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The Future of Food

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Verite, I'm pretty sure a pluot is not made with any kind of GM technique. I think it's just plain old pollination, but assisted by human hand because they're not that closely related. I'm sure CC could tell us, but I think we've kind of pissed him off, and I don't really blame him.

To compare the advances in plant breeding in the lab (GMO's) to the (tens of) thousands of years of selection that have created the staggering array of varieties we now enjoy is silly. What has Monsanto come up with that's so great? Taters that resist roundup? I'm sorry, I'm not impressed. Lead me through a potato market in Peru, and maybe we'll talk.

"Do you believe in global warming?" I love that phrase. Soon as I hear the word believe, I'm somewhere else thinking about God, not science. Hear the words of Freeman Dyson;
Or, read them;
GMO foods have good and bad qualities that need to be explored on a case by case basis. Of course, we do not know health effects, if any, that GMO foods may have. That is one main reason to ban them.

Secondly most GMO foods are not genetically modified for "good" (ethical) reasons, rather they are modified so companies can pollute natural populations and take control of food supplies, suing others for something they themselves did.

The whole issue of being able to patent life and genes is a major ethical question, and the years such practice has been allowed have shown more disastrous than beneficial.

On to climate change/global warming, if you are too stupid to not realize that the earth is warming and it is due to human made pollution then there is really nothing else that needs to be said to you. You are a dumb loser who needs to get a clue and pick up a book.
Spamming threads with rambling nonsense and lies concerning pollution and climate issues only shows us what we already think, that you really didn't pass 5th grade.

Bullshit claims like the sun is getting warmer or CO2 in excess is not pollution or a greenhouse gas, or climate models are inaccurate or that the earth is an infinite garbage can and humans can do no wrong, are complete garbage and people spewing such lies should read a book instead of posting stupid videos of morons who aren't scientists lying about the world like that hack dyson. Here let me help you see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8

I suppose all you "not scientists" who don't believe sea level is rising and glaciers are melting likewise do not believe in organic chemistry, medicine, blood transfusions, and the like as well. And I'm sure if you think such you must not be too sure about evolution either.
Perhaps if you still think humans can do no wrong then you should take a look at our oceans, specifically the pacific, which due to our policies of "we can do no harm" has become a literal snow globe of floating plastic debris. Which by the way, we are eating our own garbage back as fish mistake the plastic for food, other fish eat those fish and we eat those fish. Not to mention the mercury and other toxic metals and chemicals in our oceans and freshwater(and soils!)! I'm sure eating all of this stuff is will not affect our health in any way! If people are going to be this stupid, I'm going to have to make a thread :wallbash:


Active member
"if you are too stupid to not realize that the earth is warming and it is due to human made pollution then there is really nothing else that needs to be said to you. You are a dumb loser who needs to get a clue and pick up a book.
Spamming threads with rambling nonsense and lies concerning pollution and climate issues only shows us what we already think, that you really didn't pass 5th grade."

who's the fifth grader?

i'm sorry for sharing with you what my Geology 101 prof told me back in 2001.

climate change happens anyway. your the fucking retard who will be rechecking his "religious beliefs" when we are all stewing in shit in 20 years after being gouged by taxes and scratching your head like the monkey you are.

burn one and chill the fuck out.


Active member
oh and hey there 6th grader,

if you want to have an intelligent debate about humans affects on the earth then lets talke abotu POPULATION CONTROL.

what is the CARBON FOOTPRINT of 2 BILLION NEW HUMANS in the next few decades?

your half measures of cap and trade and "green business" are great for lining pockets but are a fart in the ocean of life compared to what its going to take to feed and house 2 billion people.

we are fucked. at least enjoy yourself.

i don't have any fucking kids so my carbon footprint is low.

if you want to tax what i eat and drive then i want your offspring taxed and regulated. pets are more regulated than humans.
who's the fifth grader?

i'm sorry for sharing with you what my Geology 101 prof told me back in 2001.

climate change happens anyway. your the fucking retard who will be rechecking his "religious beliefs" when we are all stewing in shit in 20 years after being gouged by taxes and scratching your head like the monkey you are.

burn one and chill the fuck out.

I was wrong.
It was 2nd grade.

Your geology professor in 2001 was wrong. Who knows where he is getting his shit from. He probably does consulting for oil companies (what geologists do) and those guys get paid big $$$ to do you know yadda yadda yadda.

I never said ANYTHING about taxes.

I don't like taxes either. SOME taxes are good in terms of curbing human made pollution and climate change (or other socially needed and acceptable functions). Some are not so good. Like GMO food :D

NONE of those not so good policies have been implemented, so quit your whining.
Blow hards like you have no clue what you are even complaining about!!!!

oh and hey there 6th grader,

if you want to have an intelligent debate about humans affects on the earth then lets talke abotu POPULATION CONTROL.

I don't think population control has ANYTHING to do with the issue, it is foolish for you to interject such.

The large amounts of stored carbon from billions of years of natural processes that we use for extra energy is what allows the human population to retain and grow at the numbers it is at. Without these fossil fuels we would not be able to sustain a planet population of more than a couple billion by most estimates.
But things have changed in the world we live today. We have the technological capability already and combined with the capacity for further research, can cleanly sustain the population of the world and allow for growth. We just do not do it because rich white men are too fucking greedy and morons like you complain about BS taxes (really the rich white man who owns the propaganda machine is able to fool the poor uneducated white man, ie YOU, with his "pollution is AOK/green is tax machine" BS propaganda). Well in USA at least :D I don't know how they get away with that there!

what is the CARBON FOOTPRINT of 2 BILLION NEW HUMANS in the next few decades?

I don't know (I could probably find out the projections if I wanted but eh) and I don't really want to know. Within the next few decades we should be moving from carbon burning fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, etc, and only grow the oil we need as opposed to drilling.

your half measures of cap and trade and "green business" are great for lining pockets but are a fart in the ocean of life compared to what its going to take to feed and house 2 billion people.
we are fucked. at least enjoy yourself.

i don't have any fucking kids so my carbon footprint is low.

if you want to tax what i eat and drive then i want your offspring taxed and regulated. pets are more regulated than humans.

Can you really prove any of this nonsense because it sounds to me like you are tooting black and green out of your ass!

No, of course you cannot prove any of it. You will ramble on about Al gore and BS taxes so corporations can pollute away and not have any incentive to stop their practices.
What is worse than what happens in your country USA is other countries who do not have environmental protection laws/enforcement. The effects of human made pollution on human, animal/plant populations and the environment is very well known.

Of course, I NEVER said anything about any tax or cap and trade. Your food and your gas, and everything else, is ALREADY taxed over and over again fool! You conveniently ignore that fact. I wonder why :D

I merely pointed out BLATANT FACTS OF REALITY:

That human made pollution is not only affecting but destroying the environment in many instances around the globe. I already mentioned the oceans briefly, but that only barely touches on the issue.
That human made pollution is changing climate trends around the globe (YEP DUH). One need look no further than the melting of glaciers, mountain tops, the coastal polar regions, and the increase of GHGs particularly CO2 in these areas. That doesn't even touch on what we do on land with deforestation, terraforming, mining, etc. Aerosols and other particulates in the air are also a large problem people don't think about. Another factor is that because of how we are biochemically changing the oceans some alga in the ocean that produce oxygen(O2) we need to breath are sidestepping this process and not doing what we need them to do! Your life depends on algae believe it or not! And in the past there were mushrooms as big as trees and they dominated the landscape! On planet Earth. This is for real!! This is not pretend!!!

The mushroom can save us all!

The fool sayth in his heart
"There is no spoon"

Particle physics have shown that:
There is a spoon.
There is no spoon.

AND there IS climate change due to humans. But this is old news.
Gee, wasn't this thread about GMO foods?

You know, I really liked that documentary "The Future of Food"

It really showed how big evil corporations are trying to fuck us all.
Those dirty bastards!

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"Check out the direct line between the major players in GMO (like Monsanto) and their chemical fertilizer operations.

Interesting." hehe, yeah.

Machine Elf, you think Freeman Dyson is a 'hack'? Wow, that takes some balls to say. Maybe you should find out who he is, and what he's done.