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I think im going through a spiritual realization.

Hello everybody at IC, im going through somthing that im just starting to grasp my head around, and would like to see if anybody else has done the same.

Recently there was a topic up here in the tokers den asking about 2012.

I posted saying it will be like any other normal day we will just be hung over ect, I posted this because i had never even heard of anyting about 2012, and through my left brain supressed mind thought nothing of it.

Now it just so happened that a person here on ic pmed me asking about my thoughts on 2012, i sent back saying i didnt know much, but told him to hear about some of david ickes stuff.

Well just sending him to that made me instantly look into it myself, which led me onto other videos and videos further on from there, unless ive pretty much come to the conclusion that we are a constant existance having a local experience inpart of our own living conciousness.

Since having the instant realization of this fact, my body has now felt lighter, i feel happier and i only feel but love, ive had tears in my eyes since ive realizied and this is one of the greatest feelings ive ever had, to know im so unconditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.

Somthings coming up on 2012, and i hope my relization of the fact i am forever existing in an infinate relm will help me through the obsticals that come.

I love you all, for i am all that is you, you are all that is me.

thank you.

Welcome to the fold my friend.

Now if we could only get the rest of the world to come to these conclusions.

2012 we will enter the age of Aquarius, our final departure from the age of Pisces.

I guess all those people with "fish" emblems on the back of their cars will have to replace them with an elderly man and his pitcher...if they even know what the "fish" emblem is for.

The epiphany you experienced is an enlightenment and a gift that only hits you when you're receptive to it. You happen to be receptive at that point and time, and you are benefiting from it.
See you soon.


haha i think drugs are like one of the many keys to unlocking who we are.

I am a big fan of entheogenic experiences and have tripped literally hundreds of times: LSD, peyote, tons of shrooms.

I get enlightened like that by shrooms and it sort of 'fixes' all the bad shit in my mind. About 1-2x a year I head off into the woods, trip balls and talk to myself for several hours. I come back feeling like I elevated my mind to a higher plane; that feeling typically lasts about 4 weeks. Stay away from churches or anyone proclaiming to have answers during these periods; the mind is very impressionable. The greatest enlightenment to be had in this world is by searching your own soul.

The part that concerns me is two mentions from your first post, obviously 2012--end of the mayan calendar. There are a few cults out there that will willingly tell you things you want to hear. But David Icke? Ay caramba. Are you talking about the guy that thinks we're being controlled by reptilian humanoids?

I think I need better drugs, my feet are too firmly on the ground.
i think 2012 a new cycle begins in the Mayan calendar. they didn't predict an end, it just happens to be the end of their biggest cycle. I personally feel there is something about that number that resonates with people. Like how most people when told to pick an number between 1 and 50 that both digits are odd, pick 37.

Question - if nothing happens in 2012, what will you think?

For me, I had a fairly standard night tripping on some mild acid. Long after the acid had worn off, I stayed up restlessly pondering the meaning of it all. The following morning, I was discussing the nature of reality with some friends and something clicked. I let go of my ego, my normal concerns, self consciousness, and I found that with everything stripped away at my most basic essence there is nothing but love, for all of existence, and I was overflowing with it. I don't remember much from the following three or four hours, because I was so in the moment, but I remember how it felt, and how others were effected by the vibes I was giving off. It was a powerful experience. I then slowly re-integrated into a more familiar version of myself, but recall the experience vividly. I have experienced becoming one with the present moment on psychedelics, ego dissolution etc, and this was similar in the sense of being unified with the universe, but it was more like I had hit a geyser and the energy just flowed out of me. It was transcendent. And I was stone cold sober.

I can really relate to a lot of what you posted. At one point in my life, it was about a 3 month span of time shortly after I started smoking pot for the first time. I had this great overall feeling of myself. I was very confident, but not egotistical, I had a great view on everything, and i could really feel ppl being drawn to me, and affected by my vibe. I could tell I had rubbed off on everything I came in contact in a good way. Like I said, ppl were just drawn to me, and we just fed off each others great vibe. I often look back to this short point in my life and wish I could go back. For once I felt at oneness with everything around me..


Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Forget about Icke and look into the work of Carl Jung. He was into both Western and Eastern mysticism, alchemy, and astrology, and is the original proponent of the collective unconscious.

While formulating his theories, he would often induce in himself hallucinations. He is a counter culture icon. His Red Book is actually being published for the first time after sitting in a bank vault for the last 60 some odd years.

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