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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Six American Zeroes: Reason Enough to Support California Prop 19

Six American Zeroes: Reason Enough to Support California Prop 19

I'm not a California voter, but I came across this article in my news reader and thought it was relevant to this discussion. Sorry if its already been discussed:

As support continues to grow for California’s November referendum to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana, the six US drug czars from four different administrations have now flailed together to try and stop the biggest electorate in the nation from bringing America back to its senses. In an August 25 column in the Los Angeles Times, Why California should just say no to Prop 19, the six epic losers posse up and ride out West in an attempt to rescue their failed cause.

Because memories are short, let’s review all the big successes of these brave and valiant drug czars, who assuredly saved the nation from drugs and drug abuse and all the violence and corruption caused by policies of prohibition all these years, so we can remind ourselves of why these six American Zeroes are the last people we should listen to when it comes to figuring out how to solve problems associated with illegal drugs.
As Tom Lehrer says, parody is dead when stuff like this happens: the six guys who most embody the failure of prohibitionist drug policies – none of whom vote in California, by the way - now are telling California voters to continue to bankrupt their state budget on enforcement of laws that can’t be successfully enforced. They might as well have titled their open letter, “We Screwed Up and You Can, Too!”

There can be no more ringing endorsement to vote Yes on Proposition 19 than its opposition from the very bureaucrats that exacerbated the problems associated with illegal drugs over the past two decades with their stubborn and cowardly cling to same policies that clearly have never worked, and never will. But they and their lost war are now at the mercy of California voters, who in November could deliver the fatal blow to a budget-busting drug policy that wore out its welcome years ago.

Whole Story: http://narcosphere.narconews.com/th...roes-reason-enough-support-california-prop-19


"Economics 101: LABOR is Capital."

This statement is 100% incorrect. You digging holes in the ground is labor. A shovel is capital. If you don't own the ground or the shovel, you are going to do a lot of work for someone else.

My parents and grandparents were immigrants and were able to purchase houses and raise families with their wives at home. The dollar was up, taxes were down, and land was affordable. Good thing we have our politicians and political system to fix things for us. I can't wait for them to fix cannabis.

I can't wait for them to not fix cannabis. Too many years with broken cannabis. I cant wait to walk down the street with a fat ounce in my hand rather than hidden. Even as a mmj patient I am not doing that in the Bay Area yet because of broken cannabis.
"Economics 101: LABOR is Capital."

This statement is 100% incorrect. You digging holes in the ground is labor. A shovel is capital. If you don't own the ground or the shovel, you are going to do a lot of work for someone else.

My parents and grandparents were immigrants and were able to purchase houses and raise families with their wives at home. The dollar was up, taxes were down, and land was affordable. Good thing we have our politicians and political system to fix things for us. I can't wait for them to fix cannabis.

I ask you again....

where is your alternate system??? And how do we transition to that system??

With Guns? Sit-ins? Internet tears?

I got it, refuse to participate in that system, weaken it through your lack of participation, and then throw feces at it from afar crying about how bad it is but doing nothing to fix it.

You don't vote brosef. What the f*ck are you advocating? anarchy? if you want this why do you care what we do? Go live your anarchistic lifestyle. ....

I mean you do understand that you are advocating people don't vote. This equals a no vote. You are advocating for prohibition and the status quo. So how do we affect change?

IF you can't answer the questions then stop trolling.

Mods, feel free to moderate this.


"Economics 101: LABOR is Capital."

This statement is 100% incorrect. You digging holes in the ground is labor. A shovel is capital. If you don't own the ground or the shovel, you are going to do a lot of work for someone else.

My parents and grandparents were immigrants and were able to purchase houses and raise families with their wives at home. The dollar was up, taxes were down, and land was affordable. Good thing we have our politicians and political system to fix things for us. I can't wait for them to fix cannabis.

If we really want to change things we should Federalize Fed Funds and cut out the loan + interest part of the money system.


That ought to get me noticed just saying that.

I'm guessing the Tax benefit to cannabis will be absorbed really fast. I think I just posted about a last minute tax act passed in California.

Now instead of opportunity of old the push is on to find a way to sustain our American way of life.
5 years of growth will be required to bring us back to 2007 levels of jobs I understand.

So if prop 19 becomes law I figure there will be a green rush all over the State. The Courts were told we have rights to dispensaries recently, the Governor may sign the 1 oz is not a crime law here.

One thing is for sure the shit storm is not over on the Weed War in California.


Freedom Fighter
One thing is for sure the shit storm is not over on the Weed War in California.

Not by a long shot!! If 19 passes, there will be a flood of Law Suits from the Feds to try and get this overturned-- DEA will start their SOS again...busting ppl for being Legal--
It will get interesting, just like 215 did/is-- 14 years into it, and they are still trying to act like nobody ever voted on this--
When we vote on 19...be sure we all also get familiar with the Politicians...and vote out those who do not abide by the will of the ppl-- :tiphat:
is anyone asking that the tax money from cannabis be put towards school funding? Any municipality or group asking for this?

Look what it did for Medellin, Imagine what it could do for LA or Humboldt County.

Could this be something we push for in 2012.....


is anyone asking that the tax money from cannabis be put towards school funding? Any municipality or group asking for this?

Look what it did for Medellin, Imagine what it could do for LA or Humboldt County.

Could this be something we push for in 2012.....

CCI had the money going to schools and Parks.

Nothing in Tax2010 I understand.


Not by a long shot!! If 19 passes, there will be a flood of Law Suits from the Feds to try and get this overturned-- DEA will start their SOS again...busting ppl for being Legal--
It will get interesting, just like 215 did/is-- 14 years into it, and they are still trying to act like nobody ever voted on this--
When we vote on 19...be sure we all also get familiar with the Politicians...and vote out those who do not abide by the will of the ppl-- :tiphat:

Oh yes the Shit Storm is still on.. Employers and landlords will be on the front lines with pitchforks.

Why it is still a hush hush thing to talk openly in public places yet there is a change.

It will be interesting to see how the Job market goes and how Cannabis is treated in just 5 years.


If prop 19 does not pass, it would be like California telling the world that it does not want to make marijuana legal. So it's up to us to make our stand now to make it legal. Everyone I know is voting yes! United we stand, divided we fall!


Thats a pretty serious stretch to think that "taxing" marijuana in california, NOT LEGALIZING IT, is going to lead to a global shift towards marijuana laws. I cant wait until I get to walk into a wal-mart and buy me a sac. Voting a big NO from this california resident. If they want to legalize it without turning it into a fat capitalist pig I'll change my mind

You are seriously smoking some bad stuff man. Do you even read what you say?


If prop 19 does not pass, it would be like California telling the world that it does not want to make marijuana legal. So it's up to us to make our stand now to make it legal. Everyone I know is voting yes! United we stand, divided we fall!

There are larger dynamics afoot.

Win or Fail it is all good.


there are no "larger dynamics" concerning marijuana than global perception of tolerance at the present time.

Agreed. This prop is the single biggest stride MJ has taken in any of our lifetimes. It is also probably the single biggest stand against our government since the Tea Party. If it doesn't pass it could unfortunately be the biggest step backwards since the 90's... I am just stunned when people don't see the global implications of this. This is HUGE. Again I will commend Gypsy on taking the righteous stand on this issue.



Well-known member
^^^ amen on this thought zen

when i look back on some of the posts and stands by people that should know better, i just shake my head

real bunch of rebels the 'no on prop 19', standing shoulder to shoulder with mainstream law enforcement, mainstream politicians, and the most fundamental religious types that would love to burn this site(and posters) alive


If everyone gets up and gets active politically in their home towns the effect would be amazing.

Keep your chin up friends! If we stumble our Freedom march isn't over.

The Doomsday of prop 19 not passing isn't the end of Cannabis politics.

But if it makes you feel better get a vote buddy and go out and register folks to vote.

Get active. If this prop 19 fails I am sure it will be low voter turn out.


^^^ amen on this thought zen

when i look back on some of the posts and stands by people that should know better, i just shake my head

real bunch of rebels the 'no on prop 19', standing shoulder to shoulder with mainstream law enforcement, mainstream politicians, and the most fundamental religious types that would love to burn this site(and posters) alive


Sorry to read that the political debate has caused you harm.

Political discussions seldom bring folks together.

I believe we are very close to cannabis freedom. We just need to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off if we get bucked off the Wild Horse (prop 19) if we get thrown.

We might try a new horse in the 2012 race. Something better than prop 19 like no limits on garden size and everyone can grow cannabis of their own.

That would be amazing. Still.. It's a good question as to whether prop 19 is a pass or it is a fail at this point.
Damn exciting if you ask me.

The Social discussions are rather open in this once very conservative town so I assume that all over the State Cannabis is discussed openly.
Things are changing. That is for sure.

We are waiting for that bill to be signed by the Governor that removes the crime associated with it.

So relax and don't worry be happy!


Freedom Fighter
We might try a new horse in the 2012 race. Something better than prop 19 like no limits on garden size and everyone can grow cannabis of their own.

If it doesn't pass, I don't think that making it looser will help-- Especially if they add something in there saying renters can grow no matter what--
I know it seems to us smokers that everybody smokes, or is cool about it-- That is not the case-- This Prop has a chance, because it has enough restrictions to appease the average (non smoking) person--
Ppl are nervous about this Prop...giving unlimited power to the Stoner will not help--
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