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250 watts of adventure...


Hello friends,
This is my first time growing the herb in an enclosed area. Before anything else goes on i would like to thank anyone who has ever posted on this website (especially the ones who do it a lot! :) I don't do a whole lot of it (if you can't tell...) but I hope with a bit of experience i can help others along the way, just like you all do . I am finally in a situation where i can do this right: as safe and stealth as possible. so i will! ps i lurked on OG too, ha!

All the plants, save 1 early misty plant i managed to clone from my OD, are from the quality of quality bagseed.

I have a tall, narrow generic white cab. i have a little veg area on the left, that is now empty (phase one, :woohoo: yeaaa!) and my flower room you can see here! 250w digi lumatek with...dun dun dunnnnnn a super-hortilux hps, no probs thus far in that dept but your guess is as good as mine as to when it will go... any gambling folk out there :) ?

All the plants, save 1 early misty plant i managed to clone from my OD, are from the quality of quality bagseed... I don't really trust myself yet with anything that costs more than the bag of grass they came in... I have some
B.O.G. Sourbubble and LSD on the way for the next run, I'm excited

The Early misty, and initial bagseed have vegged for about 1 month. I'm not quite sure why EM is unhappy right meow. her big fans seem great, except for the slightest of downward curling on the ends, but her new growth on the top is lime green, splindly, and 'bursting' at the veins. any idears? They just got their first ~1/2 strength feeding of veg, bloom, and some EJ catalyst for fun...

i really want it to be female! you should too!

forgot to rotate, so plz turn your head! what ya think she needs? I think i'm pretty good with the watering intervals, and i air out and ph all their drank....

Its all FFOF cut with perlite and EWC + dol. lime, pretty standard stuff. seedlings like more perlite in their mix though...
here are some OK looking seedlings, I have a feeling the vents blowing directly on them might be messing with them a bit...


here is my 190 cfm panasonic whisperline, there will be a filter on it in the next day or two. I'm still wondering the lb's of carbon that would go into the square filter, or how thick it the carbon filling said square would be...

see? no bends, except for intakes! i'm so proud. she just hums away...

the game plan is to eventually have four plants in there flowering... my plans have taken a few turns along the way (only got one clone from my od work...ha) so i germed the extra 5 lil' guys just to make sure the room would fill. they were vegged for about a week +day or two. hopefully the big squat indica lookin one is a girl, and i can get a decent pair of ladies from the little ones. the winners will be repotted when they tell me.

I spent a lot of time thinking about light proof, efficient, venting and mine work but i don't really like them. they take up way too much floor space, and even canopy space... i have ideas (and maybe you do too) for the next run, i'll elaborate later...

questions, comments, concerns?
fire away


Whats up friends... here is my progress thus far:

from the top...

its cool to see my progress from my last update, a little change :)

look left...

this is still the same whiney early misty... I'm pretty sure her soil mix had a tad too much lime mixed in with it. flushed her first, not much of a change... repotted her bout 5 days ago, replacing about 1/3 of soil from 3gal bucket. ehh new growth looks slightly less mangled but i'm not sure she will recover to the plant she once was...... o well.

look right...

i am very proud of this plant. i feel like from seed this plant has always been on the right track.. in terms of transplants, feeding, and training. i am very, very, fortunate that she revealed herself to me the other day... she gets whatever its called when low leaves touch the soil, but not too severe. i'm wondering if those low fans can be removed? all they do is fight infection.

four happy young'uns +mutant...

all doing well, although have notice on two of these plants something has taken a nibble from the edges. hopefully i can get to the bottom of that soon.

happy bush...

temps are ~75 lights on rh 50%
~65 lights off rh ~70-80%

i run the fan on intervals while the lights are off for rh/temp control. i think my rh is a bit high, let me know...

what ya think?
i'm always learning


i'm pretttttty sure i havent been watering her too much... the re-pot definitely made a difference in the new growth also, which i think confirms lots of my hypotheses... too much lime... i've read somewhere that ph swings or imbalances can cause the leaves to "crack" like she was, but as i said, about 1/3 new soil + a big flush, seems to have helped quite a bit...

but now i'm looking for more answers! as i mentioned in an earlier post, there is definitely (i think :) ) something munching on my leaves. I originally though it was just the fungus stuff that was bothering my lower leaves touching the soil (sould i just cut those off?), or ph imbalances.... but i have noticed it on other otherwise healthy leaves now too... even a bite on a younger one! :mad:

I have NEVER found any bugs, and i look every day with a scope/eyes... and while i do live in a carpeted apartment, i have some general cleanliness guidelines when it comes to growing... there are only about 5 to 10 leaves affected in the entire cab, an i have been aware of them for about a week... all the munchings occur on the serrated edge of the leaves usually near the middle-lower part of the plant... i have noticed a small hole (very small) or two in some other leaves but those look more "naturally occuring" as in a bit of burn/ my fault somehow....

no typical thrip/mite damage ANYWHERE in the room, never seen anything flying or moving....i have inspected lots of specks of dirt under a the scope just to be sure though...:laughing:

****I was thinking of a neem application today, or in the very near future but there are a few things on my mind...

1) i switched to 12/12 on the 2nd of this month (2 weeks), 2 plants so far have show sex 1m 1f :woohoo: does anyone really think i'm too far in flower for an application? if i started counting "flowering days" i personally would start from sex not from the light switch... so about a week

2) also, to do today or sometime very soon; i want lights off to do it right... but my schedule is pretty crazy and lights go off at 6am and i'm never around for that... how much harm comes from a spray (~5mins of weak light/ doors OPEN) about an hour before lights come on... i don't want mystery muncher to get a foothold, nor do i want a hermie cabinet...

any advice greatly appreciated...


hello friends heres a pre-bedtime update... i have been peridically taking pics, but more for my own reference. its with a 2yr old :fsu: 5mp digicam and it makes me sad to post them up here... well i have been but... you know
borrowed a dslr and away we go! +a lil photoshop... any body know good tricks for fixing the hps light? on cam or comp?

i am pretty satisfied thus far... but next time i'll try to arrange a nice full canopy... granted these are 5 different plants with almost all different veg times
theres also a lil guy (#5) who was my mutant in the middle in a half-gal pot just to fill up space and not waste any ladies... shes looking ok
BUDZZZZ! my first ever indoor buds... :jump:

heres the early misty that was once very unhappy... shes still at about 1/4 of her potential but it was a learning experience... bit leafy too...and skunky

crown bud from back right plant.. smells like fermenting garbage in a good way

girl on back right... she is a lot more lanky than any others.. might have some stretch still left in her... very skunky and fruity

they'll still be on FFOF BB and TB for the time being i've been doing water-feed-water but maybe i'll feed twice in a row and see what happens
temps 79-82F lights on RH ~55%
61-67F lights off RH ~75%

peace and love
thanks for looking and reading


few more... here is the real lanky one... last night were pics of diff buds from same plants hrmm

i bet she will take the longest....

a happy family

hopefully just the beginning of frost :)

one love
enjoy the wednesday
sweet work. i use a 250 lumatek as well. i got a thread on the coco section called 250 lumatek

you are growing the early misty from amsterdammarijuanaseeds?

if so be prepared for a bullshit strain. it looks like you have it. the "lanky" one you got. mine always took 12+ weeks to flower out to semi-maturity and stretched to like 5-6 feet. nearly pure sativas. and their supposively "early" misty. yea right. sorry jus hopefully u didnt get your genetics from that site is all.

let me know tho. if so, i can give you some pointers on nutrients for that strain.


its been a while.... thought i would show everyone my progress.
my early misty, which really needs the outdoors to let her tighten up and spare the extra leaf, will be taken down the 1st of december,
-ps buddin i got the seeds last year from Nirvana. not early by any means but a tough and potent outdoor girl. end of sept she's all good

to be taken down with this one also?... purple hues are coming out :)

and from above...

its hard for me to get a good view on the trics cos the buds are so damn dense... had a test toke today and was very satisfied. :joint:

heres the one from the back right. think she will go more into december. bout 50% cloudy right now

the classic reference...

this is also my test plant for the penetrating abilities of my light... is 6inches normal for a 250? thats where obstructed buds seem to fluff up. if they have a clear view of the bulb, they all remain tight :) . can't seem to get the frost to show up... (the lighting, i swear!) cos it is there
and it makes me very happy

for my first try, with bagseed started at different times, i think i made a nice attempt at a canopy :)

and what is this we have here?

5 LSD and 5 Sour Bubble babies from BOG. I think we will be seeing more of them....:abduct:

cheers all chatters and viewers :)


Hey friends, i have buds! i think i will pull this one next few days.

she is ROCK hard... smells very rotten and skunky doesnt seem to like the light too much anymore. but i think thats just cos i'm letting her soil dry out? she's pulling all the goodies from her leaves and they just curl up i'm thinking... nobody else in the box does it

next up is 'leafy mess' aka early misty... i think she likes the sun more than 250watts

she will still be dank i think

see in this one ^ she just popped out some extra calyxes the past few days and i'm not sure why? i think i've read that if a 'finishing' plant is too close to the light it will continue bud/hair/calyx production even near the end? anybody wanna help me out?

next up:

:hide: makes me cringe a bit... i was testing how many times i could feed tiger bloom in a row... 3 is too much i guess... is this a calcium def? i think the multiple un-pH'd feedings locked it out... thing is this started near the top... after a nice flush and a foliar spray with lime in it it seemed to stop. she will be my frostiest i think, even with her ailments

last one.... she is just happy :) :) :) :snowkiss: few weeks still

and very last!

now my questions :)
my BOG seedlings are growing extra extra extra extra slow (i know SB is slow) mainly cos its 60F in the box with lights off... there a heat mat with them but i've had bad experiences with it (non-horticultural mat!) and its on super low and has cardboard on it for space...do seedlings sexually mature based on growth (nodes/developed leaves/branching) or on days spent under light? they were started mid november and are still quite small... I was hoping on sexing them and having them ready Jan 1st but they're lil' babies still.... 10 seedlings under ~75 watts of 6500 cfl is good yea? also do you think thumbnails would be a better idea? i think these big pics scare some people away... how? :xmasnut:

don't be scared to say hi :)

Loving the big pic and big buds. This is the kinda set up I'm gonna get going. Maybe a few more watts in the veg room would make em speed up a bit. I don't know