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'In Search of the ULTIMATE SATIVA and INDICA'....(Rare Land-Race Hunting.)


Well-known member

thanks for doing this and we are all glad Seed Hunter can run and climb or this journey would be cut short. thanks to all the real seed hunters who risk a lot to collect and preserve landrace genetics for those of us who like to grow them.

its great thread to follow along with and to be able to buy some rare seeds only makes it better.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You need to be smart and think ahead when you travel looking for cannabis - taking into account local laws and customs - and to be aware that most of the people you might meet are very poor and so set-ups are often made on un-witting cannabis lovers/enthusiasts who stop and toke with strangers.

I have heard many stories of people getting into legal problems with local authorities over cannabis use in far-off places - just like we have in our own countries.

So you have to have some sort of story/cover as to why you want to gather the seeds of a plant that is regulated under draconian laws - In the past I have said that I was a botanist who is making a study on the terpenes/resins of cannabis for industrial or medical use - and don't present myself as some sort of hippy/stoner who is just there to get high - It is better to present yourself as an academic and not to get high on the plant around those that might set you up with the local police - who are just after milking you of any wealth you might have when they have you locked up securely in their jails.

As I have stated before - all of the crops would have been harvested from the fields before The Seed Hunter arrived this year - so there is not any chance of field pics where he is right now - possibly he could find some harvested/dry flowers if they have not yet been processed - but we are yet to see this, and local people can be shy about having anyone film them toking the 'erb because of legal reasons again.

The Seed Hunter is not part of some team (although he does have our support - but we are in Europe) - he is alone in this quest - so he must tread lightly - get in there - get the seeds - and then get out of there without causing too much of a rumpus.


I have one more good tip

Find trusted person that understund the language full , and lives there.
This person must also be good at your language.

This means a local pothead who handle English perfekt.
And needs money.
This is the first you need before you go out there at all.

Hope this helps,
i believe you already know these simple things anyway :)

And the laws, can you handle them?

This is not fun thing do.

Only heros do this, people who really try this serious, they can help alot others.

best luck

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Trusting anyone that you meet can lead to sheer folly - for they might rob you or even turn you into the cops - if they think that its possible or worth it - and hanging out with known pot-heads is a risk that you should not take - because in these smaller communities everyone seems to know everyone else - and what they do.

I have one more good tip

Find trusted person that understund the language full , and lives there.
This person must also be good at your language.

This means a local pothead who handle English perfekt.
And needs money.
This is the first you need before you go out there at all.

Hope this helps,
i believe you already know these simple things anyway :)

And the laws, can you handle them?

This is not fun thing do.

Only heros do this, people who really try this serious, they can help alot others.

best luck


Trusting anyone that you meet can lead to sheer folly - for they might rob you or even turn you into the cops - if they think that its possible or worth it - and hanging out with known pot-heads is a risk that you should not take - because in these smaller communities everyone seems to know everyone else - and what they do.

Totally true.

Money helps. In these places you need money.
If they found out you steal seeds. Then you cant breathe next day

If you really want do this thing.
And Success with it.

1 Find donors
2 Build a team. 2-3 trusted people who risk all for this.
3 Pay the local people there
4 Get the seeds with that help
5 Send the seeds by airmail to different trusted adresses
6 Promise them a bit more money afterwards if everything works
out great.

7 Goodluck
8 If the seed is great you will have good future after that
9 Sell them Vice
10 Enjoy the life

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh - he is paying for the seeds - under the guise of being an interested botanist who is studying the plant - or as he is as the representative of a seed company - and he prefers to travel alone - without the associated problems of having to deal with and coordinate other people who might not be such a seasoned and smart traveler as he is - oftentimes its not yourself that gets you into trouble - its those who you might be travelling with.

I don't know if you have ever attempted any seed gathering in very remote locations jrelax - from what I hear from you - it looks like you have not.


Well-known member
Fingers crossed he meets one trustworthy conneseuer in each location. I can see the risks.

Funny, though my collection is small compared to many people's. The only criteria I have when sharing or trading is that they to love the plant and are also concerned with preservation and improvement.

I imagine any culture with a history of smoking flowers or hashish has a few growers and breeders that are a step above the rest in terms of finished product.


One more thing

NATURE is going bad.

read this please


please find out something good, donate stuff and so.
If lots of people donate like 5-10 dollars couple times.
There is money do the work good then i believe.

I can donate 20-50 dollars year to good seedhunter.
Im fucking poor sick guy.
Lots of people can easily donate this per month what i can give per year.
Maybe 1000 more will do this.
Atleast 100 people.
This makes more seeds. and future saving also.

The time is now.
Dont wait

We need this stuff.

If you want good cannabis.

This is timebomb also i believe
Read my link please


Oh - he is paying for the seeds - under the guise of being an interested botanist who is studying the plant - or as he is as the representative of a seed company - and he prefers to travel alone - without the associated problems of having to deal with and coordinate other people who might not be such a seasoned and smart traveler as he is - oftentimes its not yourself that gets you into trouble - its those who you might be travelling with.

I don't know if you have ever attempted any seed gathering in very remote locations jrelax - from what I hear from you - it looks like you have not.

What i can do, or not.

If i really want do something. I always succeed with it in the end.

I dont like the school at all.
I start work when i was 11years old.
I had own company when i was 16 years old.
When i was 18 years old i had 3 companies and 20+ full employed

When i was 24years old i had biggest private owned company in this business in my country

When i was 30 years old, i had 3 big companies over 60 full time employyers

I made my first 1million dollar before i was 20years old.

please dont hate me now.

I did special connections with people world around.
I know how to do this.
This is most important if you want big success.
Make good connections.
Have money ready also.

Dont hide.
Pay and work that out give more back.

I also know one guy that is millionaire today handling this
seedhunting stuff.

Question is
Are you serious?

Serious people dont have problems with laws
They are smart.

Show me pictures of plants on field soon please

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes very impressive - if of course you are serious - I too left school at 15 and have had many companies during my life - some quite successful - and I am not hating on anyone -

In recent years I have had big problems legally due to my seed hunting and seed distributing efforts being locked up in the Philippines without trial or sentence for 30 months before being able to deport back to my native country - the UK - where I had to fight off extradition to the USA this year - which luckily I defeated in The High Courts of Justice.

This totaled 5 years of legal attrition (until I was completely free in the UK) cost me just about everything I had saved - so I am not a wealthy man by a longshot - and now I am back helping to organize a seed company yet again - since I realize the importance of finding new and exciting cannabis genetics - as I have always done - well at least for the past 40 years or so - that I have been involved with the cannabis industry.

Of course I am serious - and serious people still have problems as I have done - since we all have to rely on others at times - and these others got me into trouble - by becoming confidential witnesses for the federal police in the USA - and helping them to make a case against me due to my cannabis seed business.

What i can do, or not.

If i really want do something. I always succeed with it in the end.

I dont like the school at all.
I start work when i was 11years old.
I had own company when i was 16 years old.
When i was 18 years old i had 3 companies and 20+ full employed

When i was 24years old i had biggest private owned company in this business in my country

When i was 30 years old, i had 3 big companies over 60 full time employyers

I made my first 1million dollar before i was 20years old.

please dont hate me now.

I did special connections with people world around.
I know how to do this.
This is most important if you want big success.
Make good connections.
Have money ready also.

Dont hide.
Pay and work that out give more back.

I also know one guy that is millionaire today handling this
seedhunting stuff.

Question is
Are you serious?

Serious people dont have problems with laws
They are smart.

Show me pictures of plants on field soon please


What was those seeds you show before?
I know this is big market seeds.
Not self picked in jungle.

We dont need market watchers anymore.

We need real seedhunters.

Show me couple pictures of nature canna fields please.

If they look ok.
I can help you more maybe.

Talk is cheap when it comes to this AREA.
Here we need professionals.

I can help maybe with connections, this i do only if you are serious.
Show serious stuff now please

We have nothing if we only see one guy touch big local markets seeds bowls.

This is a joke.

SHOW FIELDS with plants and go there pick from them

Now we know this guy goes to seed markets and touches the seeds and take one photo.

Go out there in jungle, show pics there

YOU CANT DO THIS i believe

Dont tell me i am stupid

you show pictures from local markets
You have not been in jungle pick self one seed

This stuff you do
go local markets, touch the seeds, take photo is ugly stuff.

THIS IS not seedhunting at all
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Luckily I have managed to retain a few pics of past fields of cannabis I have been in - here we have a couple from a trip I made to Jamaica back in 2003. This is what they call a Jungle grow - since they are growing in the jungle.



* and how do you intend on helping me?


show pictures from atleast 2013

This area has house build on today

2018 pics is the thing.
Soon we have 2019


Well-known member
Gypsy have patiently explained you why there are not fields to showcase as The Seed Hunter came after harvest season...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Look man - I am not here to fulfill you're every request - and quite honestly don't like the tone of your posts - where you are accusing me of being some sort of fake seed dealer/hunter - in 2013 I was resident of Camp Bagong Diwa detention jail in the Philippines until March 2016 - and if you have cared to read my posts - then you would know the rest of the story -

Do me a favor - and leave my thread alone.

show pictures from atleast 2013

This area has house build on today

2018 pics is the thing.
Soon we have 2019




There was no hunting RARE stuff in jungle at all.
This is time waste for me.

I dont need see more pictures from markets world wide anymore

This year was succefull for other seedhunters i know

I dont come back to this treath anymore


Well-known member
Look man - I am not here to fulfill your every request - and quite honestly don't like the tone of your posts - where you are accusing me of being some sort of fake seed dealer/hunter - in 2013 I was resident of Camp Bagong Diwa detention jail in the Philippines until March 2016 - and if you have cared to read my posts - then you would know the rest of the story -

Do me a favor - and leave my thread alone.

Most of us here know that your seed hunting friend is out doing the real thing. He owes us nothing and I consider all the photos and documentation a gift from a fellow pot head. And hope he continues. I personally could care less if he shares what he finds or breeds with it or just makes pot seed cookies. Anything from his travels that we are fortunate enough to see or receive any of is an amazing gift. Not to be sized up or judged but appreciated.

Jrelax has an odd way of presenting himself. Part uneducated, part ego, possible spammer and all the way confused.

He does not appreciate where it is needed and just keep posting regurgitated info that anyone and cut and paste.


Most of us here know that your seed hunting friend is out doing the real thing. He owes us nothing and I consider all the photos and documentation a gift from a fellow pot head. And hope he continues. I personally could care less if he shares what he finds or breeds with it or just makes pot seed cookies. Anything from his travels that we are fortunate enough to see or receive any of is an amazing gift. Not to be sized up or judged but appreciated.

Jrelax has an odd way of presenting himself. Part uneducated, part ego, possible spammer and all the way confused.

He does not appreciate where it is needed and just keep posting regurgitated info that anyone and cut and paste.


I show pictures that is daily taken only.
And there is alot of them.
More is coming.

I dont do stories.
You can see what im doing.

Start a RARE LANDRACE SEEDS threath ,
then talk about finding and never go in to jungle is not my style. '

This GYPSY cant even go there self he says.

If you like big marked seed touched by hand pictures, stay here then.

Im off this now.

Talk to your big market hands self here.

Rhinos is nice animals if you let them be what they are.
Dont try take the Rhinos place.
Have respekt
Be honest
Help your self before you help others.
If you cant help your self you cant help others.

RARE SEEDHUNTING is not go to markets

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh dear jrelax has thrown all his toys out the pram - after making a mess on my thread - and its good he goes away - and leaves us alone with his ridiculous posts - and all I can see him doing is making a complete and utter fool of himself - sad but true.

If he can't learn to behave then I might just have to get the ban hammer out - which I never really like to do.


I show pictures that is daily taken only.
And there is alot of them.
More is coming.

I dont do stories.
You can see what im doing.

Start a RARE LANDRACE SEEDS threath ,
then talk about finding and never go in to jungle is not my style. '

This GYPSY cant even go there self he says.

If you like big marked seed touched by hand pictures, stay here then.

Im off this now.

Talk to your big market hands self here.