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I thought dispensary experiences were suppose to be pleasant

  • Thread starter Guywithoutajeep
  • Start date


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Grow your own Sweet Tooth. - SOTF420


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
fuck growing your own... anyone can do that.
all growing your own does is help yourself
its just not the answer for those that cannot grow their own

usually its a pretty good solution though
but its not enough


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You guys take it too far.

Whoa big fella. You move too fast. We're the ones trying to keep you from going too far. No one's talking antiseptic or labratory or even white. We're saying what goes too far is dressing like a thug or flying rock'n'roll banners in a time when a great section of the voting populace fears weed leads to thuggery and rock'n'roll debauchery. (Though in fairness to Bob Marly, his was a religious connection)

A professional appearance hurts no one. An unprofessional appearance can do serious damage to the cause.
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The cat that loves cannabis
i was inspired to open my own dispensary after my very first visit to a now defuct operation in san diego a few years ago. with that bit of inspiration and some leg work i was able to start helping a lot of sick people in my community in a very short time, the way i wanted to be helped. if you back read my posts, you'll see pretty much im a dumbfuck! if i can make it happen, you can too....

if you're that bothered by how things are done, do something different - DO SOMETHING
What does your Dispensary look like?


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
it wasnt a big and fancy grand multi thousand squarefoot facilty like the pics posted.... it was a simple humble little 700sqft office in a medical building. (that was the hardest part of the process... finding/securing the brick and mortar location)

it was just enough room to have a receptionist, a couple person waiting/check in area, a sally port between the waiting room & display/sales room, and a storage/supply room. the building had an elevator (for those who cannot take stairs) and was less than 10ft from a bus stop.

the decor was set up to look as much like a doctors office as possible for the waiting room & reception area. the display room was more lax and had a hawaiian/tropical theme with the art & music... we did wear reyn spooner shirts....

if you didnt know we were there you would have never guessed.


ICMag Donor
Ahh....the Reyn Spooner.....most dispensaries seem to cater.. well, to themselves. The decor and personnel reflect the owner and not the customers. Does the 70 year old relieving chronic pain want to patronize an establishment where the employees make them uncomfortable?
In this business the customer demographics vary, but why limit yourself and stifle business over decor.
I doubt most have a business plan in place, let alone any oversight. Quality control, dont think so.
The dispensaries in place that are making a quick buck slinging weed as opposed to dispensing medicine will receive a wake up call when actual true non-profits, which as a corporation have bylaws and regulations in place, become the standard.
Remember, if your not helping, your hindering.



Active member
It's more about convincing the masses of reputable business practices so that people take the medicinal MJ movement seriously in order to advance its goals further.

while i've used Cannabis for pain and insomnia, and i'm aware of other helpful uses, i really don't take the medical MJ movement all that seriously - anymore than most people took the medicinal alcohol movement seriously. back then folks just wanted to drink for pleasure. and now most folks just want to smoke bud for pleasure.

none of the pics posted appear unprofessional to me. and given the choice i'd pick these types of establishments over a more sterile environment every time. even if the cost was more. the point is - stoners like this vibe. while folks who want everyone to think they're taking doctor approved meds not so much.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Ahh....the Reyn Spooner.....most dispensaries seem to cater.. well, to themselves. The decor and personnel reflect the owner and not the customers. Does the 70 year old relieving chronic pain want to patronize an establishment where the employees make them uncomfortable?
In this business the customer demographics vary, but why limit yourself and stifle business over decor.
I doubt most have a business plan in place, let alone any oversight. Quality control, dont think so.
The dispensaries in place that are making a quick buck slinging weed as opposed to dispensing medicine will receive a wake up call when actual true non-profits, which as a corporation have bylaws and regulations in place, become the standard.
Remember, if your not helping, your hindering.


i did things the way i did because thats what i wanted to do.
you cannot chose your customers, they choose you.

stellar... theres a lot of assuming in your post

you cannot rent an office space (for any business!) without having some sort of business plan - what landlord is gonna rent an office space to someone for a business thats without a business plan? i had to submit both a business plan (i was truthful about what i wanted to do!) & financials for each place i hoped to lease. I will say some business plans are better than others... and a good lawyer will ask to see your business plan as you are setting up your business, and will approve of it, edit it, or help you create it.

and still playing the devils advocate folks...

everybody has different definitions of what 'quality' is...
theres your local 'good' chinese fast food that uses recipes and fresh products you like and your local 'bad' chinese fast food that is just plain gross. but theres probably someone who likes the bad chinese fast food, right? someone's going in there, otherwise theyd have to close shop. same thing applies with buds. unfortunately. one persons trash is another persons treasure. unfortunately.

i dont know how many dispensary operators of which you know the finite details of their business operations and what not, but in my experience the ones i have known have paid lawyers to set up their tax ids and business type (sole prop, llc, non profits, etc) - mostly as 501cs (though i know a couple that were set up as straight up 'retail' establishments), and are legally drawing salaries equivelant to what other business owners gross. im not sure what kind of 'wake up call' you're talking about since its now pretty much standard for shops to be under the non profit umbrella already (and adhere to the rules for 501(c)3 corporations for record-keeping)... maybe you could elaborate, please?

BUT there are 'loopholes' if you're (or the lawyer) smart enough to find/use them...

you should look up whats needed to operate a business in cities where you dont like how a dispensary is running. you might be surprised to learn cool things! like there are some dispensaries that havent needed to acquire business licenses to open their doors (they still need tax id numbers and articles of incorporation though)!!! this is not because dispensaries havent been regulated or modeled - its because the area/city they are in does not require it for any business whatsoever... if you can believe that. Check out Lake Forest, Ca for example... those 'quick buck' dispensaries as you call them could be a direct result of the cities' current zoning laws and business practices & procedures being exploited and taken advantage of. just like the goverment does to citizens, by the way hehe.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Im glad to see that there are some people that understand what I am trying to say, and that I am not trying to just rile mother fuckers up..

A specific shot out thank you for your understanding of my opinons goes to ...
good drown ,MoldyFrogToe ,John Deere ,SuperSizeMe, and FreezerBoy ...:grouphug:if you get my point and I have not listed your name here, I appreciate your willingness and ability to not be so closed minded

If it was truly just for the sick and people who needed the medicine, there would be no need for bob marley posters and whatnot.

^exactly... and to try and use an analogy, im sure there are tons of older elvis fans who go and get their prostates checked at their physicians office, but you don't see elvis posters hanging on the walls and elvis music being played on the speakers. Im sure I may hear someone send me a message or reply to this quote with “sorry wayne, trying to compare a physicians office to a dispensary is way out of line and you need your head checked...” and my reply to that is, im sure YOU may need to check YOUR head because apparently you have been brainwashed by the common practices of most dispensaries that you have visited or come to know. Medical marijuana dispensaries need to be held to the same professional standards as any doctor, pharmacy, or whatever random business in the medical industry would be held to if they plan on being taken seriously by all of the haters (specifically Law enforcement officials and the disagreeing public) out there... I think once everyone in the medical marijuana community realizes this and takes it seriously, THEN perhaps the haters will take it seriously as well...

and to my friend greyskull... (im assuming here that your post about “stop talking, and start acting is directed at me?) ...I live very far from california atm, and I currently have a legitimate established business that I run here in my parts that I am in no hurry to run away from.....ESPECIALLY when its pretty likely that I will get raided if I DO set up a dispensary over there in this day in age... by the way, you and everyone else who has ever started up a dispensary since 96 has some serious courage... Im the kind of guy who would rather wait till the coast is 100% clear, and the waters have been thoroughly tested before I decide to set up shop - and believe me , I am NOT the only one who is waiting for the coast to be clear... while I am sitting around and waiting for the coast to be clear, perhaps I can try to speed things up by posting my thoughts and opinons in a forum that is available to many, and hope that others who are currently in the medical mj industry will take note of and possibly put it to use...

I have strong feelings that once these dispensary owners can all band together, put 2 and 2 together, and realize that if they start convincing the "haters" that they mean business, and are serious about not only operating, but portraying their dispensaries as a legitimate member of our society's "medical" industry versus portraying it as a hip and trendy lounge with reggae music pumping, blown up bob marley photos on the walls, and eyecatching signs and neon lights in their windows...THEN I can bet you that the coast will be one step closer to being 100% clear.... one can profile a “patient” and make assumptions on whether they are legitimately a “MEDICAL” patient, or if they are a “fake” med patient and more of a “RECREATIONAL” patient. Truly, one will not know which is true about the individual SOLELY by looks, but on the other hand, one can d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y profile a dispensary by its appearance and see if their underlying mission is to cater solely to patients who are seriously in legitimate “MEDICAL” need of the medical grade marijuana or if they do not respect the “MEDICAL” aspect and will cater to even the “RECREATIONAL” users with made-up “MEDICAL” needs, and just a strong desire to GET HIGH. I am not against people who make illnesses up to obtain the marijuana at all, because quite frankly, I myself would LOVE to be able to just walk into a dispensary and pick up some grade A herb to smoke despite not having any legitimate illnesses myself. I am not knocking it one bit, I am just trying to get real here and bring some light to the fact that if the dispensaries clean up their acts, then perhaps the “haters” can leave them alone, or be swayed to change their minds to accept the medical marijuana industry. Once these “haters” change their minds, and start laying off the medical dispensaries and focusing their attention to other more serious problems such as heroin, cocaine, meth, etc; producers and users alike, THEN will the medical marijuana industry be able to excel and spread throughout the country. If you cannot understand my point by now, and you still would like to cry about that cozy couch that you liked sitting on with scruffy the dog while you listen to your sublime music in the background and stare at the bob marley posters on the wall, then I truly feel sorry for you, as it will most likely just evolve into simply a memory to you if this way of dispensary operation continues...

As if I havent already made my point, on to my deeper thoughts of how the law profiles marijuana USERS based on their appearance in conjunction with how the law profiles a DISPENSARY and its appearance....

The LEO and the public who are against medical marijuana depensaries, and medical marijuana in general, are against it because of what they see, and how they perceive it. They profile the patients AND the dispensaries. Sure the LEO has profiled many patients and attempted to arrest them and have failed because the patient had their Med License handy. These LEO probably profile MANY thuggish ruggish, hipster, skater types and think they could easily arrest them but fail because these people are protected by their I.D. Cards. On the other hand, there are probably many legitimate users who are profiled and left alone because they fit the image of one who might be in serious need of medical marijuana. These law enforcement officials are ALSO using the same exact profiling techniques with the DISPENSARIES. These dispensaries that have bright neon signs in their windows, and marijuana leaf images and whatever other verbage on their windows to clearly attract new customers are just ASKING for trouble. There could be a more professional way to advertise then to dress up the front to resemble a convenient store/BAR/gas station/ or whatever sort of business that loads as much eye catching material in their windows and on their walls as possible... When do you ever see a doctors office with bright neon signs with flashing pill bottles on their windows? Not very often...so right there, the dispensaries are giving the image to the public that they are marijuana dealers trying to operate under the cover of “MEDICAL,” while displaying flashing lights to attract the public... it goes beyond what is going on on the outside of the dispensary, a lot of them I understand operate in the shadows, which makes the most sense to me if they plan on staying out of the profiling publics eye. I have not done any studies, but I can make an assumption that a lot of the dispensaries that have been taken down, were clearly operating “out of bounds,” and coming off as a medical marijauna circus lounge to the public. A lot of the dispensaries have photos of their establishment available on the net, and eventually these images are going to be seen by the wrong person, and going to make the dispensaries look like they cater to recreational users, and that the whole medical marijuana push …

to further my point about what the profiling “HATERS” look for, I just happened to be randomly stumbling around on some dispensary news articles and I had came across this quote from a lady speaking about the 14 despensary raids that occurred at the end of last May: "These so-called businesses are not legal. They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market and a way to make a fast buck," says San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis ..."They are doing this under the guise of helping people who are sick but we're not fooled and the people shouldn't be fooled either," says Dumanis... . here is the link ( ) …. That statement stands out and speaks SO LOUD to me...

To end my rant, I am going to end my write up here with a factual quote that I pulled out of that same article from the link I posted above: "We have not found one yet in San Diego that has been operating within the guidelines of the Attorney General,” says Chief William Lansdowne

.I know this is only one part of California, and that there are MANY dispensaries elsewhere who abide all laws, and follow all guidelines, but it really goes to show that dispensary owners need to start sharpening up and respecting laws and the “MEDICAL” world a bit more.. One bad apple can ruin the reputation of them all. Where we go one, we go all, and with that being said, I think that SOMEONE needs to take the initiative and set up a “dispensary owner only” conference/meeting and get everyone on the same page... this conference should include these concepts (but not limited to): basic business practices, business ethics, establishing business plans, business law, state laws, local laws, ethics, ethics, oh yeah, did I say ETHICS? Once the concept of “ethics” is understood amongst all of the dispensary owners, then perhaps everything else will fall into place accordingly... Once a dispensary can show that they respect all laws, whether they be written or unwritten laws, and they can also show that they are not in business to cater to the RECREATIONAL community, THEN the medical marijuana movement which so many have worked so hard for will become a great success and catch on amongst the whole country and possibly even the world...

some club owners are newbs in the game...they figured they wanna get rich quick and they never broke down weight before..

Seems very true!

Dispensarys here are still pretty new, and not very plentiful. There are 5 or 6 in my general area and only one has any clue what they are doing and they are doing it very well.

Was going to list some of my arsenal but I didn't bother. He had some pretty bad weed, everything was fluffy, grassy, 0 trichs, dryed to quickly, might as well be brown weed. Also he was selling mexican brick weed for $10 a gram!!!! That is 280 an ounce!!! LMAO I died inside. He kept talking about thai weed this thai bud that like he still had the direct connection to thailand from the 60's....HAHAHA!

When I speak of "ETHICS," this is what I mean... these guys are buying this kind of junk and trying to sell it off as legitimate "medicine..." ... it just seems to me like if you are an unethical person (which the owner of this dispensary sounds like he/she is) , then chances are you are most likely going to make horrible business decisions in general, and just create a bad name, as well as a laughing stock out of every other dispensary, because as I said in my rant, where we go one, we go all... Im sure this dispensary had some nice decorations on their wall as well - perhaps some kottonmouth kingz posters on the wall, along with this poster
as well (with many hundred more for sale), huh? HAHAHA... really making the community look good...

yep it's a joke the way they run, just makes the naysayers oppose it even more, hurts the movement

No one said cold and sterile, they said professional

Dude-On-Couch atmosphere is not professional. At all. Neither are Bob Marley posters.

It's about gaining support for this movement, not discrediting it in the views of people who we rely on for support to keep these things going.

It's more about convincing the masses of reputable business practices so that people take the medicinal MJ movement seriously in order to advance its goals further.

Most dispensaries are an offense to that and in effect make it harder to win over the hearts and minds of uncertain constituents that this movement depends on.

This whole knee-jerk "OH MY GOD WE CAN'T MAKE IT LIKE BIG PHARMA" is a load of shit..It's great to have more relaxed atmospheres and is more desirable but the general public doesn't take it seriously. In the long run that hurts the movement more than anything and if it means that, I could give 2 shits about whether it's a 100% lab pharma environment or not..o well just an opinion..

MFT, I agree with
every single one of your words. You took them right out of my mouth, or off my fingertips shall I say. I am glad that you are a member of this community, and the community should be glad that you are a member as well... You understand my point to a mother fuckin T! :tiphat:

I've never been to a dispensary,hell after today bongs are illegal in my state but I do know perception is everything and agree that dispensaries should look more mainstream.I remember seeing a protest in cali where this guy was smoking a blunt and playing the fool.Thats no good for future prospects

I am glad that you agree that perception is everything. It really fucking is.... ever hear the phrase "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING.." ? well, it IS true. Even if you apply that "image being everything concept" to ugly people versus good looking people- good looking people are a lot more likely to win over the liking of other people versus ugly people... it's sad but true..

Dispensaries do need to step it up in the interior design department and start becoming more "mainstream" instead of decorating to win over the likeness of that stereotypical stoner...

I'd take a place with a dog on the couch over bullet proof glass with marble table tops.

My view is perhaps a little too American, but your dispensary should look however you want it to. Enjoy freedom much? Let the unprofessional people go to unprofessional dispensaries....
I'd like to think that anyone could respect the need to feel comfortable.

I'd go to a shitty dive bar where I could bring my dog before I got stuck in some custy martini bar where everything looks "professional".

They don't need to file into a line to look alike, and for fuck's sake don't make it look like a pharmacy.

Taking the life out of it for the sake of professionalism sounds like a final solution.

ah, I get it, you are in that class of people who I would like to categorize as "close minded..."....

Does professionalism make you uncomfortable? If so, you get a big LOL from me..

And the fact that you think that the life will be taken out of it if dispensaries start taking things a little bit more professionally seals the deal on my point that you are closed minded...

I don't see the point in trying to dress it up past honest.

clearly you do not see much...

Many senior citizens are flower children. Most of those would rather see a recreational side of things than the "medical" bills.

clearly you are wrong, because if many senior citizens would rather see a recreational side of things then the medical marijuana industry would be much much more evolved and progressed then what it is...

Again, I believe that medicinal cannabis relieves symptoms of patients.... I don't think three quarters of card holders qualify as such and it's becoming obvious.

you are kidding right? its JUST NOW becoming obvious to you? haha.everybody knows that there is a tremendous amount of patients who make up fictitious claims of health issues to obtain I.D.'s.. there is NO WAY for the law men to prove whether or not someone get anxiety or not, or whether or not they suffer from depression, or PTSD, or sleep apnea, JUST TO NAME A FEW... since the po-po's cannot crack down on the patients, they go after the dispensaries- Its alot easier for them to do an investigation into whether or not a dispensary operates with every intent to serve the truly deserving rather then the obvious recreational users who truly do not "need" the marijuana. The first of MANY obvious signs that one would think that an undercover pig would take note of the decor and overall "vibe" of the dispensary- for example, why on earth would a dispensary insensitively blast loud reggae music when clearly there are many probably patients who could walk into the dispensary who suffer from extreme migraines, or post traumatic stress disorder - two legitimate ailments that could very well affected by that music. On the other hand, that music would make the experience that much more "COMFORTABLE" for the recreational user who is just in the place to to pick up his meds and get high as fuck

The cause may be hindered before you even get to nitpick on the appearance of dispensaries. Honesty would be a good policy if only it was feasible.

Honesty is not the word- ETHICS are what the "haters" are looking for within a dispensary... once some ethics can start being shown within the industry, then respect will start being shown... easy as that... there will always be people looking to get HIGH- even physicians who prescribe legal meds come across dishonest people each and every day who are looking to get prescribed narcotics and barbituates and lie or exaggerate their illnesses to get what they want. These doctors might have deep underlying ethics which cause them to question the people looking to get the fix, but quite honestly, a great percentage of them DO NOT question them, and take their word for it and prescribe them heavy doses of shit... the doctors would not be in business if they believed that every patient they consulted with in a given day was lying to them, so they are liberal with their meds, and leave it at that.. often they require the patient to sign a waiver which keeps the doctor safe if anything were to arise on the patients end as a result of lying to obtain the drugs - such as death, or sale of controlled substances.. I know laws vary by state on this topic, but all in all, my point is that it is NOT easy to stop someone from lying, but it IS easy for people to start having more ethics... doctors are smart (well most of them get greedy, and stop being smart) and have it all figured out though... they understand that image is everything, and if for one second they slip up, and cross that invisible line of responsible ethics, and start advertising the ability to serve the "RECREATIONAL" users as well as the truly deserving "MEDICAL" users THEN they can be in hot water very quickly... I am pretty sure that there were alot of in-house doctors in these dispensaries who were protected by the dispensary, but I am also aware that a law was in writing, or possibly already passed that prohibits doctors from working in-house... if these docs are on their own, not protected by the dispensary, then I believe there is going to be a LOT more cracking down going on with who gets approval for a license, and who does not...

PS Some believe that legalizing MJ would ruin some of our rights/privileges.

legalizing MJ would ruin what rights and priveleges? you lost me here...

I think some folks are missing LiLWaynE's point. The main issue right now is public perception. The reality is that MJ is still illegal under federal law and the Feds and lawmakers are not going to change their policy if the images they see for a "medical dispensary" look like the green room at a Dead show.

Senior citizens and AARP are one of the largest voting groups in the country. (if not THE largest) Do you honestly think they're going to vote for MMJ when they see pictures like this? HELL NO! Unfortunately if we want to change policy we have to play the game, at least for now. If we're pushing for "medical" MJ then we need to present it as "medical", not recreational.

We need to work on our rights before worrying about our privileges. Let's get MJ legal and then worry about being comfortable.

Exactly. And images of tie dye wearing dredlock dudes with tapestries hanging on the walls isn't going to convince anybody otherwise.

We need to decide which battle we're fighting--legalization or medical legalization. They're two separate issues and cannot be dealt with the same way.

And I agree completely with your other points.

ding ding ding.. we have another winner... ANOTHER who can see the light... :dance013:

THCV said:
As someone with a chronic disease, i visit drug stores all the time, along with dispensaries. If modern drug stores are the standard that Wayne and others think dispensaries should shoot for, well, i disagree. :chin:

Ever been to a ghetto Rite Aid or CVS? NYC and LA are full of them. Horrible fluorescent lighting, rows of half full shelves missing the items you need, clueless foreigners for staff, cold corporate nickle-and-dime vibe. I'm talking the Rite Aid on Crenshaw, not the one in Bev Hills (although, Bev Rite Aid is ghetto too!). I am very glad that my dispensary isn't anything like that experience.

wow, that was a very weak attempt at trying to mis-portray the look i had in mind... nice try though...

And as for dogs, well, i bring my unleashed, trained, friendly dog with me into Rite Aid every time, and if they had another dog there sleeping I would LOVE that. I love dogs, and have no problem with them in proximity to glass jars of herb--i have yet to smoke a j with dog hair in it. In LA they aren't allowed in dispensaries though, which sucks when I want to combine walking the dog with hitting the dispensary.

i love dogs also dude, but it is just an unprofessional thing to just have dogs lounging around in a "medical" facility....you HAVE to understand this despite claiming that you have no problem with dogs being in proximity to a glass jar of herb... what if another patient had a weak immune system and happened to be allergic to dogs, and came in contact with a dog while in the disp. picking up some meds? guy gets sick and dies? How would you feel if that happened to be your dog that made the guy sick and die? :cry:
THCV said:
It's currently a lightly regulated free market. That means people can set up the dispensary as they see fit, and you can patronize them or not as YOU see fit. Vote with your dollars. But plenty of rasta or hippie vibe dispensaries in LA have flourished because their patients actually LIKE that vibe.

OK, sure they LIKE the vibe, but that “VIBE” is what “haters” see and immediately assume that these are not truly deserving patients, but more less healthy people just looking to “get high”... I understand what you are coming 1 million percent, I just wish you would understand where I am coming from by my point that this image of hippy and reggae vibes is hurting the whole medical marijuana industry. The question to be answered here is “ Are these clubs catering to the hippies, and reggae fans, or are they catering to the truly deserving ILL patients who were legitimately granted the right to obtain and use medical marijuana... ?” Once the dispensary owners can figure out this answer, then perhaps they can live without fear of being raided... and once patients like yourself can open up your mind and understand this concept, THEN MAYBE you will be able to go pick up some buds at a dispensary for a long time to come... If ALLLLLL of the “comfortable” dispensaries in california were raided and shut down, and you were forced to go to an “uncomfortable” dispensary, would you be mad, or would you understand and still appreciate the fact that you still have a dispensary to go to, or would you start a protest proclaiming that you want your comfortable dispensary back? I think we all know the answer to this, and Im pretty sure that its a legitimate trade off... comfort or longevity.... hmmmmm thats a tough one? Im pretty sure if you truly yearned for comfort, then you would take your vial of nugs to your house, sit down on your favorite recliner, put on some tunes, bust out some ICMAG, and just medicate yourself to the high heavens... I really think you could live without that nice bob marley poster, that sublime music, the marijuana leaf tapestry, the dog, and the couch that is probably dirtier then a rats ass....

...Different strokes...

Wayne, spend some multi-week stints in the hospital (well, maybe you have, i don't know) and then see how much you enjoy sterile environments with Truly Professional people--it gets old. But clearly, not for everyone!

And this obsession that the media, doctors and some people on IC have with talking about Med MJ as if it helps medical problems and the high should be ignored/discounted--it's ridiculous! Patients who choose MJ over Percocet or Zofran to relieve their symptoms almost universally enjoy the high! Stop acting like it's childish to talk about that aspect--the high is a 100% integral part of MMJ, kinda like nausea is 100% integral part of chemo therapy. But in the case of MJ, it is welcome and should be celebrated. If only all the drugs i have to take put a smile on may face within seconds!

I agree that the high should be celebrated... in fact, ANY stoner would agree that it should be celebrated.... unfortunately, at this point in time, until a solid federal law has been put in place, and until the “haters” are convinced that marijuana is strictly to be used in a responsible, professional manner, then I feel that the celebrating needs to be done behind the scenes and out of the publics eye... I think the people who are all about taking the medical marijuana industry to the next level truly need to halt with the celebrating for the time being, and focus their energy on convincing the masses that marijuana is a medicine, and not a recreational fiesta drug....


When you got to an authentic mexican restaurant, are you annoyed that they haven't "gone mainstream" and outfitted the place like McDonald's? No. Restaurants, and many other businesses, will sort of pay homage to the product they are selling--paintings of vineyards on the walls of wine stores, Coffee plantations at coffee shops-etc. You don't need to agree with the lifestyle the paintings portray or even have any particular relationship with the world portrayed inside the establishment; you are there for the product (food and ambiance in one, medical marijuana in the other). They are, however, creating a vibe based on the product, and who could deny that Bob Marley smoking a spliff is a classic pic from the history of Marijuana? Does the presence of a nice pic like that somehow seem unprofessional in a place that is selling smokable marijuana??
....you are missing the point...
Jesus, guys, you are willing to sell out and make some weird corporate lab version of weed sales to the exclusion of sellers that choose to respect and pay homage to the history of this fine weed. Why be so closed minded? Public acceptance is happening, but do we have to all dress in suits and ties in harsh flouro lighting for you to think that it will be ok for the "mainstream"? Fuck that! This is America!
....more words where the point has been missed....not speaking of selling out one bit... its about doing what it takes to keep dispensaries alive, and get the "haters" to see the good side... the "haters" do not appreciate the recreational users- if medical marijuana advocates would like to keep thriving, they should do their best to help clean up the image...

And I am not talking about the thuggish places where you feel unsafe, that is truly bullshit. But places that have a different decor than you personally like, f it, go somewhere else or "suffer" through it for some top notch meds, if that's what it takes. I don't mind buying shit from casually dressed people--people buy shit from me while i am casually dressed and i wouldn't have it any other way. For potheads, some of you are oddly uptight.

....you try way to hard to prove points... they are clearly extreme and

in conclusion to your posts, clearly, you are another person who does not see the big picture... your time of enjoying these hip trendy dispensaries will be short lived if people like yourself do not grasp the concept that your breed of “MMJ cardholders who enjoy chillaxin at their local groovy dispensary” is greatly outnumbered by the people who icmag member
John Deere spoke of – the “Senior citizens and AARP “... “one of the largest voting groups in the country.”.... since you are outnumbered, do you not believe that it would be in your best interest to convince these people that the dispensaries are legitimately for medical reasons, and not to be portrayed as a “marijuana drug outlet store trying to operate under the medical cover?”...


In order for the MS to except the fact(in the light of day) they must, to some chagrin, resemble MS businesses to a degree.

another guy who sees the light... I love this ICMAG place... its pretty cool to see all of the varying opions, and then come across others who share similar beliefs. Thanks a million supersizeme for being LEGIT, and not closed minded …. :thank you:

OMG stop fucking whining...sounds to me like your problems arent with the dispensarys its with some "thug" wearing clothes you dont fucking wear cause you dont get down with that culture...stop being shallow...so the fuck what if someone behind the counter has a mohawk thats blue or a fucking fubu shirt on...so fucking what if bob marley is pictured in the joint...

Oh and wearing a fucking hat is "thug" now...jesus give me a break

Just be lucky you even have a safe place to go to get your medicine from regardless of whos or what pictures are behind the fucking counter...GEESH

And those pictures of that dispensary look fucking elite

not whining about anything- as far as im concerned, your post sounds like a lot of whining :pointlaug... I was clearly making a point... a point that is clearly above YOUR head as well... you say just be lucky you have a safe place to get meds from... but little do you know that soon enough, if these dispensary owners do not make some serious changes as a whole, then these places will no longer exist because of their lack of credibility.... it will come down to survival of the fittest, and those dispensaries that remain fit and stay alive will be the ones who play by the written and unwritten rules................................. did ya process that? :yappy:

If that's your reasoning, why object to a medical dispensary looking like a medical dispensary? They dispense medicine, not burritos.

MacDs isn't an authentic Mexican anything. Authentic cultural resturants decorate themselves as such so you know you're
not in a MacDs. Why hide the fact you're in a dispensary unless in fact you're not in a dispensary but rather a drug den or a church?

Whoa big fella. You move too fast. We're the ones trying to keep
you from going too far. No one's talking antiseptic or labratory or even white. We're saying what goes too far is dressing like a thug or flying rock'n'roll banners in a time when a great section of the voting populace fears weed leads to thuggery and rock'n'roll debauchery. (Though in fairness to Bob Marly, his was a religious connection)

A professional appearance hurts no one. An unprofessional appearance can do serious damage to the cause.




ok im done.

After all of this work I did getting this post together, the main thing I have learned is this :

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Active member
fucking President Bush himself

2007 called; they expressed conflicting desires to have their President back along with overwhelming joy to be rid of him, mixed in with some uncertainty and unease as to the nature and extent of now-President Cheney's ambitions


Active member
Ahh....the Reyn Spooner.....most dispensaries seem to cater.. well, to themselves. The decor and personnel reflect the owner and not the customers. Does the 70 year old relieving chronic pain want to patronize an establishment where the employees make them uncomfortable?

and what percentage of the weed market consists of 70 year olds relieving chronic pain, vs 23 year olds relieving irritation at our fucked up government?

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Interesting read with some very good opinions expressed. I for one would prefer a professionally run business. It would just make me feel more comfortable and relaxed when buying and exposing myself to strangers. Thankfully I'm able to grow my own.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Isnt this all moot anyway?Arent you guys going to legalize it for recreational use in November?It can be done just picture it.The word recreational has the conservatives rabid.I live on the opposite coast where we are banning bongs and moving backwards but you people can do it I know.Thats when I become one of you people.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
LiLWaynE said:
and to my friend greyskull... (im assuming here that your post about “stop talking, and start acting is directed at me?) ...I live very far from california atm, and I currently have a legitimate established business that I run here in my parts that I am in no hurry to run away from.....ESPECIALLY when its pretty likely that I will get raided if I DO set up a dispensary over there in this day in age... by the way, you and everyone else who has ever started up a dispensary since 96 has some serious courage... Im the kind of guy who would rather wait till the coast is 100% clear, and the waters have been thoroughly tested before I decide to set up shop - and believe me , I am NOT the only one who is waiting for the coast to be clear... while I am sitting around and waiting for the coast to be clear, perhaps I can try to speed things up by posting my thoughts and opinons in a forum that is available to many, and hope that others who are currently in the medical mj industry will take note of and possibly put it to use...

aloha LiLWaynE
hey bro.
my little rant asnt directed at you... in know youre in a non friendly state fo the union...

i meant to direct my inspiration to those in ca (or other med friendly states) that have the mouths to talk shit but not the balls to do something about it.

i should have been more clear... hope i didnt offend you it was not the case.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'd be happy enough to visit any of those nicer looking joints, selection, sampling, varying price range etc.

try being a discreet toker in the way way way upper mid-west, see what selection comes your way & always priced @ $100/7gms, although I live alone I can't grow all the time & so when I'm buying it's the pits.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I think that SOMEONE needs to take the initiative and set up a “dispensary owner only” conference/meeting and get everyone on the same page...

i missed that part of your post LW - sorry...

SURPRISE!!!! there ARE a dispensary owner groups/unions - thats where i met 99% of the dispensary owners/operators i know...

probably the "best" group/union in my opinion is GLACA:
Greater Los Angeles Caregivers Alliance

check it out.... theres a link to accreditted shops, documentation of what the protocol is for becoming an accepted member of GLACA... all kinds of fun stuff.

when owners/operators meet, topics of discussion include the items everyone rants about all the time, as well as our own rights and responsibilities as owner/operators. there are lawyers (usually 2, sometimes more... on their own time/gratis) present to help clarify situations and make sure everybody is doing things the right way, so nobody needs to be bailed out of jail for anything. discussions can get heated becasue we're dealing with our livelihoods and freedom, but generally there is a lot of support for each other and a lot of sharing of information & ideas about procedures, security, sourcing, pricing, etc. its like a think tank for shop owners.

the meetings are not advertised and kept as clandestine as possible (the owner/operators try to stay out of the eye of the public becasue even though its legal, its still not fully accepted as legal >>> example Bonny D in San Diego - what a bitch she is... imagine if she knew where 15-20 shop owners were discussing the current state of the industry.... anyways...) .

its not a requirement for owners/operators to participate, and in my experience the ones that do attend/participate have the shops that are on the up and up and look very much like the pics posted earlier in the thread. and the ones that dont usually have the shitty ghetto-like establishments that most of us have a distaste for.

and again, to everyone that bitches and complains about dispensaries not being how they want them in their own medical state, put some fucking bite into your goddamn bark or quit fucking barking. if you think you know how to do something in a way to better help your community, then hurry up and do it. because if you are not doing something to better help your community, you are doing your community a disservice.

btw LiLWaynE i appreciate your acknowledgement of the amount courage it takes to step out into the wild frontier while things arent really cut and dried. I thought it was tough 3 years ago but it seems to have gotten harder as of late... things are coming to a head with the november vote and all.


Okay one more time. I am a pt. I cannot grow my own mj. I am sick of the caregiver bullshit and would like to be able to purchase quality products in a safe manner. I would rather pay a bit more for less product if said product is high quality. Whats wrong with that? Why shouldn't people be able to open a business like this? There is a need for it thats why it will succeed. If I can go to the pharmacy to get my meds,why not have the same option for my mj? I am only a pt,not an expert grower,just a regular person looking for a strain that can help me feel a little better.I've spent half my goddam life being taken advantage of by the medical profession. Are there no advocates for MJ pts? If you say anything to your caregiver,then you are a bitcher. You guys do not know how frustrating it is to finally get legal,only to be taken advantage of. It just makes you want to give up and crawl back into your hidey-hole as a pothead dirty hippie.If you complain about your CG in this state,you just get torn to shredds and don't go back to that site.


A foot without a sock...
Okay one more time. I am a pt. I cannot grow my own mj. I am sick of the caregiver bullshit and would like to be able to purchase quality products in a safe manner. I would rather pay a bit more for less product if said product is high quality. Whats wrong with that? Why shouldn't people be able to open a business like this? There is a need for it thats why it will succeed. If I can go to the pharmacy to get my meds,why not have the same option for my mj? I am only a pt,not an expert grower,just a regular person looking for a strain that can help me feel a little better.I've spent half my goddam life being taken advantage of by the medical profession. Are there no advocates for MJ pts? If you say anything to your caregiver,then you are a bitcher. You guys do not know how frustrating it is to finally get legal,only to be taken advantage of. It just makes you want to give up and crawl back into your hidey-hole as a pothead dirty hippie.If you complain about your CG in this state,you just get torn to shredds and don't go back to that site.

I feel you on this point, MW.

Sounds like you have the wrong CG...again.It sucks that you feel taken advantage of. :comfort:

God, I can't wait for my state to go medical.I have a few ideas of my own on how one should look, and be run.;)

Patient care/satisfaction would be our #1 goal :tiphat:

Greyskull - Great info! :joint:

The bottom line is, it should be a synergy of true care-giving (not saying that's not the case currently) and meeting the patients needs in a relaxed, presentable enviroment.

I do also believe that your business should reflect who you are within those parameters. :wave:

Edited to add:

I also think that the 'fly-by-night' script-doctors need to be penalized for exchanging MJ scripts for $...I see that as a HUGE hurdle to our legitimacy.

It's at the root of the 'They only want to get high' campaign and does us no justice.
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I wish people wouldn't abbreviate so much..some of us are high.PT?