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Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

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first of all, food trucks arent that much cheaper than eating anywhere else. and second, i loooove eating at food trucks. burrito al pastor con ajo con sevollas con todo. i would rather go to a lunch truck than some crap fast food. im all for supporting the small business people. plus u cant beat hand made tortillas. my man from michoacan is the bomb cook. lunch trucks are like hidden gems of home made food from various regions of mexico.

point is, i dont see prices ever going that low, just becasue you can make nikes for 3 bux doesnt mean youll ever buy them for 4.

and a better analogy would be fast food vs. hand made corn tortilla thursday with an assortment of secret recipe moles. you can keep your mcdonalds.
first of all, food trucks arent that much cheaper than eating anywhere else. and second, i loooove eating at food trucks. burrito al pastor con ajo con sevollas con todo. i would rather go to a lunch truck than some crap fast food. im all for supporting the small business people. plus u cant beat hand made tortillas. my man from michoacan is the bomb cook. lunch trucks are like hidden gems of home made food from various regions of mexico.

point is, i dont see prices ever going that low, just becasue you can make nikes for 3 bux doesnt mean youll ever buy them for 4.

and a better analogy would be fast food vs. hand made corn tortilla thursday with an assortment of secret recipe moles. you can keep your mcdonalds.

nonsensical bro.

i'll refrain from anything derogatory but your flaw has been pointed out already in other threads.


sorry, but its nonsensical to think that you or anyone will be buying anything at 1 buck a gram. unless it floated ashore from mexico and sea water seeped in.

the fact of the matter is neither you nor anyone can know how low it will go, including me, until it happens. im saying my version is more right then yours, or anyone who thinks p's of chronic will go for 400 bucks LOL never in a million years.

and because youve been so gracious to refrain from making derogatory remarks, if there ever is a day that quality buds are sold at 1 buck a gram, i'll buy you a pound. you can sleep on it like a pillow.
Anyone seen the happening in S. America? They are watching Prop 19. Hoping it passes. The global cannabis market is near. California should be the leader.

If we the biggest consumer's demand fair trade pot, imagine the global impact we could have.


Patient Grower
Deflation makes money worth more. The economy is in a deflationary spiral and it doesn't look like we're going to avoid the consequences of letting W and Cheney loot the Treasury. Mr. O gave it the old college try but it was just too far along when he came into office, and he tried to appease too many special interests. I can't hate Mr. O for not succeeding, Jesus Christ himself would have had a challenge getting the economy back on track after what the pillagers had left him to work with.

Does everybody know that you can get high grade cannabis in Swaziland for less than $5 a kilo? The Swazilanders really love their cannabis.


Make money worth less.
dude, are you serious? i hope thats a bad joke... thats what has been happening since 1933, it's called inflation, and MJ has nowhere near kept pace with inflation like traditional commodities. so the idea to further devalue the currency to keep the price of pot high is most asinine, and is why i hope your joking.

Does everybody know that you can get high grade cannabis in Swaziland for less than $5 a kilo? The Swazilanders really love their cannabis.

whats up Pyth,

i didnt know it was that cheap, but that makes me wonder how well a Swazi can live off of $5 american there. i mean does that pay the months rent, or six lol?



Active member
They can produce #'s for nothing. pennies a gram.


outdoor aint free....my buddies who run outdoors dropped thousands into their setups. smart pots, soil mix, nutes, security fences, then the daily maintenance. plus the cost of their land in rent, etc. not everyone has inherited free outdoor land or growing guerilla on other peoples. then factor in risk, why would i go through all that work and risk to sell for 400 a lb lol, unless its PM infected premature garbage.

yea their costs are lower than indoor..but pennies a gram hardly. if you wanna grow ditch afghanistan style weed yea sure..but if you want realy good outdoors that are dense and look like indoors, not so much.

i can hardly see really good weed selling for that cheap. bad weed, maybe. the ones who are gonna get hit hardest by falling prices will be the cartels and their brickpack. US domestic prices will fall but still remain around the 2k a lb im guessing, similar to canada prices.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
dude, are you serious? i hope thats a bad joke... thats what has been happening since 1933, it's called inflation, and MJ has nowhere near kept pace with inflation like traditional commodities. so the idea to further devalue the currency to keep the price of pot high is most asinine, and is why i hope your joking.

If it wasn't a bad joke I wouldn't know any other kind.

Keeping the price of pot high is most asinine as well.



Long haired country boy
I don't erb should be as expensive as it is but I also don't think it should cost next to nothing..Farming is hard work no matter how you look @ it.. I just hope it doesn't go the way alcohol did.. You think the Hops farmers are making a killing, no. If it does follow in the path of the alcohol industry, I can only hope we follow in the footsteps of fine wine.. As it's probably the best comparison I can draw. There are quite a few similarities in the two industries..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I am a hop farmer.

I am rich... with hops.

I think that pot farmers should be rich with pot.

Real life is waiting for people to work more meaningful jobs.

Not that pot isn't fun... but don't people need more help than that?

Money gets you nothing but trouble after you provide for you and yours.



Long haired country boy
Agreed. I just don't want pot to go down to corn prices.. A lot more involved in farming erb than corn.. I'm not so sure if real life had money in the master plan anyway.. If I could get by trading my goods for other goods I'd be all over it, unfortunately not the case anymore..I mean if people playing pro sports make as much as they do, why can't the local ganja farmer take his piece of America, never been a crime to hone your baseball skills, know what I mean?
Ok. Take what ever your friend does and multiply his numbers by 10 or 100. Exponential growth and big business influence will drive prices very low for commercial grade cannabis. I've smoked plenty of Mex, that was less than 400 a lb. Good old school mex. And that is prohibition pricing AND transportation costs.

Samthe'muthaf*ckin'Skunkman (played in this post by Samuel L. Jackson) has stated that $50 dollars a pound is definitively doable. And i'm not arguing with him.

So, again i'm not talking next year or this decade even. But i can't see why it wouldn't be coming.
This is how i see it... If the Feds don't come down mega hard on Lee, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, then they send a clear signal to the world: start the ball rolling.

We live on the norther border of the world's largest narco state, currently.
They have decriminalized everything, already.
El Paso is standing in solidarity with Mexico. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/14/drug-legalization-debate_n_157798.html
the El Paso city council voted 8-0 to express solidarity with its sister city in Mexico, Juarez, which has seen its murder rate double this year alone as the Mexican government has waged war on powerful drug cartels. To slow that violence, the resolution called for "an honest, open national debate on ending the prohibition of narcotics."
El Paso is separated from Juarez Mexico by the Rio Grande. Less than a mile wide and relatively shallow.
El Paso is considered one of the safest cities in the country.
Juarez on the other hand is one of the world's bloodiest. From wikipedia:
In the year leading up to August 2009 Juárez's murder rate was the highest reported in the world, exceeding the holders of the second and third highest rates, Caracas and New Orleans respectively, by more than 25%

Whats the point? That ain't no accident, jack. Its called military style discipline. These people aren't playing around and they have thought this stuff threw. They are ready.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
unfortunately its not what youre worth, its what you negotiate.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Woody Allen makes four people in the country giggle to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If this country doesn't have its head in the sand, I'm Judy Garland.

Pay up.

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