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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Metalhead, read the material in the link at the end of this post, it will help you. And in response to your earlier statement about one ounce, you do realize that is just the limit on what you take out of your house, don't you? You can have pounds in your house that came out of your grow. 19 is just a start, but it is a damn good start.

yes, I do realize that, and I think it sucks. When you drive around with a 30 pack do you plan on drinking them all in one day in one sitting? Just curious, what if you went to nor cal and left your home in so cal for a month, say for a vacation, or to visit family could I only bring an ounce with me safely? Is this going to attract every pot smoking miscreant to California from everywhere in the world? I have seen nor cal during trim season, its interesting to say the least.

Thats a terrible article, if you really want me to I will go into it, but no one will listen anyways. Let me know though.

A quick point. An officer sees a bong or a joint in your car, whats stopping him from harassing you as far as how much you have on you? Is he going to search my car to find every last bit of pot, to make sure I don't have over an ounce? Its also full of the authors opinion, just like most favorable prop19 articles threads and posts are.

Anyone want to answer these questions I have?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you are going on an extended vac you will need to make that decision whether to bring more then what is allowed. Or buy some more when you get there. If he has a hair up his ass witch he will they all do so expect to be searched. If you have only a zip your fine. IMO as things get settled in leo wont be as curios and wont give a rats ass what u have


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Metalhead - Because that is not how probable cause works. Google it. And it doesn't sound to me as though you are quite as open minded as you profess.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You do realize that leo can have probable cause when ever he wishes. They will pull you over when ever they want to


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Yes, I understand trumped up probable cause searches. And while there will probably always be some of that, I think that it will be just like you said - after the newness wears off, it will become business as usual where trumped up shit is a very small portion of what is going down.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I just want to get this straight...

So legally being able to grow 5 x 5 is worst than the current 0 x 0?

And being able to legally possess 28 grams is worst than the current 0 grams??

Really? This is your argument? Would I like to possess and cultivate as much as ID like? Sure. But am I willing to wait another 10, 20, 30 years while mj gets demonized? Well that to me is unacceptable.

And I already hear opposers shouting we need only wait til 2012. Really, that's what we should wait for? Obamas not serving a 2nd term, we all know that. So next comes a republican, and when's the last time we've seen a republican president in favor of more leniant mj laws.

I really feel as if this is our last chance in a long time to make a serious change to our draconian mj laws.

Anyone care to remember the Carter / Reagan fiasco? How'd that turn out....?
I think maybe it is you that doesn't understand probable cause. You should look into Totality of the Circumstances, what probable cause is based on. IMO TOTC is what allows police so much freedom to perform what I consider illegal searches.

No, thats not my only argument. Read more.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

I just want to get this straight...

So legally being able to grow 5 x 5 is worst than the current 0 x 0?

And being able to legally possess 28 grams is worst than the current 0 grams??

Really? This is your argument? Would I like to possess and cultivate as much as ID like? Sure. But am I willing to wait another 10, 20, 30 years while mj gets demonized? Well that to me is unacceptable.

And I already hear opposers shouting we need only wait til 2012. Really, that's what we should wait for? Obamas not serving a 2nd term, we all know that. So next comes a republican, and when's the last time we've seen a republican president in favor of more leniant mj laws.

I really feel as if this is our last chance in a long time to make a serious change to our draconian mj laws.

Anyone care to remember the Carter / Reagan fiasco?

How'd that turn out....?

This is what bothers me about all you pro 19 people. yes I know, thats extremely general, oh well.

But am I willing to wait another 10, 20, 30 years while mj gets demonized? Well that to me is unacceptable.

Just your opinion, who says that will happen?

And I already hear opposers shouting we need only wait til 2012. Really, that's what we should wait for? Obamas not serving a 2nd term, we all know that. So next comes a republican, and when's the last time we've seen a republican president in favor of more leniant mj laws.

What does that have to do with cali, and our upcoming vote? Obviously the DEA doesn't do what the pres says, he said they would leave MMJ patients alone, AND RESPECT STATE LAWS. what do they do? raid the first applicant to legally grow mmj in mendo.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Just like George w bush didn't effect 215 or California either huh?

Obama us pro mj even if he can't publically say it. You think a republican will let a legalization bill happend???? Hahaha goood luck.

So tell me metal, what is wrong with this prop and what would you do to better it??

19 may not be the best but I'll take it. We can always improve on it once people get used to mj legalization...,

and you could always lobby your local officals to raise the 5x5.....and raise poss amounts ...

So what is so horrible not to vote yes????
some more opinions for you guys,

Most of the Cannabus grown in California is from clone.

Statistics, proof? I know a few guys in nor cal that would disagree. A more accurate statement would be, most indoor gardeners grow from clones.

If this law passes, within one year med patients should be paying half to three quarters of what they are now, with as good or better quality

Says who? are you some sort of expert?

Listen, I understand that people that supply and sell Cannabis to medical patients do not want this to pass.

Another assumption.
I would keep it all the same, for the most part, except I would be able to posses and grow as much as I feel like. its my right as a god fearing Christian to grow as many of anything green that bears seed and comes from the earth as I want. In god we trust, except that.

I don't mind not smoking in public, I don't do that anyways, its rude to the people that don't want to smell and breathe it. I don't mind setting restrictions on minors using marijuana, I think its a great idea, but don't tell me what to do in my own home.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
And your utopian answer is.......? You think that 19 is a joke because it is inadequate to meet your needs for cultivation and transportation. It is further a joke because it doesn't legalize at a federal level. Obviously we should all just refuse to have anything to do with incremental measures that promise more change. 215 is illegal at a federal level. It certainly appears to me that there has been a tremendous change in the status quo since it was implemented. You are obviously smoking better shit than I am if you think that all of your reservations are going to be solved in the near term with a single piece of legislation.
Come on man, thats obviously not my point. I don't have time to re explain all this. Maybe it does appear 215 has changed the status quo, I don't know. I couldn't tell you where we would be without it, it has done good and bad. More importantly than prop 215 in my opinion are the people that stood up for all of us, came up with it, and worked so hard at getting it to pass. Those were sick people that needed medicine. Who are the people supporting this prop? what do they want? what are there intentions, what were there motives for doing this? Money would be my guess.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
The polls have never been much over 50 percent, and unless they hit at least 65 it has no chance. If you would like proof, I will find it, I just don't feel like looking it up.

I'd like proof, please.

It won't stop the DEA from coming in either. I can't wait for the first mega farm in oakland to get raided. You just watch and wait, if they have a mega garden with over 100 plants,

I have a solution: Stick to your 5x5 and keep your head down..

Your dreaming, put the bong down for a few and think about it.

Shrewd advice.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Yeah us evil pro 19ers are all about money. That's why were fighting to make it legal for everyone to grow. To me the only greed Herr is coming from the antis who are afraid of losing profit as many people start growing rather than buying....

And for the majority, 1 oz is plenty. If mj don't suffice, carry 1 oz of hash....


Sorcerer's Apprentice
And no, I don't plan on, or have the time to read a 120 page thread. Anyone care to sum it up?


This would give you a state minimum of 25 square feet per residence which could be expanded by each municipality as they see fit.

This would allow said municipalities to license and regulate the sale and purchase of marijuana and consumables.

It would allow you to keep as much as you can grow in your 25 sq ft in your house and to carry up to an ounce per person wherever you go.

It does not give you "FULL LEGALIZATION" in the same way that the right to bear arms does not give you the rights to become the next lone gunner in a school bell-tower.

This is not full legalization in the same way that alcohol is not fully legal, in the same way that pseudophedrine is not fully legal, in the same way that masturbating is not fully legal.

Think it is? Go whip it out on a playground full of children and see if the cops think it's totally cool.

Whip it out at your own kids next birthday party and see how that goes over.

There's a time and a place and this will allow the same liberties and similar restrictions for adult recreational cannabis use.

If you want to argue the point, you really need to go back through the thread because I PROMISE that everything you've said was already rebutted like 40 times.

Fer Realz, Yo.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just curious, what if you went to nor cal and left your home in so cal for a month, say for a vacation, or to visit family could I only bring an ounce with me safely?

#1) how many vacations do you generally go on ALONE? Everyone on the vacation can carry an ounce at a time.

#2) If that's not enough for you.... buy some when you get to No Cal. It'll be plentiful and of excellent vintage.

Thats a terrible article, if you really want me to I will go into it, but no one will listen anyways. Let me know though.
Go into it. With facts. And references. I promise I'll read it and rebutt line for line if necessary.

I'm tedious like that.

A quick point. An officer sees a bong or a joint in your car, whats stopping him from harassing you as far as how much you have on you? Is he going to search my car to find every last bit of pot, to make sure I don't have over an ounce?
Can you explain how this situation above would be different (i.e. better) currently?

Anyone want to answer these questions I have?
Yes. I just did.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
these are some of the silliest questions. Metal I find it very difficult to follow your logic. are you asking questions or stating your opinion. All Elite strains are grown from clone because there is no seed form. If there was seed for I would buy some. Most of my garden is from seeds as I like to find those special gems that can only be found from seeds. Most comercial growers grow from clone they dont want to deal with males.
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