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ICMag Donor
You've L I T E R A L L Y said in this thread multiple times that the ONLY trustworthy news source on the ENTIRE PLANET is Infowars so.... Yeah. Don't know if I'm so keen on your opinion on what makes for a good news source. :laughing:

Please do not put words in my mouth.


ICMag Donor

Beto Supports Nike’s Decision to Withdraw American Flag Sneakers

Presidential candidate shows his true colors

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - July 4, 2019 Comments
Image Credits: Stephen Lam/Getty Images.

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke says he supports Nike’s decision to withdraw a new line of sneakers featuring the Betsy Ross flag over concerns it could cause offense.
Nike issued a special edition of its Air Max 1 brand in anticipation of July 4 featuring the flag under which America’s 13 original colonies were founded 243 years ago. The design features 13 five-pointed stars arranged in a circle on a field of blue alongside 13 white and red bars.
However, the line was withdrawn after Colin Kaepernick convinced Nike that the design may be offensive to black Americans because, “the flag recalls an era when black people were enslaved and….has been appropriated by white nationalist groups,” reported the Associated Press.
Now Beto O’Rourke has publicly backed Nike’s decision to pull the sneakers.
“I think its really important to take into account the impression that kind of symbol would have for many of our fellow Americans, respect the decision Nike made and grateful for the conversation (that it is provoking),” O’Rourke told Jewish Insider’s Ben Jacobs.
Beto added that “the version of the flag that was used on Nike shoes in question has by some extremist/white nationalist groups been appropriated.”
The same flag was also “appropriated” by Barack Obama for his inauguration in 2013.
“Nike has a massive contract with the failed football quarterback to help push a social justice narrative, and that’s more important than the freedoms symbolized by the American flag,” writes Victor Skinner.

White Beard

Active member
Vogue is controlled media. Its a globalist mouthpiece to put out propaganda to manipulate public opinion.

Hopefully you know how much of a political tool fraud the SPLC is

Your unbreakable addiction to InfoWars and other manufactured BS completely disqualifies you as a source of valid opinion, and continually highlights your incapacity for doing any meaningful research yourself.

Buying into the new-Confederate party-line regarding the SPLC seems right on par for you...but then immediately after, you POST from them as if they’re suddenly valid:

“pipeline” said:
Why do you think we are now seeing a resurgence of the antifa movement?
I think a lot of it has to do with the degree to which the alt-right has been emboldened by the Trump presidency. We can see the outbreak of hate crimes, as documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center, that have targeted mosques, synagogues, LGBTQ centers, and all sorts of populations, and the real need to organize a response as a result. The antifa model has been appealing to a lot of leftists and people who want to commit themselves to fighting back.

For the record, the SPLC quote makes sense, and somebody’s been messing with your wiring. Standing up to droogs is the same impulse, whether it’s fighting in the field, or protecting your neighbors and community.


ICMag Donor
I'm not wasting my time addressing the false accusations.
People can read and decide for themselves. Thanks for sharing white beard.

I don't have time to play patty cake with detractors. If you can't read and comprehend, I'm sorry. Please show me articles, research, interviews, and statements of interest. Doesn't necessarily have to be on infowars.

Beto Campaigns In…Mexico?

2020 Dem candidate courts foreigners to win US presidential election

Jake Lloyd | Infowars.com - June 30, 2019 Comments

Beto O’Rourke is testing an interesting strategy in his fight for the Democratic nomination.


17-Year-Old Mows American Flag Into Lawn to Honor Fallen Army Friend

While leftists become hysterical over a version of the U.S. flag on Nike trainers

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - July 3, 2019 Comments

A Texas teen mowed an American flag design into the lawn of his family’s home to honor his Army friend who was killed while on duty at the border.
17-year-old Cameron James decided to combine the 4th of July with remembering his buddy by creating the pattern at his home in Haslet, North Texas.
James’ friend Kevin Christian, who he met through the Boy Scouts, died last week in Arizona during a Border Patrol operation.
“Last year my dad wanted me to do this to celebrate the Fourth of July and then this year just like last week one of my best friends from scouting died in the Army,” said James. “He was just a role model for me, so I wanted to make sure he was missed by even the people who didn’t know him.”
James said it took him about 4 hours to create the design using two different settings on his mower to make the stripes and a weed eater to carve out the 50 stars.
As irate leftists become hysterical over Nike trainers using a version of the American flag and demand that TV networks ignore Trump’s patriotic 4th of July parade, this is a timely reminder of what the country is really all about.

Wendull C.

Active member
I been watching fifty years...maybe I’ve seen things you haven’t

I am certain you have. Maybe then they weren't the leftist henchman they are now. I'm sure you saw them do some good things. I have read about them, but, I did not see or hear about the contemporaneously.


Well-known member

Emergency Message To Donald Trump Concerning Big Tech Censorship and July 11th Social Media Summit

Big Tech censorship America's most pressing issue

Image Credits: Tasos Katopodis / Stringer /Getty.

By Infowars.com Wednesday, July 03, 2019

One of Trumps first acts as President was he gutted internet privacy rights.

Then he hired Adjit Pai and dismantled Net Neutrality.

He doesn't give a shit about free speech. Those outlets talk negatively about him and he wants them gone plain and simple. He said it before he was even elected. He wants to get rid of libel laws so he can sue whoever he wants for whatever he wants.


Boreal Curing
I quit.

Trying to convince a Trump supporter of his malfeasance and lack of morality and decency is like trying to convince someone with Down Syndrome to not get excited about ice cream.

I pass the baton to whomever wants it.


Active member
Splc is a partisan henchman. Fuck outta here. I have been watching those cock suckers for 20 years.

Man, you sure are a big fan of vague ass accusations, aren't you? You spew nothing but bile, but you never EVER have specific examples.

This is like the third time I've asked for a specific example in this thread from you. Not once have you given me anything beyond what you'd find in a Brietbart headline. All fluff, no substance.

What SPECIFICALLY do you dislike about the SPLC? What SPECIFICALLY did they do that was wrong?


Active member
Its pretty obvious the SPLC, ADL, and ACLU are all being used for political propaganda.

Would you have any examples to substantiate that claim, or is that another blanket dismissal of sources that don’t support trump?

I’m still patiently waiting to hear the prognosis of those 20 acid attack victims pipeline.

It’s like that story just evaporated, almost would have to question if it ever happened at all.


Well-known member
it's a common tactic used by trump, infowars, as well as ben shapiro. they gish gallop all over you with relentless "headlines" and "im hearing from xxx" type bullshit which ends up overwhelming the argument by burying their earlier claims because the arguers then focus on the 50 other crazy claims that came after.


Well-known member


Well-known member
I been watching fifty years...maybe I’ve seen things you haven’t
you have to LOOK to SEE. perspective is everything. many do not like the SPLC because they point out shit some (many?) folks want to keep hidden. watching the marches in Birmingham for racial equality when LEO turned on the firehoses & unleashed the dogs for example- racist whites cheered watching uppity negroes getting their just desserts. everyone else got a look at just how bad it really was...if not for TV holding the shit to their noses, lots of folks would never have known what it smelled like. SPLC makes damn sure that you (and everyone else) know when you shit your pants, lol...:tiphat:


Well-known member
I quit.

Trying to convince a Trump supporter of his malfeasance and lack of morality and decency is like trying to convince someone with Down Syndrome to not get excited about ice cream.

I pass the baton to whomever wants it.

killer analogy! spot on, sir. :thank you: well, many of his supporters share many of his traits. pointing out that he is a con man, bullshitter, and racist reflects on THEM as well. you didn't expect them to NOT be witless assholes just because you pointed out that he was, did you?:biggrin: anyone that uses infowars as a source of anything but humor deserves the humiliation that they will get from everyone with an education.


Well-known member
Would you have any examples to substantiate that claim, or is that another blanket dismissal of sources that don’t support trump?

I’m still patiently waiting to hear the prognosis of those 20 acid attack victims pipeline.

It’s like that story just evaporated, almost would have to question if it ever happened at all.

"almost"? very forgiving of you. i'm nowhere NEAR that generous...


ICMag Donor

This isn’t about sneakers, but about people who want ‘no USA at all’

Happy birthday, America, wherever you are

RT - July 4, 2019 Comments
Image Credits: Getty.

In just a few short years, the woke crusade against “hate” in the US has gone from demanding the removal of Confederate flags and monuments to targeting George Washington, the national anthem and now even the American flag.
Seen in isolation, the decision by Nike to scrap their sneaker design featuring the original flag of the 13 colonies that declared independence from the British crown in 1776 – reportedly at the urging of ex-football player turned social justice commissar Colin Kaepernick – seems like a tempest in a teapot. Seen from another perspective, though, it’s an alarming example of a trend that threatens to unravel the few remaining threads that keep America together.
Kaepernick’s reported reasoning was that the flag is associated with slavery – which indeed existed in the thirteen colonies at the time of their revolt against King George III, and later in what became the United States of America. By that logic, however, any American flag is inappropriate, because even though slavery was abolished in 1865, discriminatory laws persisted until 1964 – over a decade after Hawaii’s statehood brought the number of stars on the flag to 50.
Tell that to the 54th Massachusetts, an all-Black regiment that fought in the Civil War and was memorialized in the movie ‘Glory’. For that matter, tell it to Barack Obama, who flew the original flag at his second inauguration, just six years ago!
Of course, everything is fine when Obama does it, from flying the Betsy Ross flag to running detention centers for illegal immigrants. They were magically transformed into a “symbol of hate” and “concentration camps” as soon as the Bad Orange Man – otherwise known as President Donald Trump – took over, however.
Alex Jones and Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes lay out a battle plan of actions that President Trump must take in order to reign in Big Tech censorship and the theft of our elections.
Cue the liberal “explainer” site Vox, which ignored Kaepernick’s reported reasoning about the flag to argue that the real problem was its use “as a symbol of white supremacy” since 2008, as a “racist” reaction to Obama’s election.
According to Vox, Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross had nothing to do with that flag anyway, the whole story was apocryphal and made up. Sure, and George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree, but he’s still revered as the Founding Father of America, right?
Of course not. Earlier this week, the San Francisco, California school board decided to remove a ‘racist’ mural of Washington that showed slaves in chains and dead bodies of Native Americans. Ironically, the mural itself was a social justice statement of its time – it was painted in 1936 by George Arnautoff, a Communist artist who studied under Diego Rivera, and wanted to depict Washington without any of the patriotic romanticism. Today, however, being woke means going all Taliban on art from the past.
The US national anthem has not been safe from scrutiny, either. Back in 2017, the statue of Francis Scott Key – who wrote the lyrics to the “Star-spangled Banner” – was defaced in Baltimore, after the liberal publication Salon denounced the anthem and Key himself as racist.

Incidentally, Kaepernick became famous – and a “moral authority,” according to Vox – when he began to kneel during the anthem at football games, saying he was protesting police violence against African-Americans.
Would “God Bless America” be safe? Not a chance. In April, sports teams rushed to banish any mention of Kate Smith – for whom Irving Berlin wrote the song and who performed it for years at sporting events – because several songs she recorded in the 1930s “contain offensive lyrics.” Smith’s statue outside the Philadelphia Flyers arena was covered with a black tarp and then removed entirely, just like her recording of “God Bless America” was erased from the repertoire.
This is the same arena, by the way, where the Democrats held their convention in 2016 and anointed Hillary Clinton as their candidate. Somehow, Smith’s songs from the 1930s didn’t bother anyone then.
Woke warriors have also targeted the Pledge of Allegiance. Written in 1892 by a socialist, Francis Bellamy, as part of a marketing ploy to sell American flags, the Pledge has since become a secular ritual, involving school children swearing (or not) to the flag “and the republic for which it stands.”
So if the pledge is oppression, the flag is racist, George Washington is racist, Betsy Ross didn’t exist, the anthem is racist, “God Bless America” is racist by association… where does that leave the US? Is it at least the “greatest country in the world” as its politicians – of both parties – so often declare? Actually, no, according to the New York Times.
It’s a myth “at best outdated and at worst, wildly inaccurate,” says the nation’s paper of record in an opinion video released on the eve of July 4 celebrations.
So as you see, this is about more than just sneakers – or even vapid virtue-signaling. This is about people who insist on being the arbiters of morality, and “canceling” anyone who dares to think otherwise; who hate the Bad Orange Man so much that they are willing to destroy the country he presides over; who chant “no fascist USA” and “no USA at all” – but then blame Russia for “sowing discord,” in order to cover up their tracks.
Happy birthday, America, wherever you are.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I've never read infowars before, or really any far right/left leaning news source. But, in reading the last few articles, it reads almost like a parody of itself. I can't believe any self respecting right leaning individual would believe or even think this is anything but hyperbole. It's almost like the Onion of the far-far right, which I'd actually applaud if they weren't actually drinking their own kool-aid too, fuck man I'll never get the time I spent reading those articles back. I have actually left thread feeling less hopeful about the human race.
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