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Is it my Ph?



Ok heres the deal.

Organic soil 25% perlite.

Foxfarm growbig 1/3 tsb per gallon foxfarm bigbloom 2/3tsb gallon

Early flower outdoors.

The leaves are lightgreen/yellow, but the leaf tips are burning slightly at the bottom half of the plant.

Im guessing the Ph of my RO water is too low? and i need lime?

Thanks for replys in advance.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
You know chiefy, i read all the time that the ph doesnt matter in organic soil but i think thats a croc. Get some ph up and use it in your water.

I want to tell you to leaf feed with a good watersoluble if the problem persist. Screw the roots.


You know chiefy, i read all the time that the ph doesnt matter in organic soil but i think thats a croc. Get some ph up and use it in your water.

I want to tell you to leaf feed with a good watersoluble if the problem persist. Screw the roots.

Yeah man, screw the roots! Those funny limbs that grow underground are just for show..

What you read all the time is that when good recipes are followed EXACTLY and a complete soil with a balanced soil food web is achieved that you don't need to worry about ph except in EXTREME situations..

There are a lot of people in this very forum who are proof of that.


Hey Chief,

Are you growing outside?

What is the native soil like?

If so what did you do?......Exactly?

And what the hell are you using RO water out doors for??????

Have you heard of rain water?.....PH 6.3 from Mother Earth?

And Zendo is correct.......if you followed what was done by others before then you should not have any problems with PH.

D.S. Toker. MD--------There are a lot of people in this very forum who are proof of that.

Zendo and Me make 2

BTW.........I never check PH. I have not in years........and my plants SUCK


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
a pic of the plant would help with diagnosis.

a one sentence description of the problem doesnt give us much to go on...


You know chiefy, i read all the time that the ph doesnt matter in organic soil but i think thats a croc. Get some ph up and use it in your water.

In a true organic grow(one that relies heavily on composted matter) PH shouldn't make any difference, maybe if the Ph of your starting water is wacked out but even this should be cool.

Have you ever seen a PH meter in nature? :p


I use RO because it hardly ever rains here. Defintly not enough to give the roots a deep soak.

I was foliar feeding with FF Growbig abit and that seemed to help some.

The simplest i cal put it, the plants are light green/yellow and the tips are burning from too much nutrients.

They get enough water and the soil dries out before i water them again.


Trying to have a good day
If you are buying your R/O from the store you need to make sure you check the P.H. of it before you use it.I have found alot of bad brands as far as P.H. goes and alot of variation within some brands themselves.

I grow organicaly and I check P.H. from time to time.The way I look at it why not do anything I can to increase my chances of having the best crop that I am able to produce.

Good Luck


New member
no ph...in nature weed is week and shit thats why we ph..we need to ph. if the foods are chelated then no..but not all are..way top much money. the core3cdt ph cuts way back on food needs. science has proven that over and over.
you havent said what the ph of the water/food even is so hard to tell if its out. but tip burn is lack of food. and is usualy form ph being out. ...no tip burn is not to much food.


Sounds more like your plants need more food. Your into flowering and that is all your feeding? What does the top half of the plant look like? Yellowing tips on bottom and dark green on top or what?

Also, I don't check ph. Everything in my soil is from HD and is all natural and I have no issues with ph. I don't even both to check it ever.


Trying to have a good day
yeah it does sound like its a Nitrogen def. Brought on by the flowering.Very hard to know for sure without seeing it though.


ya, green up top and yellowing at from the bottom up. Cut off a lot of completely yellow leaves already.

FF recommends 1tsb Bigbloom per gallon and thats about what ive been using. But ive been cutting it w/ growbig because i still have some left and its early flower.


New member
those that dont check ph are missing out on alot..and how do they know its fine if they never look. reason you think orgaqnic never5 needs ph is its so slow to break down before the plant can even eat it it nevewr burns so we think ph is fine..its not..my natural organic shit i use drops ph to 4...way to low..
if some knew what C.E.C was theyd know ph is very important to us.
and if ya knew what suberin was you`d know its impossible to over feed them
sure dont ph and youll only get a small fraction of the foods so use way more this way to get even close to using the right ph. and if you guys did ph then you should never need a flush between foods.


New member
Hydro and Soil less Mediums

gets locked out of Hydro, Soil less mediums at the levels of 4.5-5.0.
Nitrogen has the best absorption rate at a ph of 5.5 to 8.0
(Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range to have Nitrogen is: 5.0-7.0. Anything out of that range will contribute to a nitrogen def.

Phosphorus: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 6.0-8.5.
Phosphorus is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0- 5.8. (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Phosphorus Deficiency.

Potassium: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0-4.5, 6.0-6.5.
Potassium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.7-5.3, 6.7-8.5. (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a potassium deficiency.

Magnesium: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.7
Magnesium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.8-9.1
(Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Magnesium deficiency.

gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0- 5.3
Calcium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.4-5.8 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Calcium Deficiency.

Zinc: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.7-8.5
Zinc is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0-5.5 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Zinc Deficiency.

Iron: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-3.5
Iron is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0- 6.0 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to an iron deficiency.

gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.5
Sulfur is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 6.0- 9.5 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to an Sulfur deficiency.

Manganese: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-4.5
Manganese is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.0-5.6 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a manganese deficiency.

Boron: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.0
Boron is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.0-6.0(Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a boron deficiency.

Copper: gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 6.5-9.0
Copper is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-6.0 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a copper deficiency.

gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.5
Molybdenum is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 6.0-8.0 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Molybdenum deficiency.

Nickel: is required by plants for proper seed germination
Though Ni deficiency symptoms are not well documented. Symptoms include chlorosis and interveinal chlorosis in young leaves that that goes down to plant tissue necrosis. Other things are poor seed germination and decreases in crop yield.


In a true organic grow(one that relies heavily on composted matter) PH shouldn't make any difference, maybe if the Ph of your starting water is wacked out but even this should be cool.

Have you ever seen a PH meter in nature? :p

True true..but oh man another ph question? Run!
I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.
The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.
Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat.



New member
So my Ph Should be from 5.5-7.

hydro....5.5 to 5.8
soiless.....5.8 to 6.3
soil.......6.2 to 6.7

all those are strain and room condition dependant. humidity and temps all effect the ph needs for optimal uptake.

for me in soiless i like 6.1 mostly and in soil its 6.3. you can fix defficiencies by adjustingt he pH so there is more of 1 or another element available without needing to waste adding more foods,.unless the ec/ppm is low to begin with

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Enjoikush, ive seen a natural ph meter. A field full of yellow, stunted plants of every kind!! he he. If you plant there, your plants will look just like all the others.

GA66. I would just slightly adjust your outdoor ph numbers there. My natural soil runs 6.8 to 7 ph. Those spots grow massive/vigorous plants without any ammendment at all. If my ph measurements fall below about 6.6, i always see a marked decline in vigor and overall plant health/size/ yeild and that rate of decline continues to abouta ph of 6.2 where growht is extremely impacted. The plant that grows to 9' or 3 meters and yeilds 20 ozs of manicured yeild in soil that has a 7ph, will only grow to 6' or less than 2 m and yield 10 ozs in 6.3. In my world, 1 cup of fast acting lime is the difference of 2x the yield..

For me, ph is everything. If its right, the plants bust ass. If its not, your going to be fertilizing and wondering whats the problem