting. Please keep us in the loop ginger!

Some might not like this based on principle... but before the tenant (who seems to be at least a little detached from reality) really gets nasty... say urinating in every room after ripping all the piping, electrical and drywall out... what about having the LL approach this a little differently. Maybe to take a deep breath, chill out, and make nice with the jackass. Actually approach the guy and apologize for calling the cops... say it was an over reaction... he thought there was a problem in the shop and went in hastily... his bad. He's never seen or smelled anything like it before and panicked... called the cops... and he now realize it was a mistake to do. He is sorry. Go at that kid all apologetic.

Bottom line is that the renter doesn't seem to have perspective... and those people can do some pretty irrational things, esp w they feel violated. Your buddy has shit to protect. And if it takes his being a better man in order to deal w this idiot... then so be it... be the bigger man and manage the mental midget... with the end goal of protecting his shit. You just don't want the kid going off all irrational and fucking the place up with malice.

If the kid appeared nice to start... try to get back to that point... maybe even get him to cooperate a bit. Avoid the lawyer and more hostilities... even though your buddy is in the right. Really it's just damage control... managing the idiots behavior towards the best possible outcome... at this point. Shit... bake him a pie... lol... he won't know how to react, but just might chill out. GL man. ;-)


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
All right well some of you think that since you pay rent you're somehow responsible for a piece of someone elses property. You want to be responsible for repairs?? Show me a fucking license and some insurance.. privacy is what it is.. and ain't what you wish it was. I can't believe that just because you pay someone a fee to be on their land, that you're guaranteed anything..you have no title or mortgage. It's a sad thing when a tenant has more rights than the property owner. I guess I was raised better, nah I know I was.

Sessile G

A real man? Tenant's a dick. He should have been straight up with the land lord from the beginning.... let him know his intentions... that he had a card... it's legit... state law, etc.

Don't call the cops on other growers? How about call the cops on scum bags? We're all on the same team here. Dude got totally defensive. Month to month lease? Ya, he's getting the fuck kicked out. OP is pissed it will come to eviction though.... who wants to deal with that shit? Much easier to leave on your own accord. But like I said, if the tenant is a dick... and month lease to lease?... well then he can get the fuck out... no ifs ands or buts... eviction just takes longer.

Joke is on the tenant here... he can huff and puff about 24 entry or whatever... but he signed a month-to-month lease? Well then, he can get the fuck out at the end of the month.


should have been straight up with the truth.


I feel for the landlord in this situation tho. He's got a battle ahead of him. The eviction process is a long one, and even when the police are called after the court decision (not to mention paying the police come out for the eviction) to kick out the tenant, he still may not even be kicked out. You don't have to answer the door. As long as he pays rent, he can stay there a LONG time.

Really as a landlord, you can get f***ed big time, it's just part of the laws. Honestly, the landlord should try to level with the renter, maybe even pitch in for a carbon filter so he can get the guy to exhaust the humid air all the time. It's not right by any means, but it's like damage control at this point. It's either be right or be happy. Hopefully if he takes a different approach and really sucks it up, he can maybe be more assured that the renter won't damage the property and may actually vacate sooner. Granted that it's kind of like paying someone to steal from you, but maybe they will just take the TV instead of the safe. It's a hard pill to swallow.

The renter is well within his right to be an asshole like this (according to rental laws, nothing else), and he obviously went into the situation knowing it, or he would have been more careful about hiding his activities. He knows he probably has at least 3 months before he has to be gone, and honestly has probably done this before.
If I was growing a $10k-$30k crop in a rental, you can bet it would be with the rite landloard, or one that would never know what im doin.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
WWWWWWooooooooooooWWWWWWWW what a good thread.

I just had a kid move into my house... been gone for 45 days, said he was going to "All Good Festival". I just paid his rent on the fourth, and when I went in to show the room to a potential now roommate (today 8/6/12) his pile of blankets, candy wrappers, and African drum like hippy horse hit got to me. After this potential now lease sharer came, I went back into the room and decided to clean up after this deadbeat myself. I loaded everything into bags including a one hitter and some shitty ass clothes. When I opened the drawer of MY desk I lent him and found a 10 pack of hypodermic needles and a bag full of really small cotton balls I freaked out. Looks like he was shooting heroin in my room for the meager two weeks he was actually present at my house. Needless to say that guys shit will be gone tomorrow. IN fact I called his parents and said if they didn't come and pay his back rent I would turn his used needles full of scag to local PD department. I didn't rat on him, just implied enough to get his dirtbag ass to pay up.

My point is,,, screw these cheap fucks who come in and ruin your party. Let them try and lawyer up.. in the meantime you know a dirtbag ain't goin to bother. They just going to try and scam on the next guy down the line.

Lazy fuckers don't bother trying to win a fight.. they are losers thats just what they do!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The renter is well within his right to be an asshole like this (according to rental laws, nothing else).

Two things keep coming to me when everybody is saying that rental laws protect this tenant. California has probably some of the most pro-renter laws in the union, and there is no way in hell that someone has legal protection as a renter to damage and continue damaging the rental property (humidity and inadequate ventilation). In fact, many counties in California are instituting rules for ventilation and odor control in outbuildings used for growing after making it illegal to grow in the residence itself.

Second, if a building is rented on the basis that it is to be used for storage only, then yes, any noise coming from that structure when it was unoccupied would be reasonable cause for concern.

As an aside, there is no fucking way on earth that I would allow a renter to perform unsupervised repairs/modifications on property that I owned. I've worked in the trades all my life, and there are few so-called "professionals" that I would have work on my property, much less some weekend warrior.


^ rives I know what you mean. But damage can be subjective. Poor air quality is a little more subjective than holes in the drywall. California is starting those regualtions but WA and other med states (maybe other than CO) are far behind on regulating any thing related to medical mj. I see clear violations of what is laid out in our medical laws regularly and have not been shut down even when police were called.

Basically this is one of those situations where it is not right, the laws are not right, but the law is on the asshole tenant's side. The laws are there from historical cases where landlords screwed legitimate tenants.

I know some people have debated the privacy thing, but the landlord was legal AND ethical in entering the building. He really thought there was a problem.

I agree with the repairs/mod things. I bet the electrical was non permitted by the city (I don't know the laws there, here you can't add an outlet without a f***in permit) so the LL could maybe find some recourse there. However, the city will fine and charge all permits to the property owner. So he could maybe get the power shut off, but it would cost him.


we talkin 69ing here or some sort of bizarre face sitting ?

poor lass

Well, I'm too big to face sit, might kill the poor girl. But this is more bent over, cheeks spread. Usually the nose is more of an eskimo kiss precursor to the preferred tongue. Too much info?


WWWWWWooooooooooooWWWWWWWW what a good thread.

I just had a kid move into my house... been gone for 45 days, said he was going to "All Good Festival". I just paid his rent on the fourth, and when I went in to show the room to a potential now roommate (today 8/6/12) his pile of blankets, candy wrappers, and African drum like hippy horse hit got to me. After this potential now lease sharer came, I went back into the room and decided to clean up after this deadbeat myself. I loaded everything into bags including a one hitter and some shitty ass clothes. When I opened the drawer of MY desk I lent him and found a 10 pack of hypodermic needles and a bag full of really small cotton balls I freaked out. Looks like he was shooting heroin in my room for the meager two weeks he was actually present at my house. Needless to say that guys shit will be gone tomorrow. IN fact I called his parents and said if they didn't come and pay his back rent I would turn his used needles full of scag to local PD department. I didn't rat on him, just implied enough to get his dirtbag ass to pay up.

My point is,,, screw these cheap fucks who come in and ruin your party. Let them try and lawyer up.. in the meantime you know a dirtbag ain't goin to bother. They just going to try and scam on the next guy down the line.

Lazy fuckers don't bother trying to win a fight.. they are losers thats just what they do!

I think the take away from this story was don't rent to people you have to lend furniture.

Glad you got it taken care of, caz that some sketchy shit right there.


If you're going to rent out property this is par for the course. I guarantee there are worse tenants out there than this renter. All parties could have handled the situation better throughout the debacle.

If looking to become a landlord, target areas around established universities. The properties will be guaranteed to appreciate, rent will be at a premium and leases can be co-signed by parents to lessen the risk to the landlord.



If you're going to rent out property this is par for the course. I guarantee there are worse tenants out there than this renter. All parties could have handled the situation better throughout the debacle.

If looking to become a landlord, target areas around established universities. The properties will be guaranteed to appreciate, rent will be at a premium and leases can be co-signed by parents to lessen the risk to the landlord.


and how would that change anything???? how do you think I got so good at growing??? in that shitty, hot, small ass extra closet I had... oh and then that extra room my junior and senior year haha my "study room".. landlord bought that shit up
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