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Is Hate Speech... Free Speech?

Does free speech protect hate speech? What is hate speech? Is lawlessness freedom? You keep saying "The First Amendment..." I do not think it means what you think it means... Or does it? FREEDOM ISN'T FREE! Is Free Speech?



Free Speech 2: Censorship Boogaloo

infowars and hate speech doers are censored! what do?




Well-known member
The dumbest take I see coming from otherwise smart people is the idea that the main conflict in the US is woke Tumblr Teens vs Alt Right chuds (or Brooklyn Media Elites vs Real Americans) rather than the one-sided state war against immigrants and the poor.

The immigrants actually hurt the poor, that just brings in more and more people willing to work for low wages. That is exactly why they won't pay a fair wage, America is overcrowded their is always someone willing to do the job for less.

Democrats are a fraud, they don't want to give us better wages, they are owned by people like Donald Trump who definitely enjoys low wage workers. How you think Starbucks got so rich? Low wage workers and overpriced coffee. :woohoo:


Active member
I research the far-right.

Almost a dozen members of the violent SPLC-designated hate group Proud Boys paid me a threatening near-midnight visit Saturday, asking a neighbor if he knew me and instructing him to tell "that fat bitch" to stop.

They slapped a large sticker on my door to let me know they'd been there.

As my neighbor @kateagoodman discovered, they also blanketed the neighborhood with them to drive home the point.

I'm not the only person they visited that night.

These thugs weren't just looking to talk.

They were wearing armor.

This isn't the first time the Philly Proud Boys have threatened us.

Here's Proud Boy Mark Anthony Tucci last month, letting me know what's coming if I keep publishing grassroots research.

Here's one of his Proud Boy friends, publishing my address and claiming to have kidnapped my cat.

There's something particularly vile about extremists who try and leverage the safety of innocent animals in their threats, no?

After Tucci and his friends lost their accounts for targeted harassment, I started getting dozens of calls from protected numbers.

Proud Boys would leave mumbling, ominous messages in the middle of the night.

These calls started again after I wrote about their late night visit.

My parents started getting them, too-- when they answered the first time, a low male voice told them, "Gwen had better stop."

They received so many calls in the early hours of the morning that they had to start unplugging their phone at night.

The Proud Boys and their friends have released not only my address and information, but the addresses and identities of my family members.

I've gone to the police repeatedly. They tell me that the Proud Boys are just "trying to make me nervous."

This isn't unusual behavior for the radical white supremacist right.

They march through the streets publicly and proudly, promoting hate and terrifying people, menacing even the most peaceful & nonviolent counter-protesters.

They always have a full police guard protecting them.

The minute those of us who do this quiet research work name them and hold them accountable for that very public hate speech-- hate speech they've made proudly and in front of news cameras-- we're "#AntifaTerrorists."

Mainstream media calls us "doxxers," as if naming a public figure delivering white supremacist speeches to news crews-- doing the work journalists are SUPPOSED to do-- is morally equivalent to hate groups publishing our home addresses and encouraging folks to rape or kill us.

These hate groups are gaining power, mainstreaming, even turning up in Trump 2020 campaign materials.

Here's the Communications Director for Trump 2020 disseminating a video that features a Proud Boy in uniform.

They're not even pretending anymore.

Yet the mainstream media still pretends that these terrorist are fringe, ignoring them as they threaten and menace us, our loved ones, even our pets.

They act as if it's all just some far left/far right freak show, irrelevant to the political world they engage and cover.

Yet when Andy Ngo-- a right wing propagandist who edits a publication known to deliberately disseminate false stories that have proavably endangered actual journalists-- gets some milkshake on his backpack and a cut on his forehead, the outcry is instant.

Nevermind that there's no actual indicator of who started the scuffle.

Nevermind that there's every reason to question Ngo's version of events, given his editorial role at a white supremacist publication that makes a habit of distorting the truth in service of a fascist agenda.

I'm literally in hiding right now.

Information I've received from other researchers who do this work indicates that the local Proud Boys are increasingly desperate and increasingly dangerous, looking for opportunities to enact violence.

"Trying to make me nervous," my ass.

Where's the mainstream media outrage on my behalf?

Where's the outrage on behalf of the actual journalists having to take similar precautions because Ngo's publication has mischaracterized them as "antifa" collaborators, landing them on nazi kill lists?

Our country is running concentration camps.

White supremacist thugs are using harassment & threats of violence to drive nonviolent journalists and researchers into hiding, with help from propagandists.

Trump's team is creating propaganda promoting them.

Mainstream pundits are lionizing dishonest far right propagandists like Ngo while ignoring the incredibly strong indicators of a violent, fascist tide of far right suppression of opposition speech, complete with brown shirts like the Proud Boys.

Meanwhile, we're a year out from a presidential election, & far right politicians are doing everything in their power to legislate (or even, as in the case of GA last year, unilaterally impose) permanent suppression of the opposition vote to ensure their control of the goverment.

Wake up, America.

"Fascism" isn't just a cute antifa buzzword.

Shake off the notion that this could never happen here, because it is happening here.

And if we don't say "never again is now" soon and act, it will be too late.

Wendull C.

Active member
The first amendment is there to protect what others deem hate speech. Thank God. If it wasn't either tyrants, or, the tyranny of the majority would define what is hateful speech and what isnt.

The first amendment is not intended to protect speech you agree with. It is specifically the opposite.

Talk is cheap. Thank God the founders of our republic knew this. It saddens me to see so many others who have benefited from their fruits do not, and would be willing to hand their voices over to those who would eventually silence them as well.


Active member
The immigrants actually hurt the poor, that just brings in more and more people willing to work for low wages. That is exactly why they won't pay a fair wage, America is overcrowded their is always someone willing to do the job for less.

Bro, you don't even have a basic understanding of economics.

More people means more people buying goods and services, which means MORE JOBS.

Do you tell pregnant women to get an abortion because they're just bringing in more people willing to work for low wages?

..or is this more about the fact that most immigrants aren't the same skin tone as you?


Active member
Now tell us how you feel about Ilhan Omar's criticism of Israel. Or flag burning. Should it be legal to threaten you with violence? It's 'just speech', after all...

The first amendment is there to protect what others deem hate speech. Thank God. If it wasn't either tyrants, or, the tyranny of the majority would define what is hateful speech and what isnt.

The first amendment is not intended to protect speech you agree with. It is specifically the opposite.

Talk is cheap. Thank God the founders of our republic knew this. It saddens me to see so many others who have benefited from their fruits do not, and would be willing to hand their voices over to those who would eventually silence them as well.

Wendull C.

Active member
She is welcome to say whatever fits her fancy. If it gets her elected again, good for her.

Flag burning was upheld by the supreme court as a legitimate form if protest. Though I feel it disrespectful to people who died fighting for whatever or wherever the nation sent them, I have to accept it due to the first amendment.

Once again, it is to protect speech you don't like.


Active member
She is welcome to say whatever fits her fancy. If it gets her elected again, good for her.

Flag burning was upheld by the supreme court as a legitimate form if protest. Though I feel it disrespectful to people who died fighting for whatever or wherever the nation sent them, I have to accept it due to the first amendment.

Once again, it is to protect speech you don't like.

You're the only person in this thread who's been consistent on those two points, so I've gotta give you credit where it's due. If you support Ilhan Omar's right to criticize Israel and my right to burn flags, I believe you when you say you're a free speech absolutist. :biggrin:

How do you feel about threats of violence? Is that protected under the 1st Amendment?

Wendull C.

Active member
That is a hard one. When I grew up talk was cheap and you could say whatever you wanted. As long as it was not followed up with action. I still believe this to a point and find some things people are arrested for saying ludicrous. I can be mad enough to kill one minute and my brain turns on and it's over. Others I'm sure are the same way. Some are not.

With the advent of so many mass shootings and terrorist attacks people should know better than to pop off in that matter.

That being said, i am not a lawyer or constitutional scholar. So, i yield to their opinions on the matter which are eventually enshrined in precedent or thrown out by those who know the law far better than I.


Active member
That is a hard one. When I grew up talk was cheap and you could say whatever you wanted. As long as it was not followed up with action. I still believe this to a point and find some things people are arrested for saying ludicrous. I can be mad enough to kill one minute and my brain turns on and it's over. Others I'm sure are the same way. Some are not.

With the advent of so many mass shootings and terrorist attacks people should know better than to pop off in that matter.

That being said, i am not a lawyer or constitutional scholar. So, i yield to their opinions on the matter which are eventually enshrined in precedent or thrown out by those who know the law far better than I.

That's all fair for sure.

Please keep in mind that Antifa sees white nationalism as a violent threat against non-white people, which it is. In their view, they are engaged in community self defense.

You may disagree with that, but this isn't an issue where they think they're shutting down speech. They're shutting down violent threats against their fellow community members.


Boreal Curing
Bro, you don't even have a basic understanding of economics.

More people means more people buying goods and services, which means MORE JOBS.

Do you tell pregnant women to get an abortion because they're just bringing in more people willing to work for low wages?

..or is this more about the fact that most immigrants aren't the same skin tone as you?

Economics 101 should be taught in grade 9 before they quit school.

Without immigration your economy can't grow. So bring them in. But it takes a couple years for it to hit, and couple generation for the kids to droo old world thinking.

German economy will explode in a good way because of all the immigrants they too in. Canada is in the same position.

I have to say that Canada's immigration system is merit based. That's one thing Trump wants. But he's fighting the constitution on that one.

Wendull C.

Active member
That's all fair for sure.

Please keep in mind that Antifa sees white nationalism as a violent threat against non-white people, which it is. In their view, they are engaged in community self defense.

You may disagree with that, but this isn't an issue where they think they're shutting down speech. They're shutting down violent threats against their fellow community members.

We can agree to disagree on that. You could replace antifa in your argument with the kkk and the only difference would be the race attacked and the decade.


Active member
You're the only person in this thread who's been consistent on those two points, so I've gotta give you credit where it's due. If you support Ilhan Omar's right to criticize Israel and my right to burn flags, I believe you when you say you're a free speech absolutist. :biggrin:

How do you feel about threats of violence? Is that protected under the 1st Amendment?

That's bullshit, I have consistently said I would stand by anyone's right to free speech. Even people like you that I fundamentally disagree with.

Free speech doesn't cover threats of violence. Unfortunately, you have portrayed political disagreements with violence.

Either way the correct response to disgusting speech is more speech.

I really hope you enjoy your freedoms.
I hope you have a fantastic Independence Day.

I hope you all have a great Independence Day.
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