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Illinois NORML


New member
Hey all, we at Illinois NORML have been working hard to change the laws here in this great state for quite some time. Our most recent attempt failed by only a few votes. Civil Unions for gays, increased income tax rates, abolishing of the death penalty, these all passed recently, but we still have troubles mobilizing for compassionate and sensible drug policy. We will be focusing on a some exciting things this year, monthly movie nights, volunteer days, education clinics, and of course, grass roots activism that only dedicated citizens can accomplish.

We hope to see many of our brothers and sisters from ICMag making it out to Chicago, and hopefully we can start forming some downstate stuff, as well.




New member
nice! downstate here.glad to see this. as you said only a few voted it down. hopefully it will be brought to table and read soon.


Throbbing Member
With the budget shortfalls that your state is expirencing, I would think that pointing out the financial savings of loosening the current MJ laws would save $$$$$$


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah but the legislature just passed an income tax increase, so instead of taxing a recreational soft drug, they're just gonna steal it from working people.


Active member
ICMag Donor
marijuana policy project

marijuana policy project


go to legislation , then state lobbing work , and then illinois ....


we need to concentrate on those districts where reps voted no ....full out shock and awe campaign on many public highway and pass out flyers .....


come on people we are only 4 votes short!!!!!! at mpp there is a email form for your representative and you can custimize your statement..... tell all your stoner freinds to get up ......

is it illegal to dress in orange and pass out flyers ???? on highway like lions club does .....
Thought you guys might think this is funny

Thought you guys might think this is funny

In the waning days of the 96th General Assembly, House lawmakers snuffed out legislation to outlaw blunt wraps.

The House voted 42-69 rejecting legislation to ban "blunt wraps," individual cigar wrappers used to roll tobacco. Senate Bill 1014 passed the Senate without opposition last year, but faced fierce opposition from several House lawmakers this month.

Dubbed "blunt wraps," the product is made of reconstituted tobacco or flavored tobacco like apple martini, watermelon and wild honey. Some lawmakers insisted the product often is used for illegal purposes and wanted to classify blunt wraps as drug paraphernalia.

House sponsor and Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, a Democrat from Chicago, said people can disguise the smell of marijuana by rolling their own cigarettes in blunt wraps.

"This bill defines something that is clearly drug paraphernalia," Currie said. "You only buy it if you want to smoke a joint."

But Rep. Dan Brady, R-Bloomington, disagreed.

"I got a dear friend who likes to smoke cigars and likes to use these wraps, or buy these wraps, and he has no intent to smoke a joint," Brady said.

Even with a blunt wraps ban, marijuana users still can find ways to be innovative.

"This product in no way is used for only wrapping marijuana," said Rep. Monique Davis, D-Chicago. "Pipes are used for smoking marijuana. Are we going to prohibit the sale of pipes, because some people choose to use them improperly?"

"They roll marijuana in a newspaper — shall we stop selling newspapers?" she said.

But blunt wraps are a legitimate drug paraphernalia, because the legislation garnered strong support from the attorney general's office, numerous law enforcement groups and the clergy, Currie said.

"Bishop (Larry D.) Trotter was here to explain to us what kind of scourge this is on the streets of our urban America," Currie said. "Let us join Canada. Let us join New York City. Let us join Boston, in recognizing the scourge that blunt wraps are. Let us say 'no' to this public health hazard."

Reps. Brady, Davis and Michael Tryon saw the legislation as a way for one tobacco company to eliminate the competition.

"I voted to get this out of committee, but as I look at this issue it truly is an issue of one tobacco company pitting itself against another tobacco company to gain a competitive edge," said Tryon, R-Crystal Lake.

Rep. Jim Sacia, R-Pecatonica, said the legislation is part of a dispute between Chicago-based Republic Tobacco Kentucky-based National Tobacco Co.

While the state struggles with a nearly $15 billion budget deficit and a mounting backlog of unpaid bills, House lawmakers saw the legislation as a waste of time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if there ever was a turkey on this floor, this bill is an absolute turkey!" Sacia, a former FBI agent, shouted. "I know you'll eat me alive leader Currie, but this bill is an absolute joke. And it would be a great courtesy to both sides of the aisle to pull this turkey out of the record."

Legislation to ban blunt wraps died with the adjournment of the House.

House lawmakers, meanwhile, rejected a plan to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes after it failed to garner enough votes to pass.


stone fool
Your website always sucks dude, for years. Like now, click on events, seems like a blank page till ya scroll down, if ya think to scroll down. And where does the central Ill group meet?

Down state here, we are in the trenches of the wod, we have never had any support from you city folks. Pick up your end of the log, keep your website fresh.



Active member
I find it odd that NORML and MPP seem to be at odds in most places, like both wanting to take credit for actually slowing progress. MPP actually advocates MMJ patients not being allowed to grow their own, they count that mess of a medical law they helped get passed in NJ as a victory. What garbage. Now that MMJ is gaining ground everywhere and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting finally getting brighter, NORML and MPP both seem more than willing to take most of the credit. They say, "See, we've been doing this for years. You should thank us".

The fact is, this issue has been around for the USA at almost 70 years, hundreds of years actually, and they have only slowed progress. Change hasn't come from them. Are they willing to take credit for the failure of 19 in Cali? No. They distance themselves from stuff like that, then say, "We did all we could".

It's all BULLSHIT! Go ahead flame me, assholes. Doesn't matter. People know the truth. At least NORML has stood strong on the legality issues. I just think MPP is a bunch of idiots.....This is not just MY personal opinion by any means.:moon:


New member
Your website always sucks dude, for years. Like now, click on events, seems like a blank page till ya scroll down, if ya think to scroll down. And where does the central Ill group meet?

Down state here, we are in the trenches of the wod, we have never had any support from you city folks. Pick up your end of the log, keep your website fresh.

Hey there, that's quite disingenuous of you and I don't appreciate it. Perhaps more constructive criticism? Maybe you'd like to take charge of the web design? I'm not the one doing the website at the moment. Our website is updated fairly regularly, but most of our updating is coming from the I'm sorry that you can't make it up to Chicago for the BiMonthly meetings. This is where most of the support is. If you'd like to start a Central Illinois chapter, we'd love to hear from you and help you in any way we can. We regularly go to the capital to lobby, and there have been movie screenings and other events downstate.

In regards to the MPP, they have done much for our efforts. We are all on the same side, and having animosity towards one marijuana legalization group over the other is plain silly. Their methods are more 'corporate' while we are more grassroots, mobilizing the base. We both work together (not necessarily directly) to get things done, and both organizations are worthy of much praise.

The surest way to defeat our enemy is by becoming his sincere friend.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. We hope to see you all there!
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New member
There is also a meeting this Wednesday, January 19. 7pm at 1000 N Milwaukee in Chicago at Multi-Kulti, 4th floor. We will be holding a workshop to become more effective and better informed activists. We will have the help from a well known and established activist who has worked with Berkley Patients Group and Oaksterdam University. We will hopefully also have time to distribute posters on the street for the movie next week, along with lining up a few more tasks for the year. Illinois NORML is in a slight restructuring phase as we re-establish our efforts for full legalization in Illinois.


Active member
I find it odd that NORML and MPP seem to be at odds in most places, like both wanting to take credit for actually slowing progress. MPP actually advocates MMJ patients not being allowed to grow their own, they count that mess of a medical law they helped get passed in NJ as a victory. What garbage. Now that MMJ is gaining ground everywhere and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting finally getting brighter, NORML and MPP both seem more than willing to take most of the credit. They say, "See, we've been doing this for years. You should thank us".

The fact is, this issue has been around for the USA at almost 70 years, hundreds of years actually, and they have only slowed progress. Change hasn't come from them. Are they willing to take credit for the failure of 19 in Cali? No. They distance themselves from stuff like that, then say, "We did all we could".

It's all BULLSHIT! Go ahead flame me, assholes. Doesn't matter. People know the truth. At least NORML has stood strong on the legality issues. I just think MPP is a bunch of idiots.....This is not just MY personal opinion by any means.:moon:

Spot on!
The mpp is a paid special interest that is solely funded and exists to get in the middle of changing cannabis laws and make sure they serve the interest of whoever is paying them. Not to be trusted!
Norml..What has norml done in the thirty odd years of existence.
Collected a hell of a lot of donations from naive liberals who think they actually want change. They have a great racket going.
It's all Bullshit!


i'm not on the hating train, but i do think norml needs to step out of chi town for a breath of fresh air. cook county has some nice decrim measures in place but for the rest of the state its still all fucked. chicago has been green for a while now, the real work is elsewhere.


Active member
That was what I think is called a passive aggressive insult there dude. Saying you have no problem but then complaining about them is a little disingenuous, or do you like riding that fence? Personally, I don't care for the fence post up my ass. But to each his own.

But whatever. It's all good. I don't consider my self a hater, but a realist instead, if you want to label me. But whatever works for you.:tiphat:
Any chance on getting a bill together and going for signatures?? It seems most of the more reasonable med laws come from voter sponsored initiatives.

We've seen the progress our house and senate makes. SB 1381 has been on the table for nearly two years now, and may be shot down by a tiny margin...

Lobbying in the capitol only does so much when the system is already broken, and the current med bill is a flawed one anyways...



Decrim bill introduced in IL

Decrim bill introduced in IL

Bill to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties Introduced in Illinois
Tell Your House Member to Support HB 100

Legislation seeking to reduce marijuana possession penalties has been introduced in the Illinois legislature. House Bill 100 amends state law so that the adult possession of up to one ounce of marijuana is reduced from a criminal misdemeanor (punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,500 fine) to a “petty offense” punishable by a fine only. Full text of the bill can be read online here.

House Bill 100 has been referred to the House Rules Committee.

Contact your state House member and tell them to support HB 100 by entering your zip code below. You can further support this effort by contacting Illinois NORML.

Text of bill:


stone fool
N-Ill - I am quite serious. Your website is so out of date it sucks, and it has been that way for years. Go to your links page, try the first three chapter links, none of them work.

Click on events, you get a blank page..... on no wait, there is a page - out of date - if you scroll down, why is it this way? Why are last years events listed as current? Are you trying to make cannabis users look incompetant?

You say the central ill group meets the last sunday of the month at 420 - is there such a group, I could not find anything on it, and I live here.

We welcome normlill here, and you could get a ton of support from our ranks. But if you want to walk with men, you gotta strap on a bigger pair and pick up your end of the log.



New member
Any chance on getting a bill together and going for signatures?? It seems most of the more reasonable med laws come from voter sponsored initiatives.

We've seen the progress our house and senate makes. SB 1381 has been on the table for nearly two years now, and may be shot down by a tiny margin...

Lobbying in the capitol only does so much when the system is already broken, and the current med bill is a flawed one anyways...

We wish that this was possible in Illinois, but our initiative process often seems more difficult to navigate than adding a constitutional amendment in this state. Thanks for you input and help.

...Are you trying to make cannabis users look incompetant?...
No, are you? We can only do so much with competent volunteers. Please, stop flaming our thread.

Bill to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties Introduced in Illinois
Tell Your House Member to Support HB 100

Legislation seeking to reduce marijuana possession penalties has been introduced in the Illinois legislature. House Bill 100 amends state law so that the adult possession of up to one ounce of marijuana is reduced from a criminal misdemeanor (punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,500 fine) to a “petty offense” punishable by a fine only. Full text of the bill can be read online here.

House Bill 100 has been referred to the House Rules Committee.

Contact your state House member and tell them to support HB 100 by entering your zip code below. You can further support this effort by contacting Illinois NORML.

Text of bill:

Thank you very much Birdawg! I was just about to get to this, we think it is a very important piece of legislation, though we do think that the fine is quite excessive. We hope to address this and try and work for some change. The bill was introduced by LaShawn Ford of the 8th district.

Lou Lang has also reintroduce the medical marijuana bill, SB 1381. It is nearly identical, and now that it has been reintroduced as HB 30, http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/Bil...GAID=11&DocTypeID=HB&LegId=54410&SessionID=84

We hope to see many folks come out to the movie night, we'll have some more info, hopefully some eats, and a good atmosphere to watch The Union. 01.27.2010, Multi-Kulti in Chicago, 1000 N. Milwaukee 4th Floor.


You would think, from the most corrupt state in the country, and one that's predominately liberal, that we could catch a break. Not enough money getting passed under the table to get anything realistic passed.

Not referred to as The Peoples Republic of Illinois for no reason! Don't see it happening any time soon.

If we could only get MJ med users classified as a minority, we would get more support than you could shake a stick at!!!