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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing



HAZY!!!! Good to see ya bro! Sucks about the NYCD, and the Sour D. Good luck on rooting that last SD. Maybe its time for an upgrade anyways huh??

That GAK looks delicious! Nice and frosted and dense too!

I let my Purple Kush go to 55 days last time and it turned out really nice. At 65 days I could imagine the stone being even stronger!

Well sorry I haven't been around man, I just finished school up this week and got some free time now so I should be here more often! See ya buddy!


Active member
Old Soul~ I managed to kill that chem4 AND the DPD! I know.
I cry about the dpd. Heck, they just joined the other dozen or so vegging plants that I've killed lately.

Jack~ Trying to stop my die off is what's up here friend. I'll be geting acutting off of that GC real soon to--yeehaa!

Imma post up a couple more gak pics. Dry nugs from the chop above and one coming up. it makes the nicest looking nugs.

The nycd makes you go, "WOW!" when you first smell it. Glad I could help. Just the kind of thing you learn around here.

Hey easy, you think I could reveg that thing? It's got a lot of bare branch before the first nugs. Maybe, I've tried to reveg a couple times long ago and had no luck.

Thanks Maj. :joint:

Outame, those leaves are gigantic! Nice rose too.
It has been a bit, I'm sure glad you stopped in.Damn them fuct up if you live too close to a school laws. I've got to get some of those TH genetics someday.
The PM is aways around. Higher temps make it go almost away. We were up to 107 degrees but the last 3 days have been fantastic. We've had clouds and a little rain. Great weather for going out and sitting in the front yard with a fat doobie.
I've had way over half my vegging plants die off. I think it was salt buildup in the trays they sit in. Cleaned it all up and scrubbed the stuff off of the bottoms of the pots too.

Imma try to send you a little sumpin sumpin, to get you by till that girl you got in that bucket gets done. I'm a little low, but I'll make do.

osecretgardeno~ I had big salt buildup in the trays the vegging plants are in. Do you think the leaf thing could be from that? Mostly the leaves are from the lower, but some from higher up too.

Sir~ Hey man good to see ya bro. I pooped some new seeds, but also am losing SD and NYCD, so less strains, but that just means there's room for more. Hey, if you see Old Soul,make sure you send an extra decap cut with him. That's one I think you sent once , but it died. Anyway, I know it's the bomb.
How's the PK? I'll post a couple pics.

Cali~ yeah time to upgrade. I was going to replace the SD with chem4 but killed the cut. :bashhead:
So how's the classes coming? Making good grades?
Went 52 with the pk last time and it was great, will try to go 65 to see how purple it gets. The only problem is this stuff looks so done even before 50 days. It's hard to keep from chopping it, because you know it's already really good.

Hey JG. Thank you, and you can't help but end up with good strains hanging out with peeps like the folks around here.

You know, non icers just can't understand. i got so many good friends here. Folks, I think about all you guys all the time. Warms my heart to see a bunch of peeps coming by to say high to yours truly. I had a rough couple weeks at work and in the grow. I am too tired these days to post much, and had to force myself to make that last update. You guy's responses made it worth it, thanks. I just found out at the end of the day yesterday(friday), that it's a 3day weekend. YAAYYY!
ok a few pics.

First a couple NYCD buds. This baby has never made buds this fat before!


This is a GAK coming up fast.



Who likes PK?


Last SD?


More in a minute...

OK I'm back, had to go take care of a friend in need. ;)
Here's my last ww ssh:
last one's the best one. except for a bit of underfeeding in early flower.
Side nug.

dry nugs


Active member
Ant Attack!!

Ant Attack!!

Decided to make the veg update separate.
I've been watching my young vegging plants die off one by one for a while now. Inally realized that I neede to clean huge salt build-up from the trays they sit in. I flushed all recently used coco, and scrubbed the white crust from the lower part of my pots. I repotted all the plants still alive in cups except for two. They'll be repotted tonight. I had to flush the coco and clean the pots.

I've been a little lazy and had the chopped plant pots still sitting for a bit now. I cleaned the flower section and they're doing great, but i've been neglecting the veg bigtime, and it shows.

Here's what's still alive in veg.
The 2 on the left are from WW bagseed.

The nice looking one in the hempy bucket is a Sugar Shack. Notice the two in the beer cups. That's what's been happening to clone after clone. I must have lost a dozen PK clones. Plus all the other strains except for one c99 and a gak.

two Sugar Shacks pulled away from extinction. Cuts in the cloner too. heheh inside joke more later. The one in back is c99.

This is a gak on left and PK on right.
ww in back.

one of the little ones closer.

The group in 12/12. Not full on the left you notice. no vegging girls ready.

This SSH in the green hempy was LSTd and is kicking everyone's ass.

OK, now to the reason for the post title. Opened up the door to the cab the cloner's in and holy crap, they were all completely limp except for 2-3. I think oh shit, my pump quit. I open the lid and ony have two or three little weak streams of water coming out and hitting the only clones that weren't limp.

Would you believe that there were little tiny red ants streaming into the cloner and had went through the pump and clogged all of the mister/sprayers. There were little islands of ants floating. Poured some sm90 around and tossed in a bubbler, i was just too tired i had to go to bed. Woke up about 4 am and cleaned it out. got a lot of burning ant bites too. ALL the clones have bounced back and look great.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
damn ant lol. glad you found them. we need to work something out with some cuts for ya. by next month my strwdzl ML and decap and sugar shack moms will be full of cuts, maybe a day trip to a historical site would work. i will get looking on places to visit and see if you can get the time away also. my dog could use an adventure and i as well. i think that would be nice!

Old Soul

Active member
Nice update bro! We've been missing ya around here. I would try and reveg the NYCD. Just leave some of the bottom buds on it. Might as well try, it was bomb smoke. No worries on the cuts, I will take some chem 4 and dpd cuts tonight, and I have a dpd already rooted if ya want that one now. We all go through grow troubles, don't sweat it. Just think of it as a learning experience. Crazy about the ants.


yup, like old soul says,
you have to leave the very bottom of the bottom few buds on along with the fan leaves.
how bout a full pic of the whole plant
best of luck &


Registered Pothead
Been meaning to drop through hazy. Damn ants that is the first time i have heard that one. They must of been thirsty. Great job on the gak dude. She really is a shiner man and cant beat the flowering time. The PK can seem like it finishes fast but she really needs to go that extra time to truly shine through. The aroma does really get that much better and bag appeal if you are into it goes through the roof. I had some PK with pure black leaves. That was outside though during winter. Will be rolling through more often dude. Just been dealing with life and death and what not lately.


Active member
Outame~those tornados you were talking about- that's one thing that makes me glad I'm here where they don't exist. The clouds left yesterday, and we're hot again. We'll see few clouds and 110-115 for most of the summer.

Sir~ I'll put up a nice bud of this nycd for the trip. I'll be chopping it next week, it'll be perfect when you try it.

Old Soul~ I might give the reveg a try. I just took a clone off of the GC.

Easyrasta~ here's a pic of that diesel i took a minute ago.

Big Tex~ those are ww ssh buds, They are pretty good.

Chubby~ those ants tripped me out. That's what I thought- the little buggers must have been thirsty. I am going to try and let that PK go the distance this time. My stuff rarely sees a bag, but that bag appeal thing is still muy importante.
As long as my smoke holds out I can say that. haha.
Fortunately there's a GAK or two finishing up fast that'll help me keep my scissors off the PK.

The fan leaves start going away after 50 days with this girl. by harvest there won't be any left. As you can see there's a lot of bare stem before the first buds. Should I leave a few buds on each branch?
So, should I trim roots and repot smaller, or leave it alone?
Hit it with veg nutes after the chop?


hazy..on that Sterling Widow, did you get a pheno that tasted like ruby red grapefruit juice and was very "sweet"?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya hazy :wave:
Been a bit since I strolled your garden - fine work in here :yes: Your plants are looking mighty tasty.

I hear ya on the ants - around here they're either looking for water or running from water. During the summer I throw some diatomaceous earth along the outside wall of the grow area every so often - to keep 'em guessing. I don't like chemicals, but sometimes I feel like grabbin some of that 9 month indoor pest spray and hit the floor with it. :biglaugh:

Lovin the green! -MGJ

outame 2

Active member
starting some resin..


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NYCD Blues

NYCD Blues

cd~ No, one of my sterling widows was very spicey musky, and the one i have now is not very strong smelling. Not sure how to describe it. I just smelled it but I've been sick this weekend and the nose ain't working too good. Not sweet though.

Thanks for the reveg link Bear. I haven't got the nerve to trim the roots yet though.

OS~ here's that nycd ready to reveg.

Howdy Mr GreenJeans. I think I'm going to spread some DE around my whole house!

Getting some nice bud there outame.

Well, my grow is recuperating from the salt buildup/poisoning. Didn't realize that while I was lowering the pH of my water by adding nutes that deeper down the salts were accumulating, and even in new coco, the salts from the tray were infiltrating the pots and lowering the pH too much.

I took a cut from the last Sour Diesel in flower and in 14 days it rooted and has nice roots now, will pot it tonight. So SD is still in the house!! The two in bloom now look great too.

My SSH is looking amazing.
I'll post pics later of it.

Got a PK getting fat. Starting to get that finished look which means it's not even close. maybe 3 more weeks.

I have a Sugar Shack that i just flipped and mom's going to give up a bunch of cuts real soon. Soon as i get more rooted clones out of the cloner lol.

Ok this is all about the NYCD blues. Unless it revegges. Then no blues.

It looks like it could go longer, but it'd done, it just wants to run. Last time I took it to 71 days and think it's better at 62 where this one is.

And a nug lower down, it's a real bottom up finisher.



Active member
First is a SSH starting to show off a bit.


Next is a little Sour Diesel

Another one


Just a little GAK nug. I just brought a little of this over to a friend and he says is that what I'd given him a taste of last night. I say yeah. He says they took 2 hits each and were ready to put it out. haha.




Catpiss thriving

Green Crack coming along. Got 2 cuts from it so far.

This Sugar Shack is looking the way it should.

This is the last of the sick plants. A couple small PKs in one of my last posts died. this is a c99. I think it might die still. I think it's from the salt buildup i had.

Old Soul

Active member
Looks like they are recovering nicely bro! That cat piss looks great. Good luck on the reveg.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
trim the roots no worries. will be fine. maj does his moms like every few months and they cool. would think no different on a reveg, just be patient for the revert.. good luck. that SSH is lookin mighty fine right now. and the shack and catpiss looking super recovered/ healthy!

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