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Is cannabis licensing corrupt already?


Well-known member
Nobody ever went to prison for minor possession charges. So, she was referring to something that has no barring on reality.

you don't have to serve time for the criminal record to destroy your life. in conservative corners of this country, just failing a drug test can ruin you, the hell with an arrest on your record. we want people to not even be charged. if it was only a civil matter and you could mail in the fine for possession like in some states, i could live with that while we keep moving forward. and sorry, but people here DO sometimes do jail time for simple possession.


you don't have to serve time for the criminal record to destroy your life.

Misdemeanor possession charges don't have that effect.

in conservative corners of this country, just failing a drug test can ruin you

Conservative corners?

Business and companies still drug test in Colorado. Weed will prevent you from getting a job there just as much as anywhere else. There is actually a lawsuit in Colorado right now brought on by a disabled worker who was fired in Colorado for failing a drug test for weed. He is suing the company (Dish Network???). They're saying if he wins it could be a historical situation in protecting workers nationwide who have medical cannabis cards from getting fired for weed.

It's Coats vs. Dish Network.


I guess it's over. Dish Network won the lawsuit bro. Colorado business have the legal right to fire you even if you're a licensed medical user. Wal Mart also won a lawsuit in Michigan, as well. It's set in stone now.

Colorado will fire you for smoking weed, but not popping Oxy. Incredible.

we want people to not even be charged.

If that were the case there wouldn't be "plant limits" and "possession limits."

"Limits" constitute consequences. Their will most definitely be consequences for people under this system. Anybody who doesn't think there will at some point is living in a fantasy land. Just go to prison and talk to moonshiners doing serious time if you don't believe me.

"It won't happen with weed. It won't happen with weed. It won't happen with weed."

You guys can say it all you want. It won't make it true. Just because the resources aren't currently there is irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that they will be available at some point.

and sorry, but people here DO sometimes do jail time for simple possession.

Maybe a night, or two. Big deal.

There is a difference between "prison" and "jail." A big difference. She said,"prison." Which, never applied to people facing minor possession charges. Other than the small amount of the population located in small rural towns.
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Active member
And there's a big difference in it all if you take the time to understand the laws.

I sympathize with the Dish network guy. Every patient would love to blaze at work/have no chance of complications on the job front for their use...but that isn't WHAT THE MED LAW PLAINLY STATES. (it says employers are not required to accommodate use right in the law) As crazy as that....printed on EVERY card is a warning that you have no legal protection on a Federal level as well. Such things are VERY upfront...and are as much a part of the law as the verbiage that says "3 in veg, 3 mature" etc. Same goes with the old lady in Delores in FEDERAL housing. No one kept the info from her that weed isn't allowed, she knew the fact and admitted to it...and ignored it.... and is now suffering for her casual approach and lack of discretion.

It sucks for her, no doubt....and it would be great if it wasn't so...bt in the end, if you need assistance, you have to play by someone else's rules when they set those rules down...or that assistance will cease.


now that the Senate gave power to the States to regulate marijuana sales and distribution I think your going to see these stocks


Well-known member
"misdemeanor charges don't have that effect" well, they do in Tennessee. at my last job, all you had to do to get fired was get arrested. if your name was in the paper, your ass was out the door. bad publicity, ya know...


And there's a big difference in it all if you take the time to understand the laws.

I sympathize with the Dish network guy. Every patient would love to blaze at work/have no chance of complications on the job front for their use...but that isn't WHAT THE MED LAW PLAINLY STATES.

The guy never used cannabis while at work. He never came to work high once. He was using it at night to help with the pain so he could go to sleep.


if your name was in the paper, your ass was out the door. bad publicity, ya know...

They don't put your name in the paper for a sac of weed.

I was busted with 120 plants and didn't get my name in the paper. Then again, I'm also the son of DEA agent and that's not exactly the type of news that's good for the anti-weed propaganda machine.


Active member
The guy never used cannabis while at work. He never came to work high once. He was using it at night to help with the pain so he could go to sleep.

That doesn't change the fact that he knew his employer didn't have to accommodate his use...even off the job. (on the job he could be fired for cause with no recourse)

Again, I think it sucks. My wife works at a "Drug Free workplace" that has some federal ties, but you have to be stupid/smoking at work or in a company car or have a wreck in a company vehicle an test positive (a wreck is an automatic pee test) for anyone to make an issue out of it. 30 years there. Never tested. smokes EVERY fuckin night. LOL. (the HR director and his wife were my patients for 2 years...LOL):dance013:

again..it's all a game. Play it...or STFU. Nobody cares otherwise...unless you whine and shit and tip them off as to what you do at home/etc. (like, don't fire one at the company BB-Q..."legal" or not) :laughing:


Active member
They don't put your name in the paper for a sac of weed.

Maybe not where you live...but here the "police log' is often posted...giving details of the calls they went on...who they encountered, and what charges were levied.

Another list shows the penalties. When weed was "illegal" and an oz was still decrim'd/a petty fine...the log would read like this:

Joe Blow, 36, $25 dollars for possession and 10 cans of food for the needy-

there are always a few like that..and the DUI's are listed as well... along with the coke and the domestic violence/DOC/drunk calls that happen all too frequently in resort areas.

yer lucky your case didn't hit the paper. I still have the front pager pic of me/5 friends eing led out of my buddy's house in cuffs in a small town bust from '77/college. LOL


That doesn't change the fact that he knew his employer didn't have to accommodate his use...even off the job. (on the job he could be fired for cause with no recourse)

Well, that's makes it perfectly fine, then.

again..it's all a game. Play it...or STFU.

Earlier you were criticizing Cali for dishonesty and lack of transparency. Now, you're saying "it's all game."

Again, how many times are you going to contradict yourself? Do you understand the meaning of the word?


Active member
I've never taken the same stance as you..play...whine cus I was caught..whine more and expect concessions..in other states...etc.

Times change. If you call that "contraDICKtion"...so be it. you whine about change that will never come. I play the changes that do come.as everyone else has done. big deal? who cares?

Yes, I sold illegally for years and do not do so now. Yes, I've sold to the dispensaries when that was allowed but do not do so now. Yes I got extended counts after only having 3/3 for years as the game changed and allowed such counts but do not do so now...

And I said you..as well as I... were stupid for getting busted. So what?

It's called CHANGING WITH THE TIMES...not contraDICKtion....something you don't seem to be able to pull off without someone telling you it's OK...or setting you up in a new game.

too funny.


I've never taken the same stance as you..play...whine cus I was caught..whine more and expect concessions..in other states...etc.

Times change. If you call that "contraDICKtion"...so be it. you whine about change that will never come. I play the changes that do come.as everyone else has done. big deal? who cares?

Yes, I sold illegally for years and do not do so now. Yes, I've sold to the dispensaries when that was allowed but do not do so now. Yes I got extended counts after only having 3/3 for years as the game changed and allowed such counts but do not do so now...

And I said you..as well as I... were stupid for getting busted. So what?

It's called CHANGING WITH THE TIMES...not contraDICKtion....something you don't seem to be able to pull off without someone telling you it's OK...or setting you up in a new game.

too funny.
You're just rambling on and on like a buffoon.


Active member
Yes, but I am a Colorado buffoon... and you are...where again?

Oh yeah...somewhere that has you under their thumb for being so stupid...in a state where there's no legal pot.

Bottom line....no matter how "badly" YOU think the laws suck here, they obviously don't suck like wherever you STILL are. LOL. Dumbass.


Yes, but I am a Colorado buffoon... and you are...where again?

Oh yeah...somewhere that has you under their thumb for being so stupid...in a state where there's no legal pot.

Bottom line....no matter how "badly" YOU think the laws suck here, they obviously don't suck like wherever you STILL are. LOL. Dumbass.
Yes. Cheerleading for incompetence is a good idea. This is the "United States is better than Uzbekistan" argument that defeated monkeys always fall back on. At least my state isn't a drag queen....pretending to be something they're not. Legalizing a substance while installing guidelines on going to prison for producing it. lulz


Active member
Your state can't even find a dress...but they did find a used little kotex named butwang.

Looks like CO isn't the only state with greedy potheads looking for a commercial nod or the only state that is setting high price tags on playing along.

Gosh...where are their residential med and rec sales? I mean, what will the legions of pot experts in the 'burbs do for work now? If they don't wake up and accept butwang's model of commerce the projects and the schools will all fall down in Illinois! Can't they see that?
