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Revegging plants after harvest


I have a strain that is awesome. How long do plants take to reveg assuming I don't chop it to all hell when I harvest this run? Is it even possible?


I think it's approx 4-6 weeks, i've heard it's best to repot into some fresh soil (even trim the roots a little), after a few days start feeding heavier doses of N (not too much tho) then fingers crossed in a few weeks you'll be able to take cuttings :joint:


Yes, it's done all the time and I've done it myself more times than I can count.

If it's still healthy, about a month minimum though it can take a lot longer depending on genetics. It's possible, too, that it never completely reverts. IME, most will, but not all plants will come completely back. I wright those off as genetically inferior. :D

Just leave a couple buds on the bottom; these are actually what re vegetates so if you don't leave any bud you won't be able to reveg.

Repot in fresh soil and even prune the roots of it's root bound. Keep it under veg lights and feed it veg nutes, keep it healthy and just wait it out.

Hazeseeker pretty much covered it, just reaffirming. :yes:


C6H6 said:
how much bud should be left on for successful revegg?

The two bottom buds are more than sufficient provided they're healthy. If all goes well each of those little buds will each kick out several new leads.


cool. i'll leave some of the popcorn on the bottom that I don't use anyway. I have a separate veg room so I'll toss it in there.


so is it safe to say the more popcorn on the bottom I leave, the better and more quickly the plant will grow once it does re-veg. Also, while it's transitioning back, it's not going to grow right?

How long does it need to be re-vegged before I flower it again.

Thanks for the input guys. This particullar og kush is A++ material.


so do the branches that you hack off when trimming toward the top stay the same throughout the whole next cycle? Do they grow at all?
It's possible, too, that it never completely reverts. IME, most will, but not all plants will come completely back. I wright those off as genetically inferior.

Pig Pen, what does it look like, or how can you tell if it has not completely reverted? I have a strain that I understand is not autoflowering, but puts out pistils on some branches every 45 days or so, could this be a result of someone trying to reveg it? Thanks.


will using hb 101 speed up the process? Are there any products that can speed up the reveg process?


I think time and a very watchful eye are your best bet, not sure of any products to speed up veg. Keep us posted, I'll be trying to re-veg my beloved Abusive OG Kush very soon as well. I'd be interested to know how you do, it's gonna suck BIG TIME if I loose this cut, best strain I've grown to date. Good luck my friend, let us know how she does...


Hey LB.......There was a killer re-veg thread @ HG but the site`s been down so long it`s fearful we`ll never see it again........

Fear not Bro ......We`ll not let that Abusive fall by the wayside......BTW.......You do know the last post was over 2 months ago right ?........

Chop everything off the plant except the foliage as low on the plant as possible.........The popcorn buds with leaves growing outta the budsites are best........Branches closest to the base of the plants carry more rooting hormones.......

In other words ....Get rid of everything on the plant that would take energy away from what`s left on the plant re-vegging.......

Not sure what medium you`re in but chopping the roots down and re-potting into coco or a good soil mix with 1/2 strength veg nutes and anything between 18-24 hr. fluorescent light will bring your abusive back to where you can get some cuts to keep the ball rollin.........

Hope that helps........Holler if you`ve got any questions.......

Peace..........DHF....... :joint: ........


I've wondered lately of something...if you harvest without chopping whole colas off (by just trimmining the buds at their individual stems off the cola), will new shoots form from these once-were colas, or are buds necessary for new growth to emerge?