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is california really "all that" for grower's?


Active member
i want to live in utopia-or as close to it in the states with like minded people in the fresh air and variety of fresh meds-cali is calling me profusely but i've got it so good on the wrong coast-i shudder when i see houses smaller then mine selling for twice/three times the price-i would love to work as an organic vinter apprentice or olive grove helper-anyone know the sustainable co-op in N Cali that is featured in HT all the time using ingram compost techniques? Namaste Center ?
also, it seems the L flows abundantly on the west coast-I need it and use it as a ritual at least twice a month-if anyone has the lowdown-don't be afraid to shoot me an e-mail


Registered Cannabis User
Never get rich off of growing weed? BULLSHIT!!! You just have to treat it like a buisness, and not a fun little hobby.

river rat01

I must totally agree cuz at the club down the street from me they have this shit called Ewe Too and it's some crappy outdoor for 35 a 8th ... It is a fucking gold rush out here right now, it's weird since I just got my rec I had no clue it was SO easy and I got my shit free from having a Medicann Free Compassion card that came from a friends club. But SOOOOO many people are 215rs out here, when I was at Medicann I had a 2 old men and 1 old lady asking where they could purchase. If I was in it for the cash I could've got their numbers and sold them a oz a week for 200 each and get 2400 a month and thats better that I've ever got from a job except when I was in high class restaurant work so it's not as hard as people make it sound. It's not the wild west unless you're talking about how the DEA does things and the cartels are not running the pot scene out here. I've been up north many times I have family and friends there, the only people I've seen growing up there are white boys not mexicans!!!! DONT LISTEN TO THAT SHIT!!! I know dudes that would leave tortillas and salsa around just to fool LEO and sometimes those mexicans workers they find out there were hired by local farmers just like the guys you see at Home Depot waiting for work. Same mexicans not no cartel shit....

If you want to make a living off this, don't be greedy, do it for the right reasons not just the money. Give meds away as karma always comes around :joint: It's not easy but it's for surely not as hard as some make it sound. Don't deal with gangsters, not trying to be a dick but you fuckers ruin it for yourselves by trying to jack people when they are giving you a deal already!!! Everytime me or a friend has tried to do this it ends up all bad so stick with older folks and friends...:joint:

nice post Thundurkel.
thats what i thought and thats just what i wanted to hear.
i would never deal with a gang or any other thug types.
i dont want to get rich, just want to make a decent living - not totally from weed- i work too, i'm not lazy, but sometimes when work is slow, it would be great to know that you can pay the bills with you're little hobby without major legal repercussions.

shit, where i am, if you get caught with a picture of a plant, you're fucked.

i was looking on craigslist in mendicino and SF and i saw where landlords are saying that 215 is ok- means you can grow in their rental and they dont care. that just blew my head off.

it must be so chill out there.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
If you know this from experience then I will believe you. However i was offered to be a caretaker for another member. he lives in up north while i live in socal. obviously being in differnt counties would make it impossible for me to have an extensive caretaking role in his life. and it seemed like i wasnt his only caretaker.

riverrat as long as you keep you plants to a minimum i think you should be ok here in cali, especially up north. san franciso is god's greatest city to this world. :2cents:

On November 24, 2008, the California Supreme Court adopted a narrow view of the “primary caregiver” defense to criminal prosecution set forth in the Compassionate Use Act (Health & Safety Code, § 11362.5) and the Medical Marijuana Program (Health & Safety Code, § 11362.7 et seq.). In People v. Mentch (Supreme Court Case No. S148204 (2008)), the court held that a man who grew and sold marijuana for five patients was not entitled to an instruction on the primary caregiver defense at trial.

Mentch was arrested and charged with the cultivation and possession for sale of marijuana under Health and Safety Code Sections 11358 and 11359. The evidence at trial showed that Mentch sold medical marijuana and gave instructions on its use to five patients. Mentch also claimed he sporadically took some of his patients to medical appointments. The trial court refused to allow Mentch to raise a primary caregiver defense under the Compassionate Use Act. Mentch was convicted and he appealed. The Court of Appeal reversed, finding Mentch provided enough evidence to allow a jury to decide whether he was a primary caregiver as defined by State law.

The Supreme Court granted review to address the meaning of “primary caregiver” under the Compassionate Use Act. In an opinion by Justice Kathryn Werdegar, the court noted that the statutory definition of “primary caregiver” has two components: he or she must be designated by the patient, and must be a person “who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health and safety” of the patient. As to the “responsibility” component, “a defendant asserting primary caregiver status must prove, at a minimum, that he or she (1) consistently provided caregiving, (2) independent of any assistance in taking medical marijuana, (3) at or before the time he or she assumed responsibility for assisting with medical marijuana.” According to the court, the Compassionate Use Act allows “[t]he spouse or domestic partner caring for his or her ailing companion, the child caring for his or her ailing parent, [and] the hospice nurse caring for his or her ailing patient ... to add the provision of marijuana, where medically recommended or approved, as one more arrow in their caregiving quiver.” The Compassionate Use Act “does not provide similar protection where the provision of marijuana is itself the substance of the relationship.”


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
lets say that you live in a marijuana repressed state and you saw that show on MSNBC that the've been running recently about marijuana growing in cali. - i think its called marijuana inc.

and you see this grower with his backyard garden saying that it is worth $500,000, so you say, fuck this crappy state i'm in, i'm going to cali where no one will fuck with me and i can get rich or at least make some damn good money.

is that really the way it is out there?
is it really possible?
its got to be better there than here.
I hear ya and feel for you too.......

I'm a medicinal user in a non med state, I keep my mouth shut & grow my own at great risk of losing my freedom and property, it's just not right. There are days when I think about selling everything I own out here and settling down in a small place in northern ca. I'd like to find one of the counties that allows 25 plants per patient and take on only 2 or 3 patients to grow for, with a legal 100 plant garden I could do some seed breeding from the now defunct Motarebel Herijuana seed stock I've been holding onto for the right opportunity.

I got this news from MPP yesterday:

Exciting news! Today, S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, was debated on the floor of the Senate and passed 36-28! This is an enormous victory for some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and we could not have done it without your support. Hopefully, we are just a few short weeks away from ending the cruel practice of arresting the sick and the dying for simply trying to alleviate their pain.

According to Minnesota legislative rules, the full Senate now must approve the bill again before it officially passes. This will likely happen tomorrow, in an up-or-down vote, without debate, and no amendments will be allowed. We fully expect the Senate will confirm its vote from today and officially pass the bill out of the chamber.

Whereas that might be exciting news to some I know that Tim Pawlenty (MN governor) is going to veto the measure, he'd always been one of Bush's butt buddies. Pawlenty is a front runner for the 2012 presidential election. In a recent telephone poll by WCCO News (Mnpls/St Paul) the voting public approved medical marijuana 96% to 4% voting no.

There's hope if we elect a Democratic governor next time out in 2010.



Active member
maybe so but there are people doing it right now.
whats that saying?
some say it cant be done while others are doing it.
and they are in a WAY better financial situation than me.

id imagine it might be hard to just "transplant" yourself here.

even if you were dropped right now smack dab into San Francisco with a bag full of 5 pounds, what would you do with it? Theres stories in SF all the time of growers walking around downtown with cardboard boxes filled with harvests, going from one club to the next trying to get rid of it.

some people grow in the first place because they already got their clientele set, you gotta run around and put together a bunch of 215ers and form a co-op. Me, ive been smoking since high school and i go way back with most of my "patients", my client llist took YEARS to build good relationships with those who smoke my herbs.

if you already have a small network patients out here it could work, but until then you would have to start from ground zero.

what they dont show in that MSNBC show is all the paperwork you gottta get filed in order to grow legally. That guy probably is a legal caregiver to a whole bunch of circles, its gonna be hard to muscle in and steal legitimate clients because most are already under a care giver, your only customers would be the clubs (who lowball, and who are also under strict federal watch right now for those who arent following SB420) and random dealers you meet on the street.

realisticly, it can be done. you need about ten grand for deposit/rent/materials (unless you already got em) to probably move out here and set something up. you can always just take your crops to the Height but its all at your own risk, cops still bust people for marijuana out here all the time its not like SF is some safe haven. My friend recently spent a night in 850 bryant
jail for possessing two ounces and a scale without his proper paperwork.


Active member
another thing about california right now...COMPETITION COMPETITION COMPETITION...althogh its fun knowing that because theres so many of us its more accepted, "safety in numbers" haha, it drives the prices down alot. Its like weed is exactly half the price here than it is anywhere else in the US.

everyone is kind of stuck in the same price zone right now, theres not alot of wiggle room unless you are seriously pulling weight, like a 10pack a month AT LEAST.

People cant throw a stone without knowing some kind of friend who grows. Alot of people i know, also know that "cousin" or other guy who is also growing some bomb bomb.

Id imagine out in the rest of the country, you dont have to worry about someone stealing your customer for a $250 an ounce for high grade sale because they are getting some other high grade some from other budtrader for $230. prices rock bottom here sometimes, during flood season people give away frosty outdoor buds for as low as 150 a zone for shit that can easily fetch 300 plus somewhere else.

Why grow in california, and only be able to sell your top quality for $250 a zip when you can grow in Alabama and sell that same bud for $500, AND PAY LESS RENT!?!? Gotta remember unless your living up north the rent here aint cheap, what i pay for my puny little rooms someone can get a big 5 bedroom house in the midwest and do it even bigger.

i know theres the police prescence, but we still deal with that out here too. even though for me im more worried about the little hooligans in my neighborhood than the police, cops are worthless to me.


Lammen Gorthaur
True growers don't sell strait to the consumer.
There is always a middle man. (Or 2)

Please have your middleman contact me at their convenience. I need to start unloading harvests. It's about the money, so shoot me...


Active member
Please have your middleman contact me at their convenience. I need to start unloading harvests. It's about the money, so shoot me...

seems like w/ the way this economy has turned a lot of us are in a damn good position w/ what we know about cannabis cultivation.

ive noticed alot of threads on here lately like this one that maybe a year ago would have been closed. (regarding sales)

i hope it means that gypsy and the mods understand that we can civily talk about this and that we need to.

...and that we arent trying to glamorize the commercial aspect, but trying to get by, and trying to understand the various markets for "our gold".

i'd love it if we could have a thread or sticky regarding "current market quotes". (going price for known strains, and area type stuff)...im not gonna start one unless admin says its cool tho.


id imagine it might be hard to just "transplant" yourself here.

even if you were dropped right now smack dab into San Francisco with a bag full of 5 pounds, what would you do with it? Theres stories in SF all the time of growers walking around downtown with cardboard boxes filled with harvests, going from one club to the next trying to get rid of it.

Maybe its not like this up in norcal because you guys don't have enough clubs but its def like this in Socal. Theres 400+ clubs all looking to buy weed of almost any quality, my friend made a ton of extra cash buying pounds on the black market and selling them to clubs lol


It's called boosterism and it's nothing new to Cali. A romanticized story of cali's modern day dank rush. Don't believe the hype though, there are more than enough growers who are masters of their craft. Don't expect to come here and slip by the system and make tons of money, it don't work that way.

1 lb to a dispensary, ranges from about $1000-4000 not take in to account the supplies, water, electricity, nutes, lights, medical documentation, pigs, rats, thieves, ect...it's not easy.

But hey come out here and give it ago, just don't say you weren't warned.


In all reality a perpetual grow in the boon docks or an area that doesn't have much of a market for marijuana would be much more prosperous than cali. You could basically monopolize the market if you get a quality strain that people will come back for. Dedicate 3/4 of a room to flowering and 1/4 to mother veg. 500,000 a year, but you still need to take into account a lot more than just dollars once again the cost of supplies, water, electricity, nutes, lights, medical documentation, pigs, rats, thieves, ect


, my friend made a ton of extra cash buying pounds on the black market and selling them to clubs lol

That's not really something you want to promote on here I only quoted it to show what not to do.

Their are legit patience who need medicine and saying things like this under minds the integrity of the medical cannibus movement. Now I'm not saying things such as this don't occur, but don't give big bro anymore ammo to use against the sick.


Freedom Fighter
Maybe its not like this up in norcal because you guys don't have enough clubs but its def like this in Socal. Theres 400+ clubs all looking to buy weed of almost any quality, my friend made a ton of extra cash buying pounds on the black market and selling them to clubs lol

And that is why ppl complain about high prices...but if the Dispensaries sold at butt-ass cheap prices...it would be the other way around...they would be buying from Dispensaries and selling on the street--
I understand having all grades of weed...it is good to grab a pound of mids to make hash-- But if they carry cheap stuff...then the Media will report that Dispensaries are supplying the Black Market-- Catch 22--

heavy dank nugg

All of what you said is false.

A)Most people don't get rich off of marijuana, but you certainly can.
B)Anybody can get a 215, and anybody with friends can become a caretaker and have state validated cover for a big fucking grow.

OP, as I've come to find out in great detail in the past few months(from friends, I'm not even growing right now, and I'd never deal)it's just not as easy as it sounds. First, people talk, and people often know what's up even if you're quiet. When a good percentage of the populous is financially fucked, knowing someone has six figs worth of anything growing in your house is not exactly a safe situation. So there is the criminal element to consider. Second, you can't just walk down the street and sell pounds of herb to strangers without fear. It doesn't work like that. While the marijuana trade is, in many circles, a different animal than the rest of the illicit drug trade, people get crazy with lots of money in front of them. Moreover, growing a massive op isn't as easy as some people think. It's a full time job, and then some-you'll need help.

And even if you sell strictly to the clubs, the weed must be absolutely spectacular. Most weed gets turned away.

Moving to california to start your life as a pot dealer is a pretty awful idea, all told
then why dose the weed from most clubs suck?????


Active member
Most of it doesn't suck... you just need to know where to go... I know a place that caps $45 n 8th and as long as you aren't there at the end of the night there is a good chance of getting something good...

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