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Letter to The President...


Active member
Yeah I know I helped kill the political forum....

anyways I sent the following email to the President from my corporate @california-cannabis.com email address. I consider this the ultimate gambit.

email to BHO said:
Dear President Obama,
In exchange for your continued support of medical marijuana and states rights regarding the issue I can provide you with they key to getting your health care plan approved by Americans from all political backgrounds. I will say it now. I hope that should I ask you guys to allow me to conduct federal government sanctioned medical cannabis research that it would get approved.
So the key to getting the county to agree is simple. Fund it by cutting the DoD, CIA and Prison budgets, to make up the difference. Bring more troops home and stop spending on experimental weapons platforms that are unneccesary considering our substanstial nuclear deterant. Bring troops home from areas of the world such as Germany and Japan where there is no threat of aggressive actions. I live in Sacramento and our Airforce Bases were closed decades ago. Bring the airman back home and station them here. Bring the money back to our economy, while enhancing our security, and cutting costs. This is how you can bring healthcare to all United States Citizens.
Thank You Very Much



Naw, You didn't kill the forum FreedomFGTR everything cycles.

In the over 25 years I have been reading and posting I've seen things cycle. It's active it's not.
Someone is cool or someone is a loony.. The site is cool or it isn't.
Back in the FidoNet days we all called each other's 300 BPS modems to share the posts.. Everyone had a private line for there "bbs" We would dial in until the line was free..

You think your bad? Man I have gone for a long while without having anxiety get the better of me and well I hit the tipping point a couple days ago.. Blind rage at people here for no good reason.. I was told something that wasn't true and instead of listening to the voice of reason I just went on to panic and act out..

My bad.. I hope I can pick some early bud soon...

So this letter? As long as it contains no threats you should be fine..

BTW I can't sleep again...

Hope you are well.


Here is something to make everyone happy..

Looks like Growing Cannabis Balls isn't just for the garden anymore.



Active member
nope, no threats only solutions to our problems.

I can't think of any Republican that would be againts reopening military bases here in the United States. It would be political suicide to oppose such a thing. Bring em home and station them here.

Who knows maybe if he should read this he will remember his days as a stoner when he thought it might be a good idea to try to be the president, and realize that good ideas come from medicated minds.


Who knows if the prez really reads an email though....

Here`s a fact though.... The prez reads and replies to 10 letters a day that I assume are sent in by mail.

We should flood that fucker with letters but it would be more effective if all our letters were pretty much the same message to get the response we want. As they say lawyers don`t ask questions they don`t know the anwsers to already. However the email campaign to the drug tsar which I followed through MPP`s twitter seemed to be fairly successful.

Or why don`t we all send in a postcard of some nice MJ plant on one side and on the other ask the prez to allow an interview from someone on our side so that we can finally get a sit down and discuss this like adults.

If you saw Clinton the other night you saw that he blamed DADT on we the people for not getting organized and helping him out. As you can read from this forum we cannot even come to a consensus among fellow pot smokers as to what we want "utopia" (legalization) to look like when we have won. It seems to be apparent that the no plant limit and tax to high people don`t like to budge.

What I think we should do is maybe get someone from the MPP here on this site to work with us on what we all can do. If gypsy would allow us to fund drive a mini campaign with MPP to get massive amounts of letters out to the prez then maybe we can get something accomplished no one else has been able to do. Or maybe do a seed drive to pay for the thousands of letters and stamps just like the server fund raiser.
You know something we can work to instead of constant complaining of the status quo....


Active member
Interesting I recieved an email from Nancy-Ann DeParle Director, White House Office of Health Reform. It would appear that I am on their mailing list now. So someone infact did read the original email and categorized it.

No turning back now!


Active member


looks kinda like an auto-generated email.

I agree with you though, we could literally give every person in America health care and do so much GOOD if we just cut wasteful spending! Congress likes to tax tax tax when they should cut cut cut. Pentagon, DoD, Justice Department, DRUG WAR FUNDING all over-sized money sucking bureaucracies that get toooo much funding. Oh yea Homeland Security too. The list goes on. Our debt obligations to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security alone exceed $35 trillion, we really need to reign in the wasteful spending if we want to even survive as a nation. :2cents:
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This post has become extremely relevant today..... I shall fill in the details within the next 24 hours....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We could also free the hemp industry at the same time. You cant go more green than hemp. It is the worlds best product that nobody knows about anymore. add that in your next letter too.

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