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Is Legalizing Weed Obama's Secret Weapon?


Game Bred
The illegal aliens thing today was NOT an executive order.
It was an enforcement directive.

The pres does not have to change law to effect change in implementation. He can direct department heads.
This should shut up all those who say the pres has nothing to do with the raids in cali and those who say the pres cant effect change in enforcement


Bull shit that motherf**ker is not going to legalize cannabis for medical or anything, I e-mailed the president about medical cannabis , they e-mailed me back that their position is that they are worried about young people getting hooked on drugs & that they are going to base there laws on science rather than just what people want!!!!!
So I emailed them back & said then they should base it on science like in sciencetific american magazine instead of bullshit lies, I haven't heard back!!!!!!!!!!!


The illegal aliens thing today was NOT an executive order.
It was an enforcement directive.

Yeah you are correct. I was expecting a directive in view of what they announced they were planning a while back, (I remember you and I discussed this in one of the threads where you were battling the Obamabots who absolutely could not wrap their brains around Article II) but it was widely reported this morning that he went a step beyond and actually issued a XO. I kept going to the White House website to try to read the XO but there never was any. Turns out the reporters don't have a good grasp of executive power either.

The pres does not have to change law to effect change in implementation. He can direct department heads.
This should shut up all those who say the pres has nothing to do with the raids in cali and those who say the pres cant effect change in enforcement

Damn straight, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you. After following those threads where you try to inform them about how our government works I have lost hope for a certain segment of the population. In fact, if DB or one of the others admits that you (and Tony Aroma, and me) were right, I would break out a bottle of 18yr old single malt to celebrate!


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I was JUST about to come in here and mention this, but hasve been beat to it.

He doesnt need to pander to potheads, he is already pandering to gays and immigrants(who have been discussed ad nauseum as the "deciding factor" in this years elections) he doesnt need the forty potheads who vote that bad. Stop dreaming.

and the the student loan thing has been a hot topic for a couple months already.


Actually, here is the thread where I discuss the "prosecutorial discretion" directive to DHS on immigration policy that was announced last fall:

Presidential Executive Orders

I thought it was in another thread, but it was in one I started to support your and Tony's and my position.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
The illegal aliens thing today was NOT an executive order.
It was an enforcement directive.

The pres does not have to change law to effect change in implementation. He can direct department heads.
This should shut up all those who say the pres has nothing to do with the raids in cali and those who say the pres cant effect change in enforcement

liberal rag huffpost cAn figure it out, but site memebers have a problem putting it together.


"Filing asset-forfeiture lawsuits against these commercial properties is a very clever way to handle an otherwise horribly difficult and controversial situation," said Greg Baldwin, a partner at the Miami law firm Holland & Knight and a former federal prosecutor.

"If you bring criminal charges against these medical marijuana businesses, the federal government gets pilloried in the press for attacking California law and sick people."

Baldwin, who specializes in complex commercial litigation and white-collar criminal defense, added that with all four U.S. attorneys in California employing the same strategy, it is clearly official Justice Department policy rather than an anomaly involving rogue prosecutors.
Should of been watching the "huffpost" person on MSNBC today. I trust MSNBC...we will see what comes of this. Sometimes they leak the truth...when they are not spending all there time correcting the "made up shit' on Fox.My political sway is the great youtube video of George Carlin "Nobody cares about you" check it out.So no , I believe there is in fact a 'ruling class" that does not give a fuck about people. Check out the youtube video George Carlin "nobody cares about you"..and you will laugh and get a great perspective on life.

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New member
You can't patent something natural... they'd have to patent a pill version... My fear is they will tell us all to take the pill and shove the plants up our asses....

I'm buying more guns and more seeds!

Wait till Monsanto comes into the biz with a patented GMO version...


Active member
i dont understand this sentiment... obama is not who he told us he was going to be, so why would you patronize people who voted for obama(they didnt vote for the mother fucker in office, they voted for the candidate)? do you think that's fair? do you really believe mccain/palin was a more viable option? your simply digging the trench between the left and right deeper. and thats disgusting cause thats the jobs of slimey politicians who want to get into office not for americans to do to each other.

i think it's alot more respectable for democrats(to support an anti war candidate who's slogans were HOPE & CHANGE, exactly what we needed after the bush administration sold this country out), when you compare what the conservatives are doing supporting MITT FUCKING ROMNEY and the republicans who put up roadblocks at every fucking turn and are sabotaging this country cause its all falling on obama.

obviously you cannot yet recognize the con game. lemme help you a little.

doesn't matter who you vote for, 2 sides of the same coin. and putting obama against mccain was them , or someone on the inside trying to give us a clue.

out of EVERYONE in the republicon party are you seriously telling me you believe that mccain and sarah dumbass were the 2 best candidates to go against the black guy?

it was a soft sell as they call it. you don't wanna vote for the black guy cuz you know he's black, but you would rather vote for him over the old guy and the bimbo. it's called a long con.

not to say you personally wouldn't wanna vote for him cuz he's black, but this is america and black kids can still get shot by "whitish" guys and almost get away with it. call it self defense.

a lot of people wouldn't have voted for him simply cuz he was the black guy. deny it if you must but we both know that racism is still very much alive and well even in 2012.

that is what i meant by that statement.

they're even about to do it again. black guy vs crazy rich mormon out of touch with reality...hmmm who do i vote for? obviously black guy since the other one is crazy. really these are the only choices?

yes. because it doesn't matter who you pick. they still win. stop voting, or write in someone you like better. it's only a wasted vote when you don't use it to vote for who you want. voting for the lesser of 2 evils is why those are the candidates they selected for you.

illusion of choice.


If this does happen then I will spend hours writing to republicans about how if they want to win they need to change their position to legalization to get the leg up.

Right on. This is not as nutty as it sounds. Here are the arch-conservatives I can name off the top of my head that support outright legalization:

Pat Robertson (thinks it should be regulated like alcohol)

George Will (supports legalization of even hard drugs)

Grover Norquist (just say no to taxes guy, conservative icon)

Glenn Beck (!!??)

Dana Rohrabacher (believes it is a state's rights issue)

Rich Lowry (editor of National Review)

Michelle Malkin (strong supporter of medical pot)

Even Sarah Palin, although not on board with outright legalization, said: “I think we need to prioritize our law-enforcement efforts. And if somebody’s gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody else harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems that we have in society.”

avant gardener

You can't patent something natural... they'd have to patent a pill version... My fear is they will tell us all to take the pill and shove the plants up our asses....

I'm buying more guns and more seeds!

i hate to be that guy, but the US patent office has ruled, and the courts have upheld, that you can patent any damn thing at all with the exception of a fully birthed human being. this is why so many small-scale soy and canola farmers owe monsanto royalties for GMO pollen that ended up in their fields even though they never planted that crop. it's definitely a clusterfuck.

anyway trust and believe that as soon as it's legal to grow cannabis, there will be US patents on cannabis.

definitely stock up on genes and ammo now.


Active member
I wish William Jefferson Clinton was still a choice. He was the best president you ever had. He had balls, believe it or not, he was the fist one to admit smoking the evil weeds. I think if any human being on earth would have done it it would have been him. Fuck got caught in adultery, caught lying about it, didn't lose his job, house, kids or marriage. And what could be a more public scandal nationally and internationally. If he had more time and less personal scandal I bet he would have done it.

You're kidding, right?
Clinton lied like a rug when he said he didn't inhale. He was a regular smoker with his girlfriend,Jennifer Flowers, and he was a cokehead.
His brother, Roger did time for cocaine, and guess who he was giving it to? You can find a DEA undercover tape online of Roger saying his brother had a "nose like a Hoover".


obviously you cannot yet recognize the con game. lemme help you a little.

doesn't matter who you vote for, 2 sides of the same coin. and putting obama against mccain was them , or someone on the inside trying to give us a clue.

out of EVERYONE in the republicon party are you seriously telling me you believe that mccain and sarah dumbass were the 2 best candidates to go against the black guy?

it was a soft sell as they call it. you don't wanna vote for the black guy cuz you know he's black, but you would rather vote for him over the old guy and the bimbo. it's called a long con.

not to say you personally wouldn't wanna vote for him cuz he's black, but this is america and black kids can still get shot by "whitish" guys and almost get away with it. call it self defense.

a lot of people wouldn't have voted for him simply cuz he was the black guy. deny it if you must but we both know that racism is still very much alive and well even in 2012.

that is what i meant by that statement.

they're even about to do it again. black guy vs crazy rich mormon out of touch with reality...hmmm who do i vote for? obviously black guy since the other one is crazy. really these are the only choices?

yes. because it doesn't matter who you pick. they still win. stop voting, or write in someone you like better. it's only a wasted vote when you don't use it to vote for who you want. voting for the lesser of 2 evils is why those are the candidates they selected for you.

illusion of choice.

it does not work that way. As nice as it seems, there is not some grand cabal pulling all the strings and making the decisions.

I went to college with the guy who was responsible for Palin. he is not part of an elite group, just an asshole who was trying to do his job and fucked up. The only place you will see Steve Schmidt now is as a talking head on the sunday morning shows. politically his career is dead now because of his VP choice.

to those who say that Mitt Romney can't win, just wait till november. unfortunately I think we in for another republican admin which will likely make things slightly worse for potheads in the states
