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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


No Longer a Human Watering Can
WOW buddy i like the purple bastard even with the bugs and ph it has some grey / purple nugs look nice !!!!!


Traktor driver
Looking good my friend. The Martians looks like a yielder. :yoinks: How long is that in flower now? :chin:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
awesome lookin ladies bro.
i think i messed up with my mangos.left too much of the lower stuff on...im at like week 8 1/2 and have only lil balls of buds all over the place.they are pretty solid but they dont look like the ones i saw in CF's thread :(...oh well i got some more in veg to try this again ;)
that kk and the purple bastard are lookin good brotha.
id say even with what you call the n def. the still look the bomb...dont be so hard on urself brother :friends:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Old soul :D
Fungus gnats....those are the ones i did't encounter yet...i'm real weiry when somethings flying in my room.....and i will go on a hunt if i see something flying...lol
hope you get'm soon mate !

yea toob they where quite delight....you could used it for day and nighttime smoke...so in my book that means it woz a bit stronger as a usual smoke....very fruity and smelly....trichs where of the chart
thx for joining in :)

heya Dog i've seen that there is some resemblance.....pretty good actually :)
thanks mate...i just made some iso from 1/2 a plant that woz cut at 101/2 weeks...coz it had a few unmature seeds init....shit gets me stoned for shure !!could't smoke it coz of the seedshells.....damn that crap stinks...lol...you get the picture...
and pics are welcome any time :D

always a compliment comming from you mate!!!!.....still thinking about our mishap....damn those nosy MOFO's .....:badday:

hey Junior grower!
yea mate piece of the harvest is drying as we speak.....got a few more finishing up...i'm picking the dry ones to smoke some lol.....i woz totally out !

heya NK!!
i'm dealing with springtails my friend....i've had them for about 1 year now....and can't seem to get rid of them....i even went out on something chemical a few ago.....but only in veg.....the ones in flower are drenched regulary in pyrethrum combined with some sort of neem oil...i purchased it like this....
and i cleaned the rooms with bleach from top timm bottom on more then one occasion.....i did't have a perpetual for over a year now coz of it....its costing me for shure !!!
thanks for the visit bro :smile:

hey jack
yea mate but she's getting real worse now...i checked and the bugs are even runnning over the coco...i'm doubting if i can finishi it....lets hope i can...2 weeks more aprox....

heya Alex !!!
thaks for the visit mate...i've had the martians about 12 weeks now...and they can use a bit more to be honest...but they are cuttable 70 % cloudy 20 clear and 10% amber...

Trixhy Trichy
Naaah man it tru people like yourself i get confirment...and i appreciate it...if it woz't so i think i would't be posting at all....so again thanks mate !!
btw welcome in my thread :smile:

heya tona ...i can't complain with the branches not filling in...i'm more concerned about the quality of the some i have left...going at smell it won't be such highflyer......but then again i could be mistaken...will come back to that soon :smile:
Last edited:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core

Looking great Bro. I can really see the PC in the SD, that first shot looks just like the one BR just grew.

That Martian Haze is nuts bro.

Nice to see the younglings, The mongrels and Dominatrix I have are doin great, will have a few pics of them in a week or so, 3 sets of leaves, so I guess time to bring out the youngins then.

Hey Core, I think I said it before, but I agree with Dog...that SD really shows her love in the PC!!!Great work bro...the Martians are beasts!!!cant wait to hear a smoke report on them, supposed to be a killer smoke...KK looks frostier than hell man, Im lovin it...hope the bugs leave you soon...Peace bro

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
This thread is on hold till further notice.......i have bigger fish to fry at the moment
i'll be back later with a small explenation.....:wink:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well dont be too long bro

BTW, I am working on something too, just to get you thinking, something huge!!

Sativa Soul

Finally I've got some time to drop by. Went trough the whole thread. Definetely entertaining.
I started some of your seeds a few weeks ago. Until now I got 8 females out of 26 plants.
2 Which are most possibly female (still hard to tell) and 7 males.
females are:
1 Dominatrix: this is the most vigorous of the bunch, allmost twice as big as the rest
1 Crash Test: got a few more seeds lying around, good looking pheno, very hazy and sativa looking
2 Crash Test II: One pheno which resembles the CT described above (amnesia pheno I think) and another very short pheno with pretty sativa leaves.
1 Pollen Chuck
1 Pollen Chuck Revised
1 Misfit
1 OO8
I'll take some pictures one of these days and will post them in my grow diary.

It was nice to drop by after such a long time. And everything still looks great!
I'm still very busy lately so I won't be having so much time to update on my grow but I'll start doing that one thing start to get interesting.

See ya later!


are they good with holding shift from lots practice rolling one handed while wiping their azz or is that mastrubating and itching to commit statutory pruning on young cannabis girls...


just where is the G- spot in cannabis anatomy ?

does stroking it increase THC or just get your fingers sticky


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Hey Core, I think I said it before, but I agree with Dog...that SD really shows her love in the PC!!!Great work bro...the Martians are beasts!!!cant wait to hear a smoke report on them, supposed to be a killer smoke...KK looks frostier than hell man, Im lovin it...hope the bugs leave you soon...Peace bro

- Z

my last PC harvest leaned hard on the SD flavour. a nice hard stone, but i know @ 56 days it should have ran 10 more days IMO to peak. i got more beans to pop. hoping for a DR Dog pheno lol


Grower of fine herbs...
Hope all is well Core, we'll be waiting to hear whats up with ur situation.... Good vibes my friend.. Good vibes...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear of the bug troubles. I feel your pain I have been dealing with spider mites all winter long. I never could of imagined how hard it would be to kill those little f$%kers. Loves the look of that DC bud. Hope to see you back in action soon. Need anything from me just hollar.


Registered Medical Patient
my last PC harvest leaned hard on the SD flavour. a nice hard stone, but i know @ 56 days it should have ran 10 more days IMO to peak. i got more beans to pop. hoping for a DR Dog pheno lol
Hey Core - and Sir - ^^^^^^^^^about that shit, IMO, I think shes at her best at 70 daze, but that was my pheno!!!..OK, cant type anymore!!!!SD has me wreckked...Peace



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hello Core and folks :wave:

Hum... I wonder what are you up to my friend Core, but whatever you do, have fun fishing :smile:

Them plants look nice, despite the bugs, I feel for you that the haven't left you alone :fsu: But if I were them Iwould also choose a nice smelling warm environment to hang around.

My heard skipped a beat when I saw the Purple B. Ah, so nice to see her :D Tho I know you can do a better job with her (this was ur 1st try on coco after all, no?) And the martians are looking out of this world. Hope the effect gets the there too :abduct:

Following your recommendation, I'll give it a try to your 008 this next outdoor season, will be nice to compare with folks across the globe growing her. I'm also feeling lucky this year, and will try to finish some PBs.

Well bro, take care and drop us a line when you're done with the fryin'


PS: European citizens, check my signature, about 40 days left! <-- Hope you don't mind some spamming Core, it's for a good cause!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog :)
you making me curious mate hehehehe

heya Sativa soul !!
nice to see you once more my friend....its great to see you pop some of my beans again....hope you get atleast About 50 % on female ratio....i realy like some pics if you got some spare time when it gets intresting..hope to see ya soon...and thx for the visit !! :respect:

..lol zolar what you referring at.?..or are you asking a q at Sativa?
nway... could be i'm to stoned to grasp it ...:D

heya Sir !!
that could be yea..my SD has a very fuely smell and taste...kinda like very earthy ....and with a bit of menthol init as far i can smell..
but yea the pollen chucks need a 9-10 weeks fower cycle....

heya NK
shure mate i know more now....i've been askt to run a cloneroom for 1500 candidates....every 8 weeks...but i can't decide what would be less cost effective...And farmore.....the easyness of the setup makes me concern....
i will also need to build the room myself....and i just don't know how to go about....i woz thinking small rockwool cubes with some sort of DIY shelfs...with TL's.....
and i also lost my PC to put pics up...and.....my USB cable is lost.....i can't connect to my laptop for this...DANG...

thx for the support Guyute...i realy hope to get all these little :cuss:...but i'm gonne and say that i'm lucky that i don't have the borg to deal with....i realy hate those damn things....hope you get'm to mate !!!
and thx again :wink:

hahahah Zeus...yea just said that she needed about that time....hope you like the stone mate hehehe...

heya B
read a bit back and you know what i'm up to..i told yu today when we met...lol..
yea you realy seem to like that peticular one ey....but PB woz't finished yet....a few days more and she gets the cut...owh and i hope you like the smoke :wink:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
Core im lovin the vibe in here brotha.
wow bro thats a nice op you have the oppurtunty to handle.i think it would be a cakewalk after you have it setup and ur system down bro.can i make a suggestion?
i think if it was me i would get them mamas goin,like a few of each strain im gonna use.then i let them get tall and bush them out at the same time.and if it were me,id prolly do a few big ass tables with my own home made easy cloners in there that could hold like 300-500 cuts per table depending on the space.i say the easy clone because its like set it and forget it bro.after you fill the neoprines you just wait for roots,10 days you can cup them easily,some strains even faster bro.and a few drops of the LK kicked them in gear even faster this time.
i wish you good luck whatever you decide to do.peace-T-


This thread is 11 pages long and I have no good excuse for not being here after the New Year. :redface: sorry Core!
I like the DC1 and the looks of nevilles x mango..it gave me chills just lookin at it! I am here now and taggin up so now ya gotta deal! :muahaha:
hello sir,
Your plants are very beautiful! If you would not mind sharing I would love to be able to take a peak at what your environmental parameters are! daytime high, night low, and RH? looking SO GOOD!


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