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I think im going through a spiritual realization.


i think 2012 a new cycle begins in the Mayan calendar. they didn't predict an end, it just happens to be the end of their biggest cycle. I personally feel there is something about that number that resonates with people. Like how most people when told to pick an number between 1 and 50 that both digits are odd, pick 37.

Question - if nothing happens in 2012, what will you think?

did you feel it coming on as a change over a period of time? while looking into it i heard somthing about a transitional period of 6 days after 2012, does that mean my transitional period to spiritual enlightenment has taken 6 days or am i still within these 6 days?

For me, I had a fairly standard night tripping on some mild acid. Long after the acid had worn off, I stayed up restlessly pondering the meaning of it all. The following morning, I was discussing the nature of reality with some friends and something clicked. I let go of my ego, my normal concerns, self consciousness, and I found that with everything stripped away at my most basic essence there is nothing but love, for all of existence, and I was overflowing with it. I don't remember much from the following three or four hours, because I was so in the moment, but I remember how it felt, and how others were effected by the vibes I was giving off. It was a powerful experience. I then slowly re-integrated into a more familiar version of myself, but recall the experience vividly. I have experienced becoming one with the present moment on psychedelics, ego dissolution etc, and this was similar in the sense of being unified with the universe, but it was more like I had hit a geyser and the energy just flowed out of me. It was transcendent. And I was stone cold sober.


Active member
Late Fall 2012 will start with strange alien symbols forming in the sky, then 100's of strange colorful flashing lights appear... minutes later alien dropships arrive and 747's and black hawk helicopters fall from the sky and within the next few days the entire human race is slaughtered and harvested for food, the few left are enslaved/

LUV :joint::yeahthats


Active member
all of u 2012 believers are the same dumb-ppl that believed y2k was the end back then too...get hyped over nothing


Active member
sorry that was a typo, it is ment to be so unconitionally loved, thanks guys, im also 19 myself, and this is a point in my life i will remember forever.

I was just poking a little fun at you, I figured that's what you meant.


Active member
lol I was going to ask you why you decided to remove the hat but I see you're still reppin'. Still can't read your mind ;)
That's right, Foil dog and I are protected from all types of brain waves, goverment and alien.


all of u 2012 believers are the same dumb-ppl that believed y2k was the end back then too...get hyped over nothing

thats cool man, considering i was inline with your thinking untill the past few days, then everything has hit me.

and can i give out a big thankyou for all the pos vibes in here, its what we all need to achive our own greatness in life.


i had one of those crazy self-realizations when i was tripping on shrooms.
i had a brief moment of paranoia and thought 'i kind of wish i wasn't tripping anymore' but then after laying down for 10 minutes had a wave of good energy flow into me.

I shed my ego and had no fears at all and felt only love. I celebrated my life and everything around it. My mind was racing incredibly fast thinking about how amazing everything is. The complexity of the universe and all the forces behind things down to the very vibrations of matter. I stepped outside to join my friends in smoking a jay on the porch and we watched the heat lightning flash in front of the stars. best night of my life so far

the trippiest part though? coming back down and getting sucked back into "everyday life"
it certainly changed me though.

i know some people would disagree in thinking that tripping is a religious experience and that your just getting fucked up...but it takes that crazy trip to step outside yourself and examine your true self and the world around you.


My thoughts are racing way too hard on psychedelics to have time for any realizations, just a lot of fun and visuals for me :D


haha i think drugs are like one of the many keys to unlocking who we are.

the other keys are infomation and our own will to realise who we are.

can i thank people for their rep/karma and for putting me onto my 3rd little bar thingy dingy, id love to return it all, but theres a limit to how much i can give every 24hr.


Hello everybody at IC, im going through somthing that im just starting to grasp my head around, and would like to see if anybody else has done the same.

Recently there was a topic up here in the tokers den asking about 2012.

I posted saying it will be like any other normal day we will just be hung over ect, I posted this because i had never even heard of anyting about 2012, and through my left brain supressed mind thought nothing of it.

Now it just so happened that a person here on ic pmed me asking about my thoughts on 2012, i sent back saying i didnt know much, but told him to hear about some of david ickes stuff.

Well just sending him to that made me instantly look into it myself, which led me onto other videos and videos further on from there, unless ive pretty much come to the conclusion that we are a constant existance having a local experience inpart of our own living conciousness.

Since having the instant realization of this fact, my body has now felt lighter, i feel happier and i only feel but love, ive had tears in my eyes since ive realizied and this is one of the greatest feelings ive ever had, to know im so unconditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.

Somthings coming up on 2012, and i hope my relization of the fact i am forever existing in an infinate relm will help me through the obsticals that come.

I love you all, for i am all that is you, you are all that is me.

thank you.



ahah ty iron, but what he does not realise is the life lay out before his entire eyes is the movie.

weve been conditiond and disconnected from our conciousness from day one, to disconnect us from realising who we realy are.

"the saine person can feel schizophrenic in an insaine society"


Drugs arent a key to unlocking who we are lol,thats pretty funny and naive.I think that because we are at the top of the toum pole so to say,we delude ourselves into thinking some pretty crazy things.Like you are important enough that some supernatural creature that controls everything would take an interest in you?Yea either that or we will undergo some kind of metaphysical change again affecting the ever important human being.It'll be sad when in dec of 2012 nothing happens to all us divine creatures lol


Drugs arent a key to unlocking who we are lol,thats pretty funny and naive.I think that because we are at the top of the toum pole so to say,we delude ourselves into thinking some pretty crazy things.Like you are important enough that some supernatural creature that controls everything would take an interest in you?Yea either that or we will undergo some kind of metaphysical change again affecting the ever important human being.It'll be sad when in dec of 2012 nothing happens to all us divine creatures lol

Too true. :laughing:


I think 2012 will end up being a big hoax like the end of the world at the melenium (spelling?).... I'm sure a significan't event will happen but nothing earth shattering. One of my friends who told me about 2012 a few years ago has changed his thoughts on it also. He belives 2012 will bring about a change in thoughts (like many of you) I have been thinking about what might happen or what could happen. My friend belives that this change of thought/Ideaology will create a milineum of peace and prosperity. Another though Him and I have conversed on is, could we be visited by an alien life form? could this event be what the Myans were trying to tell us with their calendar?

There are many possibilitys, but its up to the individual person to decide what will happen. I personally beilve our emotins dictate how and what will happen in our own future(If you think positive things will be great if you think negitive the world could come to an end) I think its up to each and everyone of us to look into our own ideology and picture what would bets suit humanity when 2012 arrives.

damn its too early to be this philisophical.....lol :joint:


Drugs arent a key to unlocking who we are lol,thats pretty funny and naive.I think that because we are at the top of the toum pole so to say,we delude ourselves into thinking some pretty crazy things.Like you are important enough that some supernatural creature that controls everything would take an interest in you?Yea either that or we will undergo some kind of metaphysical change again affecting the ever important human being.It'll be sad when in dec of 2012 nothing happens to all us divine creatures lol

there is no supernatural being appart from our own conciousness.

it is hard to understand the relisation of releasing yourself and dropping the conditioning youve always had inlife, because the conditioning is all you are used to.

and drugs DO open ths realisation of your own conciousness, its one thing to know you have it, but its harder to realise how to tap into it.


St. Elsewhere
"It is only to the extent that we are willing to continually expose ourselves to annihilation that we begin to discover that part of ourselves that is indestructible.."

Drugs absolutely are a "key to unlocking who we are", as is anything else that gives us perspective on ourselves and the world around us. Suggesting that drugs are some magic way to become enlightened is almost as naive as suggesting that they in no way help us on our journey toward ego-dissolution.