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2x2 tent ideas and help


Hey micro growers, I am in the planning stages of a 2x2 tent grow. That is the space I have to work with and the tent would be much preferable to building a cab of some sort. I would like to have another smaller box/tent for a mother but that is another thread. Probably the Jardin dr60.

Please take a look at my plan - I'd love to know if something is amiss, if you'd change something (and why), etc.

As for lighting I am thinking of doing pl-l or a mixture of pl-l and LED in the future. I am most likely going to go with the AHsupply kits for ease of construction and I really like those reflectors from my old aquarium days. I can get as many as I can physically cram in there but 220w (4x55w) seems like the way to go right now. At 4"x17.5", with a little wiggle room in between each reflector that is pretty much my limit for a 2' space and I wonder if a fifth would be worth it with the small space and added heat. I will supplement with LED in the future and remove the PL-Ls as I go - hopefully this won't be necessary right off the bat because of heat issues but that is definitely a concern. I am not looking to use HPS at the moment - I like the spectrum mix n match one can achieve and experiment with for pl-l bulbs.

Doing some easy soil mix unless I research some more and think coco or something would be better, but won't be messing with hydro, reservoirs, etc. I am very attracted to some of the minimal feeding/water only mixes right now. Rootbuilder/airpots seem like something I would like to try out as well.

I am thinking a SCROG will best take advantage of the lighting and space constraints so I'll be trying that out. Perhaps a multi-strain like Verdant does. Maybe a SOG later if I get a good mother going and it proves to be a better option.

Filtration I am thinking something like a phresh 4"x8" or a 4x12. From what I gather it seems a 150cfm fan should do the proper exchange, but how does one account for the filter in that figure? I can't expect a 150cfm fan to operate at such with a canfan stuck on it right? Depending on the fan I may have to add a duct silencer as well and that would further reduce the airfoil I would think.

If you've been kind enough to stick around this far, sound ok? advice? complaints? favorite scrog strains? Favorite mix for bulbs?

thanks for reading


You are on the right track it sounds like.

Some information to keep in mind. Pl-l and cfl are an amazing technology. However they do have their limitations, the biggest that jumps to mind is light penetration.

Inverse square law, blah blah blah

It boils down to this, 55w pl-l are wonderful lights for a variety of applications, as long as they are kept within 15 inches or so. Beyond this they suffer.

Also remember that the hottest part of the bulb will be the socket. I personally love the ahsupply kits, I just make it a point to keep a fan blowing on the base, with the reflectors installed they help to channel the air flow along the bulbs.

You also have the option of easily going vertical.

I recommend you read the KISS thread located under nutrients, and look over the hempy bucket thread.


I hear ya on the light penetration, which is why I am going to give scrog a try. Never heard of the hempy buckets I'll give those a look.

What kind of fan/filter would you use in this situation?


For small spaces overkill is always best in regards to ventilation.

My typical micro set ups use scythe katanas or delta fans. These are very small scrog rubbermaid totes, so much smaller volume then what you are using. I do passive filtered intakes. Truth be told, once you drop 20-25 bucks for a top end pc fan, and then drop another 10-20 for a decent ac-dc wall wart, and potentially a fan speed controller you are right up in the range of a budget line blower or stanley blower. Both start at about the 50 dollar range, and have enough pressure to handle blowing into or extracting from a carbon filter.

Since you are using the ahsupply kits, you are using remote ballast. Keep the ballast outside of the tent, then you only need to worry about the heat produced by the bulbs and sockets. One or two 80/120 mm fans blowing along the length of the bulbs, positioned closest to the socket, using the reflectors as a sort of air channel works very well.

As for your carbon filter, I've seen so many variations on them its a bit daunting. Personally I've been loving the box style carbon filters. Take a box, rubbermaid tote, large container, let the air enter at the bottom, and it has to pass a half inch to inch layer of carbon before exiting the box. Others have used two different sized net cups, or they have built their own out of duct parts. Or you could buy a premade.

In my experiences, the only method that really saves on money over the store bought versions are the box type carbon filters, although these can be a bit tricky to get dialed in right.

Icmag is a wonderful resource, so many different growers frequent these forums, many are more then willing to share information, although many questions have already been asked. Just dig around a bit and see how other people addressed or came at a problem!


Yea it is daunting - there are so many different successful styles here that I've swapped growing methods, lighting, soil, etc in my head and plans numerous times already.

After reading about the hempy and KISS and whatnot I think I am going to go that route and try to get things dialed in as easily and simply as possible before trying more complicated methods, if ever.
I am just going to say that it would be alot cheaper and easier to use a 250w hps. You can grab a 250w for under $140 with remote ballest, hood, timer, and hanging equipment. Then grab a S&P td150. The are quiet and powerful. The kiss method is also a great nutrient method. I run it with soil and coco 1teaspoon per gal maxibloom. I also have another gal of nutrients mixed up at 1teaspoons mbloom and 1teaspoon liquid koolbloom. When flowering I alternate the mbloom and mbloom w/ liquid KB.

Just my opinions.

Good luck
i used a dr60 with 250 hps and a 4" s&p

got a 1/4 p every time

i found 4 plants in 2 gallon squares worked the best.... I tried many different ways

just my 2 cents



One big suggestion with the hempy buckets, don't bother with perlite. I suggest a product called Turface Pro MVP. Its a fired clay substrate that is used on baseball fields. I first came across it when it was known as Soilmaster Select (SMS) and used as the budget high CEC substrate for use in planted aquaria. Several cubic feet can be picked up for less then ten dollars.

I had issues with my first run with the very tip of some of the fan leaves getting burnt. Nothing was locked out, the nutrients were fresh mixed, and its all drain to waste with ro water so ph wasn't an issue. Then I noticed that only the plants in the perlite were demonstrating the nute burn, not any of the ones in Turface. Its hardly scientific evidence, but it was one of the reasons that I made the switch, that particular problem vanished since I made the conversion.

one Q

I am just going to say that it would be alot cheaper and easier to use a 250w hps. You can grab a 250w for under $140 with remote ballest, hood, timer, and hanging equipment. Then grab a S&P td150. The are quiet and powerful. The kiss method is also a great nutrient method. I run it with soil and coco 1teaspoon per gal maxibloom. I also have another gal of nutrients mixed up at 1teaspoons mbloom and 1teaspoon liquid koolbloom. When flowering I alternate the mbloom and mbloom w/ liquid KB.

Just my opinions.

Good luck

i used a dr60 with 250 hps and a 4" s&p

got a 1/4 p every time

i found 4 plants in 2 gallon squares worked the best.... I tried many different ways

just my 2 cents


Best advise here. This would be the most efficient use of time and space... You'd get a yield that payed for EVERYTHING in one harvest.

Not saying that what your palnning wont work, it would... But the time it took to put all that together could be saved by buying the best equipment up front. Trust me when I say, you;ll end up with a 250 hps eventually anyway, so just get it NOW. you wont regret it.

And 1/4lb or a bit over maybe even 6z is totally doable with a 250 in a dr60.

Check out the Purple Link in my vvSigvv DrGreenGene Compact Sog


Active member
I got 7 Oz from a 400 watt plus a couple 3ft T5 strips in two corners. From seed plants, clones may help ya pull more. Air cooled hood with a 4" inline...PM me I'll shoot ya some pix for inspiration.
ya 6oz would be doable with a 250w (strain dependant) but I dont feel 2x2 is enough area.

if i was you i'd buy a 2x2 tent and 400w digi ballast and dial to 250w.

that way you can dial up to 400w one day and use the 2x2 tent for veg.

thats basically what i have done... only now my 400w is in a box replaced by 2x 600w... just need to use the 400w for veg soon (hit my power limit till upgrade)

growing is very addicting... plan ahead... do it right and you wont look back.


Cost isnt a big deal to me with the size I'm working with, and 4xAHsupply is under 140 as well. Yea I'll have to buy the bulbs but there is always the bulb life argument.

I thought bout 250w HPS at first and pretty much decided on it but I am very wary of the heat. So Closet_grower, the td100/td100x (the 4" S&P) will sufficiently cool a 250w hps in the 2x2? I'm guessing I'll need a cooltube or some closed hood of some kind right - which models actually fits in a 2x2 tent?

Derka, how many runs have you done with that turface substrate?


ICMag Donor
Used to run a 2x2 with a 400w. Had a 5k a/c, 4" can-fan w/ a small filter circulating air. Bottled Co2. Would run 9 plants in 1.7g rose buckets. 4-6 colas per plant, around 6.5-9oz a cycle depending on the strain.

At 100w per sq ft I felt it was about the only way the smaller bulb produced quality comparable to the larger bulbs. Still get fat 8-14" colas on every plant. Still one of my favorite set-ups to run for some odd reason...fwiw.



Starting on my fourth run now with turface and hempy 3L buckets.

Been using it in planted aquaria for almost 15 years with great success.

I also use it in several potting mixes for various flowers and veggies.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
If you want to get 1g/w or more I would go with SEA OF GREEN, SOG. One needs female mother plants and a reliable cloning method though.

one Q

Cost isnt a big deal to me

I'm guessing I'll need a cooltube or some closed hood of some kind right - which models actually fits in a 2x2 tent?

If you get a supersun with the 4" vents on the side, and the TD fan that was recommended earlier youll be fine. In a DR60 there is plenty of height for 4x 5gallon buckets, the SS1, light hangers, and 29" of growth.

Now you shouldnt let growth get taller than 20 or so with a 250. then you can dry the previous harvest in the area above the light. There's enough room for a couple paper grocery bags between the hood and the ceiling.

If I was to buy LEDs I'd only go with one of two companies. the one MRX uses or Addicted2Growing


I would be remiss in my constant attempt to remain neutral without an additional comment.

Most folks are entirely sold on the concept of HID lighting, it was the defacto standard for many years in this hobby. However, that being said, do not eliminate the PL-L from consideration. I don't know if it was mentioned yet in this thread, however PL-L have one huge advantage over HID lighting, that being multiple points of light emanation. Think of it this way, that HID is one point of light, whereas the 4x55pl has 4 bulbs, each about twice as long as the HID bulb. You get a better blanket of light out of the pl-l then with the hid.. but you also get less light penetration and reflection.

Its your decision of course, I just wanted to make sure you are aware of all(some) of the pros and cons of the different solutions being suggested.
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Derka said:
Its your decision of course, I just wanted to make sure you are aware of Some of the pros and cons of the different solutions being suggested.

This correct.

But hey here's some rep for looking out. +K

also if $ wasn't a big deal why not go with a Lumigrow ES-330 LED array?

one Q

PL.Ls are great. But 250w is 250w no matter how you cut it (yeah 4 55w is 220, but you get the point) better to use it to get the MOST. If you get LED later you can test it up against what you have already achieved.