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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey man sorry you lost your job - i think you are doing the right thing spending that extra time sorting out your garden and stuff - both the veggies and the weed. a bit of time spent now getting it all sorted whilst you can will pay off in spades further down the line.
do you keep chickens? great source of protein for the family and manure for the compost heap! - and they are fun to have around, my kids love em. (unfortunately we are vegetarians so i now have old chickens that dont lay as many eggs and i'll have them till they shuffle off this mortal coil - sometimes i wish i hadnt made their home so fox proof ;)

good luck and good vibes



No Longer a Human Watering Can
man hazy !!! those seeds have some good names to them .... get some of those suckers in the ground!!!!!better yet ALL of them ! :wave:


Active member
Thanks Rasputin, I tossed down 6 of the White russian seeds last night.

Thanks BT. I might have to make a move before it's done.

~O~ I sure would hate to have to move for work. Spent most of my adult life moving for work. Been settled here so long now, I'm comfortable.

Maj.~ Piss tests suck. I used to have a bumper sticker that said something like- 'the only urine sample you're going to get from me will be for a taste test.'
As far as things picking up workwise, i don't know. How many billions of dollars did our Fed Gov give to the richest people in the world to stimulate the economy? Maybe i need to go work building yachts or something.

Thanks so much B.C.!

VG~ I think the garden thing's going to be key for my future. I had a chicken.

She was great. Granddaughter loved her. The chicken would follow me around the property waiting for me to turn over a board or rock so she could eat termites, bugs and lizards. Then one day she disappeared. Sad day.
Funny, I move more to veggy eating all the time. I think that it's because I've had it up to here with death, to the point that I can hardly bear to see a bird or rabbit hit by a car. I cry for dogs. I saw a vid of a kosher slaughterhouse once and will never eat anything kosher again in my life. fuck those people. Makes me not want to eat any thing that lived and breathed.

Jack. They do sound nice, huh? Popped 6 White Russian last night.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey Haze.....sorry to hear that sh!t bro....they can't keep good people down for long man :yeahthats

Sendin' Good Vibes your way------> :joint:

Keep the faith...




My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey guys, thanks for the positive words. It means a lot.
I might just have to go get that 1k and get it going. It would be nice to run a full crop all at once.
I guess if i could yank a lb every 2 months, it'd help feed the bulldog.

I'm going to get a somewhat serious veggie garden going for this fall too. Our desert growing seasons are Feb - May and then Aug - Nov. Might be what feeds the fam, before this is over. Hopefully it'll pick up one of these days and they'll call me back to work.


A friend hooked me up with a nice pack of new beans.



Active member
Sorry bout ur job man, ill be watching for that white russian. Remember, you can always start a goat farm and launder drug money through it.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Looking for Mr. hazy...

Looking for Mr. hazy...

Hey hazy, hope everythings ok. Sure it can't be an easy time right now.
Wanted to let you know I'll be getting some things together for some
friends and your one of 'em. The original silver lights are getting low but I
have a pack that says "hazy" on one of 'em. My ssh male's getting ready
for another pollination as we speak. Prob about four months they'll be
ready. You might wanna check out growing the Silverdog first. 7 of 8 of
these girls stayed under 2x height and the consistent thing about them is
a huge central cola. :) The 8th girl went about 2.5 in stretch but she
seems to be the odd one. Here's a pic... of one of the shorter girlz...


The BB crosses and WR loook gooood! Nice score.
Sorry to hear about the chicken. Did your dog have any feathers sticking
out of his mouth? I hear ya on the killing thing. Senseless death gets to
me more every year. Sometimes I contemplate not eating animals but I
love sinking my teeth into a tender cow. Cows, turkeys, chickens, deer,
pigs, crabs, clams, lobster, most fresh and saltwater fish, especially
salmon better watch out if you see me coming cause I'll eat ya! If your
alive and tastey your not safe around me. lol.
Hazy, my neural pathways miss your input.
Take care, NS

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
:wave: the tent/600W sounds good to me :yes:
best of luck brother, sounds like you will have lots to play with soon
i like the chicken :ying:


Active member
I'm needing and appreciating those good vibes right now! Thanks iGro.

Sir :joint:

HovsHow'd you know I was going to start a goat farm? Then I can learn to be a goat roper.

~ I do thank you for putting aside a pack of SL for me. Very Kind. Making some more too, eh?
I'll sure run the Silverdog first. They are very strong and consisitent plants. Looks like nice fat buds too.
The chicken just up and disappered. No feathers laying around anywhere. Could have been a coyote, or a neighbor's dog. My dogs can't get out of the yard. The chicken used to roam the farm.

Sup BB! I have more seeds than I can grow in my lifetime. At least in this litle closet. I need a field. haha.

So I went job hunting. Went into a mfg palnt and put in an app. Asked how much they pay, and she said 7.50 an hour. OMG, i didn't think anyone paid that low besides some fast food and retail jobs. I'll keep looking.
Last edited:


Dude I'm sorry to hear the news hazy, thats hard stuff. My pops got laid off like that too, found a new job, then they laid him off after 6 months.....Its very hard right now. The best of luck on keeping good and positive though. I think some others mentioned this, and I agree that you should go get a 1k and a tent, or a room...Set something up very discretely. By the looks of your last pictures I bet you have some of the dankest weed out in that desert, I'm sure someone would want some dank. Alright buddy, I really hope all is well, stay safe. PEACE


Active member
I'm back

I'm back

I've been busy busy the past 2-3 weeks. Rearranged my yard. I made it bigger. Put in a critter barrier in to the ground by the fence to help slow down the little gerbil/squirrel things. I still have lots of work to do to get the outside veggie garden ready for the fall season, which starts about now and goes till November, in my neck of the woods. Not sure what to plant, maybe eggplant, beans, corn. I have a list of what to plant in this hot biotch at this time.
Inside- I'm glad I have indoor projects, right now cause it's freakin HOT! The man said 109, but the sign at the bank said 117.

I've installed a new central air unit, and had to rip down the ceiling in two rooms to replace ducting. Still have some taping and painting to do to get it finished. Good part was that when i ran the power, I put in a box with an extra 220 20amp breaker in it for any future line I might run into my room.:joint:

I built a wall enclosing my closet into a room 5' by 8'. Now my office is small, but I had to move my vegging plants to the floor because they were growing into the lights and I've already bent them and LSTd them and topped them for clones, etc. Put a couple shop lights over them for now, till i figure out what I want to do.
They're getting big.
I have to go get more coco and perlite so I can pot them all up into three gallon pots.

It's been hot and my new room configuration isn't done. The new section's still not properly ventilated, cause I got pulled away to other projects. Maybe tomorrow. I lost about half of my clones to the heat- nice roots but they got mushy stems.
Changed it out and planted all the rooted good clones.

The wife's been gone with the cam, but she's back now, so here's some pics.
Here's some c99 i just chopped:


This PK has another week:





A little root porn. This was a C99 that gave me 51 grams. My best so far. these roots are fine, i guess good feeder roots.


These are young clones in the old veg area.


New veg area:

Got these free samples from cutting edge solutions.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
all great new.
new 240 line 20amp- awesome glad you took advise on that

new harvest- looks amazing

new veggie garden- ah do tell what makes the cut. i would like to start a container garden for the season on my patio. a few fav veggies i guess.

new veg area- does it ever stop, what a few weeks for you. the free timehas not been spent idle i see. kudos! hope the job thing comes along soon. but glad you are makin the best of life Hazy

new nutes- jeeze i cant keep up here lol

do it up hazy and i pm you soon. workin on travel destinations, ur input would be appreciated!

@ NuggetShiner- damn brother does that girl look pretty f'n delicious. i have picked the silverdog and blazing cindy to run first. i move in 4 months, but i may pop this month and get to vegging/cloning. i am dedicating a 1k to your work and OGA testers for a while. 2010 is gonna be super sick. will be running my tried and trued and a few new plus the beans. i am excited and thanks again!


No Longer a Human Watering Can
damn hazy ..... looking good
sounds like things are looking bit better ... good to here you your construction projects done

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro

Just making the rounds, plants and buds look good man, good work

Take care



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
with those temps are around ....its awsome buds.
ohw and thx for the support Hazy time to pay back ;)


Glad to see you're getting the cellar fired up again. Last time I posted in here was in June i think. You were just able to smoke again. I lurk in here a lot and read along with the conversation, but I guess I'm just an ass like that and don't post up in my friend's threads often enough like I should. Keep it green and keep safe bro.

nope, that would be me hazy..:redface: but dont sweat it yo, I'm always :lurk:
sucks about being unemployed, but it sounds like you have been keeping busy busy..good thing it's outta that heat! man 117..I wouldnt know what to do with myslf in something like that! :abduct:
the C99 is lookin dankers too man..
what do you think happened to the chicken? it finally cross the road?



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi hazy - that C99 looks really good!



p.s. our favorite chicken vanished when out and about one day as well. i keep mine in their portable run (with a house over it) most of the time. Took me a week to build that thing!


Active member
Sir~ The veggie garden's a bit behind, but I'm drafting my kid into the project starting tonight. I'm doing raised beds, and have one done, laid out the rest last night. If i can outsmart the little prairie dog/gerbil things it'll be all good.
(that Blazing Cindy just might be some good stuff.)

Jack~ Thanks. The minute I get one project done, another one pops up though. keeps me busy.

INB~ Next update I'll post up pics of a couple Sugar Shacks that are starting to fatten up nice.

Dr Dog~ Always good to see you drop by here when you're making your rounds. How do you like this PK?

Core~ These temps are tough to deal with. Especially with the new room change here, I think i got the ventilation working right now. The rooms cooler, but I've been battling temps in my cloner, having ongoing rot problems.

Cellar~ Yep, the chicken most likely got carried off by one of the dogs of the 'much more upstanding citizens than me' of the neighborhood. Someone who would be appalled that i grow, but lets their dogs run loose at night.
It's 110 today and has been that way basically all August. July was kind of cool here with some days only in the 90s. It's finally down to 80 at night. Most of the summer here, lows are 90ish.
No global warming, just normal desert conditions. It's been a nice summer for here, though it's been dry. We only have about 3 inches of rain now for the year.

Anything over 100 is hot, but over 110 and you really feel it. Once i flew into Sky harbor Airport back in the 80s when they still had open air boarding. They'd wheel a stairs over to the door of the plane. I stepped out after having been somewhere normal for a while and it was June and about 115+. It took my breath away.
Literally. The hot air hit my lungs so hard I could hardly breathe. I've seen 120-125 around here.

VG~ I'll have another c99 pic with a nice fat bud in a few days. A chicken run eh? If i get another, I'll def. have to try that.

Well, I chopped a PK last night. I already took the other branches from it, but there's still some nice bud left. 60 days.
