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is california really "all that" for grower's?


Active member
In all reality a perpetual grow in the boon docks or an area that doesn't have much of a market for marijuana would be much more prosperous than cali. You could basically monopolize the market if you get a quality strain that people will come back for. Dedicate 3/4 of a room to flowering and 1/4 to mother veg. 500,000 a year, but you still need to take into account a lot more than just dollars once again the cost of supplies, water, electricity, nutes, lights, medical documentation, pigs, rats, thieves, ect

thats what im saying. for those ONLY INTO THE MONEY ASPECT...the best way is to set up shop in a town where pot is still illegal and sells for 4500+ a pound, detroit, cleveland, new york, houston, basically any city thats not SF, Oakland, Santa Cruz, or the Emerald triangle.

however, if you just want to grow in peace, and not worry about cops, and grow enough to smoke for free and maybe sell a little to pay rent, then its a good idea to live in california.

people sort of have things confused now, although the DEA has stopped raids on clubs, they have switched their priorities to commercial growers who are not operating under SB420. So you can still get knocked, but honestly they dont really waste the time like they do in say detroit. I saw on TV they used infareds to find a grow house, fucking pathetic. That would never happen here in Oakland, if you keep a low profile you can run a 5k without many problems.

like i said earlier, if your expecting to come out and make a 100 grand your first go with no previous connections, you are dreaming.


Active member
That's not really something you want to promote on here I only quoted it to show what not to do.

Their are legit patience who need medicine and saying things like this under minds the integrity of the medical cannibus movement. Now I'm not saying things such as this don't occur, but don't give big bro anymore ammo to use against the sick.

i feel that. but you gotta realize how much LA has fucked the market up here in the bay.

They have way too many clubs, and not enough suppliers. here in the bay, we have too few clubs and way too many suppliers.

I hate it when my grower friends wont sell me their latest Kush because "its going down the 5 where i can make 1000 more, sorry!"


Active member
LA also has this weird sales method where you can buy 8ths for 45, but they wont sell you that same ounce for less than $350. I smoked some good weed down there that was locally grown, the thing i like about LA is that is you drop 80 an 8ths, its gonna be the finest aeroponic sugar frost you will ever see. However, we got "707 OG Kush" for $45 an 8th at the same time that was obvious Sour Diesal outdoor brought down from Nor Cal.


Brother you are preaching to the choir. I live in the bay and know how it goes down...the 5.

I used to work at LPC if you know about that club that used to be in hayward, some of our medicine was definitely going down south.



I have to say that when I lived in Cali, the best strains were always right there all the time. No one cared if you grew or smoked. The people were tolerant of many cultures and behaviors. The landscape was breathtaking and the ocean was epic. Hawaii is a bit different. More beautiful is the landscape and more epic is the ocean, but less tolerant are the locals. There are only a few local strains available compared to the collectives in Cali. So, yeah, Cali is great. If you are going anywhere North of Santa Barbara bring a hoodie and layer your clothing. Oh, and don't even think about getting in the ocean on the west coast without a wetsuit. Cali does have the best strains though so get warm and dry after a session and toke it up! :joint:


Registered Pothead
Cali is all that but dont expect to just come out here and take food off of other peoples plates. Personal med grows are totally legit.


If one needs to go into an online forum to ask if he can get scarface bucks off of dank, then he never ever will.

*knocks on wood*


Yeah. I mentioned the end seller sticks his neck out the most earlier in the thread.

Agreed !!

true that. but if you live in a state that it's not actually legal to grow, and even if you only have a buyer or 2. say down the line someone gets popped selling an eighth. they rat on their buyer to get less penalty, who in turn rats on their buyer, who then rats on you. who do you rat to and get less sentence? your dog?

now i'm not a snitch, but i have the belief that given the circumstances on facing multiple felonies or maybe just a year in county jail. could probably convince a lot of people to talk.


Me, ive been smoking since high school and i go way back with most of my "patients", my client llist took YEARS to build good relationships with those who smoke my herbs.

1st prize. this is exactly how i got started. shit is illegal as hell here, but if you put me in cali, where i knew no one, no connections, where would i be? fucked.


New member
$3400 is retarded low. More like $4000. Even you could pull 1.5 pounds a light with the right strain...

So a 2K watt grow, (small by ALL measures) would produce
approx. 60K dollars annually.

A "street seller" (LMAO) can sell a whole pound grammed out at $20 a piece, stay out of county, AND do it all with LESS EFFORT than running 2K? I think things are becoming clear.... Oh wait. I forgot. You said he can do it with no overhead. LMFAO. Where does he GET the marijuana? What do you call that? About $4000 worth of overhead!

You talk our your ass.

Now. Let's bump it up to figures I like. If you only produce 24 ounces from 2K per run, you could easily break it down to QP's and possible Onions DEPENDING on your abilities to sell. There is no reason you can't average $300 an ounce no matter how you break it down. That's $4800 a pound and it's WALKING OUT THE DOOR AT THOSE PRICES. About $7K per 2K of wattage per run LOW BALL! Around 42 thousand dollars a year.

Do you know how many 20 bags that is? Let's I purchase a pound from you for $3400. I sell it all in $20 gram bags. I don't sell one for less, smoke any, or hook people up that want to buy more. Cause "I only sell $20's if you don't want it, I don't want your money." So as you said, 454 hand to hand's later, I have about 9K. Subtract the $3400 it cost, and I made $5600.

How long did it take me? Well if I make 25 sales a day. (Show me a weed "street dealer" who makes that many sales and doesn't peddle crack as well) and I can sell it in about 20 days. Or about 17K in as much time as it takes me to EASILY make 7K from a small operation after my normal job at night.

I can't wait for you to tell me that you stand by your point.

I underestimate ALL the abilities of the grower in this scenario and there is no drug dealer with that I know that exists who can sell a pound in $20 grams without fail in 20 days. Also, who sells pounds of dank for $3400. With the same wattage, one could easily produce much more and sell for much more. Easily closing that gap and EASILY making more.

2 lbs a light.
2 lights.
4 pounds.
5 grand a pound.
20K a run.

Don't do it if you can't DO IT.

Sorry for being off topic. Just smoked, saw this...

Don't be sorry. you just bitch slapped all these people who can't do the math.

You can easily make 1200 per Qp SELLING TO A DISPERNSARY.


thats what im saying. for those ONLY INTO THE MONEY ASPECT...the best way is to set up shop in a town where pot is still illegal and sells for 4500+ a pound, detroit, cleveland, new york, houston, basically any city thats not SF, Oakland, Santa Cruz, or the Emerald triangle.

however, if you just want to grow in peace, and not worry about cops, and grow enough to smoke for free and maybe sell a little to pay rent, then its a good idea to live in california.

people sort of have things confused now, although the DEA has stopped raids on clubs, they have switched their priorities to commercial growers who are not operating under SB420. So you can still get knocked, but honestly they dont really waste the time like they do in say detroit. I saw on TV they used infareds to find a grow house, fucking pathetic. That would never happen here in Oakland, if you keep a low profile you can run a 5k without many problems.

like i said earlier, if your expecting to come out and make a 100 grand your first go with no previous connections, you are dreaming.
I think you're suffering from grass is greener syndrome to some degree, although you know what's up and make a lot of really intelligent points. You're discounting the significance of the "grow in peace" point-that isn't just some side intangible. That is EVERYTHING. You basically have a legit job if you're a CA grower licensed in a grow friendly county. In states where the buying price is up, you get busted your life is OVER. Done. You. Are. Fucked.

They will charge you with intent to rape babies or whatever trumped up charge they can good ole boy their way into, and you'll do time.

That's not like a minor concern. That's night and day quality of life differential for a grower, who is paranoid by nature. Further, you overestimate the worth in legal states-that is, the dollar is slightly different monetary value in CA than in most states. CA has an incredibly high cost of living, and while it's true the CA economy is in the shitter, it is everywhere else, too. Most people can't afford 50 dollar eighths-people are passing up high quality herbs around here in favor of 130 dollar ounces that they can afford.


Active member
"How long did it take me? Well if I make 25 sales a day. (Show me a weed "street dealer" who makes that many sales and doesn't peddle crack as well) and I can sell it in about 20 days. Or about 17K in as much time as it takes me to EASILY make 7K from a small operation after my normal job at night."

first off all, who is saying that we should "break down twenties"

seriously, if my good friend wants a 20 il spot him, but i do not want to have my phone open so people can hit me up for twomps. if your gonna bother me its gotta be a semi big purchase, at least a 100$.

and why the fuck are you callin that "easy"

have you ever even broke down weight into 20s and 40s, shits not easy or what i would call fun. back in high school gangs of us would sack up and be out on hippy hill for days, dealing with bullshit, attempted robberies, narcos, people trying to skimp us, other dealers from the hood trying to move in on us whiteboy dealers. I wouldnt call dealing a fun or easy thing, unless you are one of those lazy "just come to my house il serve you" type of people. Im really glad i dont gotta deal with any of that bullshit anymore.


Active member
sorry moving tocally that above post wasnt directed at you.
in regards to your post, it makes sense that people who are strugglin cant pay 50+ for an 8th, hence why outdoors or mexis are popular.

then again, im not gonna lie, i am not a "legal licensed" grower. Even though i have a card me and my buddy are well over the limit of 6 plants each. So technically speaking, if a sheriffs deputy happened to stumble upon my house, i could still get busted.

the fact is, i live in cali and i can still get busted for what i am doing. Do i care? Not really. Maybe the penal system is lax here, but so many people i know have caught charges and done relatively little to no time. Shit last year this kid got wrapped with 7 pounds AND a handgun, he only got ten months. That means with my little pound and no gun, i shouldnt be looking at any more than a fine. *KNOCKS ON WOOD*


The point is any of you guys can grow a ton of weed. It's easy to score but if your not connected to the streets you can't even move your shit. You end up giving it away most times. I know a guy that can't grow mold on bread, but whats funny is he can take a zip and make 56 .5 gram bags. Put his toy soliders to work for $25 a pop. They went through 22lbs last year... LOLOLOL

We're doing fine right where we are...


donut engineer
I think you're suffering from grass is greener syndrome to some degree, although you know what's up and make a lot of really intelligent points. You're discounting the significance of the "grow in peace" point-that isn't just some side intangible. That is EVERYTHING. You basically have a legit job if you're a CA grower licensed in a grow friendly county. In states where the buying price is up, you get busted your life is OVER. Done. You. Are. Fucked.

Unless you incorporate yourself and your assets in Nevada and become an anonymous interest, rent the owned space to "someone" (perhaps you?) and let them get nothing if/when the place is raided.

While I wouldn't do it myself because I'm not commercial, incorporation is a good way to protect your interests when property seizure is inevitable.


Life is over?Damn man thats a tad dramatic but for that sense of foreboding..I'll let it go lol.Most people end up doing time because of aggravating circumstances surrounding the grow not the grow itself.At least here it seems that way.Have firearms and kids?Stealing electricity?Close to a school?Keep scales lying around?Having sex with the meter reader lol?Just kidding but circumstances account for a lot if the worst does happen


That's not really something you want to promote on here I only quoted it to show what not to do.

Their are legit patience who need medicine and saying things like this under minds the integrity of the medical cannibus movement. Now I'm not saying things such as this don't occur, but don't give big bro anymore ammo to use against the sick.

Yea im sure obamas reading my staement right now and disbanning all mmj programs :laughing:, get real bro. This is just an example to show how easy it is to sell weed here.


the fact is, i live in cali and i can still get busted for what i am doing. Do i care? Not really.

O yea you can get busted but if its your fist time you'll probally end up with probation if anything at all(they might not even do shit) but if you lived in kansas or some other hick state you would be doing hard time and probally have a felony on your record which means you can never own a gun, vote and no one will hire you. This is why cali rocks


Active member
then again, im not gonna lie, i am not a "legal licensed" grower. Even though i have a card me and my buddy are well over the limit of 6 plants each. So technically speaking, if a sheriffs deputy happened to stumble upon my house, i could still get busted.

Well the limit isn't real or doesn't matter, so as long as you have a recommendation, and don't have a ton of cash and guns, you won't get convicted anyways. Having a lawyer on retainer and copies of your rec, ag guidelines, and case law for garden grove v orange county and people v phomkhady at the entrance to the garden on top of logs would pretty much guarantee no state convictions at all.

That is why California is cool for growers. However it doesn't mean the cops won't fuck with your shit and make a judge/jury tell them that you are in fact legal. But getting convicted for cultivation, yeah its hard if you have a doctors note.

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