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is california really "all that" for grower's?


Active member
They busted two 100 plant grows in San Rafael which made the news which is fucking surprising considering 200 plants aint really shit, unless they were giant monsters.

But they still busting growers, it aint like we are invincible out here.


^^ Exactly, whenever the DEA is bored and has nothing to do, (Which is always, because they havent busted a meth lab or cocaine smuggling ring in 5 years)....they blindfold a retard and have him point to a random club on their MMJ list.

Then they raid that club, steal all your weed, steal your cars, and steal the property. Badabing badaboom, more revenue for the DEA.

they dont like to bust the coccaine rings because they have had their greedy little hands in that trade for the past 40 or so years. the only time they do is when they are not involved in the profit


Active member
word, the government doesnt like marijuana because all of us are making money tax free and they dont have their greedy little paws in our pockets.


well thats why mary j is illegal

since it cures such a wide variety of ailments the gov hates it

lets just put it this way you don't need to be a chemist to grow weed

but not to many ppl can go down to their basement and make zoloft and oxycotin now can they....


Active member
yea sorry, although i fully support the clubs that do legally pay taxes and the such....i personally hate the IRS and everything they stand for and do not pay them SHIT.


I guess cali is prolly all that for ppl who need and want medical cannabis. Without cannabis I would be taking a handful of pills every morning .... Adderal, Zoloft, Xanax, Valium, Vicodin, and lunesta. Taking all if these real drugs makes me feel like a zombie but if I try to use the one substance that actually make a difference in my life and makes me have the will to go on I am a criminal and an addict. Its sickening...


The sheriff dept around me (in cali) is still pretty strict with pot... Prices around here are probably the worst in the entire state, but anyone with a dome takes their money elsewhere. It's fuckin insane how much the local attitude affects the market.

I live in Headinthesand County, CA.


Mabey if you already know how. Basically dont move to california and try and do anything without having competition from 100 other dicks in any given 1 mile radius.


Active member
I'll just ditto wha others have said, dont come out here if you think your just gonna ball, but if you wanna come out and make decent living growing, not having a bs job and staying in the lab you might be cool. but remember you better come out here with capitol, and remember that cali is the homie of the g's and thug's, esp these days Mf'ers would much rather put a gun to your head and take what you got that go out and work a day in their life's.

oh ya you wont be getting 5k a lb, even if you got that purple, bubba, og, chem


Active member
^word, especially out here in oaksterdam, any little punk gets a sniff of your grow op hes gonna be quick to break in. me and my roomate run 24/7 hour shifts at the house, i gotta stay home many nights because i do not want to leave my house ungaurded. in the bay area home invasions, robberies, burglaries are all on the rise, just reading my local police blotter is long and tiresome list of robbery after robbery after break in, etc.


People who break into others homes reserve the right to be shot on site, or caught. So I think the whole home invasion thing wont be on the rise too much longer.
People who break into others homes reserve the right to be shot on site, or caught. So I think the whole home invasion thing wont be on the rise too much longer.

Well that sucks for starving, inner city, racial minority, youth who are just trying to make it. Guess your property is worth more than their life. Survival of the fittest right?

I'm a go getter. Can't wait for shit to come to me. I learned some hard lessons. Glad I got to learn without getting shot.


well i you see it then do it thaat might be your thing you never know i live in a mmj state andit just started here in 08 so Cali isnt the only opt just seems all the right things are there or better yet the table is set ya dig


The sheriff dept around me (in cali) is still pretty strict with pot... Prices around here are probably the worst in the entire state, but anyone with a dome takes their money elsewhere. It's fuckin insane how much the local attitude affects the market.

I live in Headinthesand County, CA.

San diego county, riverside, bakersfield or one of the few ultra conservative norcal cities?

All departments have their share of delusional officers from texas and alabama.


I'll just ditto wha others have said, dont come out here if you think your just gonna ball, but if you wanna come out and make decent living growing, not having a bs job and staying in the lab you might be cool. but remember you better come out here with capitol, and remember that cali is the homie of the g's and thug's, esp these days Mf'ers would much rather put a gun to your head and take what you got that go out and work a day in their life's.

oh ya you wont be getting 5k a lb, even if you got that purple, bubba, og, chem

On the money...no 5k lbs here..these collectiveswont pay over 3400 a lb for the sick og...most collectives have u sign a form allowing them to grow your meds..AND THEY DO!!

new mexico..were 1 patient is allowed to grow 83 mature female plants..no collectives yet.

by the way..rent is at least 800 a month.. or morgage?? ya right.

a lot of unemployed people on the system noseing around looking for an easy ripoff.

then dialing in your grow..kushes dont yeild that big..and stink bigtime.

a place to grow?? up to 400.000...supplys...20.000...the right pheno...priceless!!:joint:

Care Free 1

Active member
Average one bedroom apartment in the inexpensive areas (more crime) in SoCal averages around $900 a month.

Screw that though, you got to find a rental house with some cool landlords, and a good plan. And yes, lots of capitol.

I've seen alot of people go back home shaking there heads from what they experienced living in Cali. Life amongst the millions of people, and faster pace of lifestyle for sure. Play it smart if you try to live here, and you might make it.


yea sorry, although i fully support the clubs that do legally pay taxes and the such....i personally hate the IRS and everything they stand for and do not pay them SHIT.

what is it, in your opinion, that the IRS stands for? and you pay one way or another....hehehe