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Is it my Ph?


Enjoikush, ive seen a natural ph meter. A field full of yellow, stunted plants of every kind!! he he. If you plant there, your plants will look just like all the others.

I have never seen a field full of stunted plants as this would be impossible in a natural setting, if the soil was that out of whack for the specific species of plant the plant would never grow in the first place. A random field isn't really comparable to my organic soil mixture that I tailor made for weed lol.

The op's problem is lack of lime and organic matter imo.


New member
mine are feed numbers not run off. no food is fed at 7 ph, not in soiless. and its not good to add lime to a pre made soiless like promix or sunshine. messes up the ballanced oh they did. i used to and it bit me everytime.
and im not outdoor. now way to do run off outdoor if i did as i use the ground with my own soil in a hole...not pots
20 oz on an outdoor thats 9 foot tall...kinda small yield dont ya think..should be getting a pound form a 5 footer...i have when i did outdoors


Trying to have a good day
those that dont check ph are missing out on alot..and how do they know its fine if they never look. reason you think orgaqnic never5 needs ph is its so slow to break down before the plant can even eat it it nevewr burns so we think ph is fine..its not..my natural organic shit i use drops ph to 4...way to low..
if some knew what C.E.C was theyd know ph is very important to us.
and if ya knew what suberin was you`d know its impossible to over feed them
sure dont ph and youll only get a small fraction of the foods so use way more this way to get even close to using the right ph. and if you guys did ph then you should never need a flush between foods.

Everything organic doesnt break down in the same amount of time.Some break down faster some are slower.

And your "natural organic shit that drops your P.H. to 4",would that be "Earth Juice"?..If so you should bubble it for 24 hours atleast before using it.It talks about it in the directions on the bottle.


Does it sound like my PH is low? Or does it sound like my pH is high?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sounds like you need to show us a PICTURE, otherwise we are guessing.

your description sounds like both N def AND N burn - which would be odd.



New member
a deff is a burn. overfeeding dont burn. lack of food burns usualy from low ph...or not high enough ec
plant will only take in what it needs and leave the rest. as long as it is all in the needed amounts in the medium.

and no i dont use earth juice. all my stuff is Green Planet


Active member
You know chiefy, i read all the time that the ph doesnt matter in organic soil but i think thats a croc. Get some ph up and use it in your water.

I want to tell you to leaf feed with a good watersoluble if the problem persist. Screw the roots.

What you read is that ph doesn't matter in PROPERLY prepared organic soil. don't be confused by the diference. If you didn't PROPERLY prepare your soil, then yes, ph would matter.

Horrible advice.

good drown

im not sure if this was mentioned, but if you feed your plants when they are super dry, they can get burned from even lite feedings in normal not super dry soil. since they are thirsty they suck up the water much faster. so you could burn them that way, so always consider that. if they are super dry and need nutes, give them some water first, wait a bit, then feed.
i would check the ph of that RO water. i've noticed a ph of 4.0, and also 8.0, talk about opposite ends of the spectrum! your nutes also will adjust the ph. when i've used certain fox farm nutes, just the nutes lowered my water from 8 to mid 6


New member
the only thing that burns is lack of food. food cant burn or it would all the time. and id think if the RO was at 4 something was wrong with the pen


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the only thing that burns is lack of food. food cant burn or it would all the time. and id think if the RO was at 4 something was wrong with the pen

either im misunderstanding your posts, or you're giving out some very bad advice.


the only thing that burns is lack of food. food cant burn or it would all the time. and id think if the RO was at 4 something was wrong with the pen


Brother, PLEASE go back to page one and start learning all over again. You missed a LOT of information some where.



New member
lack of food is the only thing that burns...if it dont need the food it wont take it...look up suberin. i work for a nute co...im not a whacko. to much food that pulls the ph low is a way to burn but its not the actual food burning...its the fact it cant eat it. ive shown it woth a burnt tip and hadnt fed yet so how can it be food.
its not me that5 needs to learn..it others that need to stop believing stoner forums. no offence but science has moved on.
so if you ph drops and burns and was fed right then your amounts are wrong...like the amount of run off. to flush out the old that pulls the ph down after adding another feeding


I think the foxfarms Nutes are lowering the Ph of my soil. I added appx 1-2 tsp of lime per pot.

The pots are pretty big, but about 1/2 as deep as a 5 gallon bucket.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
lack of food is the only thing that burns...if it dont need the food it wont take it...look up suberin. i work for a nute co...im not a whacko. to much food that pulls the ph low is a way to burn but its not the actual food burning...its the fact it cant eat it. ive shown it woth a burnt tip and hadnt fed yet so how can it be food.
its not me that5 needs to learn..it others that need to stop believing stoner forums. no offence but science has moved on.
so if you ph drops and burns and was fed right then your amounts are wrong...like the amount of run off. to flush out the old that pulls the ph down after adding another feeding

its not just stoner forums that believe that too many ferts will burn your plants.
if you work for a nute company and know your stuff then please try and give us a more detailed and coherent explanation of what you are trying to say.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cheifnbud, ive twice asked you to post a picture of the problem and you have ignored me each time - which is rude when we are trying to help you.

please at least acknowledge my requests and either post a pic or explain that posting a pic is not possible


lack of food is the only thing that burns...if it dont need the food it wont take it...look up suberin. i work for a nute co...im not a whacko. to much food that pulls the ph low is a way to burn but its not the actual food burning...its the fact it cant eat it. ive shown it woth a burnt tip and hadnt fed yet so how can it be food.
its not me that5 needs to learn..it others that need to stop believing stoner forums. no offence but science has moved on.
so if you ph drops and burns and was fed right then your amounts are wrong...like the amount of run off. to flush out the old that pulls the ph down after adding another feeding

No Friend lack of food is not the only thing that burns. My soil does not lack of anything but if I ´water in´ extra nutrients then they will burn. Try some Mexican guano and then come back with another answer.

And as VG said do you have access to the research papers to add weight to your claims?
