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Giveaway ICMag 4/20 giveaway

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Active member

Which is your favorite ICMag thread of all time?​

I can't really say that it was my favorite thread, but it was one I always came back to! It was the BEST compilation of information available on the Internet! It got me through MANY Grows!

The Complete Guide to Sick Plants, pH and Pest troubles!​

... and through All that McFreakingAwesome information...

MedScientist was Created! ❤️
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Well-known member
Joining the community where people do value the quality of the product, fun while growing and not the labels or logos. I do appreciate that the most here, also topics where is proper discussion with science facts.

We are going to make Ic420 cup in Barcelona at 4/20, also happy that I could help here, even it was a small part : )
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Well-known member
-How do you celebrate 4/20?

After work I come home and water the plants. Then i usually pick a nice few buds, crush them up and smoke a nice joint with it. Once the high kicks in I'll take the dog to the park where I talk trash with some mates till it wears off 😂
And then we go home and celebrate 420 again with the rest of that spliff... 🤷‍♂️


Elite StrainCloneHunter
How do you celebrate 4/20?

420 icmag cup since over 1 and half decades, before it was in Amsterdam and now some years ago we are in Barcelona
:smoke out:

Which is your most memorable ICMag moment/story?

we was meeting with @mr.haze420 in older days at amsterdan and sitting on gracht from shop at terrase and he got some gift from my newerst city. the surprise was so big for him that has said please come to this location to this time. i was with friend there from here he bring some original Haze bubble hash with was curing for less decade to enjoy it at his pure pipe, So clean pure high where not know it in this ways so pure effect without to coming sleepy at all :smoke:
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Senior member
this is a story made of passion that happened in chat around 10 years ago, when the chat here was full of hippies, classics, and subjects particularly disturbed inside and out and some sexually, it was around 2015 some big trouble had already happened, but I was afloat and every day I was on this online street, trafficked by anonymous people from around the world but just safer than the dark net, the American elections began, and I joked like a mad man because I'm not American, and in the many chats and joints I threw myself into newspapers talking about politics, real, fake, strange news like a mud-dirty van in Brooklyn, something changed inside me, the more interested I became in history and politics, by dint of looking in Missouri I found myself in Kentuchi, I sent my little cousin looking for something og in the suburbs of Barcelona Street S.F., and the more I delved into the heart of the many lifestyles that great America offered, I understood better the adversities that Europe presented but making a comparison was difficult, I had my say, I knew enough to understand that the American model wanted Trump, also because there were many photos circulating of the current president molesting children, this really upset some of the chat to the point that they made a kind of split like the Naples Camorra and after Trump's victory we are no longer there spoken in many, as in many states in the world, politics divides instead of uniting, every now and then I look back at the memes of those days, and I better understand the bitter taste that remains in the mouth when the girl in front of the fire smiled at me but went away with a other . some friends are no longer here today, others have chosen exile like Napoleon, now there is a bit of Murica inside me too, and when I light a wet diesel cigarette I can smell the buildings, the taxis, the bars, all this thanks to a chat ,
I have developed the sense of joke that saves you from depression, thanks to everyone
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Well-known member
Happy nearly 420 🥳

My favourite icmag thread of all time is the massive outdoor grow thread by Julian, very inspirational


Well-known member
Which is your most memorable ICMag moment/story?...
Mine would have to be last year's outside grow diary ( Real Gorilla Seeds Comp) . I had the most weed In a long time , the plants were healthy apart from a few bugs pestering them . The weather was in favour more than it was against us. All round good time . Plus I won some beans (Always like winning beans )



My favorite icmag memory is when a member messaged me to tell me he was letting me pick 2 of his clones, that he would send me.
At the time I was in the mindset that everyone was only out for themselves, but he showed me thaf there are folks out there that care and will help you when you are down and out.
I don't even have those cuts anymore, but I will never forget the member that restored my faith in humanity.
Since then, I try to always help out members if I can

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
When I first joined the internet of weed it was right here on icmag in late 2015. Since then I celebrate every 4/20 with an annual seed pop. This year the seed pop will be the last of the awesome outdoor auto seeds that were gifted to me by a fellow canadian icmag member @gorilla ganja
Happy Birthday Icmag Fam !!

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I had a lot of nice moments. One was that I met Cravenmore/Flightbynight, we were internet buddys in real life for a looong time.
The other one was really strange, I wrote with a guy from the german forum, he could come from everywhere in germany. We came closer and he was living in the city of Bremen (40miles). We wrote a little bit more, he wrote some day he is driving home to his relatives. It was clear, he came from my hometown and the joke was, at last, as he was a kid I often saw him playing in the garden of a neighbour no 100 feet away. :)

My most memorable moment(s) were the brief encounters I had with @Fly by Night over the years. He hasn’t been around for quite a while, yet is still in my thoughts regularly, which is weird for someone I’ve never met or even seen the face of. I hope he’s well, do you still speak to him @Hermanthegerman?

I‘m very thankful to ICMag for many reasons but am eternally grateful for the privilege of being able to interact with some of these legendary characters that have graced the forum over the last 20 years.

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