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'In Search of the ULTIMATE SATIVA and INDICA'....(Rare Land-Race Hunting.)


Been having thali's but not veggie ones,the street food is almost as good as Thailand.

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I must be honest here now.

When was the last time they clean up things ?
I see alot of old stuff grose 1cm atleast everywhere they cook still in.

This must be dangerous eat ?

I know alot of people go very sick when they eat and travel in these contries.
This is sad, because the food taste awsome.
They really know alot about good healthy awsome food, the biggest problem is they cant do it clean .
This is the only problem.

You see in pictures there is alot old dirt , rust , and other horrible things around the good stuff sadly.

And that amound of SHIT is not from one days cook.
That is never cleaned i think.
Maybe also they dont have cleaning stuff.
I dont know,
this is a little bit sad thing.
Because the food is awsome.
Problem is helthy issues after eating this , sadly , many got very sick in these places i know

I am happy not need eat there.

Dont take this personal, or bad.

Only thing i say is, safety and clean things is important
when you make food.
Also when you grow canna ,specially indoors.


That very old woman was cute :) LOL
how old was she?
95-105 ?


Masochist Educator
So whats a plan after Bhutan??

What other possible countries are on Seed-Hunters path..?

A few pages ago Gypsy said he *the seedhunter* was heading into southeast Asia next. Fingers crossed he finds some massive sativas, I really want to breed some outdoor F1 giants of my own.

The polyhybrid thing is nothing new, the problem is its easier to give people what they want (high thc/bag appeal/fruity smells) than to reeducate them (larfy looking fluffy crap that smells like carrots actually can be dank as hell or have high medicinal value). I feel flower is becoming a diminishing demand in more legal areas as well with extracts becoming so popular. With more research being done on individual cannabinoids and terpenes I think the future seed market demand will be for strains with high percentages of specific cannibinoids or terpenes isolated for extract makers.
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A few pages ago Gypsy said he was heading into southeast Asia next.

He has stated that he can not leave the UK. He would have been referring to the Seed Hunter.

I feel flower is becoming a diminishing demand in more legal areas as well with extracts becoming so popular. With more research being done on individual cannabinoids and terpenes I think the future seed market demand will be for strains with high percentages of specific cannibinoids or terpenes isolated for extract makers.

There will most likely be many different types of markets out there for seed stock depending on what use it's going to have.

It would be easier to have populations that have been breed to produce just thc, cbd, or other plant produced compounds, then it would to breed a population to produce a multiple compound at higher levels. After the different populations have been concentrated, they can be mixed to make a product that has ratios that they want.

There will also be populations that are breed for structure. An example of this id would be the wide varieties of dog breeds, small to large, different uses for different breeds.


Masochist Educator
No shit, really? (Ive been here since post #4 on the first page...)

Post #303

Looks like he's really enjoying this seed hunting excursion - where ever he goes he finds cannabis - and the seeds there-of - so a sense of accomplishment rides along with him currently - lets hope it continues as he works his way down into SEAsia....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Quoting my own post 344

Seems like some people might be confused - I cannot be out there gathering seeds as I used to do - unless I do a complete identity change - since there is still some federal indictment on cannabis seed charges making a red flag on Interpol for me.

I am safe in the UK - since earlier this year the USA was refused my extradition from the UK to USA in the High Courts of Justice in London - because seed trading and possession are LEGAL in the UK - so they could not extradite me to the USA for something that is legal in the UK - but if I dare to travel to any other nations I will probably be detained there and the USA feds will try to extradite me from that nation.

This is why I am supporting The Seed Hunter in his pursuits - because I cannot travel safely right now - and he is willing to go virtually anywhere to find good/new cannabis seeds.

At this time of year (winter) you will not see fields full of cannabis up near the Himalayas - since they have harvested their crops back in autumn/late summer.

But the seed hunter will be dropping down into more tropical/warmer areas in the next weeks - so maybe he comes across more plants growing in the wild - or cultivated by locals? - we shall see.

Dog Star ; I think The Seed Hunter will be working his way down into SEAsia in the coming weeks - but I can't be 100% sure - since he is his own man - and makes his own decisions based on where he feels would be the best place to look for something interesting - and as you travel - you usually meet people who can give you the best idea where to look.


Well-known member
Nepalese and bhutan will be interesting for sure, any chance you will be offering 50-100 seed packs for people who want to search through them?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - I think that may be more than likely - once we are in receipt of the seeds back in the UK - Limeygreen

Nepalese and bhutan will be interesting for sure, any chance you will be offering 50-100 seed packs for people who want to search through them?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I must be honest here now.

When was the last time they clean up things ?
I see alot of old stuff grose 1cm atleast everywhere they cook still in.

This must be dangerous eat ?

I know alot of people go very sick when they eat and travel in these contries.
This is sad, because the food taste awsome.
They really know alot about good healthy awsome food, the biggest problem is they cant do it clean .
This is the only problem.

You see in pictures there is alot old dirt , rust , and other horrible things around the good stuff sadly.

And that amound of SHIT is not from one days cook.
That is never cleaned i think.
Maybe also they dont have cleaning stuff.
I dont know,
this is a little bit sad thing.
Because the food is awsome.
Problem is helthy issues after eating this , sadly , many got very sick in these places i know

I am happy not need eat there.

Dont take this personal, or bad.

Only thing i say is, safety and clean things is important
when you make food.
Also when you grow canna ,specially indoors.


That very old woman was cute :) LOL
how old was she?
95-105 ?

G `day JR

How about acting more like your name and just re -laxing .
Instead of re - acting ? You are sounding like a child with ADHD .

Bacteria die when put into boiling oil ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
Quoting my own post 344

Dog Star ; I think The Seed Hunter will be working his way down into SEAsia in the coming weeks - but I can't be 100% sure - since he is his own man - and makes his own decisions based on where he feels would be the best place to look for something interesting - and as you travel - you usually meet people who can give you the best idea where to look.

Thanx Gypsy,am was 2 days off grid so i missed info..

thanx also to Ibechillin..

this sounds as great destination for new genetics.. am wish
fruitfull hunt to Seed Hunter..

Pics are also great,very nice story all around..

The Seed Hunter

New member
you may want ask around about paro valley and wangdi province

These might be some well known cannabis cultivation areas

this is where mandala's bhutanese offerings came from

Looks like you have got a lot goin on....very impressive so far!

love these photos and stories

:biggrin: The Seed Hunter!
No cannabis actually cultivated in either of those areas mate,plenty wild though,i got the seeds from Haa valley,this is a pic of paro :tiphat:

View image in gallery



Well-known member
Lovely work and pictures mate, many thanks for all the effort...
Wishing all the best for the festive season, safe travels :tiphat:


Boreal Curing
We see the pics and follow along, but the logistics of doing this would be intimidating. Lots of homework and prep way ahead of time to attempt something like this. And once you have boots on the ground, you need to be creative enough to keep it together.

Hat's off to you mate.


Boreal Curing
We're all on the same team here dude. I don't think Google translate does the Danish-->English language very well. Fuck, they can't even understand each other.



What an awesome thread — has successfully fucked up my morning schedule!

Also, can we all agree Jrelax is an idiot?




Tycho also has right.
I got problems with language also.

I never have English Teacher.
All i know is from Movies.

I try get help here, and i got alot help here.
Also i try help with what i can ,

Sometimes my bloodsugar goes also bad.
This can make me different. I feel bad sometimes.
I try anyway stay up always
Dont take it personal please

Im a diabetic with couple brain problems i think also



No cannabis actually cultivated in either of those areas mate,plenty wild though,i got the seeds from Haa valley,this is a pic of paro :tiphat:

Good damn,
have you self pick that lots seeds?
any help from local people? What kind of strain is those?
There is thousands of seeds there.
Did you pick all those self?

Seedhunters usually dont pick that amount of seeds.
They talk with local people alot, smoke with them.
Go whit them to places, and there they maybe find 3-4 superb plants that smells very extra and so on.
Then they take only couple.

Show natural cannabis field pictures please soon.

Have you find good village people that smoke all their life that helps you?
You must pay them cash. They help you then.

They are far away from buildings.
You must go very deep in jungle style.

Hope you are a big team.
This is not one man only work, animals and alot other things is dangerous out there.

You need help from old real stoners there.
Pay them cash, and they show secrets maybe.

What seed types are you looking for right now?
Sativas? Indicas?

Please take a picture of village people smoking pot also :)
These pictures are coolest after natural cannabis fields pictures

I wish you all the best, luck, think smart, think twice.
Come home secure, with nice special seeds please