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Giveaway ICMag 4/20 giveaway

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Can't stand the Bullshit
How do you celebrate 4/20?
I will start my first legal grow since Germany did legalize 3 Plants for homegrowers.
My idea is to create a small cabinet using LED lightning, living soil, full ventilation with AKF and topfeed via "blumats" to make it easy for recreational users to grow their own.
Even a drying chamber and all electronical equipment will be fully integrated.
Footprint will not be more than 60x100cm on 2m of height.

I'm looking forward to documenting everything here an gathering some help on topics that are new to me.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I have learned so much from this thread by farmerlion, thanks!
" Which is your favorite ICMag thread of all time? "

Making Marijuana great again.
StonedPony, thank you for your kind words of encouragement 🙏
I have a new thread in the VIP SECTION called Growing Victory Microbial Repositories. Today I'm going to cover a Repositories feeding with (pineapple, bananas and whole eggs) 😋 Now that the worms and colonies are working together, things will take off quickly.
Peace brother 🙏 farmerlion

Smokin Sloth

Well-known member
" How do you celebrate 4/20? "
- Every morning with the first joint I thank the legalization .✌🏻

" Which is your most memorable ICMag moment/story? "
-My personal best moment here on IC was when I realized that some of the big names in the scene are represented and I can get in touch with them. And hey, they're friendly and helpful too!😄👌🏻

" Which is your favorite ICMag thread of all time? "

-There are too many of them here for me to choose just one.♥️



Well-known member
My most memorable moment was about a month ago when one of the icmag member sent me a bunch of marijuana seeds to Iran. I think it is a first as far as I am concerned. This is not a moment but a true miracle and I have dedicated a thread for these « miracle beans ». If this is not a moment I do not know what a moment is then!!!


Hey everyone, the way I celebrate 4/20 is a bit different than many because 4/20 is also my birthday and this year I will be 36 years old! Its a great time to enjoy the herb, but also this year I am celebrating the reunification with my soon to be 3 year old son after going down a long hard road battling addiction as well as drug cases and almost taking my case to trial but fortunately Instead of jail time I got 5 years probation, which enabled me to be here for my son whose mother unfortunately has been MIA since she delivered him. So the ball has been in my court, I have made a lot of changes, and have been succeeding so this year will be a prosperous celebration of life and the continued happiness and bonding and growing up with my son! Happy Birthday to me, and Happy 420 to everyone else!
The thing that got me finally to join in the forums after lingering around for so manyyyy years would have to be my desire to finally find some answers as to where the piff went, if it became extinct, and what strain it actually is!? But my favorite would be https://www.icmag.com/threads/piff-...es-church-preserving-a-heritage.86777/page-61

A favorable memory would be the fact that I connected with someone on here that turned out to be someone I already been following on IG for a while, who happens to actually live nearby and is firstly a good person, a friend, but also a piff lover n grower!
I wanted to add I know I don't comment and share much on here, but I will be engaging more often now that I am home almost 24/7 taking care of my son, I have been able to sit down during his naps and try my best to help other growers, people in recovery, and if I can share some wisdom that I feel I can help with!
Thank you ICMAG for holding down the fort with the best community in cannabis from way back when, up until now, you remain the GOAT! Much Love to all my homies!


The Tri Guy
How do I celebrate 4-20?
I don't. I'm British not American. 4-20 has no meaning here, it's an American thing and I object to the constant Americanisation of the U.K.. We are not an island state of the USA like Hawaii. We are in independent culture, but our political leaders sell us out to America, china, Africa, middle east, if there's a rich dictator somewhere, British politicians will que up to suck their dicks and betray the UK. Sadly, a great deal of our citizens are too dumb to think for themselves, and blindly go along with whatever the media tells them.
Now here we are, British people celebrating American Holliday's . Can't we think for ourselves? Don't we have our own identity? Can't we do things our way rather than yet again dropping our own flag to wave the American's?
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