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Is civilization about to fall?


OHGEE: language is about communication. when you butcher language, it makes communication more difficult. its the same as asking somebody to speak up or not mumble or take their hand away from their mouth when speaking and its perfectly legitimate. so far, i haven't noticed anybody ask you to elaborate on your ideas, but this does not mean that people can't ask you not to talk with food in your mouth because they are having trouble understanding you. Maybe they would be more interested in your ideas if they didn't have to re-read for grammar, an entirely different thing than re-reading for better understanding of content.

i will re-state for you clearly. i will post what i want how i want. is that clear enough? i am here in the 707 as well maybe we could get together and smoke? i assure you if i speak to you in person i wll have much of interest for you, and if i were to have food in my mouth, you might have as well. i am here to be of benefit, and to educate. i don't think if you were about to get ran over or crash into a tree you'd care if i was multi tasking as long as i warned you of what i saw. twice you made comments that speak as though you think you are better than me. do you? well let me tell you, you are better. in every way so are most here. that's why i warn you all. now me, i'm a POS. not hard to improve on that is it. if you only want me to feel like shit instead of embracing me for caring about you and yours instead of just me and mine, well i guess i just don't measure up to your standards. sorry. now i'm kosher don't believe in fantasy at all and if you have a personal problem with me, then hit me up. nuff said. for now shalom to you even though you seem to wish other than that to me, should you persist i will shake your dust off of me as a testimony against you.



Active member
you're misunderstanding. your last post was a lot better in the grammar and punctuation department... so... even though you're getting all butt-hurt about it, you're responding to my criticism. I'm not being judgmental... just saying that when somebody asks you to speak (or write) more clearly, its a legit request. Even though you are arguing, you're doing it because it obviously makes you easier to understand... and most humans want to be understood. Thanks.

If this makes you feel like shit, I would posit that its a personal self esteem issue and not something I did or said. I was not judgmental, did not call you names, only backed up another person who asked you to speak more clearly (in, from what I remember, a pretty direct and non-judgmental way) I wish more people would take more time to make their posts legible because clear communication is usually the best communication. I'm also not using the fallacious argument that because your grammar is bad your ideas are somehow lacking. What I did say was that people might want to hear you allaborate on them as offered if you were writing in an easier to comprehend matter.

You think I have some kind of problem with you, but I don't. I just disagree with some of your ideas. You PMed me and asked if I was messianic. I responded that I did not have mothership fantasies. I can read and understand hebrew and aramaic and have studied Talmud in a yeshiva setting and on my own and it is my OPINION when combined with everything else I understand about the world, that the messianic component to religions is qualitatively comparable to believing that a mothership will be coming to pick up all the believers before the earth destroys itself.

So you are taking disagreement with your ideas for a personal problem i have with you. And remember, you asked ME the one word question "messianic?" I just answered it. You're way off base. I'm down to hang out with anyone in the 707 (who is 215 compliant) and smoke a joint, but if you are this big a drama queen in person, we're just not going to get along.


weed fiend
Yeah, you are certainly an open individual...all you leftists like to bring up the nazi word..but in reality, it is undeniable that the Democrat party and the current admin are far more nazi like than any administration we have ever had. That is a fact.

There is a fly buzzing on my computer screen. That is a fact (I don't have to prove.) One of your latest complaints is those who think differently from you don't back up their shit. Ever thought about trying that yourself? Otherwise like the fly, you're a nuisance.

You have no fucking idea what a nazi is.
hoosier, here's where you insert fact, data and/or statistical/political analysis to lend credence to your comment. You don't even bother to speculate or opine. Without that, your comment doesn't even qualify as a statement. It's just words put together that paint a very different picture from reality. Sarah Palin does this but you're much better with English and grammar. It's current events, history and literature I think you got ripped on.

EDIT: add science to the ripped part.

A smart person doesn't have to know the answers if they know how to find them. Your 21st century application of "Nazi" is merely your "idea."

BTW, Prescott Bush was prosecuted for aiding the Nazis in WWII, even after we joined the war against them. Now that's 24 carat, conservative capitalism for ya. If the money is there, whatever you do to get to it is fine.


Besides, aren't political threads not allowed here???

I hope so, this is getting pretty ridiculous. Talking politricks, no matter how you feel about them, is still putting our attention there. :wallbash:

I think what durgamata and his post was trying to get people discussing is made clear by his second post.

"We've seen the people rise up several times.

Maybe 2012 is where society as a hole decides that 'Government' and 'money' arent the way of life, a new form of 'economy' must be created

not supported by the 'work' you do, everyone should recieve an equal ammount of items/food."

So what should we be talking about? Solutions, not problems. Thank you to the people who already have been.

Solar, wind, and hydro power are just some of the more sustainable forms of energy that are widespread. The benefits are obvious.Composting toilets seem logical. Sustainable building materials and structures. I think Nomaad knows a thing or two about this. (By the way I heard grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil is great for ear infections, check it out if you have the time. If I had a 4 yr old I would most certainly get antibiotics for him as well. I would also look into beneficial probiotics to help balance it out.)

Localizing your food sources, home and community farming. A seed stock is invaluable. Sustainably harvesting edible food sources in the area you live in is great. Commercial/corporate food production is disgusting.

Shamanic knowledge, healing, and ritual. This was the center of probably all indigenous cultures, most people today are completely deprived of their spiritual nature and experiences.

Keeping family close to home, everybody is too spread out nowadays.

These are just some things I've been learning and hope to put into application. I don't know what the general age is on the forum, I doubt there really is one anyway I'm only 20 years old. I'd like to have a family and grow to be old, talk of 'the end of the world' isn't very exciting for me. I'm very passionate about life and I'm extremely grateful for the experience. One.


Active member
I was about to blame it all on Jerry Springer when I realized that: We may have lost our civility in America, but at least we no longer burn "Witches" at the stake. Less we also forget people used to actually Own other people.

I feel that this is the greatest time to be alive. It is always getting better. I walks the streets in relative safety, not having to worry if some rebel group will burn my village down and chop off various limbs before I return home.

There is no Utopia under the sun.
not yet...


weed fiend
I hope so, this is getting pretty ridiculous. Talking politricks, no matter how you feel about them, is still putting our attention there. :wallbash:

I hear where you're coming from bkind but politics rules the world. If a peep throws rocks I'm prone to throw a few before I settle down. Sorry if I accidentally hit you.:D


Active member
ICMag Donor
One Mayfield does not a breach of constitutional rights make.
The goon got 2 million and an apology.
And both you guys touting this case...tell me you wouldn't allow leo to come in and lock you up for 2 million. The mayfield case is an anomoly and not the mainstay of what is and has been happening with the Patriot Act. Get a firmer grip folks.
I do realize that you may not have much more than one or two examples of this widespread violation of our rights...but try coming to grips with the fact that there isn't much to your lame argument.
When they stop the Patriot Act, (as Obama surely will, as he is trying to destroy us) and some islamic radical kills one of your loved ones in the name of some achmed asshole, then you tell me about your rights being violated.

Constitutional rights are violated all the time in the courts of activist judges, but never will you hear a leftist complain about that. You thrive on the rulings the courts feel they can hand down to override the constitution.
A mean, hey...if your stance is wrong, and your idea would never make legislation, just depend on the leftist activist judge to make a favorable ruling.


Active member
I do realize that you may not have much more than one or two examples of this widespread violation of our rights...but try coming to grips with the fact that there isn't much to your lame argument.
Actually, one Mayfield DOES a breach of constitutional rights make. Hence the judgment in his favor and the payment of 2 million dollars. The fact that he made out OK is neither here nor there.

Yes. we both cited one specific case where the PA was misused directly and violated civil rights. Then there are the 13,000 cases of NSLs being used to circumvent the laws of probable cause.

lame argument? you can't cherry pick the part of an argument that you think you can win by fallacious means.

Please respond to the widespread use of NSL's based on new provisions for their use found in the Patriot Act.

Math question: is 13,000 more or less than the "one or two" examples you say have not been provided.


weed fiend
One Mayfield does not a breach of constitutional rights make.
The goon got 2 million and an apology.
And both you guys touting this case...tell me you wouldn't allow leo to come in and lock you up for 2 million. The mayfield case is an anomoly and not the mainstay of what is and has been happening with the Patriot Act. Get a firmer grip folks.
I do realize that you may not have much more than one or two examples of this widespread violation of our rights...but try coming to grips with the fact that there isn't much to your lame argument.
When they stop the Patriot Act, (as Obama surely will, as he is trying to destroy us) and some islamic radical kills one of your loved ones in the name of some achmed asshole, then you tell me about your rights being violated.

Google this:

patriot act violates civil liberties

You will get no less than 1,390,000 hits. You are totally unconscious.

Constitutional rights are violated all the time in the courts of activist judges, but never will you hear a leftist complain about that.
never will you cite an example to your absolutes either. Ever heard of the American Civil Liberties Union or the Southern Poverty Law Center? I didn't think so. BTW, by definition we have activist judges on the right and left. But "activist judge" is a straw man, you can't point out a single one.

You thrive on the rulings the courts feel they can hand down to override the constitution.
A mean, hey...if your stance is wrong, and your idea would never make legislation, just depend on the leftist activist judge to make a favorable ruling.
Any examples?

Judges don't legislate, they interpret. If an bill never passes legislation, it won't be "ruled" by a judge, activist or not.


'But "activist judge" is a straw man, you can't point out a single one.'

Judge Judy...jokes... seriously though i wouldn't mind hearing what she's got to say on the Higgs Boson... :)


weed fiend
Calling judges activist is suggesting they legislate from the bench. Do we have any laws that were birthed by the judiciary? In the challenge of law constitutionality, some are struck down and others are upheld.

If a law is upheld, the petitioner declares unconstitutionality and cries, "must be activist judges" and all hell breaks loose. In reality, we'd have to have a different system of government for judges to make law.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ever heard of the American Civil Liberties Union or the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Sure I have heard of them...and they both gargle my balls.
Radical leftist groups with their heads up their asses. Both a product of our academia, which is also rancid with the festering boils of Marxist socialism.


weed fiend
Constitutional rights are violated all the time in the courts of activist judges, but never will you hear a leftist complain about that.
(insert my comment about ACLU and SPLC)

Sure I have heard of them...and they both gargle my balls.
Radical leftist groups with their heads up their asses. Both a product of our academia, which is also rancid with the festering boils of Marxist socialism.

So the grapes actually exist, just too sour to acknowledge? We disagree almost as much as you contradict yourself.:biglaugh:

How uneducated does one have to be before you accept them?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Actually, to accept clear thinking and a passion for life and the freedom to live it to it's fullest, one must become educated. Not saturating ones self in leftist one-world-order mentality minutia, and then claiming enlightenment.

The beginning of the education begins with a read of the Declaration of Independence. And then on to the US Constitution and it's amendments. And for extra credit try the Federalist Papers.
Go outside of that box, and I got rat toss for you, and that's about it. (I aim this at American citizens only of course)


Active member
ha. academia is owned by corporations who fund the research labs. period. real leftist of them... granted...the poetry department might be a liberal cesspool, but not a leftist stronghold as you would have us fear.

you still don't know your left from your liberal.


Active member
The beginning of the education begins with a read of the Declaration of Independence. And then on to the US Constitution and it's amendments. And for extra credit try the Federalist Papers.

I have. You have now named some actual sources and implied that you have read them. Please use the education you derived from them to actually say something.

Was it Hamilton ot Madison who wrote that the Bill of Rights is unnecessary? Didn't John Jay say that "those who own the country should rule it?" These are the authors of the Federalist papers. These were the guys who called themselves the "minority of the opulent" if I am not mistaken... true sons of liberty one and all.


weed fiend
Actually, to accept clear thinking and a passion for life and the freedom to live it to it's fullest, one must become educated. Not saturating ones self in leftist one-world-order mentality minutia, and then claiming enlightenment.

The beginning of the education begins with a read of the Declaration of Independence. And then on to the US Constitution and it's amendments. And for extra credit try the Federalist Papers.
Go outside of that box, and I got rat toss for you, and that's about it. (I aim this at American citizens only of course)

hoosier, I hate to let ya in on this but education has more to do with school than self. I'll give you an example. When you're in Sunday school class, discuss scripture with others and see the disparity in literal interpretation of the bible.

Education in the classroom is not indoctrination. A good professor can easily demonstrate that the person sitting next to you in class may take a different opinion from yours with the very same lecture. When I was in college, not one professor gave two shits about my political affiliation. If I attempted to bs my way through debate, my grades would reflect.

A professor doesn't attempt to fool you that black is white. They show how the many different shades of gray affect us all and how we may best work together. Home schooling lacks this dimension. Everything is either black or white or at least doesn't consider the shades of gray.

You referenced the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I'm with nomad, draw a parallel with these and the substance of your posts.


I hear where you're coming from bkind but politics rules the world. If a peep throws rocks I'm prone to throw a few before I settle down. Sorry if I accidentally hit you.:D

Ha well I can't say I didn't throw a few. People that have open minds will learn, because they are not afraid to let go of their old beliefs. From what I've seen you can never change someones views by arguing with them though. We seem to wake up on our own time. The truth and beauty of reality is here but you can't see it when you believe mostly lies. :joint:


weed fiend
I agree with ya 100%, bkind. I just enjoy a healthy debate about subjects I care about. The references I make are not as much for the individual as for the collective. I respect the other side but my Irish roots sometimes feel kicked in the kilt and I react accordingly. Weed helps me take myself less seriously (for real) but the world more so. Maybe a valium will help for that, lol.

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