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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
you pussy ass boy scouts... nothing worse then cheap beer smell and college students who never learned to clean

Rule one when dealing with strange folks=

1)when dealing with dumb scumbags, pack some fire power or some kick it to the curb power. Low lives are low lives and trust me just kick them down the road, with a nice helping of I got your name on record and a new dead bolt on the door.

second rule...

If first rule doesn't work, just repeat with chains, locks, and less patience.


Go right on ahead. The point is the co-signer. Have your grow and if caught, know that your parents will be liable as well from a financial standpoint to damages as a result. In the areas I talk about, there wouldn't be an extra study room. All would be filled. No landlord would sign a 4 bedroom house over to a single person on campus. If it's just a closet grow, well, excessive wear and tear is expected on a campus residence. That and the location are reflected in the premium price.



As an aside, there is no fucking way on earth that I would allow a renter to perform unsupervised repairs/modifications on property that I owned. I've worked in the trades all my life, and there are few so-called "professionals" that I would have work on my property, much less some weekend warrior.


some pretty fucked up things get done to grow houses around here

saw one where they had used a 6" hole saw to drill through an 8" rim joist for ventilation ....... 7 times in 20 feet

some stoners don't know fuck all about structure ...... and they OVERESTIMATE the power of the home depot


the landlord in this case probably can't afford to fix all that his tenant has already fucked up.

he should have never got the cops involved, but since the cops can't do a fucking thing, the more the story gets around the worse our side will look in the end

headline ...... poor guy who can't afford it gets hosed by drug dealer


Go right on ahead. The point is the co-signer. Have your grow and if caught, know that your parents will be liable as well from a financial standpoint to damages as a result. In the areas I talk about, there wouldn't be an extra study room. All would be filled. No landlord would sign a 4 bedroom house over to a single person on campus. If it's just a closet grow, well, excessive wear and tear is expected on a campus residence. That and the location are reflected in the premium price.


you sound like a smart guy. most landlords unfortunately for them are not, hence all the problems.


Active member
you motherfuckers live in the real world? or all y'all ever know is the Med scene? come the fuck on. isnt the general rule of growing to never do it in a house ya own? so the feds cant take it, right. i have never, in my 10+ years of growing, met a legit landlord who was cool with me rocking 3000w in the basement. NEVER. three different states. how the fuck would that conversation even conspire? 'so yeah, i wanna rent out this house, you dont mind if i commit 3 felonies while i live here?" MIGHT AS WELL ASK IF ITS COOL TO SLING HEROIN OUT OF THE PLACE.

and yes, i have never not received my security deposit back, and do all needed repairs to the spot before it is inspected. the places ive been, there aint no certified motherfuckers doing repairs, lol. just dudes getting paid 12$ an hour to do everything from drywall to electrical to appliance installs, and everything in between. my last landlord has a crew of 5 dudes, ages 28-55, and not one of them have graduated high school, much less a trade school.

landlords are generally cheap as fuck. they aint paying no contractor price to fix shit.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
people should mind there own business.. leave it be.. and just start the eviction process .. if the cops cant do anything its not illegal .. so just talk to him about ventilation and make sure it doesnt mold.. if it does make sure to have him sign a new lease agreement at end of month to insure that if it does mold he will take care the expenses.. honestly... i dont get it .. if growing the right way. mold shouldnt be that big an issue.. just get some good ventilation.!

lol really I bet if this was your place it would be your business and mold is always an issues lol.. Don't ever try to grow in the place you live unless you really know your shit and you have enough cash to ventilate which most ppl DON'T!! headband 707:tiphat:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
you motherfuckers live in the real world? or all y'all ever know is the Med scene? come the fuck on. isnt the general rule of growing to never do it in a house ya own? so the feds cant take it, right. i have never, in my 10+ years of growing, met a legit landlord who was cool with me rocking 3000w in the basement. NEVER. three different states. how the fuck would that conversation even conspire? 'so yeah, i wanna rent out this house, you dont mind if i commit 3 felonies while i live here?" MIGHT AS WELL ASK IF ITS COOL TO SLING HEROIN OUT OF THE PLACE.

and yes, i have never not received my security deposit back, and do all needed repairs to the spot before it is inspected. the places ive been, there aint no certified motherfuckers doing repairs, lol. just dudes getting paid 12$ an hour to do everything from drywall to electrical to appliance installs, and everything in between. my last landlord has a crew of 5 dudes, ages 28-55, and not one of them have graduated high school, much less a trade school.

landlords are generally cheap as fuck. they aint paying no contractor price to fix shit.


WORD^^^^ LOL :thank you:


lot of cop calling snitch bastards on ic these days eh...ohh the poor landlord...lol
if the tenant continues to be a complete douchebag the owner should just tip off some local thugs about this guys grow. mess with the bull and get the horns.


The renter is basing his logic on a residential lease , unless the rented property contains a kitchen, restroom, etc, this would be considered commercial. No business license no lee see! Comprende.

Also , if said location does not have a separate address, well, the renters threat of legal recourse is bullshit. No need for cops, they do not know the law. Restraining order would be a start.

Or..........chum in the Hood Canal......heehee.


Holy shit! So that's the landlord's out right there. He can hire the marshal to come in with him while he changes locks and has 1800GOTJUNK (I seriously love this outfit you guys, they are fantastic to work with) take everything away.

I've never done a commercial lease, on either side of the equation, so am not familiar with non-residential leasing.
basically the renter should leave the property the same way he takes it over. there is a certain amount of wear and tear thats normal and acceptable over time. it's a pitty there isn't a place that records all the houses or rentals that were used to grow in and given back without the renter ever knowing what went on there. but those don't get counted, it's only the few rotten eggs who make all growers seem to be bad tenants.

i mean come on, its not hard to make a room so it runs without fucking up the property. just means making the right build and hooking up the ventilation so it's going directly outside and coming in directly from outside. if your panda foil or grow tent walls are ever wet with condensation, you are not ventilating properly and will end up causing mold somewhere in that environment.
This is what our renter did and it cost us so much money. He got pissed when we decided to sell the place, even though he wanted first right of refusal.

And I'm sorry but the plain fact of the matter is this: YES, even though The Asshole Factor for growers may be equal to the general population (which I've never actually calculated, it's pretty low where I am), those who don't smoke and/or grow will ALWAYS paint ALL of us with the same broad brush. It's easier and more suitable.

I mean, hell, you don't think so? Just go reading around some canna-boards, you'll see growers/smokers doing the exact same thing.
WWWWWWooooooooooooWWWWWWWW what a good thread.

I just had a kid move into my house... been gone for 45 days, said he was going to "All Good Festival". I just paid his rent on the fourth, and when I went in to show the room to a potential now roommate (today 8/6/12) his pile of blankets, candy wrappers, and African drum like hippy horse hit got to me. After this potential now lease sharer came, I went back into the room and decided to clean up after this deadbeat myself. I loaded everything into bags including a one hitter and some shitty ass clothes. When I opened the drawer of MY desk I lent him and found a 10 pack of hypodermic needles and a bag full of really small cotton balls I freaked out. Looks like he was shooting heroin in my room for the meager two weeks he was actually present at my house. Needless to say that guys shit will be gone tomorrow. IN fact I called his parents and said if they didn't come and pay his back rent I would turn his used needles full of scag to local PD department. I didn't rat on him, just implied enough to get his dirtbag ass to pay up.

My point is,,, screw these cheap fucks who come in and ruin your party. Let them try and lawyer up.. in the meantime you know a dirtbag ain't goin to bother. They just going to try and scam on the next guy down the line.

Lazy fuckers don't bother trying to win a fight.. they are losers thats just what they do!
If you're in California then legally he abandoned his property. Since you've accepted rent from him you may still be required to store his stuff, I can't recall the time period that it's required.

I know this because my stepson and his girlfriend, who we let live here RENT FREE for 7mos have abandoned their property here at our home again. He's talking about coming maybe at the end of August. Are you kidding me? 2mos free storage on top of everything else??? Well, honey, it was three weeks ago this last weekend and at that point it's considered abandoned. Worse yet is that you two were nothing more than lodgers, which changes the legal requirements for eviction and such. I will no longer agree for us to be that boy's storage facility, and so the charges are beginning to rack up (they already owe us money as it is, I'm sure we won't see a dime).

As an aside, there is no fucking way on earth that I would allow a renter to perform unsupervised repairs/modifications on property that I owned. I've worked in the trades all my life, and there are few so-called "professionals" that I would have work on my property, much less some weekend warrior.
They do it without your knowledge or permission. That's what our tenant did and he fucked UP that electrical panel!


the point i was making is that we only hear about the bad apples. so it skews things against the grower. because most growers are not getting in trouble and never have negative contact with the landlord. the ones that give the keys back and get their full deposit back, the landlord never realizes that they were growing in that house. so this ends up making it look like growers are worse tenants then most actually are.


Game Bred
keep in mind we are only getting one side of the story....

it's like basing your judgment on fox or msnbc ;)

three sides to this story.


the point i was making is that we only hear about the bad apples. so it skews things against the grower. because most growers are not getting in trouble and never have negative contact with the landlord. the ones that give the keys back and get their full deposit back, the landlord never realizes that they were growing in that house. so this ends up making it look like growers are worse tenants then most actually are.

I get you. I didn't quite make the point that, in my opinion, most renters are bad apples. Greenmatter put it the best way I've seen yet when he said they're perfectly happy to shit the bed and push it down with their feet IF it's not their own bed.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Seamaiden- Im not in california... and this kid is really a nightmare. Prob like your kid... nice enough kid, harmless to mammals, but his head is held on with a piece of wet toilet paper. An "artist" with an art degree and no talent is what I am dealing with... an money in the bank. Not exactly like a DIY type or one who will learn well from others. Basically a sack of puss with dreads... DID I MENTION THE DRAWER FULL OF NEEDLES I FOUND YESTERDAY???

Ive been renting in one form or another for a decade. It sucks so bad for several reasons, and the worst is the fact that I have to accept roommates who I haven't known for a long time. Right now I have the power of choosing my roommates, but really that just lets hippy types play on my weakness, ie weed and hippy shit. I take them in as "Bros" or "Brahs" or whatever and then find out that they don't know shit, they just copied a look from the da' Dead or Phish or even worse STS9 (all cult bands that are fun to listen to under the influence of multiple drugs... but they attract lots of good seeds gone ghetto)

That being said I think that we all have a friend or two who is no longer a friend for reasons like this. You know helping themselves to your harvest, not paying bills. Leaving shit around in the wrong places for too long. Sleeping on the wrong couch for too long and forgetting where you live...

I am deciding right now if I am going to move out of the place I share with 2 others right now and move in with my younger girlfriend. I don't really want to move to a smaller place with No nada none chance of growing, but I am sick of the worry of having other renters in my space. I know that sounds nuts, but I have learned to fear others in my same position. Im risking my whole 12 careers worth of weed genetics Im hoarding just to have some piece of mind.

-->The real reason I think is that renting turns you into a certain type of opportunistic person who hates life because you work to make some other scum bag money and in the end you don't even get a fucking thank you. At least this grower dude might be making some cash out of this headache. Me and my people,, we get a new place to live when you are tired of the shit and ANOTHER asshole who wants first last and security just so you can pay their taxes.

I know there is some honest renters out there, but come on, most are lazy fat manipulative people with low life skills. rant over


Active member
Hello all,

As a sidente, here in the 707 the rental agencies have it written specifically in the rental agreement that there will "NO" marijuana growing/smoking/processing/storage of MJ on the property period.

Thought I would share.



Active member
Should have talked it out before calling pigs . But most old folks are to indoctorinated that cops are there freinds and dont know until the cops do nothing an call them a snitches themselves lol . should have been smarter and thought about the eneamy he was making an him knowing where u live after he leaves . I just picked up this house and the landlord is a bitch . I pay rent on time nobody breaks in the house anymore now i have it . And this bitch still questions my girl about why she hasnt moved in yet , the kids next door would fill water balloons up wit my water spicket in front of the house an she threatend to cut the water off till we moved in even tho its a flat fee for water . I have some ghetto neighbors who's kids throw trash over the gate from time to time . So the other day they tell me she was in my backyard taking pics of the mess they make which i never complained about . This bitch is gonna be a problem , bout twenty days to chop and im buying a house this renting shit for the birds .


I'd say that a drawer full of hypodermic needles is worse than cheap beer, genius. Ten years from now while you're still bitching about the renters, I'll be laughing all the way to the bank. If being a pussy ass boy scout means having the brains not to put yourself in stupid situations, I guess ya got me.


you pussy ass boy scouts... nothing worse then cheap beer smell and college students who never learned to clean

Rule one when dealing with strange folks=

1)when dealing with dumb scumbags, pack some fire power or some kick it to the curb power. Low lives are low lives and trust me just kick them down the road, with a nice helping of I got your name on record and a new dead bolt on the door.

second rule...

If first rule doesn't work, just repeat with chains, locks, and less patience.


Active member
I did call the DEA but they also seemed less than interested; "I guess I will pass it on to the Tacoma office and see if they will do anything". He only took down the name and address because I made him do it and who know if they wrote it down or not. When I asked them if they wanted an email with all the documents they said no. They said they do not have the resources for this kind of thing and they cannot make me any promises. He asked me why I'm I concerned if I already gave him notice to vacate?

I guess regardless of the law, pot is legal and damaging private property is a civil matter.


As a update he just called me and threaten me with a major lawsuit and told me to stay off his property. On Monday I called his current landlord and told him that he is growing on my property and he might be also growing on his (he gave me his landlord's number on the loan application)? The other landlord told me that he knew and he supported the growing of the plants as a competitive advantage in the rental marketplace. Michael told me today not to enter the property on Friday and he will be suing me and will own my shop in the end. He has no intention of leaving because he will own the property. He said I was screwed and a retard. I stayed calm and collected why he yelled at me and told him I have an appointment with my lawyer tomorrow morning.

I called back the officer at the DEA and told him but they were still not interested. They said they only proceed with cases they know they can prosecute and with only 30 or 60 plants he knows he will not get a conviction. He told me if he threaten me to call the local authorities. But he did not threaten me with physical harm and I know they will say it is a civil matter.

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