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'In Search of the ULTIMATE SATIVA and INDICA'....(Rare Land-Race Hunting.)


lol is G Nirvana not there ?


i must read this thread alot more before write again LOL.
all these animal named strains, gooddamn i did smoke alot Kali Dog yeasterday.
Potent stuff, i was so lost. It is diesel and OG, same as Original Glue.
Dont smoke 3grams of it like i did
Take max 2grams


okey ill be anyway reading more, and then i maybe write some more stuff here later

take care all

now i see, its not like gorilla glue
Bruce Banner it is, this is made of Diesel and OG.
i need sleep now, and rest some LOL
im done now

goodnight :)


Boreal Curing
lol is G Nirvana not there ?


i must read this thread alot more before write again LOL.
all these animal named strains, gooddamn i did smoke alot Kali Dog yeasterday.
Potent stuff, i was so lost. It is diesel and OG, same as Original Glue.
Dont smoke 3grams of it like i did
Take max 2grams


okey ill be anyway reading more, and then i maybe write some more stuff here later

take care all

now i see, its not like Original Glue
Bruce Banner it is, this is made of Diesel and OG.
i need sleep now, and rest some LOL
im done now

goodnight :)

Maybe you should take a break from the tane for a while.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Seems like some people might be confused - I cannot be out there gathering seeds as I used to do - unless I do a complete identity change - since there is still some federal indictment on cannabis seed charges making a red flag on Interpol for me.

I am safe in the UK - since earlier this year the USA was refused my extradition from the UK to USA in the High Courts of Justice in London - because seed trading and possession are LEGAL in the UK - so they could not extradite me to the USA for something that is legal in the UK - but if I dare to travel to any other nations I will probably be detained there and the USA feds will try to extradite me from that nation.

This is why I am supporting The Seed Hunter in his pursuits - because I cannot travel safely right now - and he is willing to go virtually anywhere to find good/new cannabis seeds.

At this time of year (winter) you will not see fields full of cannabis up near the Himalayas - since they have harvested their crops back in autumn/late summer.

But the seed hunter will be dropping down into more tropical/warmer areas in the next weeks - so maybe he comes across more plants growing in the wild - or cultivated by locals? - we shall see.


Boreal Curing
Don't come to Canada. We gave up one of our own for doing something legal here, but illegal in the US. (Mark Emery)

Even the latest arrest of Meng Wanzhou (Huawei CEO) proves that we've not changed. The INSTANT Trump said he'd use her as a trade bargaining tool, a judge should have cut her free on the suspicion that the US arrest request was a political request.


Hi friend.

Sad to hear this.

Canna is natural plants. People should have right take some goddamn seeds.

Seed hunters dont do wrong.
Others who believe they own the world and nature plants and stopping seed hunters ,
its they who does lots of wrong.

Just dreaming of we be able to Sue them for their nasty ugly metods in future.

Best luck to all seed hunters world wide.
You guys are the Heros.

Nature belongs to us all. This is only right.

Sad some idiots have the power stop us do natural things in nature.


Seems like some people might be confused - I cannot be out there gathering seeds as I used to do - unless I do a complete identity change - since there is still some federal indictment on cannabis seed charges making a red flag on Interpol for me.

I am safe in the UK - since earlier this year the USA was refused my extradition from the UK to USA in the High Courts of Justice in London - because seed trading and possession are LEGAL in the UK - so they could not extradite me to the USA for something that is legal in the UK - but if I dare to travel to any other nations I will probably be detained there and the USA feds will try to extradite me from that nation.

This is why I am supporting The Seed Hunter in his pursuits - because I cannot travel safely right now - and he is willing to go virtually anywhere to find good/new cannabis seeds.

At this time of year (winter) you will not see fields full of cannabis up near the Himalayas - since they have harvested their crops back in autumn/late summer.

But the seed hunter will be dropping down into more tropical/warmer areas in the next weeks - so maybe he comes across more plants growing in the wild - or cultivated by locals? - we shall see.


Well-known member
Im glad that rhino only gave a bluff charge as no one can beat a rhino over that distance in scrub,it was like a steam-train coming at me,.







Well-known member

Gotta love mountains.




I think the daily minimum spend,the actual getting there,and the fact I actually hiked just under 50 kilometers to get these Bhutanese seeds one day is the reason you wont find Bhutanese seeds anywhere ,it is a bit of effort for a lot of people.



that effort will also keep the landraces thriving far away from polluting gene pools


Active member
you may want ask around about paro valley and wangdi province

These might be some well known cannabis cultivation areas

this is where mandala's bhutanese offerings came from

Looks like you have got a lot goin on....very impressive so far!

love these photos and stories

:biggrin: The Seed Hunter!


Active member
I really hope that these seeds will be available to the masses. I don’t care if they are grown out and then an open pollination is how it’s done over just those straight from the source. Just as long as they become available before they get crossed and contaminated with other genetics.

Journeys like this are epically important to the future of this plant. Too many “breeders” are just taking elite clones and hitting them with either other elite clones or pollen from other bottle necked genetics and calling it breeding. At this point I’d be willing to bet that 90% or more of the “strains” being sold are all from the same small gene pool that was created by real breeders decades ago. And ever since people have just been crossing and recrossing the same bottlenecked genes over and over.

Real breeding requires a lot of time and work. It’s not even close to what 99% of what modern “breeders” are doing. True breeding would result in a single new strain every 5-10 years, not hundreds every year. But until people quit worrying about the “elite” clone only plants and stop only buying from the commercial seed banks, the bottlenecking will only get worse.

Thank you to all involved in this great venture and again I hope the results will be available to the masses so that we may continue the growth and expansion of this great plant and stop the continued bottlenecking. This plant has so many more experiences to offer us all, so much more enlightening and mind opening than the bland polyhybrids that dominate the scene.


Got up to a monastery just below a ridge,maybe 2700 meters,they had just cremated a monk,and were putting ashes of his burnt photograph and a smidgen of his human ashes in balls of dough they were about to bake,I never hung around for lunch!

Those will be ant food..maybe a person could eat the ants later?

That is only half the way they do it without cremation. Otherwise your eyes and soft tissues feed the vultures on a mountain, then the rest of your flesh is for critters on the forest floor, and then just the skeleton would be ground into those cakes for the bugs.

I suppose they could have changed it, but not a whole lot has really changed around there.

Awesome trip, I would probably be happy with garbage reject phenos out of that stock...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good post J-Icky -

Yes - it is important to continue to try and find rare/unknown cannabis genetics - since they could possibly be the backbone of new and exciting cultivars - some time in the future - after the breeders work is done.

- and you can only do this by travelling to the most remote places on earth where they are growing cannabis - whether it be for medicine or food - or for many other uses.

So far The Seed Hunter has done a sterling job of it - and looks to have gathered quite a lot of seeds in Nepal/Bhutan - we just haven't got any back at base central in the UK yet - But we wait excitedly -

I really hope that these seeds will be available to the masses. I don’t care if they are grown out and then an open pollination is how it’s done over just those straight from the source. Just as long as they become available before they get crossed and contaminated with other genetics.

Journeys like this are epically important to the future of this plant. Too many “breeders” are just taking elite clones and hitting them with either other elite clones or pollen from other bottle necked genetics and calling it breeding. At this point I’d be willing to bet that 90% or more of the “strains” being sold are all from the same small gene pool that was created by real breeders decades ago. And ever since people have just been crossing and recrossing the same bottlenecked genes over and over.

Real breeding requires a lot of time and work. It’s not even close to what 99% of what modern “breeders” are doing. True breeding would result in a single new strain every 5-10 years, not hundreds every year. But until people quit worrying about the “elite” clone only plants and stop only buying from the commercial seed banks, the bottlenecking will only get worse.

Thank you to all involved in this great venture and again I hope the results will be available to the masses so that we may continue the growth and expansion of this great plant and stop the continued bottlenecking. This plant has so many more experiences to offer us all, so much more enlightening and mind opening than the bland polyhybrids that dominate the scene.


Boreal Curing
At this point I’d be willing to bet that 90% or more of the “strains” being sold are all from the same small gene pool that was created by real breeders decades ago. And ever since people have just been crossing and recrossing the same bottlenecked genes over and over.

I wouldn't doubt you one bit. Show someone unfamiliar with cannabis and let them smell 10 different strains, and they'll tell you they are all but the same. "This one has more mint than that one."

I haven't heard much about bouquets yet from the seed hunter, but this isn't a wine tasting tour and there's lots of ground to cover. lol