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IC Mag Get together Nov 06 (The real Cup Party)


Joint Date: Today.
damn guys..that sounds fun!

so you guys are having a party on nov 9th.. thats awsome..

looking forward to nov 18/19 when ill get there..

have fun



WAMEN said:
damn guys..that sounds fun!

so you guys are having a party on nov 9th.. thats awsome..

looking forward to nov 18/19 when ill get there..

have fun


@ Wamen, The 19th not the 9th. Some of us will be there sooner and the party starts when the doors open and won't stop if is like the 420 was.
@ Moppel, that is a nice offer:)

Dr. D

Active member
I think il have to join the party and pop over for at least a couple of daze...im going next month too...see ya there :joint:


Joint Date: Today.
ya ya thanx MOd.. i must have been medicated when i wrote that.. lol

peas and prosperity



Dr. D said:
I think il have to join the party and pop over for at least a couple of daze...im going next month too...see ya there :joint:

See you then Doc.


Un - Retired,
and the few become the many
and as far as I'm conserned the more the merrier


Stoned Silly said:
Note.. to Silly.. Stop buying seeds and save for Amsterdam :chin: lol.

That flight over the pond is a little out of my price range last I checked.. But you never know. :joint:

no joke man......i wish i could afford it....

i WILL make my way over there next year.


Active member
Nice to see some more folk hoppin on board here......looks to be shapin up for good times indeed......

Yeah life ain't cheap for the most part and the more ya wanna see the more ya have to pay....it's like a call girl....haha...so what can you afford!



yeah nice to see that there will be a few ic mag'ers around. should make for a good trip to Nols too. there are always a few who will just show up, without making an announcement about it here, just like at the 420. a few show up who only browse the site without posting, or who don't, quote "do that computer shit" unquote lol. it's gonna be fun hanging with you all.

you got your flight and place to stay organized yet somoz?


Active member
i envy those that don't do computer shit..........takes waaaay too much time from me day sometimes....... :pointlaug

Hey gaius: yeah i've had my flight stuff sorted for awhile........i'm supposed to stay with me mate chato and one or two of his blokes but i haven't spoken with him in a bit so i'm not quite sure what the program is.............we were squared away on one of the house boats but i don't think he confirmed shit yet........

you lookin for a roomy: i'm gonna figure out what is actually gonna happen so i can get things wrapped up..........i'll keep ya posted..........take care bro



Active member
well ill be there next week for sure!! I may jsut have to go back in november as well! Depends on the Fund situation though! But hell If i can fly round trip for 650$ like im doing this time Ill be going every 2 months! lol.. Fuck it I have to take a 6 hour train from frankfurt but that beats paying over 2k for a plane there!
So this NOV. meet what is consititing of and how do u enter?


the november meeting is at the same time as the HT Cannabis Cup, 19th Nov to 23 Nov. a judges pass could be got in advance but you don't need it unless you want in on all the events. there is also the option of buying a pass there, for slightly more. or there are day entries to the expo which get you in. a pass is 200 dollars in advance or 200 euro on the spot. a group of people will be going to visit Willie Wortels coffee shop in harlem on the 20th of Nov.

the other thing i thought about was the 420 boat, could we rent that again on one of the days and do a stoner boat ride around the canals? that was so cool year before last, we even had a verdampher vaporizer on board. if a few of us are interested and prepared to chip in it should be doable, what say you oldpink? can you ask, your mate with the boat, what it would cost to rent the boat for a few hours?


Active member
Hello gaiusmarius and kootenay , hope all is good your ways .If things are sound around that time for me, then i will forsure try to be there .As i missed you last time at 420 gm so it would be cool to meet up.
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Active member
@ the boat.............might be a bit chilly to be cruisin the canals gaius.......9 c don't seem balmy to me........but dunno about you doods...........


I will be stationed at Indica in Haarlem. So I will see you all there. Might come into Amsterdam for a day or two during the CC.


Stop by for a wake and bake and we can share some samples:)


HashishinReidi said:
Hello gaiusmarius and kootenay , hope all is good your ways .If things are sound around that time for me, then i will forsure try to be there .As i missed you last time at 420 gm so it would be cool to meet up.

Hey Hashishin Reidiah,

great to hear you'll try and come in november. i'm most curious to meet up too. you were one of my first contacts on OG, so its about bloody time we meet lol.

peace out bro.........gm

if you're up for a good smokout milehigh you'll be more then welcome, lol.

see ya there, if you make it you'll be smoking on some of my WW and SD, if all goes according to plan lol.
