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I thought dispensary experiences were suppose to be pleasant

  • Thread starter Guywithoutajeep
  • Start date


Trying to have a good day
Wow man..im sure glad some of you arent in any possition to pass any kind of laws that im forced to live by.

Zen Master

I hate when they have dogs..... pet hair is difficult enough to keep from getting everywhere, lets not add tons of sticky buds getting shown some air every day into the mix.

John Deere

Active member
I think some folks are missing LiLWaynE's point. The main issue right now is public perception. The reality is that MJ is still illegal under federal law and the Feds and lawmakers are not going to change their policy if the images they see for a "medical dispensary" look like the green room at a Dead show.

Senior citizens and AARP are one of the largest voting groups in the country. (if not THE largest) Do you honestly think they're going to vote for MMJ when they see pictures like this? HELL NO! Unfortunately if we want to change policy we have to play the game, at least for now. If we're pushing for "medical" MJ then we need to present it as "medical", not recreational.

We need to work on our rights before worrying about our privileges. Let's get MJ legal and then worry about being comfortable.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't see the point in trying to dress it up past honest.

Many senior citizens are flower children. Most of those would rather see a recreational side of things than the "medical" bills.

Again, I believe that medicinal cannabis relieves symptoms of patients.... I don't think three quarters of card holders qualify as such and it's becoming obvious.

The cause may be hindered before you even get to nitpick on the appearance of dispensaries. Honesty would be a good policy if only it was feasible.

PS Some believe that legalizing MJ would ruin some of our rights/privileges.
This thread reads like a college classroom discussion.... lots of sophomoric opinions from folks that have a sorta idealized ethos. :laughing:

I was in walgreens yesterday, and the only noticeable, non-advertisement picture was a picture of the head pharmacist with her name underneath.


The cat that loves cannabis
I think they look like about what I would expect them too.
But not really unprofessional, I don't see any kids, or giant clouds of smoke hanging in the air, and Bob was a supporter of MJ, whose picture should they have up? Nixon?

I like dogs, but I'm not really into smoking dog hair, as long as it's not getting on the buds, the dogs can stay IMO.

John Deere

Active member
Again, I believe that medicinal cannabis relieves symptoms of patients.... I don't think three quarters of card holders qualify as such and it's becoming obvious.

Exactly. And images of tie dye wearing dredlock dudes with tapestries hanging on the walls isn't going to convince anybody otherwise.

We need to decide which battle we're fighting--legalization or medical legalization. They're two separate issues and cannot be dealt with the same way.

And I agree completely with your other points. :yes:


perfect timing..

I went into a local dispensary yesterday, and was shocked.

1 single room.

2 Workers, one, a thug who was slouched in a chair, and the 'guy behind the desk'.

Since I am inbetween I needed to get a gram or two to tide me over..

After paying, I realized the guy had on a shoulder holster and an underarm 9mm on one side, and extra clip on the other..

Nothing more than retarded gang members opening a 'dope shop'.

I don't think these places need to be sterile shops with a few middle age white guys in white coats pacing around like a pharm, but really...

I never bought anything from a dude with a gun BEFORE I was legal, now that I am, I for sure shouldn't have to deal with it.


Active member
It's a plant...mother nature made it...God made...either way...who is government to tell me I can't have it?

If responsible adults choose to smoke it...it's their natural right.

We need to go with the "it's better than alcohol" angle. Get the buzz without the side effects. If more people would TRY IT...they'd like it. It's getting them to put away their "anti marijuana" prejudices and trying it.

Take my parents...they enjoy a nice alcohol buzz now and then...if they'd only try weed, they'd love it.

We shouldn't need dispensaries...


The cat that loves cannabis
perfect timing..

I went into a local dispensary yesterday, and was shocked.

1 single room.

2 Workers, one, a thug who was slouched in a chair, and the 'guy behind the desk'.

Since I am inbetween I needed to get a gram or two to tide me over..

After paying, I realized the guy had on a shoulder holster and an underarm 9mm on one side, and extra clip on the other..

Nothing more than retarded gang members opening a 'dope shop'.

I don't think these places need to be sterile shops with a few middle age white guys in white coats pacing around like a pharm, but really...

I never bought anything from a dude with a gun BEFORE I was legal, now that I am, I for sure shouldn't have to deal with it.
So how were the Meds?


As someone with a chronic disease, i visit drug stores all the time, along with dispensaries. If modern drug stores are the standard that Wayne and others think dispensaries should shoot for, well, i disagree.

Ever been to a ghetto Rite Aid or CVS? NYC and LA are full of them. Horrible fluorescent lighting, rows of half full shelves missing the items you need, clueless foreigners for staff, cold corporate nickle-and-dime vibe. I'm talking the Rite Aid on Crenshaw, not the one in Bev Hills (although, Bev Rite Aid is ghetto too!). I am very glad that my dispensary isn't anything like that experience.

And as for dogs, well, i bring my unleashed, trained, friendly dog with me into Rite Aid every time, and if they had another dog there sleeping I would LOVE that. I love dogs, and have no problem with them in proximity to glass jars of herb--i have yet to smoke a j with dog hair in it. In LA they aren't allowed in dispensaries though, which sucks when I want to combine walking the dog with hitting the dispensary.

It's currently a lightly regulated free market. That means people can set up the dispensary as they see fit, and you can patronize them or not as YOU see fit. Vote with your dollars. But plenty of rasta or hippie vibe dispensaries in LA have flourished because their patients actually LIKE that vibe. Different strokes...

Wayne, spend some multi-week stints in the hospital (well, maybe you have, i don't know) and then see how much you enjoy sterile environments with Truly Professional people--it gets old. But clearly, not for everyone!

And this obsession that the media, doctors and some people on IC have with talking about Med MJ as if it helps medical problems and the high should be ignored/discounted--it's ridiculous! Patients who choose MJ over Percocet or Zofran to relieve their symptoms almost universally enjoy the high! Stop acting like it's childish to talk about that aspect--the high is a 100% integral part of MMJ, kinda like nausea is 100% integral part of chemo therapy. But in the case of MJ, it is welcome and should be celebrated. If only all the drugs i have to take put a smile on may face within seconds!



love machine
ICMag Donor
Most of dispensaries are out there to make a quick buck, not really to helps the sick one, most dispensaries opened up by growers ( that made it big ), they wont show their faces there ofcourse, they'll have their friends/thugs to run these places ( sometime hot gals ) , im not quite sure why the people work there cant dress like normal people, you know like nice jeans and shirts ( you're at work btw )

Now there are dispensaries that out there to help the patients and isnt run by thugs, there are very few of them ( very rare to find one ) but i found a few and i love them, they charge 40 dollars for 1/8 and yes it is real medical grade A stuff :), even tho i dont need meds, ill go there to show my supports and have a chat or 2

Theres no need to bash them, they're out there to make a buck, if you dont like it just dont go in there and find a better one ;) we're lucky to have these call dispensaries unlike other states

be thankful for what ya have!


truthfully, out of all of the dispensary photos, and videos I have ever seen, not one of them would be the "ideal" dispensary that comes to my mind when I think of "medical" grade marijuana...

I see tie-dyed & bobmarley tapestries, peace signs, hear reggae music blasting, and see hip young youth with their red&blue died mohawks working behind the counters distributing the meds in the backgrounds in most of these dispensaries... COME ON NOW, that is NOT making the whole dispensary scene look good.

When I think dispensary, I think medical. When I think medical, I think "cleanliness" and "purity..." You would think that all of these dispensaries would try to uphold somewhat of a professional image- one that is both clean and pure. A pharmacy is basically what a dispensary can be compared to, since they both sell meds to the public... with that being said, these dispensaries should look like a pharmacy.

You can't tell me that these guys who run these dispensaries don't have the extra cash to spruce up the appearance of the pharmacies and make them more professional with the added touch of some nice furniture, cabinetry, wallpaper, lighting, and overall "professional" interior design...

with that being said, I'd like to make my post a little bit more along the lines of the OP's statement ...

These guys who run the dispensaries should really pay attention to what they are buying in bulk from growers. I am not sure if they have any practices under way where they test for mold, bugs, ripeness, or any unnatural pesticides or chemicals sprayed on, or within the marijuana- but if there is not anything in place, there really should be. I am pretty sure that in canada, they have to have all of their cannabis tested.

selling schwag brick weed to the public and trying to pass it off as medical grade is bologna

I am quite naive when it comes to alot of what the whole medical marijuana industry TRULY is about as I am in a non-med state with draconian laws, and rely on alot of my information from word of mouth (or fingers), but it all does seem quite obvious. I am not the brightest guy out there, and I am not truly THERE, so imagine what a truly bright, "mmj newcomer" man/woman looking into this whole medical marijuana scene here in the states would say?

I just think the owners need to start tightening up their ships if they TRULY want to convince the country that it is not a joke....


a dog sleeping on the couch? unprofessional...


this place above is very nice, but i doubt they need to have the bob marley photos on the wall, even though i love the guy - its just not professional in my opinion...

here we have mr "enyce" thuggin it out behind the counter with his gangsta ass ball cap on... unprofessional...


i doubt you would EVER see a "TIP jar" at a pill pharmacy

P.S. if someone has pictures of a truly professional dispensary, please share!
Hey theres a pic of AL GORE in that second pic! Did you know he invented pot?


High Grade Specialist
wow you guys should be glad you can walk into a store and buy weed instead youre complaining....